Template:Zh-hant:Map Features:cycleway

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自行車道 (cycleway)

描述針對單車設計的基礎設施。另見: Cycle routes.

值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 照片 (photo)

Dedicated bicycle lanes

lane way 在道路之中的自行車道。
Cycle lane, Ormeau Embankment, Belfast (August 2014) - geograph.org.uk - 4129897.jpg

Shared bicycle lanes

shared_lane way Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, but there are markings indicating that they should share the lane with motorists. The road markings are usually there to highlight a cycle route or to remind drivers that you can cycle there. Also used for the on-road shared-lane marking called a "sharrow"[1].
Picto corridor Praha Vršovická.jpg
share_busway way There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
Bus lane Paris 2014.JPG

Bicycle tracks

track way 與道路分隔的自行車道,如果需要可加入oneway=yes
Fietspad PeeWee32.jpg
separate way Should be used to indicate that a cycle track associated with a highway has been mapped as a separate OSM element (i.e., is tagged with highway=cycleway). Meaning is similar to the use of sidewalk=separate for footways, and can potentially be used when simplifying geometries for rendering. It also acts as a hint to avoid duplicating an existing cycleway by adding cycleway=track to a highway. Don't confuse with segregated=yes.

No bicycle infrastructure

no way Explicitly marks that a street has no bicycle infrastructure. This allows to explicitly note that the road was surveyed for bicycle infrastructure.
Cyclist on Buncrana Road - geograph.org.uk - 5683688.jpg

Other bicycle infrastructure

crossing way Used on separately mapped paths to indicate that it's a bicycle crossing.
Cyclist crossing on Dunhua South Road, Taipei City 20080805.jpg
shoulder way Used to indicate that a road has no designated infrastructure for cyclists, but shoulders (a.k.a. breakdown lanes) are navigable and legal to cycle on. Especially on rural roads with high speed limits, the existence of a shoulder usable by cyclists can make the difference whether the road is usable at all (semi-)safely for cyclists. Not every shoulder=* is automatically usable for cyclists: Some shoulders are used for parking (parking=shoulder) instead, not all shoulders are paved (with asphalt, e.g. grass pavers). Additionally, shoulder=yes is typically only mapped for shoulders that are broad enough to accommodate a car. For cyclists however, a less wide shoulder is fine, too.
link way A connector between OSM segments for cycle traffic, for example to connect a separately mapped cycle path to a junction on the opposite side. Serves primarily as a routing aid and does not necessarily have to be identifiable as built infrastructure.
Cycleway link.jpg
traffic_island way Used on the parts of refugee islands of a cycleway=crossing.
asl node Indicates an advanced stop line or bike box at junctions. Use cycleway=asl on a node node forming part of the road's way, located at the position of the secondary stop line. Consider adding direction=forward or direction=backward for an explicitly reference to the closest junction that a ASL relates to and thus the direction of traffic that it applies to.
Cyclist advanced stop line Liverpool.jpg
gap_jump way A gap jump segment of MTB downhill route. Generally would consist of two or three parts: a take-off ramp; a physically non-existent mid-air segment; and optionally a landing ramp (if not present, a regular bike track serves as a landing zone). The mid-air segment may cross other roads or features, in which case it should be tagged with layer=1 without a node at the intersection; surface=none has occasionally been added as well. Consider explicitly providing foot=no or access=no + bicycle=designated in order to prevent routing for any other activity.
Road gap la Moulière 1.JPG

Deprecated or discouraged tags




注意:這樣的街道在比利時,荷蘭,丹麥常見,而在英國不常見(但它們存在)。相對地,在一般的情況下整條街道為雙向是正常的,除了在街道最尾端的很小一段設為禁止禁入,這個地方設有一小段的分隔島來使自行車不要進入,這被稱為自行車接口(cycle plug)。在許多地方則是以非常短的單線道與相鄰的自行車道相併,且有道路併入而形成三角形,或有許有一張短的單線道且具有 cycleway=opposite_lanecycleway=opposite_track

shared Cyclists share space with other traffic on this highway.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.
