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Public-images-osm logo.svg waterway = access_point
Canoe Launch Point at Lawn Hill Gorge - panoramio.jpg
A location for entering or leaving a body of water. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: waterways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
See also
Status: in use

waterway=access_point is the primary tag for a point of interest where people can enter or leave a body of water from land, a pier, or another structure. In other words, this is where a path meets the waterline. Typical use cases are launching small boats, wading, swimming, and going out onto surface ice in winter.

For access points that have a constructed ramp for launching boats, see leisure=slipway. For places to access water as a resource, see amenity=drinking_water, amenity=water_point, waterway=water_point, man_made=water_well, and man_made=water_tap.

How to map

Place a node node at the location where someone can access the water. Tag the node with waterway=access_point.

If the location is on the edge of natural=water, natural=coastline, or man_made=pier, connect the access point to that way. If there is a path or road leading to the access point, connect that way to the node. If the access point is near a waterway centerline, use waterway=link to connect the access point to the centerline of the waterway.

Useful combinations

Access tags

Point of interest tags

Available amenity tags

  • parking=* – is there public parking within reasonable walking distance
  • drinking_water=* – is potable water available nearby (generally not direct from the water body itself)
  • camping=* – is camping allowed nearby
  • toilets=* – are public restroom facilities available nearby
  • shower=* – are public showers available nearby
  • picnic_table=* – is a picnic table available nearby
  • bbq=* – is a grill available nearby
  • openfire=* – are campfires allowed here


Alternative tagging

If a feature is better suited to leisure=slipway, leisure=swimming_area, or leisure=fishing, use that tag instead. If desired, waterway=access_point can be used in addition.

Historically, canoe=put_in, canoe=egress, and canoe=put_in;egress have been used to tag small-boat launches. However, canoe=* is best as an access tag and is not suited as a primary type tag. The different permutations of put_in/egress are also difficult to query, and are not used consistently by mappers to show launch-ability.

whitewater=put_in and whitewater=put_in;egress have also been used for small-boat launches, but are redundant to the canoe=* tags and suffer the same issues.