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Logo. Feature: Webcams
One example for Feature: Webcams
Webcams are cameras where the feed is publicly available

One can map where cameras are that people can watch a feed from over the Internet, often called a "webcam".

How to Map

Set a node at the location of the camera. Tag it with man_made=surveillance and surveillance=* and the URL of the stream as contact:webcam=*.

Tags to use in combination

required tags:


  • camera:type=fixed/panning/dome - What type of camera it is fixed, panning or a dome camera
  • name=* - The name of the webcam
  • camera:direction=* - The direction the webcam in pointing in



  • Surveillance under Surveillance shows you cameras and guards - watching you - almost everywhere. You can see where they are located and, if the information is available, what type they are, the area they observe, or other interesting facts.

Possible tagging mistakes

Sometimes the website=* or url=* is used for the URL of the webcam. While this is not wrong, it is not the most used key.

See also