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Public-images-osm logo.svg crossing = informal
West Highland Way crossing road - geograph.org.uk - 3986498 (cropped).jpg
Unmarked places where pedestrians are most likely to want to cross the street exactly there Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: crossings
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: in use

This tag is used for places where it is most likely that pedestrians will want to cross the road exactly there, but there are no zebra or other crossing markings nor traffic signals, nor was a crossing intended to be there by the municipality; i.e. it is informal=yes. For example, when an unpaved forest path has developed on both sides of a road.

If there is no such clearly defined place where pedestrians may want to cross the road, please do not use this tag, as it would not be verifiable.

The tag is also used by some mappers in conjunction with railway=crossing to mark places where an informal path crosses railway tracks, with 309 instances of the combination worldwide as of March 2025.

How to map

Set a node node on the highway where the transition is and add crossing=informal.

Like crossing=no (a place where crossing is prohibited or not possible), this tag is used without highway=crossing because data consumers usually expect a real crossing when highway=crossing is set.

Similar tags

  • crossing=unmarked – Also used for places where pedestrian can cross and where there are no zebra or other crossing markings nor traffic signals. The difference to crossing=informal is that part of the community understands that the tag crossing=unmarked should only be used for places that are designated in one way or another as a crossing, at the very least through a lowered kerb.
  • crossing:markings=no - The absence of crossing markings at a crossing

Editor support

Starting from May 2023 there is an existing StreetComplete quest enhancement[1] for a crossing quest. The usage of this tag has increased significantly since then.

External links
