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Public-images-osm logo.svg artwork_subject = sheela-na-gig
Sheela-na-gigs are stone carvings depicting nude women exposing their genitals. They are found on churches, castles, other walls and in museums.
Group: tourism
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)


Useful combination
See also


Status: approvedPage for proposal

A sheela-na-gig is a medieval to modern depiction of a nude woman or hag exposing her genitals. The origins and meaning are not quite clear (see below literature). They are tourism=artwork, some of them tourism=attraction at the same time. Please find the tagging below.


Add artwork_subject=sheela-na-gig and tourism=artwork to the node representing such artwork.

Optional tags
Tag Explanation
artwork_type=sculpture OR artwork_type=relief Depending on circumstances.
tourism=attraction Additional to tourism=artwork, some can be considered tourist attractions, especially when mentioned in guide books or part of a heritage trail. Please use semicolon to separate from tourism=artwork.
material=* most likely stone, but can be more specific, i.e. limestone or sandstone etc. One example in England is made of wood.
description=* Description of the artwork with details about shape of face, position of arms, expression of the face etc.
width=* and height=* if accessible
wikipedia=* Only if that specific sheela-na-gig has her own wikipedia article.
historic=yes For historic sheela-na-gigs as opposed to modern street art
ref:IE:smr=* reference to the National Monument Service in Ireland. Feel free to use equivalent of your country. Historic Environment Viewer. DO NOT copy or import locations from this map!
moved=yes If the object has been moved to a museum or has otherwise been moved from its presumed original location to the location mapped.
sketchfab=* Most Irish sheelas have 3D models available on Sketchfab. You can link to the model.
location=* More detailed description of the location, if needed, for example how high up the wall it is to be found.


See also