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Public-images-osm logo.svg religion = multifaith
Multifaith Yogic Temple - Neddi - Himachal Pradesh - India (26206956954).jpg
A place dedicated to religion but not to any specific one. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: religion
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Status: de facto

This tag may be used to mark religious places not specific to any religion. Such places are found e.g. in public environments with a multi-cultural audience, such as airports or universities, often called "prayer room" or "quiet room"[1]. It is also frequent that a communal cemetery has a place for the funeral ceremony usable by any religious group.

Using this tag is preferable to leaving religion untagged. Without religion=multifaith, there is no way to distinguish places where a mapper forgot to add the religion tag and religious places not dedicated to any specific religion.


amenity=place_of_worship + religion=multifaith + name=Friedhofshalle + note=room used by different religious groups for funeral ceremonies, owned by the town Cham used for https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/234834023

Differentiation: Multiple specific religions

religion=multifaith should not be used where multiple, but not all religions are applicable. ;-separated values may be used to describe cases of religious objects, like a temple or a cemetery, shared by specific religions. For example, a particular religious cemetery that is both christian and jewish may be tagged as landuse=cemetery + religion=christian;jewish.

The ;-separated list is preferred over religion=multifaith for such cases, as it informs which particular religions are applicable for the mapped location.

See also

It is similar in function to sport=multi.

For places for the funeral ceremonies that are open to secular ceremonies as well, see the non-religious tag amenity=funeral_hall.
