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Public-images-osm logo.svg healthcare = postpartum_care
Postpartum baby2.jpg
A facility that helps residents recover from their childbirth (i.e. postpartum care).
Group: Health
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: undefined

A postpartum care center, or postnatal care center, confinement hotel, is a facility designed to support mothers in their recovery after childbirth temporary. These centers provide guest rooms and care from nurse and dietitian. It also offer professional advice about postpartum recuperate, medical, and diet. The facility itself doesn't provide midwifery mostly, which should tagged as healthcare:speciality=gynaecology, healthcare=midwife, or healthcare=birthing_center.

In East Asia, postpartum care centers are common since [W] postpartum confinement is a common practice for mothers after childbirth. Their diet is an important issue at the recovery as well. In Taiwan, postpartum care centers are referred as "Postpartum care center" (產後護理之家) and nursing staffs are mandatory. Postpartum care centers are listed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

How to map

Add the tag healthcare=postpartum_care on a node of their place (node) or an area of their building (area). Additional tags like name=* should also provided.

Tags to use in combination

See also

  • social_facility=nursing_home - a nursing home providing permanent nursing care for with physical and mental disabilities.
  • healthcare=midwife - a facility where healthcare is provided by a midwife for mothers and newborns