Swimming and bathing

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Logo. Feature: Swimming and bathing
One example for Feature: Swimming and bathing
Anything related to swimming and bathing activities

In general we have the water area of a swimming pool and the facility itself. The facility can be swimming or bathing oriented. A Way is drawn around the perimeter (including meadow, playgrounds, buildings, and if you want to also parking areas).

Quick overview for mapping swimming lakes, swimming pools and swimming spots on the river

Nature baths with no facilities and no signage

We don't map nature baths without signage (it is not verifiable) other than the surface, e.g. sand, rock and the paths/roads leading to it. There must be a sign as a bare minimum to tag it using the tags below.

Swimming area

Water area of a swimming pool

Schwimmbecken Strandbad Frankenthal in der Pfalz.jpg
area leisure=swimming_pool
+ sport=swimming (only for swimming pools suitable for swimming)
+ possibly access=private for private pools in a garden (if they should be tagged at all)

Enclosed natural water area inside a facility

Badeanstalt Unterer Letten Zürich Bild 1.JPG
area leisure=swimming_area
+ sport=swimming

Natural water where swimming is possible

Olympus digital camera (7751459280).jpg
area natural=water
+ water=lake/river/... 


way waterway=river (only for rivers, may be the only tagging for narrow rivers so no natural=water)


node leisure=bathing_place + sport=swimming (placed at or near the shore/bank)


area natural=beach
+ sport=swimming


All of the following may be refined by

+ opening_hours=*
+ website=*
+ wheelchair=*
+ lifeguard=yes/no (inside the water, and emergency=lifeguard for their base/tower)
+ supervised=yes/no (outside the water) 
+ indoor=yes/no
+ outdoor=yes/no
+ location=* 
+ access=private (if membership is needed)
+ pets=yes/no
+ nudism=yes/no/customary/permissive/obligatory
+ topless=yes/no – female topless practice is allowed, or not
+ female=yes – female-only or gender segregated facility 
+ male=yes – male-only or gender segregated facility 
+ unisex=yes – unisex facility 
+ clothes=swimwear – facility sells swimwear 

Water park Swimming-16.svg

The water park is distinguished from the swimming facility by features like water slides, rounded pools, artificial currents, islands, bridges, waterfalls etc. that make it not suitable for doing swimming as a sport. It can be both outdoor and indoor. Examples: Duinrell in the Netherlands, Noah's Ark Water Park in the USA, Alpamare (Pfäffikon) in Switzerland.

area leisure=water_park
+ name=*
+ any tags listed in general section

Swimming pool facility

A facility containing one or more swimming pools (focused on swimming as a sport). It can be both outdoor and indoor. Example: London Aquatics Centre in England.

Hallenbad Huetteldorf 02.JPG
area leisure=sports_centre (multiple pools) or leisure=sports_hall (single pool)  
+ sport=swimming
+ possibly building=sports_centre or building=sports_hall 
+ name=*
+ any tags listed in general section

Public bath with facilities, artificial water bodies Public bath.svg

A facility where you can go and take a bath, e.g. an onsen, a hot spring, a hammam or a thermal bath. It must have something more than just showers, but it may be anything from bath tubs up to large swimming pools. They can be both outdoor and indoor. Tag the building, and if present also the outside premises with pools. A fee may be charged for entry. Examples: Ağa hamamı in Turkey (traditional indoor hammam with fee), Blue Lagoon (geothermal spa) in Iceland (big outdoor bath with fee), Pollurinn in Island (small outdoor pools without fees).

Széchenyi Baths 2010 01.JPG
area amenity=public_bath
+ bath:type=onsen/hot_spring/hammam/thermal
+ location=outdoor/indoor
+ name=*
+ any tags listed in general section

Public bath with facilities, natural water bodies

This is a area consisting of both water and land. A designated bathing area at any kind of water that is not artificial like a swimming pool or similar. A fee may be charged for entry. Example: Frauenbad Stadthausquai in Switzerland.

Zürich Frauenbad.JPG
+ bath:type=lake/river/sea
+ location=outdoor
+ name=*
+ any tags listed in general section

Public bathing place without facilities, natural water bodies

A bathing place in a natural body of water without considerable man-made facilities like toilets, showers, etc. Remember that there must be a sign or the like to make the bathing place verifiable. Also include water area only if this is verifiable on the ground, e.g. because the complete body of water is allowed for bathing. Example: Hellulaug in Iceland (small outdoor hot pot without fee).

Hellulaug 20150823 141102.jpg
node area leisure=bathing_place
+ sport=swimming
+ name=*
+ any tags listed in general section

Beach resort

The beach resort is distinguished from a bathing beach by the full-fledged service that can include, e.g., rental services for sunshades, cabins, lockers and even small cottages. That is, beaches can be "upgraded" to beach resorts. Their amenities like bars, restaurants, parking lots, small shops, toilets and showers should be mapped on their own.

Beach resort.jpg
+ name=*
+ fee=*
+ any tags listed in general section

Swimwear shop

Beach & Fitness.jpg
+ clothes=swimwear
+ name=*
+ any tags listed in general section


Town and Country fh000023.jpg
+ name=*
+ resort=*
+ any tags listed in general section

A facility that has a swimming pool

Add the property swimming_pool=yes to the facility which could be

Things inside a bathing/swimming facility

Hot tub:

Golden Waters pools 10.JPG
+ location=*
+ any tags listed in general section


+ name=*
+ fee=*
+ access=yes/private


area building=yes
+ description=toilets/shower/ticket booth/changing room...

Lawn for sunbathing:

area landuse=grass

Features connected to swimming area:

way area man_made=pier (also used for platforms within the water where swimmers can take a rest)
+ possibly floating=yes 
node area man_made=tower
+ tower:type=diving
+ tower:platforms=* (number of platforms)
+ possibly floating=yes
node way area playground=slide
or node way area attraction=water_slide
+ material=plastic/glass/metal/steel/aluminium
+ possibly floating=yes
+ possibly min_age=* (minimum age of the user in years)
+ possibly max_age=* (maximum age of the user in years)


area leisure=playground
+ access=customers


area leisure=pitch
+ sport=volleyball/mini_golf/table_tennis/...
+ access=customers


node amenity=toilets


node amenity=shower

Dressing rooms:

node area amenity=dressing_room

Bathing place for animals

node area animal=swimming 
+ dog=yes/no, horse=yes/no,...