WikiProject Belgium/BE Quarterly Projects

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The BE Quarterly Projects is a series of projects for Belgium mappers, announced every quarter on the talk-be mailing list, started in January 2016. A project strongly inspired by the UK Quarterly Projects created one year before.

Current project - Schools

The first BE Quarterly Project for 2016 is Schools. There's plenty to do over the next few months!

For more info see the kick off mailing list post.

Suggested process & tags

Tagging entrances to a school


The level of education should be specified using isced:level=*.

General ISCED
Level ISCED 2011 Description French Community Flanders German-speaking Community
0 Early childhood Education (01 Early childhood educational development) Education designed to support early development in preparation for participation in school and society. Programmes designed for children below the age of 3. Prégardiennat
0 Early childhood Education (02 Pre-primary education) Education designed to support early development in preparation for participation in school and society. Programmes designed for children from age 3 to the start of primary education. Maternelle
1 Primary education Programmes typically designed to provide students with fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics and to establish a solid foundation for learning. Primaire
2 Lower secondary education First stage of secondary education building on primary education, typically with a more subject-oriented curriculum. Secondaire inférieur
3 Upper secondary education Second/final stage of secondary education preparing for tertiary education and/or providing skills relevant to employment. Usually with an increased range of subject options and streams. Secondaire supérieur
4 Post-secondary non-tertiary education Programmes providing learning experiences that build on secondary education and prepare for labour market entry and/or tertiary education. The content is broader than secondary but not as complex as tertiary education. Enseignement post-secondaire non-supérieur
5 Short-cycle tertiary education Short first tertiary programmes that are typically practically-based, occupationally-specific and prepare for labour market entry. These programmes may also provide a pathway to other tertiary programmes. Enseignement supérieur de cycle court
6 Bachelor or equivalent Programmes designed to provide intermediate academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies leading to a first tertiary degree or equivalent qualification. Licence ou équivalent
7 Master or equivalent Programmes designed to provide advanced academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies leading to a second tertiary degree or equivalent qualification. Master ou équivalent
8 Doctoral or equivalent Programmes designed primarily to lead to an advanced research qualification, usually concluding with the submission and defence of a substantive dissertation of publishable quality based on original research. Doctorat ou équivalent

Representation of multiple values:

  • number list (0;1;2;3)
Applied to Flanders

Flanders has an own education scale, VKS. The table below shows which VKS and ISCED 2011 levels are applicable for each school in normal education. You can map the VKS level with vks:level=* and the ISCED level with isced:level=*.

VKS ISCED Beschrijving Description
0 Kleuteronderwijs Pre-school
1 1 Lager onderwijs Primary education
Middelbare school
2 1ste graad secundair onderwijs 1st grade of secondary education
2 2de graad BSO 2nd grade of vocational secondary education
2de graad ASO, TSO, KSO 2nd grade of general, technical and art secondary education
3 3 3de graad BSO; deeltijds BSO 3rd grade of vocational secondary education; part-time vocational secondary education
4 3 3de graad ASO, TSO, KSO 3rd grade of general, technical and art secondary education
4 4 Extra jaar ASO, TSO, KSO, of BSO of specialisatiejaar BSO Extra year secondary education or specialisation year of vocational secondary education
5 5 HBO5 Higher Vocational Education on European level 5
6 5 Professionele bachelor Professional bachelor
7 5? Master ("master of arts" of zo?) Master (master of arts or what?)
6 6 Academische bachelor Academic bachelor
7 7 Master Master
8 8 Doctoraat Doctoral, PhD

An empty table cell denotes that the scale does not have a level for the end of that grade.



Progress trackers

Who's involved?

Previous projects