seamark:type = beacon_cardinal |
Description |
Maritime navigation beacon, cardinal (BCNCAR). |
Group: marine navigation |
Used on these elements |
Useful combination |
Status: de facto |
Tools for this tag |
A cardinal beacon is used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where the mariner may find the best navigable water. It is placed in one of the four quadrants (North, East, South and West), bounded by inter-cardinal bearings from the point marked.
How to map
Category - Colour - Topmark
North | seamark:beacon_cardinal:category=north seamark:beacon_cardinal:colour=black;yellow |
East | seamark:beacon_cardinal:category=east seamark:beacon_cardinal:colour=black;yellow;black |
South | seamark:beacon_cardinal:category=south seamark:beacon_cardinal:colour=yellow;black |
West | seamark:beacon_cardinal:category=west seamark:beacon_cardinal:colour=yellow;black;yellow |
North | seamark:light:colour=white seamark:light:character=VQ |
East | seamark:light:colour=white seamark:light:character=VQ |
South | seamark:light:colour=white seamark:light:character=VQ |
West | seamark:light:colour=white seamark:light:character=VQ |