London Hack Weekend Feb 2013
The London Hack Weekend Feb 2013 is a past event which took place on 2nd/3rd February in London
Big thanks to the Open Data Institute who sponsored the event and provided their smart venue in Shoreditch
Stuff which got hacked
- Andy Allan gave a workshop on using TileMill, and a few people got started and had a play with it. Henk and JennyH. Dan Stowell probably got the furthest and got openstreetmap-carto up and running. Dan even foolishly attempted to fix a rendering issue with layer ordering [1].
- Chris Baines and Harry Cutts were working on a health map hack. Mapping hospital catchment areas to help Peace Corps in Senegal.
- User:Ben.abelshausen showed us OsmSharp, his routing system for solving travelling salesman type problems.
- User:robert demo'd the latest version of his "That Shouldn't be Possible" GPS analysing tool.
- Hawkeyes was experimenting with 3D stuff, and trying use blender to create models to upload to OpenBuildingModels
- Harry Wood was tweaking XAPI URL builder, mainly bringing new features by Dan Stowell. Harry also set up a codemirror viewer for the examples on his website
- Grant Slater on Saturday morning was fixing server hardware and Sunday enabling additional Language support extension on the OSM wiki.
- Katie Filbert working on Wikipedia-OSM stuff, help with updating the OSM wiki, updating the custom MediaWiki extensions
- smsm1 checked in the code for Mapzen POI Collector into github
- TomH worked on Top Ten Tasks/Progress/OpenStreetBugs/notes integration. Not quite deployed yet, but when it is, it's going to be awesome.
- User:emacsen did some work on MapRoulette
Please edit and add to the list if there's more (These are not necessarily things which resulted in something to show off. Just a list of things we worked on)
Sign up list
Here's who came to the event... maybe (needs editing for accuracy)
- Harry Wood
- Dan Stowell
- Grant Slater (Firefishy)
- User:robert
- Katie Filbert came over from Berlin,
- Andy Allan
- Ben Abelshausen came over from Belgium
- smsm1
- Emacsen came over from the U.S.!
- Tom Hughes
- Hawkeyes - down from Scotland
- Chris Baines - from Southampton
- Harry Cutts - from Southampton
- Mark Tompsett
- Henk Hoff came over from Netherlands
- Pierre Riteau - came from Oxford on Saturday
- Kevin - Saturday
- Alex
- Amy Whitney (signed up on lanyrd)
- Wade (signed up on lanyrd)
- Mathew Shawkat (signed up on lanyrd)
We were also listed on lanyrd
Open Data Institute

There's also other desks and "pods" and a nice kitchen area we can use. See these 360 views
Thanks to the Open Data Institute ( for providing a space for us to hold this event, and also sponsoring (lunch is paid for!)
- The Open Data Institute will catalyse the evolution of an open data culture to create economic, environmental, and social value. It will unlock supply, generate demand, create and disseminate knowledge to address local and global issues.
- We will convene world-class experts to collaborate, incubate, nurture and mentor new ideas, and promote innovation. We will enable anyone to learn and engage with open data, and empower our teams to help others through professional coaching and mentoring.
Other Events
For other London events (including less technical gatherings) see London#Events
The Karlsruhe Hack Weekend February 2013 is later on in the month
Shorter link for tweeting: