Taiwan/Taiwan tagging
高速公路(Motorway / Freeway)
ref=1 ref:en=Freeway 1 ref:zh=國道1號
ref=3甲 ref:en=Freeway 3A ref:zh=國道3號甲線
- 編號甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸以英文標記為A至J
- 目前國道繪製進度,請參閱WikiProject_Taiwan/state/國道。
快速道路(Trunk Roads / Expressways)
- 快速道路可能如高速公路為雙向分隔、完全管制出入口,常以高架橋結構(bridge=yes)或土堤(embankment=yes)與一般道路隔離,但有時也有平面路段與平面交會路口。
- 快速道路與一般道路的交通規則不同,如禁行排氣量250cc以下的機車、慢車、行人等,擁有較高的速度限制等。
- 各縣市政府管轄之快速道路無編號。
- 範例:省道台61線─ref=61、ref:en=Provincial Highway 61、ref:zh=台61線
一級道路/省道(Primary Roads / Provincial Highways)
二級道路/縣道、市道(Secondary Roads)
三級道路/鄉道、區道(Tertiary Roads)
- 鄉道、區道(highway=tertiary ):
- 鄉道或區道編號應標示所屬縣市縮寫,請參閱下列清單:
僅列現存鄉道、區道之縣市 | |||
縣市名稱 | 英譯縣市名稱 | 縣市縮寫 | 英譯縣市縮寫 |
新北市 | New Taipei City | 北 | TP |
桃園市 | Taoyuan City | 桃 | TY |
台中市 | Taichung City | 中 | TC |
台南市 | Tainan City | 南 | TN |
高雄市 | Kaohsiung City | 高 | KH |
宜蘭縣 | Yilan County | 宜 | IL |
新竹縣 | Hsinchu County | 竹 | HC |
苗栗縣 | Miaoli County | 苗 | ML |
彰化縣 | Changhua County | 彰 | CH |
南投縣 | Nantou County | 投 | NT |
雲林縣 | Yunlin County | 雲 | YL |
嘉義縣 | Chiayi County | 嘉 | CY |
屏東縣 | Pingtung County | 屏 | PT |
花蓮縣 | Hualien County | 花 | HL |
台東縣 | Taitung County | 東 | TT |
澎湖縣 | Penghu County | 澎 | PH |
- 原省道、縣(市)道、鄉(區)道經解編而無編號者,若仍有聯絡縣(市)、鄉(鎮、市)之功能,建議標記為highway=tertiary。如宜蘭市區中山路為台9線舊線、台東市區的中華路為台11線舊線,仍有聯繫市區之重要性,可作為導航時進入市區的建議路線。 注解:由於許多公路沿線市鎮已增設外環道疏導幹道車流,原穿越市區之道路仍為市區內的重要交通幹道,故舊線仍具備地區幹道的功能;改線後,若舊線已失去聯絡幹道的重要性(如山區道路截彎取直前之原路段),則不應標記此標籤。)
- 部分市區外環道、環河道路等重要性與車流量皆高的道路,以及重要道路之間的聯絡道路,皆建議標記為 highway=tertiary (如新北市的重新堤外道、台中市豐原大道、彰化福興鄉南環路、雲林斗六聯絡道等等)。
- 新闢重要幹道尚未編號者,建議標示為 highway=tertiary(如新竹縣公道路、苗栗北橫公路、雲林雲科路、台南四草大道等),待日後公路總局或縣市政府另予編制再依公告修改ref=*。
- 連接市鎮或村莊用途的地區幹道或集散道路(可能經拓寬、截彎取直等道路改善措施),即使沒有縣(市)道、鄉(區)道等道路編制,仍應設為 highway=tertiary。
- 住宅區道路(聚落或住宅區內的道路、進出私有住宅的道路,通常行車車速較低)應設為 highway=residential。(地圖上繪製樣式與 highway=unclassified 相同,但導航系統在計算路線時,會將住宅區道路視為低優先權以避免穿越。)
- 供公共通行的最低層級或未分級道路均設為 highway=unclassified。
- 大部分供特定產業使用的產業道路標記為 highway=track,如農路、林道、河床便道、保線路、礦業道路、水利設施維護道路、產業道路等(雖名為產業道路,實則供公共通行或聚落對外的聯絡道路,仍應設為 highway=unclassified,流量較高或道路品質較佳能考慮highway=tertiary)。路寬小於一般四輪機動車輛的路徑(只能供農機具、全地形車、機車、自行車、行人等通行),應使用highway=path。
- 停車場通道、私人車道、防火巷、後巷、緊急通道、免下車服務車道等私有地、設施或場域內的服務道路應標記為 highway=service,其用途請使用service=*。(戶政門牌編制中的巷、弄,只要屬可供機動車輛進出之公共道路者,均應設為highway=unclassified)
