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most of the info on this page is wrong, wtf is a "mapserver VFS"? -- thomaswood

  • Nonsense according to Andy, who ought to know. Lopped out. What else is wrong? --achadwick 17:01, 17 June 2009 (UTC)


- Prise en compte des zones 30 (déjà présentes dans la base de données OSM avec le tag 'maxspeed=30') avec une couleur différente pour la rue concernée

 et zone:maxspeed=FR:30.

- Prise en compte des double sens cyclable (avec un logo spécial pour montrer le sens "voiture", ou une fléche en direction du sens voiture d'une autre couleur (comme sur Osmanderer, un autre rendu possible d'OSM)

- Le logo des vélocistes (tag "shop=bicycle") en plus gros qu'actuellement

- Un autre symbole pour les points de location vélo (distinguer les vélos en libre service des loueurs habituels)

- Colorer en rouge les zones interdites en vélo (tag "bicycle=no")

- Différencier pistes cyclables des chemins/routes non ouvertes au véhicules motorisées mais quand meme partagées entre différents usagers

- Une couleur spécifique pour les rues piétonnes, ou l'on peut circuler mais à l'allure du pas (tag "highway=pedestrian")

- Prise en compte des couloirs bus (tag "cycleway=share_busway" ou si c'est seulement sur un coté 'cycleway:left/right=share_busway) --Esperanza 11:52, 16 April 2010 (UTC)

Render cycle?

The cycle map layer seems to be more than a month out of date again. Is there a page that shows the status of this? --Ebenezer 06:24, 22 July 2010 (UTC) I have noticed this too. Is is it a uniform Update or are less heavily bicycle areas less updated? Ie Germany more than USA? I have been working on this area slowly but the updates to maps are even slower South Bay.-- Bmhr 459 2 August 2010 (UTC)
I'm working in SW Germany. It seems that there are no changes on the map since 04 July 2010. Every Thursday and Friday I'm eager to watch my changes on the map. I'm very excited about that map, especially for planning cycling-tours. --KK-O 13:00, 5 August 2010 (BST)

There was an update this week, but I noticed there are gaps in the data. Streets edited for a few days in July don't appear on the cycle map.--Ebenezer 06:58, 17 August 2010 (BST)
I just edited a cycle-route. In less than one hour the change could be recognized in the map. Great! --KK-O 17:52, 17 August 2010 (BST)
The lower zoom levels (5 to 9) had been frozen for months, but they were all updated in the last few days, including OSM edits from until the end of last week. /Pieter Kuiper 09:22, 29 June 2011 (BST)
In my area (southern Brazil), the update cycle has been around every 2 weeks, with data around 1 week old and zoom levels 8 to 18 being updated simultaneously. This behavior is quite different from what's described in the article.--Fernando Trebien (talk) 17:59, 22 March 2017 (UTC)
It seems to have changed in my area. Now I'm often seeing updates with one or two days of delay, which is great!--Fernando Trebien (talk) 13:34, 26 October 2018 (UTC)

Lanes support

Hi Andy, I'm wondering if the OCM supports bicycle lanes with directions corresponding to the cycleway:right=lane schema? Maybe you can just add it in a general way, so they get highlighted similar to cycleway=lane in a first step? --!i! This user is member of the wiki team of OSM 11:47, 25 January 2014 (UTC)

ICN are not rendered

International cycling routes (network=icn) are not displayed on the map. Is there a reason why this information is missing? Thanks.

Changes (17 January 2016)

Seen here I've deleted the code showing Template:OSMCycleMap and integrated the content of this template in the page. Don't know if the last external link "Lonvia's Cycling Map" should be in this page, it was in the template. Zermes (talk) 03:39, 17 January 2016 (UTC)