UCL Masters Student mapping party Sept 2010

The UCL Masters Student mapping party Sept 2010 in London was organised as practical exercise for UCL GIS Masters students. Around 20 students learned OpenStreetMap mapping over two days. This exercise came at the beginning of their new course as a fun introduction to GIS, and an opportunity to get to know eachother.
The event was organised by Muki Haklay, Thomas Koukoletsos and UCL Geomatic Engineering, with the help of several experienced OSM mappers who assisted with organising, demonstrating OSM surveying and use of the editing software.
There were two half-days:
- The first afternoon was spent (after introductions) going out to collect data
- The next morning students tried out Potlatch as they added their data to OSM.
Photos & blogs
Photos on flickr from Harry and Alex
gravitystorm.co.uk 'Quick and dirty usability testing of OSM' (Andy Allan)
Original sign up list:
- Muki Haklay
- Thomas Koukoletsos - Wed mapping & Thu editing.
- Sam Larsen
- Harry Wood - Wed mapping & Thu editing
- Dan Karran
- Robert Scott will try to make one of the days.
- Derick Rethans - both days
- Ant
- Deb
- Andy Allan
Mapping locations:
Students in pairs were assigned one of the following areas, although some were areas subdivided between two pairs of students. Walking Papers printouts were issued (along with printouts of these maps to help find the area) The area is around Camden Town or Kentish Town.
Old details
- Wednesday 29th September 2010
- Meet at UCL at 14:00 at UCL Chadwick building Geomatics Classroom (room 102-1st floor) (map)
- A one hour lecture on OpenStreetMap - Mapping with Walking Papers
- Travel to Camden Town - Kentish Town for mapping (spend ~3 hours)
- (Optional) Meet at 18:00 at the Worlds End pub which is very near Camden tube station (map). There will be a regular OpenStreetMap meet-up here, with more keen mappers to chat to. This is a big pub inside, so we'll aim get some seats in the upstairs area, up some metal spiral stairs, above the main bar.
- Thursday 30th September 2010
- Meet at UCL (10:00 AM at Geomatics PC Cluster Room -1st floor of Chadwick Building)
- Tutorials with mappers & students editing the data in OSM
Shorter URL for tweeting: http://bit.ly/UCLmapping1