MENTZ GmbH/Modellierungsvorschläge ÖPNV

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The points below should provide support for the public transport modeling in OpenStreetMap. The topics are presenting a collection of information, which was taken from OSM-Wiki. The aim is to reflect the guidelines for modeling real features. We are thankful for any annotations and comments: MENTZ Kontakt

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Route lines relation

Route lines are captured with relations, which are containing all used traffic routes and reached stops. There are two types of relations to capture route lines:

  • The relation type type=route describes a "line version". In this case it's about a vehicle, which is operating on a route with a certain line number. Different relations are set up for round trips as well as for alternate traffic routes.
  • The relation type type=route_master groups the line version to one "line".

Line versions


Key Value Description
type route General tag for a line version
route train Classifies the line as a train route
light_rail Classifies the line as a light rail route
subway Classifies the line as a subway route
tram Classifies the line as a tram route
bus Classifies the line as a bus route
ferry Classifies the line as a ferry route. Modeling also possible without relations
ref The number of the line
from Text The beginning stop of the line
to Text The ending stop of the line
operator Text The operator of the line
network Text The network, in which the line is integrated
name Text Name of the line. Mostly used for an easier differentiation of several line versions. Usually contains a line number and a rough route


The relation has the following members:

  • The stops should be sorted in the order, in which they are used. For each stop the following should be added:
    • A stop position (public_transport=stop_position). It usually gets the role stop. For stops where only entries are possible, the role stop_entry_only is used. For stops where only exits are possible, this role stop_exit_only and for stops on demand the role stop_on_demand is used.
    • A platform (public_transport=platform). It usually gets the role platform. For platforms where only entries are possible, the role platform_entry_only is used. For platforms where only exits are possible this role platform_exit_only and for platforms on demand the role platform_on_demand is used.
  • The traffic routes (streets or rails) should be sorted in the order, in which they are used by the vehicle. They don't get any role.



Key Value Description
type route_master General tag for a line version
route_master=* train Classifies the line as a train route
light_rail Classifies the line as a light rail route
subway Classifies the line as a subway route
tram Classifies the line as a tram route
bus Classifies the line as a bus route
ferry Classifies the line as a ferry route. Modeling also possible without relations
ref The number of the line
operator Text The operator of the line
network Text The network, in which the line is integrated
name Text Name of the line. Mostly used for an easier differentiation of several line versions. Usually contains a line number and a rough route


The route-master-relation contains all line versions (type=route) of a line.

Stop points (public transport) node

A stop point is a point on a street or rail, where vehicles of the public transport stop. The point gets the tag public_transport=stop_position. The stop point should be placed in the middle of the street/ rail. In addition to that it gets at least one more attribute, where the public transport type ist specified.

Key Value Description Model
public_transport=* stop_position Stop position Publictransport-stopposition.png
ref Reference number or letter
train yes/no Stop position for train
subway yes/no Stop position for subway
tram yes/no Stop position for tram
bus yes/no Stop position for bus
light_rail=* yes/no Stop position for light rail
wheelchair yes/no Indicating, if the stopping vehicles are wheelchair accessible
wheelchair:bus=* yes/no Suggestion: Indicating, if the stopping busses are wheelchair accessible. This information is relevant on stops where trams and busses stop at the same position.
Analog: wheelchair:train=* wheelchair:tram=* wheelchair:subway=*
description Description, e.g. name of the stop
name Station name The name of the stop position, e.g. Köln-West
operator Operator The operator of the stop position
network Network name The network, of which the stop position is part of
uic_ref=* Station number A unique number for station, given by the UIC
uic_name=* Station name An international valid station name, given by the UIC

Platforms (public transport) area

Key Value Description Model Image
public_transport=* platform
Platform Public transport.jpg
tram yes/no Platform for tram
bus yes/no Platform for bus
light_rail=* yes/no Platform for light rail
train yes/no Platform for train
subway yes/no Platform for subway
area yes Relevant for areas
name Name If the platform has an own name. Rail numbers are captured with ref=*
description Description e. g.: "Odeonsplatz U3 U6 Bahnsteig"
ref Number of the tracks. When there are more tracks next to the platform, then they are seperated with a semicolon, e. g. ref=1;2
wheelchair yes/no/limited Indicating, if the platform is wheelchair accessible
wheelchair:maxwidth=* integer Suggestion. The width of the smallest edge on the platfom. Relevant for wheelchair users. The value is specified in meters.


With the Bike + Ride option, the user gets a suitable B&R recommended. Mostly they are placed around the stations. Bike and Ride Plätze in München

Main key Value Combination Element Description Node symbols Image
bike_ride=yes amenity= bicycle_parking
  • Describes a parking space near the station, only if signposted.
  • area=yes
  • fee=*=yes/no - fee (yes/no)
  • maxstay?
  • level?
  • ref?
  • access? - Costumer/ private parking
  • parking? - Construction style of the parking spaces
  • capacity? - Number of available parking spaces
node area Bicycle parking as point or area
Bike shed 15d06.jpg
park_ride=yes amenity= parking
  • Describes a parking space near the station, only if signposted.
  • area=yes
  • fee=*=yes/no - fee (yes/no)
  • maxstay?
  • level?
  • ref?
  • access? - Costumer/ private parking
  • parking - Construction style of the parking spaces
  • capacity? - Number of available parking spaces
node area Parking spaces for cars
P3030027ParkingLot wb.jpg

Key Value Element Description Image
amenity parking_entrance node Marking the parking entrance
Christian Wirth - Tiefgarage Hauptplatz.jpg
amenity parking_space node area Marking a single parking space (suitable for one vehicle) inside a parking area, or group of them
Israel Batch 2 (149).JPG
amenity taxi node area A taxi rank is a place, where taxies are waiting for passengers. They are mostly located near airports, hotels, railway stations, bus stations or shopping malls. A point node indicates the position, from which the first taxi is departing or where a call box is located.

The taxi post with a telephone is marked as the taxi entrance. An alternative is to create an area, where the taxis are waiting.

Hong Kong Taxi - 1-12-2006 - Shatin Taxi Stand.jpg