Physical limits

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Logo. Feature: Physical limits
One example for Feature: Physical limits
Tagging the physical restrictions of a feature.

maxwidth:physical=*, maxheight:physical=*, maxlength:physical=*

Keys ending in *:physical=* represent actual physical limits (as opposed to legally defined limits).

For example, where maxwidth=* represent the legal width limit for a feature (such as the one shown on a traffic sign), maxwidth:physical=* represents the actual maximum width. Both can be tagged on the same feature — the latter tends to have a larger value (except in places with really bad traffic signs) — but *:physical=* occurs on its own as well.

Tags representing physical limitations

Tags that have a physical variant
Description Legal Physical
Maximum width maxwidth=* maxwidth:physical=*
Maximum height maxheight=* maxheight:physical=*
Maximum length maxlength=* maxlength:physical=*
Maximum diameter maxdiameter:physical=*

Keys like maxwidth:physical=* can in turn be used as a key suffix in combinations like sidewalk:left:maxwidth:physical=* (which describes the physical maximum width for the left-hand sidewalk of a street).