JA:Missing Maps Project
Missing Maps Project は人道支援マッピングプロジェクトです。 HOT やその他の連携組織と協力を行っています。
ウェブサイト: missingmap.org
Missing Maps Projectの目的は、国際NGO、地元のNGO及び個人が地図やデータを使って脆弱な発展途上国地域のクライシスレスポンスをより効率的に支援するために、(前もって)その地域のマッピングを行う活動です。
To support OpenStreetMap, and specifically the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), in developing technologies, skills, workflows and communities in order to achieve this.
By using OpenStreetMap, ensuring that all data gathered under the project banner will be free, open and available for use under OpenStreetMap’s open license.
All activities run ‘in country’, i.e. local mapping and data collection, to be done in collaboration with local people and in a respectful manner at all times.
When working locally, people come before the data. Meaning if the goal is to map a city there needs to be a plan in place to ensure access to technology and training for those living in that community to continue mapping afterwards.
Members of the Missing Maps project actively contribute to the Missing Maps project objectives, the OpenStreetMap repository and benefitting communities, both local and international.
Missing Maps projects emphasize building, and leaving behind, local capacity and access. We are cautious about rapid data collection without significant local participation, and always make efforts to ensure local access.
Missing Maps activities are designed to be accessible and open for participation for individuals who want to contribute towards the project objectives.
Whereas HOT and others do great work mapping in response to crises occuring all around the world, the Missing Maps project maps the places in the world where the most vulnerable people live preemptively. Instead of responding to a natural disaster, conflict or disease epidemic, regions vulnerable to crises are identified and mapped in anticipation of crises, meaning that when one occurs, local people, NGOs and other responders can start using the maps and the data from the word go, saving valuable time and, therefore, lives.
- Twitter における Missing Maps Project
MissingMapsProject - Facebook における Missing Maps Project
- Missing Maps Project 'keep me up-to-date!' form
The Missing Maps Project needs you!
The areas we need to map often have no base maps. This means we need to trace aerial photographs to build a picture of what is there. This could be streets, buildings, residential areas, lakes, rivers, and the list goes on. Tracing these elements is very simple to do and can be done from your laptop.
Once we have the trace, people who live in the area being mapped go out, often with paper copies of the trace, and label all the features in their own language, meaning that the data on the map will be relevant and local (very important for their own use, but also for organisations working in the area).
Then, all those bits of important data, which make the map usable and useful, are added to OpenStreetMap. Again, this is something you can do! With no specialist skills or knowledge, you can help the Missing Maps project add all this information.
You can, of course, do all this at home, but there are also regularly organised Missing Maps parties that you can come along to and get involved. These parties are an effort to complete big sections of a map in a very short space of time. They are a lot of fun and really help the project move forward...
You can sign up to be a part of the Missing Maps Project here. We will let you know by email when there are tasks that need doing or mapping parties being organised.
You can also follow the Missing Maps Project on twitter and on facebook. Feel free to tweet or message us your interest and any questions you may have.
マッピングのエキスパート (ギーク)
The Missing Maps Project needs you too!
One of the many elements of the Missing Maps project is to encourage NGOs and local organisations to share their already existing data on OpenStreetMap or to gather data in the areas in which they are working. We need people who are willing and able to receive their kml, gpx, shapefiles or field papers, clean them up, translate them and upload them. Loads of the data for the missing maps already exists. We just need to get our hands on it!
We are also looking for people who can support new mappers at the mapping parties. You needn't be an expert to do this, just know enough to get someone started and to troubleshoot simple problems they come up against.
MapSwipe is an app for classifying imagery, developed by MSF as part of the Missing Maps project., The idea is that MapSwipers do the first 'pass' of an area, identifying where buildings and roads are present. This means that mappers don't spend hours scanning jungle, bush and desert, looking for things to map.
BBC video Concerning Ebola, Red Cross, Openstreetmap
BBC World News with Harry Wood (OSM) and Andrew Braye (Red Cross)
あなたの Missing Mapathon 投じましょう
You can throw your own Missing Maps party and there are pages to help you: Missing Maps mapathons or Missing Maps mapathons: for students and universities
If you are coming to a mapping party for the first time, check out Missing Maps Mapathons - before the event
For details of mapathons that have already happened, see Previous Missing Maps parties
Missing Maps メンバー
The Missing Maps project is an open collaboration founded by Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT), Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF), American Red Cross and the British Red Cross.
The project is an open collaboration and is seeking other NGOs, educational establishments and civil society groups to become members and contribute to the project objectives.
Useful Resources, Tools, and Links
Name | Description |
Learn OSM | Easy to understand, step-by-step guides to get started contributing and using OpenStreetMap and its data. |
Missing Maps Mapathons | A useful Wiki on how to throw a Mapathon; useful resources at the bottom of the page. |
OSM tasking Manager/Validating Data | An introduction to data validation and some helpful tips for mapping in general. |
Research | Related Research into OpenStreetMap and its applications from around the world in different languages. |
Interpreting Satellite Imagery | A useful guide to interpreting satellite imagery for beginners in a MapSwipe context, but also applicable to Mapathons. |

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Name | Description |
Global Effort: Missing Maps | Interesting article outlining the missing maps movement. |
Missing Maps Project | An interview with Dale Kunce; one of the leaders in the Missing Maps movement. |
Where are the Maps Missing? | An interesting approach to discover where maps are missing in the world. |
Haiti | A case study on Haiti, and how missing maps has helped. |
2015 Missing Maps | A few success stories for the Missing Maps project in 2015. |
Nepal Earthquake | Case study describing the mapping efforts after the Nepal earthquake (48 hours). |
Nepal | The role of open source and open data in the Nepal earthquake`s humanitarian response. |
OSM 2011: A Year of Edits | A video showing OpenStreetMap Edits around the world in 2011. |

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Helpful Resources/Tools
Name | Description | Thumbnail | Useful Links |
Resources: | |||
Hosting a Mapathon | How to host a mapathon and useful training and event materials links at the bottom of the page. | Missing Maps for Students/Uni | |
OpenStreetmap FAQ | Many common questions and answers regarding OpenStreetMap. | ||
During a Mapathon Tools: | |||
HOT Tasking Manager | OSM Tasking Manager is a mapping tool designed and built for the Humanitarian OSM Team collaborative mapping. The purpose of the tool is to divide up a mapping job into smaller tasks that can be completed rapidly. It shows which areas need to be mapped and which areas need the mapping validated. | Task Manager Wiki, Lead developer: Pascal Giraud blog Slide Share Twitter GitHub RESTful API YouTube: Tasking Manager - Technical introduction - June 2015 - Pierre Giraud | |
Map Compare | Map Compare shows you different maps from OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing, Mapquest, Esri, Nokia and others side by side (Useful to visualize the changes to openstreetmap vs. other platforms). | ||
Show Me the Way | Displays live edits from OpenStreetMap users all over the world. | ||
Map Features (Tags) | A comprehensive list of accepted tags used in OpenStreetMap. | ||
Field tools for MM projects: | |||
OpenDataKit | Free and open-source set of tools which helps organisations author field and manage mobile data collection solutions. | ||
OpenMapKit | An extension of OpenDataKit that allows users to create professional quality mobile data collection surveys for field data collection. | ||
Field Papers | Very useful tool that allows you to make your own multi-page atlas of anywhere in the world, print it, take it to the field, make notes, and then re-upload. | ||
Tagging in OpenStreetMap: | |||
TagInfo | Key for proper tags for features in OpenStreetMap. | ||
TagFinder | Easy to use tag search engine for OpenStreetMap. | ||
Overpass Turbo | Simple querying tool for OpenStreetMap (can query anything to find in the search box). | Overpass Turbo Wiki | |
Other: | |||
OpenStreetMap Editors | Comprehensive list and specs of OpenStreetMap editing programs. | ||
OpenStreetMap-Based Services | Comprehensive list of different projects and examples that use OpenStreetMap data. | ||
Youth Mappers | A US based youth initiative to creating resilient communities by mapping them. | ||
OpenStreetMap Stats | Statistics tracking the growth of OpenStreetMap`s community and database. | ||
Results from Mapathons | Shows OpenStreeMap changesets from last 30 days and is a good way of visualizing progress/results from mapathons. | ||
Summer of Code | Google Summer of Code list of projects for OpenStreetMap. |

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Name | Description |
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team | A main group driving, identifying, and prioritizing at-risk areas to be mapped. |
British Red Cross | An introduction to Missing Maps press release and British Red Cross involvement. |
American Red Cross | An introduction to Missing Maps press release and American Red Cross involvement. |
Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF) | MSF involvement in the Missing Maps movement. |

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