- 主管機關公告禁止機動車輛進入者請使用vehicle=no,禁止機車進入者使用motorcycle=no、禁止自行車進入者使用bicycle=no。條件限制為經主管機關或管理者公告的法定通行路權,並非用於表示道路是否適合特定車種進出,請使用道路品質標籤標記;若為highway=track,可以使用tracktype="gradeX"標記路面品質。
- 道路寬度無法供一般四輪機動車輛進入(可能仍得供機車、自行車、全地形車、農機具等機動車輛進入),且非專為行人設計之人行步道(請使用highway=footway),應標記為highway=path。
- 台灣地區大量將都市的狹窄公共巷道、鄉村或山區的狹窄公共道路或農路標記為highway=service,大部分應被標記為highway=unclassified,也可能應標記為highway=track。 開放街圖的道路主要以道路分級或道路用途作為標準,highway=service與其service=alley沒有暗示道路狹窄的意涵,描述路寬請使用width=數字 (公尺)、est_width=數字 (公尺),描述車道數請使用lanes=數字,描述限四輪驅動車輛通行請使用4wd_only=*。主要供農林漁礦產業使用的道路請使用highway=track,本身暗示著道路可能是狹窄僅供單一車輛通過、未鋪裝、陡峭泥濘需高底盤或四輪驅動車輛通行的暗示,描述道路品質請使用tracktype="gradeX"。
道路名稱 | 英譯道路名稱 |
路 | Road |
街 | Street |
大道 | Boulevard |
段 | Section |
巷 | Lane |
弄 | Alley |
衖 | Sub-Alley |
- 桃園市桃園區建國路:highway=tertiary、name=建國路、name:en=Jianguo Road、name:zh=建國路、is_in=Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan、is_in:zh=台灣桃園市桃園區。
- 桃園市八德區福德一路:highway=secondary、name=福德一路、name:en=Fude 1st Road、name:zh=福德一路、is_in=Bade District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan、is_in:zh=台灣桃園市八德區、ref=110乙、ref:en=110B、ref:zh=110乙。
臺灣主要鐵路路網軌距為窄軌,使用railway=rail標記臺灣鐵路管理局管轄之鐵路路網,加註gauge=1076(軌距為1076公釐)。鐵路標籤雖有railway=narrow_gauge(窄軌鐵路),但railway=rail仍用作標記屬窄軌軌距的全國規模主要鐵路,即便其隱含標準軌 (Standard gauge) 之意。
請參閱窄軌 on Wikipedia、標準鐵軌 on Wikipedia。
車站可能是「一般車站(Station)」或「招呼站/無人站(halt)」。 railway=station用作有員工駐守的車站, railway=halt用作無員工駐守的招呼站。
boundary=administrative admin_level=*
admin_level= | ||||||||||
Country | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
![]() |
N/A | 中華民國實際控制地區(border around Taiwan ) | N/A | 直轄市(Municipality) / 省轄市(Provincial municipality )/縣(County) | N/A | N/A | 省轄市和直轄市的區(District) | 縣轄市(County-administered city)/鄉、鎮(Township ) | 村、里(Village) | 鄰(Neighbourhood ) |
border around Taiwan (de facto, 中華民國實際控制地區), level=2 | ||||
直轄市 Municipality, level=4 | ||||
縣 County, level=4 | 省轄市 Provincial city, level=4 | |||
鄉 Rural township, level=8 | 鎮 Urban township, level=8 | 縣轄市 County-administered city, level=8 | 省轄市的區, level=7 | 直轄市的區, level=7 |
村 Village, level=9 | 里 Village, level=9 | |||
鄰 Neighrboor, level=10 |
In order to have better search results, it is recommended that each road/place/station/other_point_of_interest has a 'is_in' tag to tell the search engine where the location is. As is discussed on [2], it's probably better to use relations for this.
