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Public-images-osm logo.svg railway:signal:speed_limit
Geschwindigkeitstafel Km 5.7.JPG
speed limit signal Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: railways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination

railway=signal, railway:signal:direction=*, railway:signal:position=*

Status: in use

Objects having a tag railway:signal:speed_limit=* are speed limit signals. Signals are placed on the track. The value should begin with a country-operator-prefix, e.g. DE-ESO: or AT-V2.

Please note that a signal pole/bridge can carry multiple signals. That's why it can have multiple railway:signal:* tags. Combinations of main/combined and speed limit signals or distant speed limit signals and speed limit signals are very common.

Additional keys

  • mandatory: railway:signal:direction=forward/backward/both – direction which the signal is valid for
  • railway:signal:position=left/right/overhead/bridge – position relative to the track (direction of OSM way) where the signal is located

There are a lot of additional tags which describe the signal in higher level of detail because every country (or even railway company) has its own signalling system.

  • mandatory: railway:signal:speed_limit:form=sign/light/semaphore – type of signal (sign, light signal, semaphore signal)
  • only light and semaphore signals railway:signal:speed_limit:states=* – displayable signal apsects (e.g. stop, proceed, proceed at low speed, …). The value should begin with a country-operator-prefix, e.g. DE-ESO: or AT-V2.
  • railway:signal:speed_limit:speed=* – displayable speeds, use none if it is voids a speed limit, use ? if you do not know all of them


Please go to the country-specific signal tagging pages for tagging/mapping railway signals.