ES:Mapa OSM en Garmin/Descarga

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Mapa OSM en Garmin

Éstos son los mapas en formato de archivo de imagen Garmin que la gente ha creado a partir de datos OSM. Los sitios se relacionan por continente y luego por país alfabéticamente, a continuación por su supuesta utilidad (p. ej. sitios que cubren el continente entero o se actualizan periódicamente se listan en primer lugar). Los mapas que ofrecen la totalidad del mapa del mundo o de un continente a menudo ofrecen descargas por países -de ser así, sólo aparecen una vez y no para cada región del mundo nuevamente-. Como OpenStreetMap está cambiando rápidamente, solamente se incluyen los mapas que han sido actualizados en los últimos seis meses. Para enlaces que hayan dejado de funcionar, por favor, elimina su entrada.

Los mapas se ofrecen en diferentes formatos. Como *.exe para la instalación en MapSource, BaseCamp y Qlandkarte GT (los archivos *.exe normalmente se pueden descomprimir con 7-zip u otros programas). Como *.gmapi para Mac OSx Roadtrip/Basecamp. Como gmapsupp.img para la copia directa a un dispositivo GPS Garmin.

Para usar mapas gmapsupp.img simplemente copie el archivo «gmapsupp.img» en su dispositivo Garmin. Notas:

  • Aparatos Garmin más antiguos
    • El dispositivo Garmin carga un solo archivo de mapa llamado «gmapsupp.img». Este archivo debe estar en un directorio llamado «Garmin» en la tarjeta SD (de forma que la ruta completa es «Garmin/gmapsupp.img»). Si no existe el directorio «Garmin» en la tarjeta SD tendrá que crearlo.
    • Solo puede haber un archivo «gmapsupp.img», por lo que si el mapa se distribuye como varios archivos *.img tendrá que unirlos en uno solo; esto se puede hacer con el programa mkgmap, con la orden «mkgmap --gmapsupp mapaA.img mapaB.img mapaC.img [...]».
    • Su tarjeta SD debe estar formateada en FAT32. Esto limita el tamaño máximo de cualquier archivo a 4GB.
    • Para confirmar que el mapa se cargó correctamente, encienda su dispositivo Garmin y espere al mensaje «Loading Maps...». En la siguiente pantalla verá (c)OPENSTREETMAP.ORG.
    • También puede ir a Herramientas/Configuración/Mapa/Info donde estará listado el mapa junto con cualquier mapa Garmin instalado de fábrica. Asegúrese de desactivar los mapas preinstalados si solapan las zonas que cubren.
  • Newer Garmin Devices (eg. eTrex 20/30)
    • These devices can load multiple "*.img" files. As with older devices, they must reside in a directory called "Garmin" on the SD-card (so the full path is "Garmin/*.img"). If the "Garmin" directory does not exist on the SD-card, one must be created.
    • Though there is no particular requirement to do so, when maps are distributed as multiple ".img" files, use the mkgmap command "mkgmap --gmapsupp mapA.img mapB.img mapC.img [...]" to combine them into a single file. This makes it easier to enable and disable the map in the on-device "Setup|Map|Map Information Select Map" menu.
    • As multiple ".img" files are permitted on the device, it is relatively simple to load more than one map set on the device. When loaded as individual files, each map may be individually enabled and disabled from the on-device "Setup|Map|Map Information Select Map" menu. It can be convenient to have the ability to enable and disable individual maps.
    • When multiple ".img" files are installed on the SD-card, it is difficult to differentiate them in the device menu when they all have the default "OSM Street Map" name set in the ".img" file header, but it is relatively simple to edit the on-device name. See the What if I have an existing gmapsupp.img file paragraph on the OSM Map On Garmin page for detailed information on how to do so.
  • Some of these maps are only distributed as executable installers for Windows. Run the installer under Wine to unpack the .img map files for other platforms.

