Proposal:Catenary mast details

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Detailed catenary mast
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: reDoubleYou
Tagging: catenary_mast:*=*
Applies to: node
Definition: Catenary masts support the system of overhead wires used to supply electricity to electrically powered vehicles equipped with a pantograph, such as trams, streetcars, light rail, trains and trolleybuses

Rendered as: hidden, maybe OpenRailwaymap or similar
Draft started: 2024-12-21
RFC start: 2025-01-02
Vote start: 2025-03-02 00:00:00 (UTC)
Vote end: 2025-03-15 23:59:59 (UTC)


Since around 2015 years the tag power=catenary_mast exists with status "de facto". But it is just a node with this tag and without any further informations about the catenary mast. This proposal provides a scheme to add further specifications.


Catenary masts are an important element in the area of railway energy supply. OpenStreetMap has not yet recorded consistently any details about these. This is data that is easy to record (on site or by street level imagery) and can enable valuable analyses.


Apart from the mandatory and existing tagging of catenary masts by power=catenary_mast, the following tags are proposed for recording details:

Construction of the catenary mast

It is proposed to describe the construction of a catenary mast with the already existing key structure. There are several designs that can be described directly (tags given in the upper part of the following table). But for other masts, that doesn't fit that tags, there is an generic tagging proposed (tags given in the lower part of the table) to describe the shape and the material with the known and used tag material.

Feature Key Value Description Photos
construction structure mapping by specific design of construction
lattice lattice, based on tagging structure Oberleitung Radspanner IMG10010.jpg
frame flat frame masts consist of two U-profiles that are connected with flat steels Stahl-Oberleitungsmast Deutsche Bahn.jpg
h-beam catenary masts made of H-profiles or double T-beams (also known as Peiner-masts) St. Margrethen - Catenary (8581207070).jpg
trunk mast made from a tree trunk (means both simply debarked tree trunks and cylindrically milled tree trunks) Oberleitungsmast aus Holz.jpg
spun spun poles have a round cross-section, are tapered and hollow on the inside; the production takes place by filling a round mould with a liquid/viscous material (often concrete is used - material can be defined by the tag material=*) while it is being spun and the material hardens Oberleitung Hannover-Würzburg.jpg
pipe round solid steel wall masts Oberleitung der Straßenbahn in Lilienthal.JPG
wall_mount house wall or wall is used for supporting the overhead contact line, e. g. usual for tram electrification; a point is to map in the edge of the area marking the house (=wall of the house), cantilever or overhead span starts from the wall 021 catenary rosette and plastering.png
mapping by description of design of construction, specification via mapping of material is recommended - the following tags should only be used if none of the above mentioned tags describing a specific design fit
cylindrical solid masts wit cylindrical or (slightly) conical shape that are not hollow (catenary masts made of a trunk are mapped with the tag structure=trunk described above) Haltestelle Markkleeberg, Forsthaus Raschwitz (Koburger Straße) (2).jpg
polygonal solid masts with more than 4, but less than infinit (then they would be cylindrical) edges Polygonaler Oberleitungsmast Straßenbahn.jpg
rectangular solid masts with 4 edges, rectangular cross-section Rechtecktiger Laternenmast mit abgehendem Quertragwerk für Oberleitung Straßenbahn.jpg
guyed yes only added, if the catenary mast is guyed, default is guyed=no and is not tagged separately Oberleitung IMG10043.jpg
catenary_mast:portable yes only added, if the catenary mast has no foundation in the ground but is stabilised by huge (concrete) blocks and is thereby portable, often used during time of construction of another infrastruction while the main catenary mast isn't availiable, default is portable=no and is not tagged separately - mental detour: this tag is suggested, although it represents a temporary state and this contradicts the mapping rules (temporary things are not recorded). But: Whenever an overhead line is installed, even if only temporarily, it exists for some time, otherwise the installation would be too costly. unfortunately I haven't (found) a picture yet - if available, please add it

Function of the catenary mast

Catenary masts can take the forces of the i. e. overhead contact line in various ways. Mostly, catenary masts support a structure, to that the over head contact line is bound. For this catenary_mast:supporting=* is used. Rarer, the over head contact line is directly attached to the catenary mast itself. For this catenary_mast:attachment=* is used. It is proposed to use following values. In very rare cases, especially at large crossings in city centres, catenary masts can take on several functions. For example, they can span a head span structure with another catenary mast and at the same time hold a cable for lateral support of the overhead line at another point. In this case, the two functions can be mapped in the OSM-way using semicolons to separate both values.

