Thirlmere Aqueduct

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The Thirlmere Aqueduct is a 95.9-mile-long (154.3-kilometre-long) water supply system built to carry water from Thirlmere Reservoir to Manchester. (See Thirlmere Aqueduct)

Relation: (incomplete)

The relation is made up of ways with the followings tags:

Underground sections:

Pipe bridges:

Further details about the aqueduct as a whole are included in the tags for the relation.

It can be traced from the "NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61" layer available in JOSM (or set custom background to{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png in iD) where it is shown as a dashed line. There are also above-ground features such as valves, pipe bridges, siphon wells and aqueduct gates which can be identified on satellite imagery and/or in a survey.

Status: Completed from Thirlmere to Quernmore (71km, 46%)