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這個頁面內容或段落可能包含過時的資訊:This page is as of year 2013 and much has changed in iD since then. Please help to translate!
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如果你知道更新的資訊,請協助更新內容使得大家都能獲得正確的資訊。 (Discussion)
This list of iD’s shortcuts and their functions is made by observation and trying out. This is not an iD documentation which is made or supported by iD’s developers. ID’s own, official documentation is inside of iD itself.
iD needs to have the focus to be able to catch a key press. If you clicked on the browser/webpage outside of iD before, then iD will not have the focus. Click somewhere inside iD to focus (preferably an inactive area, e.g. the button bar on top) and then press the desired key.
Shortcuts in iD are language dependent (for example Vietnamese has different ones)!
On macOS, use ⌘ Cmd and ⌥ Opt, instead of Ctrl and Alt.
Changing the display
- F11 (Linux, Windows), Ctrl+⌘ Cmd+F (Mac) – set your browser to full screen mode for more space (this less known generic browser shortcut varies by browser)
- ↓, ↑, ←, → (方向鍵) – 移動地圖。 (Please update this translation.)
- Ctrl + ↓, ↑, ←, → (cursor keys)
– pan map one screenful at a time
- + – (數字鍵盤上) – 放大; (Please update this translation.)
Ctrl++ – zoom in a lot
- − – (數字鍵盤上) – 縮小; (Please update this translation.)
Ctrl+− – zoom out a lot
- B – 顯示背景圖層的切換顯示器。 (Please update this translation.)
- I – toggle validation issues pane
- P – toggle user preferences pane
- ` – toggle sidebar
- Alt+W – toggle OpenStreetMap data
- G – highlight unsaved edits
- Ctrl+B – switch between previous and current backgrounds
- U – display map data options
- W – toggle wireframe mode
- H – show in-editor help/documentation
- ? – show keyboard shortcuts
- / – toggle minimap
- 空格鍵 – toggle radial menu
Selecting the editing mode when clicking on map (click *right* button on mouse)
- 1 – 轉換到「添加點」模式。
- 2 – 轉換到「添加線」模式。
- 3 – 轉換到「添加區域」模式。
- N – switch to “add note” mode
- A – continue drawing a line at the selected node
Selecting objects
- ⇧ Shift+滑鼠點擊 – 選擇多個物件。 (Please update this translation.)
- ⇧ Shift+滑鼠點擊+drag
– select all nodes within a bounding box (rectangular selection)
- Ctrl+C – 結合兩條線(需要將兩條線都先點選起來並有兩線共點的情況下才有效)。
- [, Page Up – jump to previous vertex
- ], Page Down – jump to next vertex
- Ctrl+[, ↸ Home – jump to first vertex
- Ctrl+], ↘ End – jump to last vertex
- Ctrl+↑ – select parent way
- Ctrl+↓ – select all nodes within an area/line
- \, ↨ Pause (PC), F15 (Mac) – if a node at a line intersection is selected: Cycle through parent ways (currently selected parent is highlighted in light red). Currently only useful for vertex navigation: “turning” at intersections
- Ctrl+F – find features matching search text
- ≣ Menu – toggle edit menu
- Z – zoom to selected features
Modifying objects
- Ctrl+V – paste a previously copied object; click to position the pasted object under the mouse cursor
- Ctrl+⌦ Del, Ctrl+⌫ Backspace – 刪除選擇的物件。 (Please update this translation.)
- Alt + 滑鼠點擊 – place node without connecting (“snapping”) to existing object (line and area draw mode)
For Firefox use full screen mode (see below) in order to avoid nasty interference with toggling of Firefox menu by Alt. - C – combines the selected objects (see selection of multiple objects for how to select). Their details (tags) will be combined too – values of tags with the same key but different values will be silently concatenated into a “;”-separated list, which may make no sense and require manual correction
Exact function depends on the type of the selected objects:- A selection of several connected lines (each connection is represented by a shared node) → will be combined into one line. Line directions are silently inverted if needed (even in case of oneway-tagged lines). All lines’ tags will be moved to the combined line.
- A selection of an unconnected node and a line → the node’s tags will be copied to the line and the node will be deleted.
- A selection of two unconnected, closed lines (areas) → a new relation (type = multipolygon) will be created and (depending on the spatial arrangement):
- A selection of several connected lines (each connection is represented by a shared node) → will be combined into one line. Line directions are silently inverted if needed (even in case of oneway-tagged lines). All lines’ tags will be moved to the combined line.
- D – 如果選擇了一條線中的某節點,此鍵可使此線從節點上斷開這條線,使節點被複製成兩個。 (Please update this translation.)
- E – extract a point from a feature
- M – 編輯器視窗最大化(全瀏覽器模式),你可以將瀏覽器設置成全螢幕以得到更大的編輯空間(通常是按F11鍵),附上(程式錯誤狀況)(選取物件後)移動物件。 (Please update this translation.)
- O – 將節點排成環狀(僅有線可以使用?)。 (Please update this translation.)
- R – 旋轉物件。 (Please update this translation.)
- Q – 使線的轉角排成直角(選取封閉道路後)。 (Please update this translation.)
- S – 使線的轉角排成直角(選取封閉道路後)。 (Please update this translation.)
- T – reflect the selected object across its long axis
- V – (選取線後)反轉路線方向。 (Please update this translation.)
- X – (選取線上的節點後)分割線。 (Please update this translation.)
- Y – reflect the selected object across its short axis
- 空格鍵 – add a node (in “add line” or “add area” mode). Hold down while moving the cursor to draw a freeform line or area based on the path of the cursor.
- ⇧ Shift + ↑, ←, →, ↓ – nudge selected features
- Ctrl+⇧ Shift + ↑, ←, →, ↓ – nudge selected features by a lot
- ⇧ Shift + +, - – nudge selected features
Undoing or saving changes
- Ctrl+Z – 還原到上個動作。 (Please update this translation.)
- Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Z, Ctrl+Y(Windows) – (或許微軟系統可行) – 重做上個未還原的動作。 (Please update this translation.)
- Ctrl+S – ひとつ前に取消した操作をやり直す。