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Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation with an Active Contributor Membership. Wanna join too?
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Translator Dcapillae
is a wiki translator.
Spanish Translator Dcapillae is a member of WikiProject Spanish translation.
Presa de decissions.png Dcapillae likes to help beginners.
Closed note marker.png Dcapillae actively collaborates by resolving notes.
...? Dcapillae appreciates the use of Good changeset comments.
cat silhouette This user…     
    …is not a cat.
Spanish Cadastre Dcapillae imports data from the Spanish Cadastre.
Gnome-emblem-photos.svg Dcapillae takes photos to contribute map data by photo mapping.
Public transport This user maps and travels public transport.
JOSM Dcapillae submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Wikimedia-logo-update-2016.svg Dcapillae contritutes to Wikimedia projects.
OpenLibraryLogo.png Dcapillae contributes to Open Library.
Open Plaques Dcapillae
contributes to Open Plaques.
OpenBenches Dcapillae
contributes to OpenBenches.
Zotero icon.png Dcapillae organizes his research with Zotero.
Bike Dcapillae
is a bicyclist.
Hiker Dcapillae
is a hiker.
Map icons by Scott de Jonge - natural-feature.svg Dcapillae practices wildlife watching.
Mastodon user Dcapillae toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon
Mail-closed.svg Dcapillae can be contacted by e-mail via this wiki.
es Este usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.

My name is Daniel Capilla. I live in Málaga, Spain. Welcome to my user page on OpenStreetMap Wiki.

Mapping contributions

OpenStreetMap contributor since 2013. I usually map near where I live.

I mainly contribute to improve the map of the city of Málaga and its municipality. Also resolving notes in Málaga and surroundings, as well as keeping the public transport networks in the city updated.

I have contributed on the addition of buildings and addresses and I am currently coordinating the import of open data from Málaga City Council proposal.

Wiki contributions

I have mostly translated into Spanish collaborating in the WikiProject Spanish translation.

I have also contributed by doing some organizing and cleaning tasks according to the wiki guidelines.

Documented keys/tags

Pages created to describe the use of OSM keys/tags:


Userboxes created for the OSM community:


Some authorization documents obtained for the OSM community and uploaded to the wiki:


Some logos and other works created for the OSM community:

Related OSM accounts