Organised Editing/Activities/UN Maps/UN Mappers

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UNMappers logo.png

Global peace needs global contribution. The contribution of everybody is important for peace.

United Nations helps countries torn by conflict create conditions for lasting peace. Peacekeeping, peacebuilding and conflict prevention activities are the main objectives of our mapping activities. There is enormous potential for new technologies to improve the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping missions, as they respond to an ever-growing list of tasks in increasingly complex field environments.

Your help can make the difference. Become a UN Mapper.

UN Mappers is a community of mapping enthusiasts collaborating to collect, validate and disseminate geospatial open data in areas where the United Nations carry field operations with the goal of supporting the decision-making process with more accurate location-based data. UN Mappers is part of the Unite Maps, an initiative aiming at enriching topographic and operational data in UN missions and providing peacekeeping and humanitarian actors with better topographic maps, operational geo-information, search and navigation tools, and imagery and street-level base maps.

How to join us

Our activities are accessible and open for participation for anyone who wants to contribute towards the project. The project aims to overcome the problems of lack of topographic data in the field mission areas for delivering accurate and up-to-date base information, for the missions peacekeeping, to the users and stakeholders.

Currently we are mapping in:

To become a UN Mapper you can join our events or participate remotely by mapping in the tasks released on the HOT Tasking Manager. Follow UN Mappers on Eventbrite to stay updated.

New to OSM? Learn how to map

If you are new to OpenStreetMap find below some basic informations to start mapping.

Editing guidelines

Ever wondered how to map a particular feature? The very same object, despite having the same tag on OpenStreetMap, could look different from country to country.

Here you can find our editing guidelines for:

Mapathons and Events

Current projects

You can find our projects in the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Tasking Manager at this link.

Import projects

We also perform import projects of UN data coming from Peacekeeping missions, following OSM import guidelines. Here are listed past and current import projects:


You can find all the statistics of our editing activities within the UN Mappers Leaderboard page.

The leaderboard is computed with OSM data of contributors commenting their changesets with the hashtag #UNMappers in the countries of interest of UN Missions involved in this mapping project.

UN Mappers Logo Contest

In September 2020 UN Mappers held a Logo contest to actualise its logo. The winner was Limo Kipchirchir Collins from Kenya, a 22 years old student at Maasai Mara University pursuing a Bachelor degree in Urban and Regional Planning. In collaboration with the UNGSC Design Squad, he worked to improve his original idea and create a professional and outstanding logo.

Coming soon

Stay tuned! We will be releasing soon several new applications to help us with your meaningful contributions:

  • The Unite Maps Learning Hub, in which we will be hosting all the educational material, guidelines and documents to get you started with OSM editing from zero to hero!

Getting in touch

We are based at the United Nations Global Service Center in Brindisi (Italy). Feel free to get in touch with us through the following social media channels!