- Tags:
* type (country, county, city, town, suburb, village, hamlet, localty) * name (the name of the place, e.g. '桃園縣 (Taoyuan County)' * name:zh (only the Chinese name)
- Members:
* node (depending on the type, all nodes of a lower level. e.g. type 'county' includes all nodes which are 'place=city' or 'place='town'. A relation with type 'town' includes all streets and other items within that town) * role (blank)
因為地圖顯示器Mapnik、Osmarender 預設都能顯示漢字,因此能以中文為圖徵的name=*命名,亦能為外語使用者標記圖徵的羅馬拼音名稱。
- name=*使用正式名稱標記,若正式名稱為中文,使用中文名稱標記。
- name:zh=*僅使用中文名稱標記。
- name:en=*僅使用英文名稱標記。
- 若另有其他臺灣常見語言的名稱,增加name:<lang>=*標籤,<lang>請使用下列臺灣常見語言縮寫代碼:
中文語言名 | 英語語言名 | 縮寫代碼 |
閩南語 | Minnan | nan |
客家語 | Hakka | hak |
阿美語 | Amis | ami |
泰雅語 | Atayal | tay |
布農語 | Bunun | bnn |
噶瑪蘭語 | Kavalan | ckv |
排灣語 | Paiwan | pwn |
卑南語 | Puyuma | pyu |
魯凱語 | Rukai | dru |
撒奇萊雅語 | Sakizaya | ais |
賽夏語 | Saisiat | xsy |
邵語 | Shao | ssf |
達悟語 | Tao(Yami) | tao |
賽德克語 |
Seediq |
trv |
鄒語 | Tsou | tsu |
- 地點的中文名稱請使用全稱,包含中文行政區劃單位(如縣、市、鎮、鄉、里、村…);英文名稱請勿使用行政區劃單位,除了縣(County)、直轄市/省轄市(City)外,如Taoyuan City(桃園市 )、Fuli(富里鄉)。
- 鐵路車站名,中文名稱須搭配「站」(如松山站),英文名稱勿搭配「Station(站)」(如Songshan)。
Use a script like below on overpass-turbo to get street names with an abbreviation like St. or Rd.
This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.
The original search was:
“type:way and "highway" and "name:en"~/Rd\.|St\./”
[out:xml]/*fixed by auto repair*/[timeout:25];
// gather results
// query part for: “highway and "name:en"~/Rd\.|St\./”
// print results
out meta;/*fixed by auto repair*/
out meta qt;/*fixed by auto repair*/
way {
Then use your favorite text editor to replace it with Road or Street.