For instructions to make your own Garmin map from OSM data, see OSM Map On Garmin#Creating Your Own Maps from OSM Data. For instructions to make a cycle map, see OSM Map On Garmin/Cycle map. For the MapSource installer, that allows you to use these maps with Garmin's Windows software, see Garmin Mapsource installer.

Todo el Mundo

País Proveedor Actualizado Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Todo el Mundo Lambertus weekly/varies sí sí sí Also Roadtrip installer. Selectable (single or multiple) areas. Generic & Cyclemap version. These maps include the international (name:int) or English (name:en) translation as much as possible and transliterate Cyrillic to a Roman characters.
Europe by Countries, South-America, Central-America, Australia-Oceania, Africa, Asia, most Asian countries, (USA / Canada), German Bundeslaender weekly sí sí (yes) Mountainbike and hiking focussed. Autorouting with preference for trails and offroad ways, using amongst others mtb:scale(:uphill) incline and class:bicycle for route calculation. No autorouting on motorways/trunk roads. Aims to display any outdoor related features and ways. 3 Layouts for Mountainbiking. 1 Layout for Hiking. 1 Layout for Desktop use. Nearly all maps have integrated contourlines based on Viewfinderpanoramas or SRTM 1/3. North America maps, Mac OSx maps and full map of Europe available for people who donate to Velomap/Openmtbmap.
Europe by Countries, South-America, Central-America, Australia-Oceania, Africa, Asia, most Asian countries, (USA / Canada), German Bundeslaender VeloMap weekly sí sí (yes) Road and Trekking bike focussed. Autorouting with preference for quiet streets, cycleways, cycleroutes and tertiarys outside cities. using amongst others class:bicycle for route calculation. No autorouting on motorways/trunk roads. Aims to display any bicycle related features and ways. 1 GPS Layout & 1 Desktop layout. Nearly all maps have integrated contourlines based on Viewfinderpanoramas or SRTM 1/3. North America maps, Mac OSx maps and full map of Europe available for people who donate to Velomap/Openmtbmap.
Todo el mundo, dividido por continentes. Semanal Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Europe by countries, many countries from Africa, Asia, South-, Central and North America as well as Australia; German Bundeslaender English Version daily (Germany), every 3 days (Europe), weekly (Africa) sí sí no gmapsupp.img build with mkgmap.
EUROPA completamente, p. ej.: Alemania, Holanda, Francia, Bélgica, Luxemburgo, Polonia, España, Suecia, Noruega, Suiza, Grecia, Finlandia, Portugal, Italia, Gran Bretaña, Dinamarca, República Checa, Malta, Austria, Turquía, Rumania, Federación Rusa, etc. . - Asia: China - América: New York, Texas, México Semanal No No Enrutable con muchos detalles. Con algunas modificaciones de la apariencia del estilo del mapa de User:Computerteddy.
Worldwide monthly sí no no Maps created by mkgmap compiled together with 50 m interval SRTM terrain contours. Download available with the use of a BitTorrent client only. Azureus/Vuze plugin for automatic download/update of selected regions is available as well.
Many Countries Garmin WorldMaps monthly sí no no Garmin WorldMap cover the most remote parts of the world. The maps include routable GPS maps of the world for Garmin compatible devices.(gmapsupp.img build with mkgmap). Including World Topo maps built from VMAP0/DCW 1:1,000,000 scale source data from the NGA website. Downloads currently 1.99€ per country. No free downloads.
Worldwide weekly/varies sí no no gmapsupp.img files created by mkgmap. Supported map types: OSM, Cycle, Leisue and BBBike.
Worldwide, Europe, Germany, some other countries User:Computerteddy 3 times a week sí, some maps no no Extra focus to Europe und Germany. Page in german an english languages.
Worldwide fenix maps 3-4 months no .bat file sí Maps designed to work on Garmin fenix series of watches
Europe by countries, India, USA, Canada; European Streetmap Almost daily sí sí no Covers generally one country per map, while BeNeLux and D/A/CH are one single map each. Routing enabled, address search works (house numbers/names by extra layer for D/A/CH). Additional layers offered respectively for contours, cycleways, marine mapping, hiking trails and public transport. Offers additionally a single street map of entire Europe plus extra layers.
Worldwide P0lar weekly sí no no Made with splitter and mkgmap. Splits are based on polys provided by Geofabrik.
Worldwide Aspro OpenstreetMap Garmin Maps monthly sí no no Made with osmconvert, splitter and mkgmap. Splits are based on polys provided by Geofabrik.

