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Public-images-osm logo.svg sculpture_type
Locking Piece by Henry Moore. Millbank, London.jpg
Describes the type of a sculpture. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: tourism
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: de facto

This tag describes the type of a sculpture more precisely.

Current usage is ambiguous, as some tags describe the material (consider material=* instead), such as bronze), others describe the subject (e.g., dolphin) and others describe something more akin to a traditional typology of sculpture (e.g., bust, frieze, bas-relief)

How to map

This tag must be used in combination with tourism=artwork and artwork_type=sculpture.

Some objects may already be tagged as tourism=attraction, the generic tag for anything interesting for tourists but not further specified. If those are sculptures, changing it to tourism=artwork with artwork_type=sculpture can make sense. Particularly giant things (e.g., the big banana in an attraction park) are frequently used as tourism attractions, but artwork is also within the tourism=* key and so this value seems appropriate when it is both a sculpture and interesting for tourists.


See below for some suggested tag values artwork_type=* usage.

Value Description Photo
bas_relief A low relief sculpture [W] Relief#Low_relief_or_bas-relief. See also artwork_type=relief
Bas-Relief in Zemun
bust A bust is a sculpted or cast representation of the upper part of the human figure, depicting a person's head and neck, and a variable portion of the chest and shoulders. The piece is normally supported by a plinth. See also: artwork_type=bust and historic=memorial + memorial=bust Busto de Vibia Sabina (M. Prado) 01.jpg
Frieze of the Parthenon in situ-6
giant_thing Some thing rendered as an exceptionally large sculpture. Examples include Australia's Big Banana, the Netherlands' giant "keys" to nature, and France's big thumb sculpture. An anti-example is the world's largest basket, which is a building and so cannot be tagged as a sculpture (perhaps use the description tag in such a case).
Giant saw in Tokyo
sheela_na_gig A traditional fertility symbol of a female figure with an exaggerated vulva, [W] Sheela na gig. See also artwork_subject=sheela-na-gig
The Sheela na gig on the Kilpeck corbel table
user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo.

Alternative keys in use

As a low usage tag, there are several close synonyms with similar usage.