Slovenia Address and Building Import

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Government publishes address data which would improve the OpenStreetMap data in Slovenia.

Ideally the address changes would also be imported regularly (not a one-time import).


GURS publishes the address points as ShapeFile under CC-BY 4.0 license at (English:

Data structure is described in:

Download by:

  1. Navigating to section "9. Register of spatial units", then
  2. Selecting either "Spatial units" (Prostorske enote) or "Streets" (Ulice) or "House numbers" (Hišne številke) radio button, then
  3. Clicking the button "Download" (Prevzem podatkov)

Source data is in "Slovenia D96" national grid and must be reprojected to WGS84 for use with OpenStreetMap.

Encoding in shapefiles is Windows-1250 and should be converted to UTF-8 for use with OpenStreetMap.

Same source is already being used for OpenAddresses, see


CC-BY 4.0 -

Terms details:

Generally CC-BY data would need additional waiver signed ( defining how the attribution should be performed, but GURS has it already in their terms:

The data user shall indicate the data source in every publication of data or products. Such indications shall include the following data: "Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, the type of data and the time to which the data refer and/or the date of the database."

which is stated on and details on


  • addr=* tags :
    • addr:housenumber=*, eg "5" or "12a" or "35č", source column LABELA The addendum will be lowercased as it is usually on house number plates to follow on-the-ground principle
    • addr:street=*- street name from UL.UL_UIME , joined via UL_MID source column + " / " (separator) + name in alternative bilingual language (Italian / Hungarian) from (UL.UL_DJ column) (eg: "Otlica" or "Glavna ulica / Fő utca" or "Ulica Božidarja Jakca / Via Božidar Jakac") - See Multilingual names in Slovenia
      • addr:street:sl=* - street name from UL.UL_UIME , joined via UL_MID source column (eg: "Otlica" or "Glavna ulica" or "Ulica Božidarja Jakca")
      • addr:street:hu=* OR addr:street:it=* - street name from UL.UL_DJ , joined via UL_MID source column (eg "Fő utca" or "Via Božidar Jakac"
    • addr:village=* - applicable for villages with street system but with different addr:city=* from village name, same logic regarding bilingualism applies, benefits:
      • Boosts user confidence that search result is correct, users in Slovenia are usually more familiar with village name than streets names.
      • Make some addresses unique, e.g.: addr:street="Glavna Ulica" and addr:city="Lendava", because multiple villages share same pair of street name and postal area name, addr:village=* makes it unique.
    • addr:place=* applicable in places (villages, hamlets) with no street system (no street name present), instead of addr:street=*, same logic regarding bilingualism applies
    • addr:postcode=* numerical, 4-digit post code (eg 1000, 1234, 2000...) - PT_ID (from SI.GURS.RPE.PUB.PT.shp) joined via PT_MID
    • addr:city=* as it appears in postal address, thus postal area name - PT_UIME (from SI.GURS.RPE.PUB.PT.shp) joined via PT_MID Bilingual in some cases, separated by "-" within same source field.
  • building=* tags :
    • building=yes is set for new buildings, or preserves existing value.
  • Source / attribution tags (trend in recent imports is to only add these tags to changeset, but the connection is easier lost in such cases):
  • Intentionally skipped tags:


Simple (most common) address tags (eg: node 6416214502 in Črnomelj - 69375954 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), search, OSM inspector):

       "addr:city": "Ljubljana",
       "addr:housenumber": "14",
       "addr:postcode": "1000",
       "addr:street": "Wolfova ulica",
       "ref:gurs:hs_mid": "12807155",
       "source:addr": "GURS",
       "source:addr:date": "1995-01-01"

No street name, but place name tags instead (eg: node 6411543913 in Spodnje Jezersko - 69304608 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), search, OSM inspector):

       "addr:city": "Zgornje Jezersko",
       "addr:housenumber": "16a",
       "addr:place": "Spodnje Jezersko",
       "addr:postcode": "4206",
       "ref:gurs:hs_mid": "12318294",
       "source:addr": "GURS",
       "source:addr:date": "2016-06-02"

Bilingual (Italian) street name tags:

       "addr:city": "Piran / Pirano",
       "addr:city:sl": "Piran",
       "addr:city:it": "Pirano",
       "addr:housenumber": "15",
       "addr:postcode": "6330",
       "addr:street": "Tartinijev trg / Piazza Giuseppe Tartini",
       "addr:street:it": "Piazza Giuseppe Tartini",
       "addr:street:sl": "Tartinijev trg",
       "ref:gurs:hs_mid": "14051864",
       "source:addr": "GURS",
       "source:addr:date": "1995-01-01"

No street name, but bilingual (Hungarian) place name tags (eg: way 516987180 in Krplivnik / Kapornak - 69375181 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), search, OSM inspector):

       "addr:city": "Lendava / Lendva",
       "addr:city:sl": "Lendava",
       "addr:city:hu": "Lendva",
       "addr:housenumber": "26",
       "addr:place": "Trimlini / Hármasmalom",
       "addr:place:hu": "Hármasmalom",
       "addr:place:sl": "Trimlini",
       "addr:postcode": "9220",
       "ref:gurs:hs_mid": "12642318",
       "source:addr": "GURS",
       "source:addr:date": "1995-01-01"


Purpose built software making use of:

The results are published for review at


Data preparation stage (description, links to github, prepared data...)

Import stage (instructions for the importers)

Mandatory: dedicated user accounts with current_username + "_import" postfix, eg "username_import" (easy email alias eg: ime@gmail -> ime+osmimport@gmail)


See also