(Mapa de toda la región alpina, incluidas las partes del territorio de Italia, Francia, Suiza, Liechtenstein, Alemania, Austria, Eslovenia, Hungría, como se describe mejor en la página wiki: )

También: Reino Unido, Irlanda, Alemania, Polonia, Francia, España, Eslovenia, Marruecos. Otros bajo pedido

Open Trekking Maps mensualmente y bajo pedido sí no no Actualizado periódicamente, al menos mensualmente y bajo petición. Líneas de contorno integradas, basadas en datos Lidar (donde estén disponibles) y Viewfinder Panoramas 1". Diseñado principalmente para senderismo, disponible en dos diseños diferentes. Creado con mkgmap. Versión GPS: gmapsupp.img con instrucciones de instalación y uso también en Basecamp. Incluye rutas gestionadas (por ejemplo, rutas CAI) y la definición de dificultades según la escala SAC.


País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Mapa único de todo el continente y mapas individuales de numerosos países: Argelia, Marruecos, Etiopía, Nigeria, Sudán, Tanzania, Túnez, Sahara Occidental, ... También mapa de las islas Canarias Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Africa in total. And many countries in individual files. Karten quarterly sí sí sí Data for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux users.
Afrika topo map from various countries quarterly sí sí sí Garmin topo GPS map with 10m SRTM contour lines. Available as download and on microSD card.
Southern Africa - Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland Weekly sí sí no Generated by Ben Konrath using mkgmap
Mayotte - La Réunion - Morocco - Mauritius or Mediafire Monthly sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file.
Africa Topo 3-4 months no .bat sí Single map of whole continent optimized for small size, includes 100m contour lines, hiking trails, marine objects.
Africa Topo Routable 3-4 months sí .bat sí Whole Africa divided into 8 parts. Hiking trails, contour lines 25m, marine objects.
Africa North-West Topographic: Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mali, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo Unknown sí no no hiking trails, contour lines
Egypt, GIS-Lab weekly sí .bat file no Created using osm2mp and cgpsmapper. Also included intermediate .mp-file.
South Africa Andrew varies sí no sí MacOSX only (.dmg file). Created using mkgmap and a style that emphasises national routes.


País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Mapa único de todo el continente y mapas individuales de numerosos países: Bután, Camboya, China, India, Malasia, Filipinas, Tailandia, Turquía, Vietnam, ... Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Russia, Central Asia, GIS-Lab daily sí .bat file no Created using osm2mp and cgpsmapper. Basic address search capability. Some regions updated daily. Also included intermediate .mp-file.
Russia daily sí no no Created using mkgmap. Based on export.
Russia daily sí .bat file no Created using mkgmap. Based on export.
Philippines Esambale weekly sí sí sí Also available gmapsupp and mac roadtrip installer.
Philippines Schadow1 Expeditions 3-7 days sí sí sí gmapsupp, mac roadtrip, topo maps, and speedlimit alerts also available. Created using mkgmap.
Japan biweekly sí sí no Uses Japanese (Kanji) characters, see Mkgmap/i18n to make your GPS device compatible
Japan ~monthly sí no no All Japanese (Kanji) characters were converted to ASCII character.
Japan: Honshu; Honshu: Sendai Area varies sí sí no Honshu topographic map with contour lines; now with improved transliteration; Sendai area: small 64 MB excerpt for limited bandwidth download; now with improved transliteration
China: Yunnan Province YunnanExplorer daily sí no no Routable/non-routable version; High-quality visualization with TYP files; English labels; also topographic maps available
Turkey, Middle Asia RadReiseKarte - English ~ monthly sí sí no routing for bicycle only, use 'Auto' on your Garmin for good results and allow motorways
Cambodia, Laos ~ every two months sí no no
Nepal www.openstreetmap - Nepal ~ every two months no no no Base maps for the main trekking areas Everest, Annnapurna, Helambu, Langtang & cities Kathmandu & Pokhara
Nepal no sí no no Topographic map style, contour lines
Mongolia ~ every month sí sí no Map of Mongolia with contour lines. Good quality visualization with TYP files.
Asia 3-4 months no .bat sí Single map of whole continent optimized for small size, includes hiking trails.
Vietnam or Mediafire ~ every month sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file.


País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Europe, single countries, German Bundeslaender All_in_one_Garmin_Map Mon,Fri sí sí sí Map is not updated anymore and is partly defective (listed here due to the previous popularity; see 1, 2, 3)

Europe with much osm features and Addresses, Fixmes, Openstreetbugs, Contour lines and boundaries as separate maps and/or switchable layers on garmin

Ski resorts Skidea irregular no no no Maps of ski resorts (lifts, pistes, snow parks, freerides, facilities, etc.)
Europe in one OpenSeaMap weekly ready for use 4 GB for full Europe (Vector chart) → Device list
Europe (in five parts) Navmaps 2016-06-28 sí no no Five overlapping separate maps covering all European countries. Includes support for address search and the display of destinations.
Toda Europa Semanal Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones del mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Europe, Germany, some other countries User:Computerteddy weekly sí, some maps no no all purpose map and special street map available
Europe (three parts, N/W/E) Varies sí sí sí Routable topo map (with contour lines) focussed on bicycle tourists. GPS version and installer for Mapsource/Basecamp (Windows and Mac OSX / gmap format - use Javawa's Mapconverter to convert and install the mapsets).
Europe BitTorrent magnet link 2016-04-07 sí no no Registry file included for installation purposes. Powerlines and political boundaries omitted for clarity on small screens. Tracker uses UDP so check your firewall if issues downloading. Please keep seeding to reduce load on my home system. Thanks!

Varios países europeos

País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland (Scandinavia incl. Estland, Latvia, Lithuania and small parts of Poland) ~ Weekly, somtimes Daily sí no no Created using mkgmap. (osm2garmin) Updates could come daily, but more truly once a week or 2-3 times per month.
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland Weekly sí no no Created using mkgmap.
All European countries, incl. Turkey, excl. Russia. Weekly (Norway daily) sí sí sí Created using mkgmap. Site in Norwegian and some English (work in progress). Two styles of roadmap, summer hiking and winter skiing map with topo. Also overlays with paths and skiing routes.
Alps, BeNeLux, Germany, Scandinavia, Iceland, Great Britain, Ireland, Poland, Czech RadReiseKarte - English rarely sí sí no routing for bicycle only, use car mode on your Garmin for good results and allow motorways
East Europe, Russia, GIS-Lab weekly sí .bat file no Created using osm2mp and cgpsmapper. Basic address search capability. Also included intermediate .mp-files.
Ireland, Great Britain, British Isles (UK) Includes Isle of Man, Channel Isles, England, Wales, Scotland and ALL of Ireland. Talkytoaster 2016-02-12 sí .bat file sí Usually updated every 1-2 weeks. Routable version with or without contours available for Ireland, Great Britain and the British Isles (UK) (separate mapsets) complete with rendered sea. 'TT 1:50K Look n Feel' versions of the mapsets are also available. Other countries available on request! The maps now work directly in BaseCamp when the GPS is attached to the computer. User:Talkytoaster
Austria, Bélgica, Irlanda, Gran Bretaña, República Checa, España, Finlandia, Alemania, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Italia, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Suiza, Suecia, Turquía Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Czechia, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, France Reit- und Wanderkarte
monthly no sí no Focus on Equestrian & Hiking
Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, Germany, Alp region, Iceland Varies sí sí sí Routable topo map for cyclists (with contour lines) for the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), Germany, Alps, Iceland. Installer for Mapsource/Basecamp (Windows and Mac OSX / gmap format - use Javawa's Mapconverter to convert and install the mapsets).
Northern Europe User:Sparcuser varies no no no Transparent Map of navigational aids (OpenSeaMap)
Alps; Germany varies sí sí no Alps/Germany complete. Has contour lines. Trying to imitate the look of topographic maps. Routing enabled. Adress search enabled.
Alps; Germany irregular sí sí sí Mountainbike map with singletrails, contourlines and routing. Based on with easy installation.
several European countries OSM Transport Karte as often as possible sí no no map for trucks with suitable modifications for trucks, current boundaries. This map considers bans on transit for trucks, height limits etc. preview
United Kingdom and Ireland - England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales Weekly sí sí no Generated by Ben Konrath using mkgmap
No division along frontiers! irregular no no no Map specially styled for the average hiker with contour lines in a separate layer.
Alps Garmin-Winterkarte (direct download – but read license agreement, German!) ?(last update: 2013) ? no no sports/activities “winter map” (skiing routes, lifts …) with 100 m elevation contour lines and POIs. For free, OSM-based, img file with size below 1 GB.
All European countries as topo map quarterly sí sí sí Garmin topo GPS map with 10m/20m SRTM contour lines. Available as download and on microSD card
Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia daily sí no no europe-east-gmapsupp.img
Central-Europe: Austria, South-East Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, North-Italy ~ weekly sí sí no Routable topology map optimized for hiking and cycling. Contour lines, hill shading, hiking symbols and hiking trail highlighting.