place= | |
place=city | 市(臺灣所有城市已繪製完畢) |
place=town | 鄉/鎮(臺灣所有鄉鎮已繪製完畢) |
place=village | 里/村 |
place=hamlet | 人口大於100人的小型鄉村聚落,未被分類為行政區劃的「村」 |
place=isolated_dwelling | 人口小於100人的小型聚落 |
place=farm | 獨立農場的名稱。若您使用landuse=farmland繪製農場區域,您能忽略此標籤 |
place=suburb | 區 |
place=neighbourhood | 鄰 |
addr: | |
addr:housenumber=* | The house number of the building or item (e.g. company). For numbers with 之, use - instead, e.g. 105-2, not 105之2. |
addr:housename=* | Generally not used in Taiwan, since every building has a number. If you want to tag the building's name, use name=*. name:en=* and name:zh=* instead. |
addr:street=* | Use the romanized street name, not the Chinese name, e.g. Zhongzheng Road |
addr:place=* | Use the romanized name of the place, which is often necessary in rural areas (村), e.g. Fuxing Village |
addr:postcode=* | Use the 5 digit postcode according to http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/f_searchzone/index.jsp?ID=190102 |
addr:city=* | Use the romanized name of the city or township (市、鄉、鎮) |
addr:country=* | "Taiwan" or "Taiwan, R.O.C", of course ;) We are talking about international mailings here! |
addr:full=* | The complete address *in Chinese* with postcode, like you would write them on the envelope for mail within Taiwan. |
addr:hamlet=* | In some rural areas, there are no street names, but hamlet names, i.e. a bunch of houses distributed over a small area, where the address is the name of the place and a house number. Use the romanized name here! |
addr:subdistrict=* | Not necessary in Taiwan. |
addr:district=* | 區 (romanized name), if necessary for postal purposes, e.g. in 新北市,臺中市, 臺南市, 高雄市, where street names are not unique within the city premises. E.g. Zhonghe District |
addr:province=* | formerly 省, but not necessary anymore. |
addr:state=* | 縣 (romanized name) in Taiwan, where necessary. E.g. Hualien County |
addr:door=* | 室 in buildings, when necessary for postal adresses. E.g. Room B, or Booth 1238 (in Nova). Use it only if you tag companies in buildings as part of the company address. Use the romanized name, since you would put the Chinese one in addr:full=*. |
addr:floor=* | 樓, e.g. 16F, or 9F-2 |
addr:unit=* | Sometimes buildings have multiple staircases. Especially appartment blocks have multiple units, usually numberd with Latin letters (A棟, B棟, C棟, D棟, E棟, ...). If nesserary for postal purposes, put the romanized name here, e.g. Building A. Usually not necessary in Taiwan, since every unit has an individual house number. If you want to tag it for mapping purposes, put it in the name=*, name:en=* and name:zh=* tags. |
boundary=indigenous admin_level=*
admin_level= | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
N/A | 原住民族分布界線
border around total tribal area |
N/A | 原住民族分支(北部阿美、中部阿美等)
sub-classification of the tribe (e.g. North-Amis, Central Amis, etc.) |
N/A | 村(Village) | N/A | 宣稱領域(聚落)Clan territory (Settlement) | N/A | N/A |
Mandarin Romanization in Taiwan is in complete chaos, and high politicized. Different road name spelling: road names can be spelled using different spelling systems. Example: Taipei City and Hsinchu City use Hanyu Pinyin (漢語拼音), while other municipalities use Tongyong Pinyin (通用拼音) is different spelling variants. The road 中正路 can be transcribed as Zhongzheng Rd., Jongjeng Rd., Jhongjheng Rd., Jungjeng Rd. Chungcheng Rd. and many others. One suggestion would be to add them all to each way, like: name:zh = 中正路, name:hanyu_pinyin = Zhongzheng Rd., name:tongyong_pinyin1 = Jongjeng Rd., name:tongyong_pinyin2 = Jhongjheng Rd., name:wade_giles = Chungcheng Rd., etc.
As of 2009 the central government adopted Hanyu Pinyin in favor over Tongyong Pinyin. Some counties/municipalities remained using Tongyong.
Confirmed usage:
Hanyu | Tongyong | Wade-Giles |
Kaohsiung | County-level or municipalty-level units, and derivative (e.g. Keelung Road in Taipei. Kind of Wade-Giles) |
Items for discussion
- House numbers. If you have time, please also walk down the roads from intersection to intersection and write down the house numbers (from - to) for each side of the road.
- It would probably a good idea to create a new tag 'address' and 'address:zh' and fill in the official address for an item on the map (e.g. schools, museums, other points of interests, hospitals, etc.)
Arne, who has done most of the mapping in Taiwan for now, this scheme which can become the standard.