Streets GL

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Streets GL
StreetsGL screenshot.jpg
License: MIT license
Status: Unmaintained
Language: English
Source code:

Web-based 3D map that uses OpenStreetMap data.

Streets GL is a web-based 3D map that uses OpenStreetMap data on top of a dynamic terrain. It was created as an open-source alternative to F4 Map and OSMBuildings.

It is made by StrandedKitty and was announced publicly on 2 May 2023 in the OpenStreetMap Community Forum[1] with the goals of "providing a way to explore the feature-rich OSM database in 3D, promoting open data, and offering a way for the mapping community to easily validate the map by visual means".

The project is written in Typescript. The rendering uses a custom low-level library that wraps the WebGL2 API, and for managing the rendering pipeline it uses a render graph (or frame graph) implementation. Geometry generation is done on the fly; supported map features include but are not limited to complex building shapes (according to the de-facto standard Simple 3D Buildings schema), roads and paths, trees, etc. The tiles are pulled from public Overpass API instances. It features complex post-processing effects such as dynamic time of day.

The project has not been updated since 24 September 2023. It is still in early development, so expect bugs and missing features.


  • Support for the most common OpenStreetMap features
  • Configurable time of day
  • Global map search powered by Nominatim
  • Real-time air traffic
  • Terrain with Levels Of Detail
  • Deferred shading with Physically Based Rendering
  • Rich post-processing: TAA, SSAO, depth of field, screen-space reflections & bloom
  • Realistic atmosphere and aerial perspective rendering

External links
