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Public-images-osm logo.svg attraction
Covers all kinds of dedicated attractions. 在wiki页中编辑此说明 在数据项中编辑此说明
组: tourism
已记载的值: 15


The attraction key covers all kinds of dedicated attractions, especially the features commonly found in theme parks, water parks, and zoos.

This is not a subkey of tourism=attraction since the attractions are usually part of bigger feature, such as an amusement park.

Key Value 元素 Comment potential Rendering 图例
attraction amusement_ride area node Some unspecified amusement ride, not covered by other values in this proposal
attraction animal area node 圈养动物的地方(例如:笼子或水族馆)。常见于城市动物园或野生动物园。使用 name=* 来标记动物景点的名称,可以指定饲养的动物种类或单个动物的通用名称。species=* 可用于指定动物的学名。 Animal.png
attraction big_wheel node 摩天轮 Bigwheel.png
attraction bumper_car area node Bumper cars, also known as dodgem cars (German: Autoscooter). Bumper car.png
attraction bungee_jumping area node 蹦极跳是一项运动,即人从高台上跳下,同时与一条很长的弹性绳相连。
attraction carousel area node A rotating ride. This can be an electrical Merry-go-round or a small carousel that children rotate on their own. Carousel.png
attraction dark_ride area way node dark ride 是一种室内游乐设施,乘坐者在导览车中穿越特殊照明的场景,通常包含动画、声音、音乐和特殊效果"(维基百科的定义)。



Ghost train.png
attraction drop_tower area node A gondola that is pulled up a tower, then has a free fall, and bounces a few times.
attraction formal_garden area node A (noticable) formal garden / French garden inside a theme park or similar. See also leisure=garden and garden:style=* leisure=gardengarden:style=*
attraction game_installation area node Stage or desk utilising projectors, VR or AR and capturing people's motions (e.g., via cameras) to allow for cooperative or competitive games including dancing. Augmented Reality Foosball (3477405245).jpg
attraction kiddie_ride node 外观似小汽车、直升机、马或类似的东西,可以让一到四个孩子同时乘坐。经常在超市附近出现。通常有一个马达,当你投币时,会带动乘坐者上下、前后晃动(与fee=yes, payment=coins一起使用)。
attraction log_flume area node A log flume. You sit in a boat that is moved by the flow of water. Some log flume attractions feature a rapid descent and splashdown. These are often mapped as a linear way following the route of the ride.
attraction maze area node A maze.
attraction pirate_ship way node A pirate ship ride乘坐海盗船 Pirate ship.png
attraction river_rafting way node A river rafting ride (also commonly referred to as a "river rapids ride") is an amusement ride that simulates whitewater rafting.
attraction rock_art area node 天然表面上的人为标记,通常绘制于垂直的石头表面。

Human-made markings placed on natural surfaces, typically vertical stone surfaces.

attraction roller_coaster area node Roller coaster - the area of the installation or the route of the tracks may be tagged.

The rails can also be drawn as line way and tagged roller_coaster=track. Do not tag them as a railway The rails can also be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as a railwayThe rails can also be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as a railway The rails can also be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as a railway

attraction summer_toboggan area node A big slide with small vehicles in a halfpipe or on rails, see e.g. http://www.rodelzentrum.de - the area of the installation should be tagged.

If there are rails, they can be drawn as line way and tagged roller_coaster=track. Do not tag them as any railway.
Note: The tag specific page states the contrary: to use the tag on the tracks If there are rails, they can be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as any railway. Note: The tag specific page states the contrary: to use the tag on the tracksIf there are rails, they can be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as any railway.

Note: The tag specific page states the contrary: to use the tag on the tracks If there are rails, they can be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as any railway. Note: The tag specific page states the contrary: to use the tag on the tracks

Summer toboggan.png
attraction swing_carousel area node A carousel made of swings. Swing carousel.png
attraction train way node A train used to visit a park and see other attractions or views. This is not a roller coaster. It is best to tag the railways or a centre node.

If there are rails, they can be drawn as line way and tagged roller_coaster=track. Do not tag them as any railway! If there are rails, they can be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as any railway!If there are rails, they can be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as any railway! If there are rails, they can be drawn as line {{IconWay}} and tagged {{Tag|roller_coaster|track}}. Do not tag them as any railway!



attraction tropic node The Tropic of Capricorn is the circle of latitude that contains the subsolar point at the December solstice. It is thus the southernmost latitude where the Sun can be seen directly overhead. It also reaches 90 degrees below the horizon at solar midnight on the June Solstice. Its northern equivalent is the Tropic of Cancer.

Note also man_made=meridian_marker that is 11 times more popular as of 2021-11-18.

attraction water_slide way node A water slide, e.g. part of a swimming pool. Waterslide.png
attraction boat_ride way node A calm boat ride, such as a tow boat ride, a free boating ride or a touristical boat ride in a historic city

As of Feb 2021, attraction=animal is still the most common value for the attraction key with roughly 42% of the values.[1]