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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = public_bath
Blue Lagoon 2012-08-23 (4).JPG
A facility for communal bathing that is open to the public. Show/edit corresponding data item.
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Public bath.svg
Group: amenities
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Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

This tag is used for a location where the public may bathe in common and there are visible signs and some kind of man-made facilities. E.g. an onsen, a hot spring, a hammam or a thermal bath. Bathers may or may not need to pay a fee, and there can be a separation by gender.

To map bathing places with limited facilities like toilets, showers, etc. use leisure=bathing_place instead, see Swimming and bathing for more information and comparisons.

How to map

To represent a stand-alone public bath, place a node or trace the bath building outline, then tag with amenity=public_bath.

Tags used in combination

Hot springs such as those found in Japan (onsen) and Iceland have suggested tagging as detailed below.

Onyokushisetsu - public hot bath facilities in Japan-: Onsen, Sentō and other public baths

Onsen and Sentō represent the Japanese bathing culture. Onsen is a bathing amenity, with water supply from natural hot springs, commonly believed to have medicinal properties. It is a popular leisure amenity in Japan. See Onsen on Wikipedia for more details. Sentō is an urban daily hot water bathing amenity, licensed to operate by the governor in accordance with the Public Bath Law (July 12th 1948) of Japan: 公衆浴場法 on Wikipedia (JA). Sentō is a daily pleasure of the common people in Japan. See Sentō on Wikipedia for more details.


Key Value Comment
bath:type=* onsen Japanese amenity which has large bathing facilities, with water supply from natural hot springs. Onsen on Wikipedia
bath:type=* sento Urban hot water bathing amenity for daily use. Sentō on Wikipedia
bath:type=* super_sento (proposed) Urban hot water bathing amenity for more or less leisure activities. スーパー銭湯 on Wikipedia(JA)
bath:type=* foot_bath (proposed) "Ashiyu", large public footbath in Japan, is usually a (free of charge) service offered in the Onsen areas to passerbys. It's very shallow, and surrounded by seats, it's like a big sink, rather than a pool. Ashiyu on Wikipedia
bath:type=* sunayu (proposed) "Sunayu", the special bathing amenity with the Onsen hot sand bath in Kyushu (Oita and Kagoshima).

If there is a discernible natural hot spring it can be tagged according to natural=hot_spring

Japanese situation sample

Sample Tagging Comments
Onsen Yado tourism=hotel (or something other, like B&B)
Hotel, Ryokan (Japanese style hotel) or other lodging amenity with Onsen.
Higaeri Onsen amenity=public_bath
Hotel, Ryokan (Japanese style hotel) or other lodging amenity that allows visitor to use Onsen without lodging, and Onsen amenity that does not have accommodation.
Roten buro amenity=public_bath
Japanese Open Air Bath. The location of Roten buro is not limited to Onsen. Some Sentō also have Roten buro.
Sentō amenity=public_bath
Urban hot water bathing amenity for daily use. The admission fee is under the price control of regional government. Most Sentō uses city water, not hot springs.
Super-Sentō amenity=public_bath
Urban hot water bathing amenity for more or less leisure activities. The admission fee varies depending on the facilities. Often complexed with other amenities such as restaurants, nap rooms, karaoke, and massage and aesthetic salon.
Ashiyu (Onsen footbath) amenity=public_bath
Large public footbath using hot spring water. Many are installed outdoors and can be used free of charge.
Sunayu (Onsen sand bath) leisure=sauna
Special bathing amenity of Japan. Sunayu should be set up in a sandy ground where hot springs spring out. Guests lie on the sand containing hot spring water, and the staff piles up the Onsen hot sand on the guests with a scoop.

Icelandic hot baths

In Iceland hot water from the ground is abundant due to geothermal activity, so the baths are often situated at the hot spring itself. Hot water from the springs are piped over to nearby settlements and used there. Natural hot springs can be mapped with natural=hot_spring


Key Value Comment
bath:type=* hot_spring amenity has bathing amenity, and the waters comes directly from natural hot spring.

Iceland Situation Sample

Sample Tagging Comments
- tourism=hotel
Hotel or other lodging amenity with a common bathing facility.
Hot Springs Hotel tourism=hotel
Hotel with spa centered around a natural hot spring.
- amenity=public_bath
Open Air bathing amenity
Vesturbæjarlaug amenity=public_bath
Public accessible bathing amenity using water not from hot spring. With the pools on the outside and some of them with hot water (37 °C).

Related tags

  • amenity=shower - a public shower.
  • leisure=sauna - Room for bathing warmed usually using steam. The steam could be from natural hot spring, although often isn't.


See also