Subdistricts in Jammu and Kashmir

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List of Subdistricts

S No Sub-District Code Sub-District Name (In English) Sub-District Name (In Local language) Hierarchy Census 2001 Code Census2011 Code OSM Map
1 78 Akhnoor JAMMU(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00078 10378557 (i J)
2 55 Anantnag ANANTNAG(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00055 10380141 (i J)
3 71 Atholi (Paddar) KISHTWAR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00071 10379954 (i J)
4 49 Awantipora PULWAMA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00049 10389885 (i J)
5 41 Bandipora BANDIPORA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00041 10390680 (i J)
6 29 Bani KATHUA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00029 10376755 (i J)
7 66 Banihal RAMBAN(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00066 10379985 (i J)
8 35 Baramulla BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 6 00035 10389451 (i J)
9 28 Bashohli KATHUA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00028 10376753 (i J)
10 5 Beerwah BADGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00005 10389354 (i J)
11 65 Bhaderwah DODA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 7 00065 10379140 (i J)
12 54 Bijbehara ANANTNAG(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00054 10380142 (i J)
13 27 Billawar KATHUA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00027 10376754 (i J)
14 81 Bishnah JAMMU(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00081 10378554 (i J)
15 38 Boniyar BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 7 00038 10389452 (i J)
16 7 Budgam BADGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00007 10389353 (i J)
17 23 Budhal RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00023 10379001 (i J)
18 8 Chadoora BADGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00008 10389352 (i J)
19 9 Charar- E- Shrief BADGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00009 10389349 (i J)
20 73 Chenani UDHAMPUR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00073 10376900 (i J)
21 70 Chhatroo KISHTWAR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00070 10379952 (i J)
22 61 Damhal Hanjipora KULGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00061 10386133 (i J)
23 21 Darhal RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00021 10379002 (i J)
24 60 Devsar KULGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00060 10386135 (i J)
25 62 Doda DODA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00062 10379141 (i J)
26 58 Dooru ANANTNAG(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00058 10380138 (i J)
27 47 Ganderbal GANDERBAL(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00047 10390718 (i J)
28 64 Gandoh DODA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 6 00064 10379139 (i J)
29 76 Gool-Gulabgarh REASI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00076 10378710 (i J)
30 40 Gurez BANDIPORA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00040 10390679 (i J)
31 2 Handwara KUPWARA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00002 10389553 (i J)
32 16 Haveli POONCH(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00016 10379058 (i J)
33 31 Hiranagar KATHUA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00031 10376751 (i J)
34 79 Jammu JAMMU(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00079 10378556 (i J)
35 24 Kalakote RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00024 10379000 (i J)
36 46 Kangan GANDERBAL(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00046 10390719 (i J)
37 3 Karnah KUPWARA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00003 10389555 (i J)
38 30 Kathua KATHUA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00030 10376752 (i J)
39 6092 Keegam Keegam SHOPIAN(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 00000
40 6091 Keller Keller SHOPIAN(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 00000
41 4 Khag BADGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 8 00004 10389351 (i J)
42 6 Khansahib BADGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00006 10389350 (i J)
43 68 Kishtwar KISHTWAR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00068 10379953 (i J)
44 57 Kokernag ANANTNAG(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00057 10380139 (i J)
45 36 Kreeri BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 6 00036 10389450 (i J)
46 59 Kulgam KULGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00059 10386134 (i J)
47 1 Kupwara KUPWARA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00001 10389554 (i J)
48 45 Lar GANDERBAL(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00045 10390717 (i J)
49 75 Majalta UDHAMPUR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00075 10376897 (i J)
50 17 Mandi POONCH(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00017 10379059 (i J)
51 69 Marwah KISHTWAR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00069 10379955 (i J)
52 18 Mendhar POONCH(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00018 10379057 (i J)
53 25 Nowshehra RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00025 10378998 (i J)
54 53 Pahalgam ANANTNAG(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00053 10380143 (i J)
55 6194 Pahloo KULGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 00000
56 48 Pampore PULWAMA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00048 10389883 (i J)
57 34 Pattan BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00034 10389449 (i J)
58 51 Pulwama PULWAMA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00051 10389886 (i J)
59 6193 Qaimoh KULGAM(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 00000
60 33 Rafiabad BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00033 10389454 (i J)
61 22 Rajauri RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00022 10378997 (i J)
62 67 Ramban RAMBAN(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 0 00067 10379984 (i J)
63 74 Ramnagar UDHAMPUR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00074 10376898 (i J)
64 80 Ranbir Singh Pora JAMMU(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00080 10378555 (i J)
65 77 Reasi REASI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00077 10378709 (i J)
66 82 Samba SAMBA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00082 10376821 (i J)
67 56 Shangus ANANTNAG(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00056 10380140 (i J)
68 52 Shopian SHOPIAN(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00052 10386109 (i J)
69 42 Sonawari BANDIPORA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00042 10390681 (i J)
70 32 Sopore BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 4 00032 10389455 (i J)
71 43 Srinagar (North) SRINAGAR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00043 10389874 (i J)
72 44 Srinagar (South) SRINAGAR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00044 10389875 (i J)
73 26 Sunderbani RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 6 00026 10378999 (i J)
74 19 Surankote POONCH(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00019 10379056 (i J)
75 39 Tangmarg BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 8 00039 10389448 (i J)
76 20 Thanamandi RAJAURI(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 1 00020 10379003 (i J)
77 63 Thathri DODA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 5 00063 10379138 (i J)
78 50 Tral PULWAMA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 2 00050 10389884 (i J)
79 72 Udhampur UDHAMPUR(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 3 00072 10376899 (i J)
80 37 Uri BARAMULLA(District) / JAMMU AND KASHMIR(State) 7 00037 10389453 (i J)