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Public-images-osm logo.svg width:effective
Width effective parking.png
Effective usable width of a feature, especially the usable width of carriageway, i.e. the width of the area on which vehicles move in flowing traffic.
Used on these elements
use on nodes unspecifiedmay be used on waysuse on areas unspecifieduse on relations unspecified
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

The key width:effective describes the effective usable width of a way or other feature. For a road or street, this means the width of the area on which vehicles move in flowing traffic. By default, values will be interpreted as metres.

The effective usable width of a road can also be derived from other tags, in particular the total width of the carriageway minus the width of parking lanes, cycle lanes and shoulders (see also: Key:width#Width_of_streets).

As of early 2025, width:effective=* is rarely used and only by a few mappers.


width:effective=* on a street with parking lanes/parked cars.
width:effective=* on a road where it's width=* isn't a static constant for the whole length of a road.

See also

  • width=* describes the actual width of a way or other feature.
  • maxwidth=* specifies a legal restriction of the maximum permissible width of a vehicle in order to use a way or other feature. Thus this key doesn't refer to the actual feature on OSM but to the vehicles.
  • maxwidth:physical=* expresses a physical width limit for using the way or passing a barrier to which the tag is added. This key also refers to the vehicles and not the actual feature on OSM, it's just this is a physical limitation not a legal limitation as set by the maxwidth=* key.