User talk:Parveen Arora

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This page lists a number of ideas for potential Google Summer of Code Projects. For ideas from previous years see Category:Google Summer of Code ideas

Its primary purpose is to help to give potential applicants ideas that they can build on to turn into applications for the programme. Members of the community are encouraged to identify ideas for projects here, and whether they would be willing to act as a mentor for a student attempting the project.

Students can base their application on one of these ideas, or on an idea of their own if they prefer.

Types of Projects

We have historically struggled to come up with suitably challenging yet achievable project ideas based on the core OSM infrastructure in the past, so the projects that have been selected have tended to be smaller projects based on using OSM data. There has also been a tendency for applicants to propose to start new projects rather than build on previous work.

For this year's Google Summer of Code, it is proposed that we adopt the following order of preference for projects:

  • Development of existing OSM infrastructure (main web site, database, editors or rendering tool chain).
  • Development of existing OSM related projects (routers, renderers, mobile apps etc.).
  • Creation of new OSM related projects (provided the proposed application is new / novel).

It is highly unlikely that we will accept a project to create a new application where a similar one already exists (e.g. android based navigation tool - we would much prefer to see a proposal to develop an existing tool and add new features / user interface style etc.).

Format of Project Ideas

Each project idea should copy and edit the following template:

You type
{{GSoC idea
|title=Example - JOSM Plugin to do xxxx
|suggestor=OSM User name or email of person making suggestion (so we can contact them if necessary)
|summary=Summary of Project Idea (a few sentences)
|skills=Skills Required to succeed with the project
|mentors=OSM User names or emails of Possible Mentors
|notes=Additional explanatory notes
|comments=brief comments
You get

Example - JOSM Plugin to do xxxx

Suggested By
OSM User name or email of person making suggestion (so we can contact them if necessary)
Summary of Project Idea (a few sentences)
Skills Required to succeed with the project

Possible Mentors
OSM User names or emails of Possible Mentors
Additional explanatory notes
brief comments

Project Ideas

You get

Example - JOSM Plugin to do xxxx

Suggested By
OSM User name or email of person making suggestion (so we can contact them if necessary)
Summary of Project Idea (a few sentences)
Skills Required to succeed with the project

Possible Mentors
OSM User names or emails of Possible Mentors
Additional explanatory notes
brief comments

You type

HTML Based Micromapping Editor

Suggested By
An Editor that enables the User to do micromapping based on "width" and "offset" property
HTML, JavaScript, map library

Possible Mentors
None yet
It would be worth developing this based on a previous GSoC project that did a lot of the ground work (like authentication and data transfer). See [1] - main thing to develop would be the user interface. Grahamjones 21:13, 5 March 2012 (UTC)


HTML Based Micromapping Editor

Suggested By
An Editor that enables the User to do micromapping based on "width" and "offset" property [2].
HTML, JavaScript, map library

Possible Mentors
None yet
It would be worth developing this based on a previous GSoC project that did a lot of the ground work (like authentication and data transfer). See [3] - main thing to develop would be the user interface. Grahamjones 21:13, 5 March 2012 (UTC) Advancing HTML editors is a great idea, but focusing on micromapping with lane relations in particular is not. This is not an established data model for lanes - in fact several alternative tagging styles (such as tag-based lanes) seem to have better chances to be accepted than relation-based lanes. Reviving a proposal that has been used only 80 times worldwide in its 5 years of existence is not an appropriate task for a GSoC student imo. Certainly there are other, more basic features missing from HTML editors? --Tordanik 10:46, 8 March 2012 (UTC)

Improve / Create Simple Android OSM editor

Suggested By
Android currently lacks a robust simple editor. Mapzen is discontinued and does not work, Vespucci is not very active and not so easy.
Android, OSM API

Possible Mentors
None yet
Would it be worth making a general javascript editor so it would be cross platform? You can make it look like a native Android or IOS application with something like phoneGap. Could base it on a previous GSoC project [4]. Grahamjones 21:13, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Video based speed limit detector

Suggested By
This project proposal is to create a piece of software to support mappers in adding maxspeed=* values. With this, a mapper would use a front facing video camera and record a stream of video, together with a GPS trace while driving/cycling/walking along. The software would then retrospectively analyse this video and detect speed limit signs.
Interest in computer vision and a research like project. Java for for the JOSM plugin part, possibly C/C++ for the algorithmic part.

