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Morocco, Africa

latitude: 28.500, longitude: -9.400
boundary: 3630439, label: 432425041
Browse map of Morocco 28°30′00.00″ N, 9°24′00.00″ W
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Morocco is a country in Africa at latitude 28°30′00.00″ North, longitude 9°24′00.00″ West.
Flag of Morocco Morocco Mapping Project,
the home of Morocco on the OpenStreetMap wiki.
Salam! Welcome to the project for mapping efforts in Morocco!
You can find here national events, ongoing projects, map status and mapping guidelines, as well as links to other pages directly related to the mapping of Morocco.
You may also find a list of contacts and mappers involved with the OpenStreetMap community in Morocco.

According to the 2024 census, the country's population is of 36,828,330. The official languages are Arabic and Tamazight (ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ). French is used for administrative purposes.

This page aims to coordinate mapping in the country.


The OSM community in Morocco is active and welcoming to new mappers. The easiest way to communicate with other members of the OSM community near you is by sending a message to any active mappers by checking the edit history of an area.

Active contributors

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Road tagging

In Morocco, roads are classified as follows:

Road Tag Description Example
Autoroute F.svg A - Motorways (Autoroutes) highway=motorway Major toll highways, marked with blue signs. relation Autoroute Rabat-Safi
Expressroute.png Expressways (Voies express) highway=trunk Important express routes that serve major transit functions. They take precedence over national, regional and provincial routes. relation Rocade Sud-Ouest de Casablanca
RN National routes highway=primary National roads with red kilometer posts. relation Route Nationale 6
RR Regional routes highway=secondary Regional routes, indicated by yellow kilometer posts. relation Route Régionale 318
RP - Provincial routes highway=tertiary Provincial routes, marked with light blue kilometer posts. relation Route Provinciale 3011
City, town, and village streets highway=residential Streets within populated areas, named and designated for residential use. way Rue Abou Al Mahassine Royani
Minor unclassified roads highway=unclassified Unclassified routes that connect small dwellings or remote areas. These roads are often unpaved and may only be accessible by bike or sedan during the dry season. way This road near the town of Oulad Frej.
Agricultural access tracks highway=track Roads primarily for agricultural, forestry, or conservation access. These do not serve general traffic. way This road providing access to a farm.
Service roads (especially Medinas) highway=service Narrow streets, often found in old medinas, providing access to properties but not through routes. Tagging is generally limited to roads leading directly to properties.

Note: Avoid tagging for renderers; only use highway=service for access roads that serve specific properties or are narrow paths leading into medinas, as they often have no other purpose than property access.

way This road providing access to a university.


Administrative names

In Morocco, the names of all the administrative areas (from the country itself down to arrondissements and neighborhoods) are written in French - Tamazight - Arabic.

name=Province de Tiznit ⵜⴰⵙⴳⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵣⵏⵉⵜ إقليم تزنيت

name:ar=إقليم تزنيت

name:fr=Province de Tiznit

name:zgh=ⵜⴰⵙⴳⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵣⵏⵉⵜ

Street names

Street names follow the same language order (French - Tamazight - Arabic), even though it can be rare to encounter street signs in Tamazight.

name=Boulevard Mohamed Zerktouni شارع محمد الزرقطوني

name:ar=شارع محمد الزرقطوني

name:fr=Boulevard Mohamed Zerktouni

Place names

Always follow the on the ground rule (see Good practice#Map what's on the ground). If a place displays its name in French and Arabic, then that's how it should be named it in the name=* tag. Same thing if it only displays its name in Arabic or French. Example for way this building (see its image):

name=Résidence Ryad إقامة رياض

name:ar=إقامة رياض

name:fr=Résidence Ryad

Place tagging

Settlement Description Comments
place=city A municipality having a population of at least 100,000 people and larger than nearby towns. Like Rabat, Casablanca, Tanger...
place=suburb A dependent municipality within a city, or an independent municipality next to a much bigger city.
place=town A municipality having a population of at least 10,000 people and good range of local facilities including schools, medical facilities etc and traditionally a market. Like Skhirat, Tamesna, Sidi Kacem...
place=village A municipality having a population less then 10,000 people, larger than an hamlet, and with a significant infrastructure. Rural or urban Comunne
place=quarter A populated urban part of a suburb, town, or village, larger than a neighbourhood. Not a municipality.
place=neighbourhood A populated urban part of a suburb, town, quarter, or village. Not a municipality.
place=hamlet A rural community less than 100-200 inhabitants, few infrastructure except a public access road or path. Not a municipality. Mostly douars.
place=isolated_dwelling A rural named place with a single inhabited building or farm, almost no infrastructure except a nearby road or a private access path. Not a municipality.
place=locality Other small named place without clearly defined borders and an unspecified number of buildings around. Not a municipality. Only nodes, for example, a crossroad with a locally known name, or a former hamlet, or just some facilities (possibly disused).
  Reference: Key:place  

Other conventions

Traffic signals

Main article: Tag:highway=traffic_signals

Traffic signals example 4.png

Traffic signals are tagged by adding a highway=traffic_signals node on all incoming ways of a junction where there is a traffic light, as seen on the image above. Additionally, they have to be tagged with either traffic_signals:direction=forward or traffic_signals:direction=backward to indicate the affected direction. See an example through this intersection in Casablanca.

