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Public-images-osm logo.svg information = route_marker
Side Trail (9224135427).jpg
A marker that shows the position of the way of a route. Could be a symbol, a short pole or a painted marking. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: tourism
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: in use

A marker that shows the position of the way of a route. Could be a symbol, a short pole or a painted marking.

Note: 2 variant tag values are in use – route_marker and trail_blaze (see Taginfo comparison for the current number of uses or this tag history on taghistory.raifer.tech as a curve chart):

  • The usage of information=route_marker is recommended for signs indicating the direction of a route without giving details of a destination (and the belonging to a specific route is recognizable or not) – these are typically markers between guideposts.
  • You can use information=trail_blaze for markers that show only the position of a way. Could be a symbol, a short pole or a painted marking. (But often, also route_marker is used for this kind of markers.)

How to use

Tag a marker that shows the position of the way of a route without providing information about destinations with information=route_marker (alternatively: information=trail_blaze) on a node node. Such a marker may or may not indicate by a symbol that it belongs to a particular route.

To describe the access to the shown routes or the kind of route use the keys e.g hiking=yes, bicycle=yes, mtb=yes, horse=yes or ski=yes.

Additional tags

  • support=* – To describe what supports the marker (e.g. a tree, a post, a wall etc.)



See also

  • information=trail_blaze – A marker that only shows the position of the way. Could be a symbol, a short pole or a painted marking.
  • osmc:symbol=* – Machine-Readable representation of route symbol that is used as waymarker or on guideposts.
  • symbol=* – Human-Readable description of route symbol that is used as waymarker or on guideposts.
  • information=guidepost – Guideposts (aka fingerposts or finger posts) are often found along official hiking/cycling/riding/skiing routes to indicate the directions to different destinations.
  • trailblazed=* – A key for the use on paths or tracks which are marked.
  • Trail blazing on Wikipedia

Possible synonyms

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
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