WikiProject Uganda

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Uganda, Africa

latitude: 1.37, longitude: 32.29
Browse map of Uganda 1°22′12.00″ N, 32°17′24.00″ E
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Use this template for your locality
Uganda is a Country in Africa at latitude 1°22′12.00″ North, longitude 32°17′24.00″ East.

Mappers and Groups

Facebook page OpenStreetMap Uganda 'page'

Local HOT teams:

Organisation/Institution Team / Contacts City
Busitema University HOT-Busitema Univ

Busitema University; Facebook user HOTBusitemaUniv

Busitema, Busia
University/Institution Chapter / Contacts City
Busitema University Good Mappers logo GO0MLpt2 400x400.jpg Good Mappers

Busitema University; X (Twitter) user @TeamGoodMappersX (Twitter) user

Busitema, Busia
Uganda Christian Univeristy, Mbale University College Mappers for Life Mbale
Makerere University Geo YouthMappers Kampala
Kumi Univeristy Kumi University - Ever Last Youth Mappers Kumi District
Gulu University CSGU Mappers Gulu
Uganda Pentecostal University HiTech Youth Mappers Fort Portal
Mbarara University of Science and Technology MUST Street Mappers Mbarara
St. Augustine International University YouthMappers at St Augustine International University Kampala
Kyambogo University Kyambogo University YouthMappers Kampala
Institute of Survey and Land Management Cartography Student Association at Entebbe Entebbe
  • MapSet: an initiative for mapping, focusing on sports

News - OpenStreetMap Uganda in the media

Events & Activities

Upcoming events in Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
All Upcoming events (Add an event) – See also Past Events Event archive 2004-2020

Events and Activities by HOT Uganda

Yumbe camp, Tasking manager job, + 2016 DG imagery Remote Mapping

Lots being organized on Mapping Day, next up a series of workshops at 5 universities that had previous basic OSM training, to discuss what stories a map can tell WikiProject_Uganda/What_Stories_a_map_can_tell_workshop.

Help the Red Cross prepare for disasters by mapping the cities of Lira and Gulu in Northern Uganda :

NE Landslides/ Flooding Response activities

NE Landslides/ Flooding background

On Monday 1 March 2010, landslides occurred on the slopes of Mt. Elgon in eastern Uganda following heavy downpours. Relief Web map features three villages, Nametsi, Kubehwo and Namangasa, buried in Bududa District (some 275km northeast of Kampala) leaving at least 300 people dead, and up to 10,000 affected.

NE Landslides/ Flooding Response Mapping

It wasn't until early 2011 - long after the disaster response had wound down - that the OSM map of the area was updated to show the location of the now-abandoned village, Nemetsi. The marker for the landslide can be found a short distance north east of the village Tunwatsi.


Public-images-osm logo.svg OpenStreetMap users and groups


initiated and administered by no project administrator provided
Status: State (2/4)  - Started: 2021
Details: [[1]]


Mapping and Surveying Nakamiro Channel Area Project 2019

initiated and administered by OpenDRI logo.png OpenDRI - OPEN CITIES AFRICA initiative with support of Hot logo.svg HOT Uganda & Mapuganda.png
Status: State (2/4)  - Started: 17/12/2019
Details: Mapping and Surveying Nakamiro Channel Area Project 2019

In 2018, OpenDRI launched the Open Cities Africa project (Uganda Open Mapping project by OPEN CITIES AFRICA) - which was carried out in 11 Sub-Saharan Africa cities, with the objective of engaging local government, civil society, and the private sector in developing the information infrastructure necessary to meet 21st-century urban resilience challenges. Kampala was selected for the first phase of Open Cities Africa. Building off of the pilot project for Open Cities Africa in Ggaba, the Nakamiro Channel area has been selected by KCCA and the World Bank for a detailed remote mapping and field data collection exercise by Humanitarian OpenStreetMapTeam (HOT).

Uganda Open Mapping Program- Ggaba 2018

initiated and administered by OpenDRI logo.png OpenDRI - OPEN CITIES AFRICA initiative with support of Hot logo.svg HOT Uganda & Mapuganda.png
Status: State (2/4)  - Started: 01/10/2017
Details: Uganda Open Mapping Program Ggaba 2018

Uganda Open Mapping project by OPEN CITIES AFRICA - Helping Uganda’s communities to identify and reduce real disaster risks through open and collaborative data collection: Using the OpenStreetMap open data platform to improve disaster exposure information. The World Bank is supporting KCCA and the Government of Uganda to increase resilience against disaster and climate change risks through a comprehensive technical assistance program. One pillar of this program is to improve access to disaster-exposure data analysis and risk-related information, accelerating and empowering the decision making process.

Uganda Clean Streets Kampala

initiated and administered by Mapuganda.png
Status: State (2/4)  - Started: 01/05/2018
Details: Uganda Clean Streets Kampala

MapUganda worked Youth Mappers at Makerere University, Bodaboda (Motorcyclists), Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA) officials to map out garbage collection points and routes in the city with an aim of using citizen generated data to increase Kampala’s profile as a Smart City. MapUganda primarily focused on the illegal dumping sites in sections of Kampala that have little to no government-supported infrastructure for waste removal, in an effort to draw stark contrast between the serviced and unserviced neighborhoods and encourage government response.

UBOS Education Facilities Road Network Mapping

initiated and administered by Mapuganda.png
Status: State (0/4)  - Started: 2018

Following the import of 24587 education facilities of Uganda using data from UBOS (Uganda Bureau of Statistics) in 2016, UBOS would like to build on the work done by mapping all the Educational Facilities buildings and completing the road network to the schools. A new project will be created on the OSM Tasking Manager with 707 tasks. Tiles in areas without any education facilities like National Parks and lakes will be marked done before the mapping starts.

Uganda specific conventions/guidelines for OpenStreetMap mapping and tagging

initiated and administered by User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Status: State (2/4)  - Started: 01/07/2017
Details: WikiProject Uganda/Conventions

The user base and state of the map in Uganda is growing therefore we need to start coordinating. All conventions/guidelines are defined globally for OSM. Some conventions/guidelines have country specific meanings or variants, specific presets and key values might be used. This project, describes the conventions/guidelines on mapping and tagging which are specific for Uganda. Pages also provide instructions on how to map. A useful resource for tutorials and trainings specific for Uganda.

Hot logo.svg Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Bridging Data Gaps: Mapping Refugee Contexts in East Africa

initiated and administered by Hot logo.svg HOT Uganda
Status: State (4/4)  - Started: 01/04/2018 Validated/closed: 01/05/2019
Details: Bridging Data Gaps: Mapping Refugee Contexts in East Africa

HOT as contributing partner in the CRRF, training Refugee/Host Community surveyors to map their own communities, and capacitating Uganda refugee response partners, refugees, and their hosting communities with the skills to monitor, analyse and represent their community, its needs, and the future design/acreditation of such refugee settlements as 'OpenCities'.

Uganda Crowdsourcing Non-Camp Refugee Data

initiated and administered by Hot logo.svg HOT Uganda
Status: State (4/4)  - Started: 01/12/2016 Validated/closed: 30/09/2018
Details: Uganda Crowdsourcing Non-Camp Refugee Data

HOT project on Crowdsourcing Non-Camp Refugee Data Through OpenStreetMap in Uganda with support from USSD-funded partnership with UNHCR, for the coordination of the 'Combined Refugee Response Framework' (CRRF). Data from this project is now integrated into the Refugee Response Program across the coordination, and tools have been adopted and used by multiple partners. The project is working to improve program planning and service delivery to refugee communities, develop better integration with host communities, and build refugee self-reliance through open map data.

Mapping Access to Digital Financial Services

initiated and administered by Hot logo.svg HOT Uganda
Status: State (4/4)  - Started: 01/10/2015 Validated/closed: 31/12/2016
Details: Mapping Access to Digital Financial Services

A HOT project with the support of FSD Uganda. It served to grow and strengthen the Ugandan OpenStreetMap community, working with university students and community members to collect data on financial services, health facilities and education facilities in the areas where they lived. The program trained and equiped participants with the necessary skills, equipment, and other resources to collect and map this data.

Mapping instructions and conventions/guidelines

See the Conventions page for information and discussing the mapping and tagging conventions.

Mapping Status

Cities and Towns

  • Kampala
  • Arua
  • Mbarara
  • Mbale
  • Jinja
  • Kabale

Data Sources

WikiProject Uganda/Data Sources


Northern Uganda Huts Import

Northern Uganda Huts Import. Small area of buildings data. Late 2018

Africover/ DEPHA Data Import Activities

  • Africover and DEPHA - granted Development Seed - permission to upload their base layers - roads, rivers, rails, admin boundaries. So far, they have uploaded the road shapefile from DEPHA. Outstanding work includes:

UBOS (Uganda Bureau Of Statistics) - health and educational datasets

Released on November 10, 2015.

Jinja Health Facilities Import

Microsoft building imports for UBOS Pilot Census Preparation

Microsoft building imports for UBOS pilot census preparation Workflow