Template:Highway Tag North Korea

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OOjs UI icon alert-warning.svg The content of this template is mainly derived from Highway Tag Africa

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  • Tertiary (or secondary) roads connect the rather large cities to each other.
  • Roads that connect settlements will be at least one highway=unclassified.
JOSM iD editor Description Rendering Photo
highway=motorway Motorway A restricted access major divided highway, normally with 2 or more running lanes plus emergency hard shoulder. Equivalent to the Freeway, Autobahn, etc. Rendering-highway motorway carto.png
20190825 Autostrada A4 w Krakowie 0957 5675 DxO.jpg
highway=trunk Trunk Road The most important roads in a country's system that aren't motorways. (Need not necessarily be a divided highway.)

Note that such roads can be unpaved ([1][2][3] or were unpaved until recently [4])

Note that communities in some countries such as Morocco decided to define it by relying on physical characteristics and trunk roads there are not forming complete network.

Rendering-highway trunk carto.png
Dálnice z Pchjongjangu do Kesongu - panoramio.jpg
highway=primary Primary Road Major transportation routes between and into major cities within a country.

Passable by vehicles with 4 or more wheels, engineered alignment. Motorcycles, bicycles, or foot traffic may be restricted.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 5 to 20 meter; often paved.

Rendering-highway primary carto.png
Ea highway primary.JPG
highway=secondary Secondary Road Major transportation routes connecting cities and large towns. Arterial function in urban areas.

Passable by vehicles with 4 or more wheels, motorcycles, bicycles, or foot and animal traffic.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 3 to 7 meters; may be paved.

Rendering-highway secondary carto.png Ea highway secondary.JPG
highway=tertiary Tertiary Road Major transportation routes connecting towns and larger villages. Collector function in urban areas.

Passable by vehicles with 4 or more wheels, motorcycles, bicycles, or foot and animal traffic.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 3 to 7 meters; may be paved.

Rendering-highway tertiary carto.png South of Kalangba en route to Outamba-Kilimi Park.JPG
highway=unclassified Minor/Unclassified Road Minor collector roads that allow travel and commerce from paths and residential roads to and between settlements. While generally not residential, there can be houses along the road.

May be passable by vehicles with 4 or more wheels, motorcycles, bicycles, or foot traffic.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 3 to 7 meters; may be paved.

Rendering-highway unclassified.png Korean countryside (16263208886).jpg
highway=residential Residential Road In urban areas or rural villages, roads which serve as an access to housing, without function of connecting settlements. Often lined with housing.

May be passable by vehicles with 4 or more wheels, motorcycles, bicycles, or foot traffic.

Note: this has been edited from the original which said "This tag is used only in urban areas and only on roads which serve no other purpose than residential. " as the East African tagging guide continues to say.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 3 to 7 meters; may be paved.

Rendering-highway residential.png 朝鲜村庄 A village of DPRK - panoramio.jpg
highway=service Service Road Mainly Private Driveways or access roads to homes or businesses for a few hundred meters maximum, does not have a through connecting function.

Passable by vehicles with 4 or more wheels, motorcycles, bicycles, or foot traffic.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 3 to 7 meters; may be paved.

Rendering-highway service.png
highway=track Unmaintained Track Road Access route from dwellings to agricultural and forestry areas. Roads within National Parks and Game Reserves may be tagged as tracks. No connection function between settlements.

May be passable by vehicles with 4 wheels, motorcycles, bicycles, or foot traffic.

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 3 to 7 meters; may be paved.

Rendering-highway track.png EA highway track.jpg
highway=path Path Travel route between dwellings, settlements, or water sources, and for livestock movement. May be the primary access route for isolated settlements. Connection way by foot within an urban area.

Not passable for vehicles with 4 wheels. Steep grades, narrow width, irregular alignment, obstacles, boulders, stream crossings, and seasonal use.

Note: A metal roof arrives by vehicle therefore roads to settlements with metal roofs are typically unclassified or residential (not path)

Indicative info only - can vary. Width: 1 to 3 meters; not paved.

Rendering-highway path.png Fahey DSCF2204 (6074299071).jpg