Colombia/Guide for mapping/education places
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To map elements related to education, the following must be taken into account:
- Names should not use abbreviations (tag name=*). Many schools are called IE or IED, but they must be added as "Institución Educativa" or "Institución Educativa Distrital", respectively.
- The type of amenity=* that can be:
- amenity=kindergarten.
- amenity=school for a school (escuela or colegio).
- amenity=college for a technical institute.
- amenity=university for a university.
- The educational levels of the aforementioned amenities are defined by the tag isced:level=* together with a numerical value. Later in this article a correspondence with educational levels in Colombia is shown. Keep in mind that this correspondence is generic, and does not indicate the grades as such.
- To indicate which grades an educational institution offers, the tag grades=* is used.
- Depending on who the operator is, and their social objective can be mapped like this:
- Public: operator:type=public.
- Private: operator:type=private.
- Religious group (for example, Carmelite sisters): operator:type=religious.
- Non-governmental organization - Entidad Sin Ánimo de Lucro (ESAL): operator:type=ngo.
- To indicate the name of the operator, the tag operator=* is used.
- Some establishments can set age ranges, so you can use: min_age=* and max_age=*.
- Schools have two types of calendars A and B, which can be mapped with: service_times:ref:CO=A or service_times:ref:CO=B.
- Optionally you can put the months that define the calendar (although this can vary from year to year): For calendar A - service_times=Feb-Nov; SH closed, and for calendar B - service_times=Sep-Jun; SH closed.
ISCED level correspondence
ISCED level | Grades | Name | Colombian level of education | amenities | Grades |
0 | Nursery | Early childhood | childcare | ||
0 | pre-jardín | Pre-kinder | Preschool | kindergarten | |
0 | jardín | Kinder | Preschool | kindergarten | |
0 | 0 | Transition | Preschool | school | |
1 | 1 | First | Basic Primary | school | |
1 | 2 | Second | Basic Primary | school | |
1 | 3 | Third | Basic Primary | school | |
1 | 4 | Fourth | Basic Primary | school | |
1 | 5 | Fifth | Basic Primary | school | |
2 | 6 | Sixth | Basic Secondary | school | |
2 | 7 | Seventh | Basic Secondary | school | |
2 | 8 | eighth | Basic Secondary | school | |
2 | 9 | ninth | Basic Secondary | school | |
3 | 10 | tenth | Mean | school | |
3 | 11 | eleven | Mean | school | |
4 | Normalist | school | |||
5 | Professional technician, technologist (SENA) | college | Studies between 1 and 3.5 years. | ||
6 | Professional | university | Usually 5 years of studies. | ||
7 | Specialization, mastery | university | Includes continuing education. | ||
8 | PhD | university |
Baccalaureate is considered basic secondary education plus secondary education.
The technical baccalaureate as such has not been defined a way to map it.
- Kinder garden:
amenity=kindergarten isced:level=0 grades:pre-jardín;jardín
- Educational institution - from first to 11th grade:
amenity=school isced:level=1;2;3 grades=1-11
- Primary only:
amenity=school isced:level=1 grades=1-5
- Educational Center - from first to 9th grade:
amenity=school isced:level=1;2 grades=1-9
- High school only
amenity=school isced:level=2;3 grades=6-11
- For a school in Yopal, Casanare:
name=Jorge Eliecer Gaitan Educational Institution amenity=school isced:level=0;1;2;3 grades=0-11 operator=sedcasanare operator:type=government
- For a school in Bogota that offers from the transition course:
name=Champagnat College amenity=school isced:level=0;1;2;3 grades=0-11 operator:type=religious operator=Hermanos Maristas
Other elements associated with education
- University residences within the campus: landuse=residential + residential=university.
- University hospital: amenity=hospital.
- University buildings: building=university.
- The different departments or faculties of a university, if they are in different locations, can be mapped with faculty=*.
Other types of educational establishments
- Dance school: Dancing school amenity=dancing_school.
- Driving school Driving school amenity=driving_school.
- Language school: language school amenity=language_school.
- Music school: music school amenity=music_school.
- Pre-ICFES: prep school amenity=prep_school.
- Nurseries: childcare when it does not offer Pre-kinder or Kinder levels amenity=childcare.