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You can use QGIS for advanced visualizations that require desktop processing of OpenHistoricalMap data.

Vector tiles

QGIS can load OpenHistoricalMap tiles and stylesheets directly. In the Browser pane, right-click on Vector Tiles and choose New Generic Connection. In the dialog that appears, set the following settings:

Maximum zoom level
Style URL (or another stylesheet URL)

Then click OK and double-click on the new OpenHistoricalMap item.

To customize the style, go to the Layers sidebar, right-click on OpenHistoricalMap and go to Properties. In the dialog that appears, switch to the Symbol Style or Labels tabs, then toggle individual style layers or their filters.

For more information, see the chapter "Working with Vector Data" in the QGIS User Guide. You can also select features within visible tiles and export them as GeoJSON for further processing. [1]

QGIS tries to convert the stylesheet to its native symbols and layers automatically. Unfortunately, this conversion has some known limitations. [2][3] You'll need to manually adjust the resulting layer to implement any unsupported stylesheet features.

See also