Single European Countries

Country Provider Updated Routable Mapsource installer (.exe) RoadTrip file (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notes
Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia daily sí no no contours available for Croatia
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey bi-monthly Yes Yes Yes Topographic maps for the general use in the spare time and for outdoor activities. Combined usage possible: with BaseCamp for route planing; as paper map after print out; with GPSr for outdoor navigation.
Czech Republic weekly sí sí no contours available
Finland rarely sí no no
France weekly sí no no Also a relief map
France Rarely sí no no not updated since 26.03.2014
France, Germany, Portugal, Spain. or Mediafire Monthly sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file. A layer for winter activities in a separate file for France.
Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark (bi-)weekly sí no sí Radkarte. Map designed for the everyday cyclist.. Based on User:Radfahrer/Radkarte, changes in the map design. Focus on bicycle routes, bicycle auto-routing and topographic map display. Scripts available at launchpad.
Germany irregular sí sí sí Mountainbike map with singletrails, contourlines and routing. Based on with easy installation.
Hungary daily sí sí no Hiking map with trail mark
Great Britain (UK) openstreetmapgarmincycleuk irregular sí no no 2013 and onwards UK OSM maps including the UK cycle routes. Pre-built using the OSM Cycle Route wiki method as described on
Iceland Daily sí no no Has a cycle map too. Created using mkgmap.
Italia y regiones

También: Alpes, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Alemania, Polonia, Francia, España, Eslovenia, Marruecos. Otros bajo pedido

Open Trekking Map semanalmente sí no no Actualizado varias veces al mes, dependiendo de las regiones solicitadas. Líneas de contorno disponibles en capas separadas. Dos diseños diferentes para senderismo y actividades al aire libre. Creado usando Mkgmap. Versión GPS: gmapsupp.img con instrucciones de instalación y uso también en Basecamp. Incluye rutas gestionadas (por ejemplo, caminos CAI) y la definición de dificultades según la escala SAC. User:dp7
Italy and Italian regions GIS & Remote Sensing Unit @ Fondazione Edmund Mach daily sí no no Created using mkgmap, some other output format. User:Lucadelu
Italy: only Piedmont PiemonteGPS 2-4 times per year no sí no OSM ways plus very detailed topography from CTRN incl. 10m-contours; best suited for hiking; Mapsource-Version: Installation per .bat file; development scripts available
Lithuania Garmin map of Lithuania Daily sí no no Created using mkgmap.
Lithuania Daily sí .bat file no Created using mkgmap, mapnik style, charset=windows-1257, lover case
Poland Weekly sí sí no Created using mkgmap and custom styles. IMG and MapSource installer available.
Poland Adresses irregular no no no Invisible overlay allowing for precise address search, gmapsupp.img only.
Poland Auto irregular sí .bat sí Map optimized for car devices.
Romania twice a month sí no no
Sweden irregular sí no no Created using mkgmap. With or without contour lines. Build scripts and settings available under free license.
Switzerland Kowoma irregular sí sí no Freizeitkarte Schweiz. Updated every month or so. Includes contours.
Slovakia irregular sí sí no Created using mkgmap.
several parts of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scotland, Belgium, Iceland, Norway, Czechia and Poland irregular no no no Hiking Map which renders many landuses, trail_visibility and sac_scale
several parts of southern Germany irregular sí no no Cycle map for average cyclist and everyday use. Use Car mode in your Garmin for bike routing.


