ES:Vías por cables suspendidos

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Logo. Característica: Vías por cables suspendidos
One example for Característica: Vías por cables suspendidos
Used for various forms of transport for passengers and goods that use wires, including cable cars, gondolas, chair lifts, drag lifts, and zip lines.


Used for various forms of transport for passengers and goods that use wires, including cable cars, gondolas, chair lifts, drag lifts, and zip lines.

On ascending Aerialways, the direction of the way should indicate the ascending direction. E.g., the way should point from the valley station to the mountain station.

(for completeness: Railways going up a hill are discussed and proposed separately: railway=incline)

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Aerialway attributes

The start and end nodes of a way tagged as a lift are assumed to be a station. These nodes may have their elevation documented with ele=*. Additional information should be tagged on the way (of the lift). Access may also depend on transport type (ski/foot/bicycle/etc.):

Key Value Element Description Example Photo
Wired ways
aerialway:occupancy People in each carriage (car, chair, etc.); numeric. vía aerialway=j-bar, platter and rope_tow imply aerialway:occupancy=1 and aerialway=t-bar implies aerialway:occupancy=2.
aerialway:capacity People per hour; numeric. vía aerialway:capacity=2600
aerialway:duration Minutes; numeric. vía Average/typical time for journey on that lift.
aerialway:detachable yes
vía Specifies whether the aerialway has a detachable grip (yes) or a fixed grip (no). Especially significant for [W] chairlifts. By default, aerialway=gondola, chair_lift, and mixed_lift imply yes, while cable_car, t-bar, j-bar, platter, rope_tow, and magic_carpet imply no.
aerialway:bubble yes
no (default)
vía If each carriage has a (retractable) transparent cover to provide weather protection. Only common for aerialway=chair_lift.
aerialway:heating yes
no (default)
vía If each carriage has heating.
aerialway:bicycle yes
vía If bicycles are allowed in carriages: all year round; in summer, or not at all. By default, aerialway=cable_car, gondola, and mixed_lift imply yes, and chair_lift and t-bar imply no. Sesselbahn Marchner.jpg
aerialway:access entry
Artículo principal: conditional restrictions

The access allowed to carriages at this node, entry means it is possible to board the lift here, exit means it is possible to disembark, both means both are possible (often the case for aerialway=cable_car and gondola), and no means neither are possible (useful for beginning and ending nodes if the implicit assumption of being an entry or exit station is incorrect). Add :summer or :winter subkeys where seasonal rules apply (often, in winter, only ascending is allowed).

nodo The access as above, but only during "summer". Similarly for "winter". Use no in all stations if the aerialway is not operated at all during summer.

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