Template:DE:Map Features:Cuisine (ethnicity)

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Wert Beschreibung Wikipedia Foto
afghan afghanisch  Afghan cuisine
african afrikanisch  African cuisine
american amerikanisch  American cuisine
Motherhood and apple pie.jpg
arab arabisch  Arab cuisine
Petra metzes.jpg
argentinian argentinisch - z.B. Steak House  Argentine cuisine
Asado 2005.jpg
armenian Food originating from Armenia  Armenian cuisine
asian asiatisch  Asian cuisine
australian Food originating from Australia  Australian cuisine
austrian Food originating from Austria  Austrian cuisine
balkan Balkan (bulgarisch, jugoslawisch, kroatisch, rumänisch, serbisch)  Balkan cuisine
bangladeshi Food originating from Bangladesh  Bangladeshi cuisine
basque baskisch  Basque cuisine
bavarian bayerisch  Bavarian cuisine
belgian Food originating from Belgium  Belgian cuisine
bolivian Food originating from Bolivia  Bolivian cuisine
brazilian brasilianisch - beachte die regionalen Begriffe. Am häufisten werden cuisine=gaucho und cuisine=mineira gebraucht  Brazilian cuisine
Feijoada 01.jpg
british Food originating from the United Kingdom  British cuisine
bulgarian Food originating from Bulgaria  Bulgarian cuisine
cajun Food originating from the Cajun people in Louisiana in the United States  Cajun cuisine
cambodian Food originating from Cambodia  Cambodian cuisine
cantonese kantonesisch (regionale chinesische Küche)  Cantonese cuisine
caribbean karibisch  Caribbean cuisine
catalan Food originating from Catalonia  Catalan cuisine
Catalan cuisine IMG 0594.png
chinese allgemeine chinesische Küche  Chinese cuisine
colombian Food originating from Colombia  Colombia cuisine
croatian kroatisch  Croatian cuisine
cuban Food originating from Cuba  Cuban cuisine
czech tschechisch/böhmische Küche  Czech cuisine
danish dänisch  Danish cuisine
dutch Food originating from the Netherlands  Dutch cuisine
egyptian Food originating from Egypt  Egyptian cuisine
ethiopian Food originating from Ethiopia  Ethiopian cuisine
european Food originating from Europe. Use a more specific value if possible.  European cuisine
filipino Food originating from the Philippines  Filipino cuisine
french französisch  French cuisine
georgian Food originating from Georgia  Georgian cuisine
german deutsche Küche  German cuisine
greek griechische Küche  Greek cuisine
Greek Salad from Thessaloniki.jpg
hawaiian Food originating from the Hawaiian Islands in the United States  Hawaiian cuisine (disambiguation)
hungarian ungarisch  Hungarian cuisine
indian indisch  Indian cuisine
indonesian Food originating from Indonesia  Indonesian cuisine
irish Food originating from Ireland  Irish cuisine
italian italienisch  Italian cuisine
jamaican Food originating from Jamaica  Jamaican cuisine
japanese japanisch  Japanese cuisine
Tempura, sashimi, pickles, ris og misosuppe (6289116752).jpg
jewish Food originating from the Jewish people  Jewish cuisine
korean koreanisch  Korean cuisine
KOCIS Korean meal table (4553953910).jpg
lao Food originating from Laos  Lao cuisine
latin_american latein-amerikanisch  Latin American cuisine
lebanese libanesisch  Lebanese cuisine
malagasy madagassisch - Speisen aus Madagaskar  Malagasy cuisine
malaysian Food originating from Malaysia  Malaysian cuisine
mediterranean mediterran - für Restaurants, deren Küche aus einem einzelnen Land kommt, bitte den entsprechenden genaueren Wert verwenden  Mediterranean cuisine
mexican mexikanisch  Mexican cuisine
middle_eastern Food originating from the Middle East. Use a more specific tag if possible.  Middle Eastern cuisine
padang Food originating from Padang region of Indonesia.  Padang cuisine
mongolian Food originating from Mongolia. Use cuisine=mongolian_grill instead for the style known as Mongolian grill or Mongolian barbecue which is not actually a Mongolian cuisine.  Mongolian cuisine
moroccan Food originating from Morocco  Moroccan cuisine
nepalese Food originating from Nepal  Nepalese cuisine
oriental Food originating from East Asia. Use a more specific tag if possible.
pakistani pakistanisch  Pakistani cuisine
persian Food originating from the Persian people in Iran.  Iranian cuisine
peruvian peruanisch  Peruvian cuisine
polish polnisch  Polish cuisine
portuguese portugisisch  Portuguese cuisine
romanian Food originating from Romania  Romanian cuisine
russian russisch  Russian cuisine
salvadoran Food originating from El Salvador  Salvadoran cuisine
senegalese Food originating from Senegal  Senegalese cuisine
serbian Food originating from Serbia  Serbian cuisine
singaporean Food originating from Singapore  Singaporean cuisine
south_indian Food originating from South India  South Indian cuisine
southern Food originating from the Southern United States  Cuisine of the Southern United States
spanish spanisch  Spanish cuisine
sri_lankan Food originating from Sri Lanka  Sri Lankan cuisine
swedish Food originating from Sweden  Swedish cuisine
swiss Food originating from Switzerland  Swiss cuisine
syrian Food originating from Syria  Syrian cuisine
taiwanese Food originating from Taiwan  Taiwanese cuisine
tex-mex Food originating from the state of Texas in the United States with Mexican influences. Often called just "Mexican" cuisine in the United States.  Tex-Mex
thai thailändisch  Thai cuisine
tibetan Food originating from Tibet  Tibetan cuisine
tunisian Food originating from Tunisia  Tunisian cuisine
turkish türkisch  Turkish cuisine
ukrainian Food originating from Ukraine  Ukrainian cuisine
uzbek Food originating from Uzbekistan  Uzbek cuisine
venezuelan Food originating from Venezuela  Venezuelan cuisine
vietnamese vietnamesisch  Vietnamese cuisine
western Food originating from the Western World, including most of Europe and North America. Use a more specific value if possible.  Western cuisine

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Diese Tabelle ist eine Wiki-Vorlage mit Deutschen Übersetzungen. Deutsche Übersetzungen überarbeiten / Englisches Original überarbeiten.