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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = platform
Bayview trstwy.jpg
A platform at a bus stop or station. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto way
Rendering-highway railway platform line.png
Rendering in OSM Carto area
Rendering-highway railway platform area.png
Group: highways
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

The highway=platform tag is used for platforms (raised structures) along the side of a road where passengers get on and off buses and/or trams. The equivalent tag for railway platforms is railway=platform.

As there are many stopping points that are served jointly by rail-bound and non-rail-bound vehicles, this tag has been supplemented by popular alternative public_transport=platform.

How to map

Draw a line way along the centre of the platform or create an area around the outline of the platform, and add the tag highway=platform.

Do not use this feature for nodes node, highway=bus_stop is used for this.

Additional tags:

  • ref=* - the reference number of the platform
  • route_ref=* - the reference number of the bus route that serves the platform
  • name=* - If the platform has a common name (not a reference number)
  • operator=* - the name of the operator of the bus service and platform
  • kerb=* - the type of Kerb installed on the platform
  • kerb:approach_aid=yes/no - are the kerbs of the platform installed with Kassel Kerbs?
  • tactile_paving=* - is there a guidance system for the blind?
  • wheelchair=* - wheelchair accessibility [1]
  • bench=* - is there a bench on the platform?
  • bin=* - is there a waste bin?
  • shelter=* - is there a covered shelter?
  • passenger_information_display=yes/no - is there a passenger information system that displays departure times?

See also


  1. The platform should be raised (18 - 22 cm) so that it is possible to board a low-floor bus (with kneeling function if necessary) with the wheelchair.