Possible Mentors
Routing is quickly becoming an important usecase for OSM data, with many hobby and commercial routers starting to use OSM data for routing. So far the tagging of route related attributes is lagging behind somewhat compared to other taggings. One such attribute where OSM lags behind commercial : data sets is maxspeed tagging. When looking at MapDust, one can see that there are a large number of bug reports mentioning missing speed limits indicating that it is an important property for users. The basic system would require to train a computer vision algorithm to detect speed limit singes in the video stream and the recognize the value of the limit. It would furthermore correlate the video frame with the GPS trace to determine the position of the speed limit. It would then present the information in a way to make it easy for the mapper to verify its correctness and copy it over into OSM. To make it as useful as possible, it should be implemented as e.g. a JOSM plugin. This project was already proposed for 2011, but was not funded.

Collaborative data merging with JOSM

Suggested By
A JOSM plugin which communicates with the Snapshot Server to download data which can then be merged (conflated) with the OSM database.
Java, potentially Ruby on Rails

Possible Mentors
A similar interface which interacts with the Snapshot Server is the Potlatch 2 merging tool. In JOSM, this plugin will display what projects are available from a list of Snapshot Servers, download data, then allow the conflation of these features with the OSM database. Depending on the progress made with this core task, further work could be involved in enhancing the JOSM conflation plugin or the Snapshot Server.

Validation feature for Potlatch 2

Suggested By
JOSM has a validation feature which checks for many common mistakes and gives the user an opportunity to correct them. Potlatch 2 has no such feature, and thus beginning users especially have a tendency to make easily correctable mistakes that can go unnoticed for some time, degrading data quality.
ActionScript 3

Possible Mentors
None yet
A framework must be designed to allow new arbitrary validation checks to be added, and a GUI must be designed to present the findings of the validation check in an easily understood manner, allowing users to quickly correct valid problems.

Rendering Toolchain

Rendering Database import tool (osm2pgsql successor)

Suggested By
For rendering purposes we need to import OSM data into PostGIS and keep it up to date (incremental updates). Currently osm2pgsql is the only tool which is able to do these updates and multipolygon processing. However the current implementation of osm2pgsql does not have a clean design and suffers from far to many hardcoded elements. A compatible reimplementation would be the way to go. Support of other output targets (SQLite, Shapefiles, etc.) would also be desirable.
C++ programming

Possible Mentors
Jochen Topf (did not ask him yet)

Development of an Existing OSM Related Project



Map for visually handicapped

Suggested By
Some people are not able to use online maps because they can't read the small fonts on the map. The result of this project should be a slippy map with big fonts.
Map styling, HTML, JavaScript

Possible Mentors

Enhancement of libosmscout

Suggested By
Libosmscout is a C++ library for routing and offline map rendering (see While routing and rendering already works, there a number of things that could be improved: Improve import speed, make routing faster by using contraction hierachies, improve routing description, improve rendering speed, improve rendering quality, introduce a new style sheet description. See the features page for current status and things that could be improved or added. Contact me for details.

Possible Mentors

Games based on OSM data

Suggested By
A map shall be rendered from a given city that can be used to play a game. Possible games are: "Scotland Yard", "Zug um Zug", "Deutschlandreise" and many more. One project shall only cover one game.
Programming a renderer for OpenStreetMap data.

Possible Mentors

WYSIWYG Map Renderer

Suggested By
A renderer shall be programmed that shows changes to the map stylesheet immediately.
Programming a renderer for OpenStreetMap data.

Possible Mentors
Is this different to tileMill? Or are you thinking of developing tilemill so that you have a more graphical interface to select line colours etc? We might need to expand this a bit to help students turn this into a proposal. Grahamjones

Mobile Applications

Official OSM Application for Android


OSM Official Application for Android

Suggested By
It should be application using most of the OSM Components, should be able to provide all the basic functionality like displaying map both online and offline and vector maps with navigation and routing. e.g. A application like google maps or iPhoto. It should be totally free in cost and as of use of freedom without any adds.
Android Mobile Applications Development

Possible Mentors
None yet
There are large number of applications available using OSM data but may be only for their own purpose, most of the users never aware of all the applications and at some extent these applications asks users to pay for the complete functionality. So making this application as default of OSM can increase the usability of OSM on mobiles specially on Android.

Creation of a new OSM Related Project


Improve GPS accuracy by crowdsourcing of visible WLAN access points

Suggested By
It shall be possible to reach an accuracy that helps to detect for sure on which side of the rode the GPS device is located. An app and a server component shall be created to collect data by crowdsourcing. The user shall enter on with side of the road he/she is walking and the WLANs in reach shall be detected, saved and uploaded to the server. The goal is to enable blind persons to walk with GPS device. The street data shall be taken from OpenStreetMap.
Programming an app on a mobile device, programming a server component (can be different persons)

Possible Mentors