OpenRailwayMap/Signals in Italy

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Signal with 3 lights and other indicators

This is a proposal for a tagging scheme for Italian railway signals, mainly for RFI network, might also apply to FN network.


All italian railway signals should have the following generic tags:

Additionally, signals can also have:

  • railway:position:exact=123.456 where 123.456 is an example. This is the point where the signal is located compared to the kilometric progressive of the railway.
  • railway:position=123.5 where 123.5 is an example. This is the approximate position of the signal.

Signal Types

Main Signals (1ª categoria)

Main signal with 3 lights and in state "R-G-V"

1st category signals with one to three lights, additionally can have startup (avvio), advancement (avanzamento), direction indicators, letters, left arrow, rappel or speed triangle.

The main signals should be tagged as follow:



  • Main signal with 3 lights and in state "GX-VX"
    railway:signal:main:states=* please indicate all the possible states of the signals using the "-" to separate different lights and ";" to separate the states. Use the "R" for red, "G" for yellow anf "V" for green starting from the upper light. Use "x" for blinking and "X" for blinking alternating near the letter of the color. (Example: "V; R-V; R-G; R-Gx")
  • railway:signal:main:triangle=(yes,60,no if the signal has a white triangle with black border please insert "yes" if it has no number in it, if it has a number please insert "60" (only possible value in the triangle) else leave without the tag or use "no".
Speed Triangles, empty and 60
  • railway:signal:main:ava=(no/yes) if the signal has advancement (avanzamento) indicators, two horizontal white lights. (default no)
  • railway:signal:main:lit_letter=* if the signal has luminous letters indicator, insert the list of possible letters should be added, use "x" for blinking. (Example: "A;Ax")
  • railway:signal:main:pan_letter=* if the signal has a panel with a letter on it, insert the letter indicated. (Not for INT or EST, for those please use ref)
  • railway:signal:main:arrow=(no/yes) if the signal has an arrow on top indicate yes, usually lit when on green state and are used only on right side signals. (default no)
  • railway:signal:main:rappel=(no/yes) if the signal has the rappel indicators indicate yes, rappels help to remember the max speed allowed in a switch. (default no)

Distant Signals (Avviso)

Distant signal with 2 lights and state "GX-VX"

These signals are on poles painted with alternating white and black horizontal stripes, they can only have maximum 2 lights and only of green or yellow lights. They announce the state of the following 1st category signal.



  • railway:signal:distant:states=* please indicate all the possible states of the signals using the "-" to separate different lights and ";" to separate the states. Use the "G" for yellow anf "V" for green starting from the upper light. Use "x" for blinking and "X" for blinking alternating near the letter of the color. (Example: "V; G-V; Gx-Vx; GX-VX")
  • ref=*: signal identifier. For PBA the "PBA" can be omitted(?)

Combined Signals

Combined signals (Accoppiati) should be tagged as main signals as only the possible states might differ from main signals.

Level Crossing Signals

On single track lines some level crossings (PLA) are protected with special signals, commonly referred as "Christmas tree" (Albero di Natale) that are composed by two signals, one distant and a main one.

Level Crossing Main

Level Crossing Distant

Departure indicators (Indicatori di partenza)

In some stations where the main signal is difficoult to see, it's possible to also have a departure indicators, composed of 2 vertical white lights that turn on when the main signal state allows the train to pass it. The train can pass this signal even if not lit.

This signal can be paired with itinerary indicators or startup signals

Speed Limits

Speed limit with three ranks, left, and 2 ranks, right.

Speed limit signals should be tagged as follows:

Speed Limits Distant

Remember that speed reduction is only effective after an adequate distance, check FL. Increase of speed is immediatly effective.

Halt Signal

Halt signal is used to indicate the stopping position of a railway halt that does not have light signalling.

Distant Halt Signal

Before the halt signal there is always at least one distant halt signal

Low shunting signal (Marmotta)

Shunting Signals

Shunting signals should be tagged as follows:

Low Shunting Signals (Marmotte)

Low shunting signals (Segnali bassi di manovra, also called marmotte) are signals used in shunting operations and movements to areas where standard signaling is not available. They are ususally placed near the tracks, they have 3 lights in an L to form two aspects "|" for allowing to move forward and "-" to interdict movements.

High Shunting signals (the hexagonal ones)

High Shunting Signals (Segnali alti di manovra)

Signal for shunting, placed near the main signals, hexagonal.

Shunting Limit (Picchetto limite di manovra)

This signal is used to indicate the furthest point that can be reached while shunting, this limit should not be exceeded while shunting.

It's a pole, about 1.5m high with alternating white and black stipes.

Block sections and block type

On almost all the italian railway line there are block sections of different types, this should be tagged on the railway line. While doing so it's possible to also tag the block system.

To tag the block section it's possible to indicate the general type, being axle counters, track ciruits or no block section, so manual.

It's then possible to add the block system of the line. In Italy it's rare to find a block system that is not automatic, usually the type is BAcc or BAcf in main lines and BCA for minor lines, before adding make sure you know the type, please don't guess.


Here some examples on how to map the signals.

Example 1

Example 1 (Padova)
Example 1a/b (Padova)

Left signal is example 1a, right signal is 1b.

Example 1a


railway:signal:direction=forward/backward (depending on the way)








ref=INT N2

Example 1b


railway:signal:direction=forward/backward (depending on the way)







ref=INT N2

Example 2

Example 2 (San Candido)
Example 2 (San Candido)


railway:signal:direction=forward/backward (depending on the way)




