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Description |
A health care facility or one of its parts. ![]() |
Group: health |
Used on these elements |
Requires |
Useful combination |
Status: proposed![]() |
Tools for this tag |
This describes a medical facility, which are usually one or more localities such as buildings, groups of buildings or parts of a building.
See health_service:*=yes/no for additional medical services, which are not the main purpose of the facility.
Key | Value | Description |
health_facility:type | office | An office of any health care related persons. See health_person:type=* for a list that can be used with office=*. An office consists of only a few working/examination rooms (1-2 are common) per health person. There is no common management staff for the facility with has usually no more than one building, so every health person acts for it's own. There is only outpatient treatment. See health_facility:type=health_centre, if the facility has more the one independent office. |
hospital | A hospital is a health care facility, which treated cases are >= 50% inpatients. Usually this facility spans one to several buildings and there is extra staff for the patients which stay there over night and for the management of the facility on the whole. If not tagged otherwise, this facility will cover many specialities. | |
field_hospital | A field hospital. The difference to a hospital, as defined above, is that the "buildings" are only temporary there, such as tents. | |
clinic | A (poly)clinic is an integrated health facility which treats > 50% outpatients. The staff works together coordinated under a common leadership/management and so, other resources, such as equipment, are also shared. This facility usually spans at least one building on the whole. If not tagged otherwise, this facility will cover many specialities. | |
health_centre | A health centre is a facility where at least two independent health offices share the same building. This means, that there are usually at least two registration desk and/or waiting room like amenities, as a shared office is not independent on the whole. | |
counselling_centre | A health counselling centre. See counselling_type:*=yes/no for the type of couselling provided. | |
rehabilitation | A facility where disabled persons are restored for everyday life as far as possible. This tag should be used for all therapy facilities for (temporary) disabled people. | |
laboratory | A health care related ![]() | |
therapy | A therapy facility, which does not fit into an (therapists) office e.g. is more a common facility such as a spa. This includes also facilities for diseases/disabilities which are common old age problems or related to the way of life. The purpose of this facilitity is prevalent a therapeutic one. This means, in difference to a clinic, the physicians who may work there, are not primarily for making diagnosis, but to supervise the therapies. Please add treat:inpatient=yes/no/only. | |
department | A department of any health_facility:type=* (can also used on an other health_facility:type=department), but not for single rooms. | |
dispensary | A dispensary. This can be any facility, where medicine is dispensed. | |
pharmacy | A pharmacy is a shop or shop like facility, which sells prescription-free medicine and/or dispenses medicine which needs prescription. This is an alternative to amenity=pharmacy, especially when relations are used. Please add dispensing=yes/no, if applicable. | |
first_aid | A first aid station/facility. These can be found e.g. on beaches. This is usally a small facility where you can get first aid from paramedics or volunteers. Please add emergency=yes, if applicable. See also emergency=ambulance_station. | |
nursing_home | A nursing home. In the western medical system, this can be combined with health_specialty:palliative_medicine=yes for a hospice. For retirement homes see social_facility=*. | |
support_group_home | A facility which provides meeting rooms for support groups. | |
sample_collection | A facility only dedicated to take specimens from humans to bring them to a medical laboratory for analysis later or use ready-made point-of-care tests for only a very small number of things they screen for. | |
vaccination_centre | A prevention facility which is only dedicated to immunisation through vaccinations against infectious diseases on a larger scale. disease:*=yes/no can be used to specify against which infectious diseases. |
Useful addional tags
provided_for:*=yes/no: To which group of persons the health care related service, facility, amenity, etc. is provided?
treat:inpatient=yes/no/only: This objects treats (only) inpatients. This tag defaults to yes for all objects tagged as hospitals and to no for all other objects.
beds=*: Total number of beds in a facility or building.
disease:*=yes/no: For which type of disease/disability are the medical treatment/support/services provided? The key should be the common used English scientific name of the disease in lower case. For diseases you never want to get, such as AIDS, and witch are caused persisting pathogens as viruses, you can use the name of the virus, witch is HIV in this example. Especially for names with consists more then three parts and which have an common used and easy to find abbreviation, this should be used. But make sure that it is non-ambiguous.
home_visit=yes/no: This object provides home visits.
work_accident=yes/no: If the object is in some kind involved in reviews or the treatment of work accidents.
emergency=yes/no:This object is used in case of an emergency. See also emergency=*.
See also
- emergency=*
- amenity=*
- healthcare=*