País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Australia OSM Australia Daily sí [1] no no Also provides nightly lowzoom (for rural areas) and cycle-focussed maps.
New Zealand; New Caledonia; Wallis and Futuna daily-monthly sí no no Just unzip the gmapsupp.img file into the "Garmin" or "Map" folder of your device, see OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Mass_Storage_Mode . There are the maps from included as separate layers (once copied on the device, deactivate the layers to see the underlaying OSM layers)
New Zealand RadReiseKarte - English ~ monthly sí sí no routing for bicycle only, use car mode on your Garmin for good results and allow motorways
Australia, Indonesia, Nueva Zelanda Diaria Creado con mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones disponibles de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Australia and New Zealand Weekly sí sí no Generated by Ben Konrath using mkgmap
French Polynesia or Mediafire ~ Monthly sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file.


País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
South America, Ecuador Ecuador Tour weekly sí no no Generated South America map gmapsupp.img
South America All in one Garmin Map Mon,Fri sí sí sí
Patagonia (parts of Argentinia and Chile) RadReiseKarte - English ~ monthly sí sí no routing for bicycle only, use car mode on your Garmin for good results and allow motorways
Mapa único de todo el continente y mapas individuales de numerosos países: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela, ... Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Brazil PUCPR Daily sí no no gmapsupp.img for regions and states with topo information.

Generated by Rafael Gustavo Gassner User:RGG

Brazil - French Guiana - Guyana - Surinam - Paraguay. or Mediafire ~ Monthly sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file.

América Central

País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
América Central y Caribe Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Central America and Caribbean OpenSeaMap weekly ready for use Vector map
Central America, Costa Rica Weekly sí sí no Generated by Ben Konrath using mkgmap
Costa Rica, Panama. or Mediafire Monthly sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file.


País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Haiti No. Stopped as of Sept 2012 sí sí no
Caribbean (all countries) Weekly sí sí no Generated by Ben Konrath using mkgmap
Central America and Caribbean OpenSeaMap weekly ready for use Vector map
Caribe (todos los países) Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
Guadeloupe - Martinique or Mediafire Monthly sí sí sí Contour lines in a separate file.

América del Norte

País Proveedor Actualización Rutable Instalador Mapsource (.exe) Archivo RoadTrip (Mac OS X *.gmapi) Notas
Canada, México, United States Weekly sí sí no Generated by Ben Konrath using mkgmap. No Mapsource installer for USA yet.
Canada or Mediafire No no no no Contour lines only, 20m.
Mapa único de todo el continente y mapas individuales de Canadá, USA, México, California, Texas Diaria Creado usando mkgmap. Página en español. Tres versiones de cada mapa: para uso general, topográfico y para camiones.
United States OSM dev server user daveh About bi-monthly. Follows Lambertus sí no no Generated by Dave Hansen. If you have questions about these maps, please ask the mailing list instead of asking Dave directly.
United States Topo 3-4 month sí .bat sí Hiking trails, contour lines 25m, marine objects, depth contours. Full map divided into 8 parts.
United States Auto 3-4 month sí no no Map designed for automobile devices.