FR:Rendu de carte pour les randonnées
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This wiki page is intended to gather feature ideas for a new OSM Slippy map layer, just like the Cycle Map but then especially for climbers, hikers, tramps, campers, walkers, horseriders and other countryside users.
Ideas and suggestions
- Displaying relief contour lines
- Rendering trail lengths automatically on the map
- Rendering of ways emphasizing paths and various track types, toning down unsuitable roads and paved streets
- Special attention to natural features
- Special attention to bridges and stairs
- Displaying walking routes (tagged with relations and or tags like highway=path) in different colors
- Icons for mountain, alpine huts, bothies, log cabins, wilderness huts,... see proposals: Proposed_features/Shelter and Proposed_features/Alpine_Hut
- Icons for nice views
- Icons for drinking water, toilets, wastebaskets, and so forth.
- Combine raw GPS of the same trail for better accuracy
- Link to sites and pages describing the details of a trail, information beyond the GPS path.
- Flags to identify starting/ending points of trails, including roundtrip routes
- A way to display parking lot locations
- Displaying safety ropes, ladders and rungs in assisted trails
- Displaying areas prone to avalanche hazard
Generic hints for renderers
- in case of a relation:route the code of the path should be rendered in text, this code is normally in ref=*. When name=* is present it should be displayed as well. In case of lack of space we should discuss which one has priority.
- in case of simple way, highway=path or highway=track or highway=footway, not included in a relation:route we should display the ref and/or name of the way.
As of 2013-09-10:
- In WayMarked Trails: the route ref=* is rendered (I'm not sure about the name=*). In absence of route, the way name is rendered and the ref is not.
- In hikebikemap.: informations in relation:route are ignored. The way name=* is rendered and if not available the ref=*.
- In the default mapnik style, Cyclemap, maps.refuges, dianacht, 4umaps: informations in relation:route are ignored. The way name=* is rendered while ref=* is not.
The combination of sac_scale=* and trail_visibility=* should be rendered with the line style and color. Examples can be found in sac_scale#Rendering or osmc:symbol=*. It makes sense to use these tags on single ways. Does it make sense to apply them to relation:route?
As of 2013-09-10:
- maps.refuges: follows the indications of sac_scale#Rendering.
- WayMarked Trails: follows the indications of osmc:symbol=*.
- In 4umaps: the sac_scale=* is rendered in text together with mtb:scale=*.
- the default mapnik style, Cyclemap, dianacht: no indication of difficulty is rendered.
Groups of features
At high scales the name of groups of features should be rendered, specifically:
- mountain ranges
- valleys
- lakes groups
As of 2013-09-10: dianacht: renders mountain ranges with the Proposed relation: Region mountain_area.
Map examples
Here is my starting work on a Hiking Map I'm working on See details here
Hiking and Riding map
I have also started work on a topological hiking map (german). Or rather, as I am doing my mapping on horseback, I am working on a map that some day should be suitable for trail riding. But as the requirements for a hiking map are very similar, it should be able to serve that purpose as well. Main requirements are
- contour lines
- hill shading
- emphasis on displaying the trackgrades and paths
- landmarks of all kinds
- hiking routes.
My work on a hiking map originally started with a map for Garmin devices and OSM Composer. For the open layers map I extended Composer to generate matching mapnik styles. This means that a Garmin map will be available that exactly matches the online topo map minus the hill shading.
The basic setup is
- PostGreSQL/PostGIS database
- Contour lines created as shown in HikingBikingMaps
- Hills shading produced as shown in HikingBikingMaps, but with a modified that darkens the tiles and names them in open layer nomenclature
- OSM data downloaded and processed with OSM composer
- evaluate and add hiking routes and some other information
- remove all unimportant data
- Two style sheets for Mapnik generated by OSM composer from the Garmin TYP definition, one for the foreground and one for the background
- Rendering done by mapnik as recommended by migurski
- render background (mostly land use)
- apply hill shading to background
- render foreground on top (contours, ways, nodes)
See hiking.waymarkedtrails.orgwebsite]].
3D hiking maps

3D hiking maps (similar to Google Earth) can be produced with OpenSceneGraph (and SRTM data), even without internet connection. The screenshot on the right is an extract from a video trailer made to present (and prepare) a very long hike / mapping party along the Via Alpina (Summer 2012).
Related pages
- HikingBikingMaps
- WikiProject Germany/Wanderwege-Netz
- WikiProject Belgium/Walking_Routes
- WikiProject Belgium/Conventions/Walking Routes
- Proposed features/Guidepost
- Freemap
- OSM Composer Hiking maps for Garmin devices
- OpenAndroMaps offline hiking/biking maps for android devices
- Topo map Germany for Garmin devices
- Custom OpenStreetMap Rendering - OpenTrackMap Experience
- Hiking around the world