Feature Key Value Description Photos
Function of the catenary mast catenary_mast:supporting
(if catenary mast supports a structure to that the i. e. over head contact line is bound)
cantilever catenary mast supports a cantilever to that the i. e. over head contact line is bound L01 266 Fahrleitungsstützpunkt Re 100.jpg
head_span head spans formed between two catenary masts, often in railway stations or in urban areas used for spanning several tracks QTW Re 160 100 Holzwickede.jpg
portal a portal is formed between two catenary masts to which the cantilevers are attached AU083 Au MaxVogt 20240607 202324.jpg
lateral catenary mast takes almost only lateral forces to fix the over head contact line in correct lateral psoition, also called pull-off arrangement Catenary mast for lateral alignment.jpg
(if the over head contact line is attached directily to the catenary mast)
anchor the last mast at the end of a electrified track, which takes the tension from the overhead contact line directly in the position of the overhead line, there is no tensioning, the mast is sometimes also located directly behind the buffer stop in the track axis, often tensioning=fix is to be tagged as well J39 656 Bf Wahren, Kranbahn 2, Fahrleitungsende West.jpg
tensioning_only exclusively for tensioning the overhead contact line; in this case it is recommended to specify the type of tensioning by tensioning=* Oberleitungsmast Straßenbahn nur Abspannung.jpg

Tensioning the overhead contact line and midpoint anchor

The overhead contact line does not consist of a single contact wire that runs from the start to the end of the line, but is divided into sections that are up to approx. 1.5 kilometres long. This is for static reasons, as the overhead contact line should always have the same tension, but the length of the overhead contact line (material: copper) changes with the temperature. In addition to their function of holding the overhead contact line, some catenary masts have additional tasks. Some have the task of tensioning a overhead contact line section that is coming to an end. There are different ways of maintaining tension as seen in the table. As well, the midpoint anchor has to be formed by extending ropes starting from the two neighbouring catenary masts as seen in the table.

Feature Key Value Description Photos
type of tensioning of the overhead contact line tensioning weights Tensioning the overhead contact line with weights Oberleitung Radspanner IMG10010.jpg
hydraulic Hydraulic assemblies
spring spring Linea aerea di contatto 3kV= 2.jpg
coil coiled leaf spring Tensorex tesatura cavi catenaria.jpg
fixed no tensioning, overhead contact line is firmly attached to the catenary mast J39 656 Bf Wahren, Kranbahn 2, Fahrleitungsende West.jpg
yes if unclear which type of tensioning present or nothing else fits

Electrical equipment

Catenary masts are also used to attach switches for supply lines, couplings or similar items. As well, insulators between catenary and mast are used to separate the potentials. These are usually made of the same material within a catenary mast. It is proposed that this is mapped with the following tags:

Feature Key Value Description Photos
details concerning switches on the catenary mast