Phone numbers

Main article: Key:phone

The country code of Morocco is +212. Phone numbers contain 9 digits (excluding the +212). Numbers starting with +2125xxxxxxxx are landlines, while numbers starting with +2126xxxxxxxx and +2127xxxxxxxx are mobile numbers. Rarer, numbers starting with +2128xxxxxxxx are special numbers, used by some companies.

Add phone=* to indicate a phone number associated with a place. More specifically, if a place has a mobile phone number, you can add it using mobile=*. Don't forget the country code, instead of 05xxxxxxxx or 06xxxxxxxx, add the full number starting in +212. Example:




Use amenity=kindergarten for pre-primary education (crèche, maternelle, e.g. node Les Poussins).

Use amenity=school for primary and secondary education (primary school, middle school, high school, e.g. way Groupe Scolaire La Fourmillière).

Use amenity=college for post-secondary institutions that are not universities, e.g. OFPPT and other vocational schools and training centers (e.g. way Institut Spécialisé de Technologie Appliquée).

Use amenity=university for higher education (univerisites, e.g. way Al Akhawayn University).

Public Transport

This page is for collaborating the mapping of public transport routes (Buse,train,etc.) in Major Cities of Morocco

Public transport icon.svg
Public Transport

Administrative divisions

Main article: Administrative divisions of Morocco
Country (admin_level=2) admin_level=*
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Morocco N/A Regions (Wilayah) (ولاية) (جهات المغرب) Prefectures (العمالات)
Provinces (الأقاليم)
N/A N/A Urban Communes (Municipalities) (البلديات) (الجماعات الحضرية) Préfectures d'Arrondissements (عمالات المقاطعات) (only in Casablanca) Arrondissements (المقاطعات) (only in Casablanca, Rabat, Tanger, Marrakesh, Fez and Salé) Quartiers (الأحياء)
Cercles (الدائرة) Caïdats (القيادة) Rural Communes (الجماعات القروية) N/A N/A

Useful links

Mapping tools and imagery

[?]:dataset Adminstrative boundaries for different applications(editors)note:Southern regions are not included in this dataset and boundaries between Algeria and Morocco are disputed,All other boundaries can be tagged. Street view for selected cities in Morocco, confirmed to be usable for OpenStreetMap.

Mapillary: A crowdsourced street-level imagery platform with many user-contributed photos of Moroccan streets.

MarocInteractif: Provides a map of Morocco covering the entire country.

CityInfo: A website with comprehensive information on buildings and addresses in Casablanca.

Data Resources

RGPH 2024: Most recent population census which lists the population of the country's regions, prefectures, provinces, cercles, arrondissements.

Haut-Commissariat au Plan: Responsible for collecting, analyzing, and publishing official statistical data, including economic, demographic, and social statistics.

Morocco Open Data Site: Official Moroccan open data portal with information on post offices, postal codes, embassies, schools, and more.

Ministère de l’Équipement et de l'Eau: Contains maps of existing roads, though road numbers may not be fully up to date.

Quality Control

Osmose Quality Control: A tool for identifying and correcting mapping errors in Morocco’s OSM data.


The OpenCage Blog - Interview: OpenStreetMap in Morocco (archive), with Stéphane Branquart on 7 March 2016.

Kaart groundwork

Kaart conducts ground surveys for improvements to OSM data. A list of editors can be found on Kaart wiki page.

Tangier Province (April 2018)

  • Ground Focus - Visual Collection of Street Names, Verification of Oneway Streets in Tanger, Gueznaia, Tétouan, Martil, M'Diq, Chefchaouen
  • Issues - Many streets were unnavigable due to size of road (walkway/residential), Missing geometry
  • Post Processing - Street Name Consistency, Turn Restrictions, Turning Lanes, Pedestrian Crossings, Surface Types and Lanes, Additional Geometry

Community Editing Suggestions - Medina geometry improvements, footpaths should be determined for length and continuity.

Casablanca (April 2018)

Casablanca GPS Tracks by Kaart date:4.17.2018
  • Ground Focus - Visual Collection of Street Names, Verification of Oneway Streets in Metro Casablanca, El Jadida, Mohammadia
  • Issues - Many streets were unnavigable due to size of road (walkway/residential), Missing geometry, Missing/Removed roundabouts
  • Post Processing - Street Name Consistency, Turn Restrictions, Turning Lanes, Pedestrian Crossings, Surface Types and Lanes

Community Editing Suggestions - Medina geometry improvements

Marrakesh (April 2018)

Marrakesh GPS Tracks by Kaart date:4.17.2018

  • Ground Focus - Visual Collection of Street Names, Verification of Oneway Streets in Marrakesh, Agadir, Berrechid, Settat
  • Issues - Many streets were unnavigable due to size of road (walkway/residential), Missing geometry, Missing/Removed roundabouts
  • Post Processing - Street Name Consistency, Turn Restrictions, Turning Lanes, Pedestrian Crossings, Surface Types and Lanes

Community Editing Suggestions - Medina geometry improvements

Oujda (May 2018)

Oujda City GPS Tracks by Kaart date:5.13.2018

  • Ground Focus - Visual Collection of Street Names, Verification of Oneway Streets in Oujda, Saïdia, Berkane, Nador, Imzouren, Al Hoceima
  • Issues - Many streets were unnavigable due to size of road (walkway/residential), Missing geometry, Missing/Removed roundabouts
  • Post Processing - Street Name Consistency, Turn Restrictions, Turning Lanes, Pedestrian Crossings, Surface Types and Lanes

Community Editing Suggestions - Medina geometry improvements, adding missing street names

See also