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Public-images-osm logo.svg waterway
River Scarpe waterway location.jpg
用于水道,为每条河流建立一个独特的对象 编辑此说明
组: Waterways
  • way - (blank)
  • way - main_stream
  • way - side_stream
  • node - spring
  • node - mouth
状态:已批准Page for proposal


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每条水路都必须使用 waterway=* 标记,也可以使用其他标记来描述单条水路(例如:intermittent=yeswidth=*......)。描述水道整体的标签只能放在关系中(例如:wikidata=*destination=*......)。

该关系显然应标记为 name=*,其他语言的名称也应标记为 name:*=*。由于并非所有渲染器都支持水路关系,因此每条水路也应标记为本地的 name=*。短路段可能有不同的名称(如一段急流)或没有名称(如经过一个湖泊),这些都可以相应地标记。此外,当航道经过使用不同语言的不同国家或地区时,航道的当地名称可能会发生变化,在这种情况下,在每条航道上标注当地名称就变得更加重要,并且该关系应具有适当的多语言名称


Key Value Description
type waterway (mandatory)
waterway river, stream, canal, drain, ditch (recommended)

Subtype of the waterway relation similar to waterway=*
Hint: if the waterway starts as a stream and becomes larger, then use the tag of the largest waterway (e.g. river). This is purely informational, the stream members still need their own waterway=* tag.

name * Name of the waterway.
When a river gets multiple names (e.g. because it passes through multiple language regions), use all different names in the name tag, ordered from source to mouth, and split by slashes (the character "/"). The individual sections can still get their localised name.
name:xx * Name of the waterway in the specific language, where xx is an ISO language code.
The international name tag name:en=* is recommended for large waterways or when the name tag is in a language not every people can read/sound it (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Khmer...).
destination * (optional) Name of the river, lake, sea, ocean... into which this waterway flows.
wikipedia * (optional) Link to the wikipedia page (when several pages in several languages are available, choose the page with the best/complete description).
wikidata * (optional) ID Qxxxx of the waterway in Wikidata
length * (optional) Total length of the waterway in meter.
To avoid. The information is or should be in wikipedia and/or wikidata. To have the information in different places means probably different values.

Reference tags

Key Value Description
ref * (optional) Any kind of reference or use the specialized tags below. (See discussion for more alternatives)
ref:sandre * (optional) In France you can add the Sandre reference: see French waterways wikiprojet for explanations. Sandre official Website or fr.wikipedia
ref:fgkz * (optional) In Germany you can add the FGKZ reference
ref:regine * (optional) In Norway you can add the regine reference
gnis:feature_id * (optional) In USA you can add the gnis reference
ref:gnbc * (optional) In Canada you can add the gnbc reference
ref:gwlnr * (optional) In Switzerland you can add the gwlnr reference


Object type Role Recurrence Description
way None or
One or more Any kind of waterway ways. They must have a waterway=[river, canal, stream, drain, ditch] tag.
way side_stream/
Zero or more A branch of main stream that returns to it. They must have a tag waterway=*.
node spring Optional natural=spring The spring of the river.
node mouth Optional The place where the river ends. Could be the junction with another river, a sinkhole...
wayrelation tributary/
Zero A watercourse (tributary) can join another watercourse, or a watercourse can split into two different watercourses (distributaries). If needed, use queries to gather tributaries of a watercourse (example).

To avoid. Misleading, mixes up data about separate watercourses, see Talk:Relation:waterway.
If it is truly two different watercourses, don't mix them in one relation, or if it is the same watercourse (example, a river in a delta before to end into a lake or a sea), use the role side_stream.

area riverbank or
Zero The waterbody (area) of the river.

To avoid. Not approved and controversial, see Talk:Relation:waterway.
The purpose of a waterway relation is not to have a collection of all elements of a watercourse but to put together elements to avoid redundant (and missing) informations on all the ways of the watercourse.

Possible tagging mistakes


Related pages


displays rivers in wikipedia maps
Scanner for waterway relations
“OSM Waterway analyses”. 
Statistic for waterway related relations
“OSM Relation Hierarchy: planet_waterways”.  (outdated, datas are from 2010 to 2013)
Overpass Turbo query to display the tributaries of a given river