(power=switch is not used as the key power is already used for power=catenary_mast)
switch values of switch or switch=yes if unknown to map a disconnector on the mast and if know the type Masttrennschalter auf einem Oberleitungsmast in geöffnetem Zustand.jpg
actuator manual (already existing, just for the sake of completeness) Possibility to flip the switch manually, e.g. using rods on the overhead contact line mast and a lever at the lower end of the mast to flip the disconnector. The device is usually secured against movement with a padlock. Use handle=* to give more details about the manual actuator. Schalthebel für Masttrennschalter.jpg
electric_motor (already existing, just for the sake of completeness) switch can be flipped by an electric motor, at the lower end of the catenary mast is a box with the motor attached, the motor drives the switch via a system of rods Motor Masttrennschalter.jpg
switch:ref <number> reference number of the catenary mast - caution: do not confuse with the tag ref=* that describes the number of the catenary mast! Schalthebel für Masttrennschalter.jpg
catenary_mast:disconnector:jumpering * Describes default status of this disconnector. But: This tag is not assigned and it is suggested not to use it, as the switching state is described on the element that is jumpered or possible to be jumpered (at least this is how it is done with the already existing and described tag railway:electricity=joint). In order not to have to change the tagging of existing elements, this proposal is adapted to the existing procedure
insulator structure insulator loop sling insulators, no shields at the surface, often used for light rail systems and grp as material Grp sling.png
shielded_loop sling insulators, with shields at the surface, often used for light rail systems and composite as material Composite sling insuator.jpg
post sling insulators, with shields at the surface - I think this is the most used for heavy rail systems Insulator railways.jpg

the cantilever itself takes the role of insulation too by consisting of an insulating material Grp cantilever.jpg
insulator material insulation:material glass for insulators made of glass Glass Insulators (14356411320).jpg
ceramic for insulators made of ceramic Insulator railways.jpg
porcelain for insulators made of porcelain Overhead lines 004.JPG
silicon for insulators made of silicon material Silicone-insulators.jpg
grp for insulators made of glass fibre reinforced plastic Grp sling.png

Further tags (not new, but proposed to be used)

Photo Tagging
Schalthebel für Masttrennschalter.jpg as well the tag ref can be used to map the number of the catenary mast (i. e. ref=1341-3 in the image) - caution: do not confuse with the tag catenary_mast:disconnector:ref=*!
railway:position:exact=*can be used to record the position of the catenary mast
Haltestelle Markkleeberg, Forsthaus Raschwitz (Koburger Straße) (2).jpg for disuesed catenary masts the tagging with life-cycle-prefixes can be used i. e. for the mast shown in the image
Speisekabel an Oberleitungsmast.jpg the known and documented tagging of location:transition=yes to show that at the catenary mast feeding cables are led from the ground to the top to feed the over head contact line
Grp cantilever.jpg the known and documented tagging of highway=street_lamp can continue to be used unchanged. In urban areas in particular, catenary masts are often used for the installation of street lamps.
Le 4 3.jpg the known and documented tagging of line_management=* can continue to be used unchanged for cables mounted on top of the catenary mast leading from the substation (or something similar) to the feeding point or feeder lines. It is not proposed to use it to describe the attachment of the over head contact line at the catenary mast because it is not mounted directly at the catenary mast but at the cantilever, head-span, ...


Photo Tagging
St. Margrethen - Catenary (8581207070).jpg structure=h-beam
QTW Re 160 100 Holzwickede.jpg structure=lattice


No changes at OSM carto rendering.


Support of a 3rd rail system
  • Tagging is not intended to capture the support of 3rd rail systems (see image on the right), but only overhead contact line masts and their details.
  • I thought about tagging the milestone position railway=milestone to the mast as well (as the milestone plates can be attached to the mast on long-distance railways). But I don't think it makes sense to do this, as the information as to whether the milestone plate is attached to the mast is already captured by the tag railway:milestone:catenary_mast=yes at the milestone point.

Features/Pages affected


Please comment on the Proposal_talk:Catenary_mast_details.


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  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --GA Kevin (talk) 22:02, 7 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Fanfouer (talk) 23:43, 7 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Fnordson (talk) 12:40, 9 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Gymate (talk) 18:25, 9 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Kioska Journo 19:21, 9 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --CasGroenigen (talk) 9:38, 10 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Eireidium (talk) 11:38, 10 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Sikal (talk) 09:53, 11 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Ibanez (talk) 16:34, 11 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Gscscnd (talk) 08:16, 14 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --EneaSuper (talk) 14:46, 14 March 2025 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Bigbug21 (talk) 10:34, 15 March 2025 (UTC)
Voting closed

Voting on this proposal has been closed.

It was approved with 11 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.