User:Colin Marquardt/Hike & Bike Map v1
Since 2009-01-16, I (User:Colin_Marquardt) am developing a Hike & Bike Map style (meant primarily for, you guessed it, hiking and biking).
I want to use the map as a test bed for stuff like:
- rendering ways depending on their lanes=* tag
- rendering peaks depending on their importance=* tag (see Elbsandsteingebirge)
- osmc:symbol=* (see also Dresdner Heide)
- maybe multiple fonts (some maps use more than a single font, to differentiate between feature groups), using white text with a dark halo
- rendering areas with stretched out text
- rendering lit=* as an overlay (a "By night" or "Street Lighting" map)
Technical references/acknowledgements (in no particular order):
- Mapnik with Cascadenik - my style files are here:
- HikingBikingMaps
- Brian Quinion's excellent svg-twotone icons ("Map icons CC-0 from SJJB Management")
- Overlay of additional hiking symbols by Lonvia's Hiking Map
- The awesome OpenLayers JavaScript library
- NASA SRTM3 v2 data
- There is a known problem with the expiry process on WikiMedia's Toolserver, so tiles are out of date. To force a re-rendering, switch off all overlays like the hillshading, then open a tile as an image (in Firefox, it's "View Image" in the context menu), and append "/dirty" to the image's URL. This will update 8x8 tiles at this zoom level. --Colin Marquardt 16:58, 15 April 2011 (BST)
- bicycle route highlighting in the style of (please :) )
- direction as Text for Viewpoints
- *_link to extra layer, then draw them "link casing, normal casing, link fill, normal fill"
- Straßenbahnhaltestellen
- Bushaltestellen
- boundary=* (needs Cascadenik fix for
- wood=* (coniferous/deciduous)
- Bergwerke (stillgelegte kopfueber)
- Berghuette: tourism=alpine_hut
- Steinkreuz: historic=memorial type=cross (,,,191,-steinkreuze-und-kreuzsteine-in-der-und-in-die-openstreetmap.html)
- Seilbahnen (aerialway)
- man_made=well, fountain (
- shop=bakery, shop=outdoor
- Betriebszeiten Faehren
- don't display buildings in lower zooms
- display bike shops in favor of e.g. restaurants
- Render highway = street_lamp; lamp_mount = suspended; lamp_type = fluorescent as in
- Render abandoned/disused things in an other way - unlike their not abandoned/disused counterparts
- railways are a bit different already
- Render man_made=orifice (Mundlöcher)?
- Render hazard=* (hazard=dog)
- Render glaciers
- Render peaks like this (suggestion from --Alessioz)
importance=5.0 or importance=international zoom=>3 importance=3.0 or importance=national zoom=>5 importance=1.0 or importance=regional zoom=>8 importance=0.0 or importance=urban zoom=>11 importance=-1.0 or importance=suburban zoom=>13 importance=-2.0 or importance=local zoom=>14
- render parking only with capacity > 5
- Color of shelter name (
- Improve rendering of residential, unclassified and tertiary, e.g. here:
- Filter out "irrelevant" parts from osmc:symbol, e.g. the highlighting and text stuff.
- Render natural=stone and natural=rock
- hide access=no and construction=yes earlier in lower zooms
- look at the suggestions in User talk:Colin Marquardt#Tagging Ideen
- render highway=path, bicycle=designated, foot=designated like cycleway/footway respectively
- render the borders of highways that have bicycle=yes and cycleway=lane or track or one of the other cycleway tags that can be applied to highways
- make highway=tertiary stand out a bit more compared to highway=unclassified/residential
- amenity=cave_entrance
- wayside_cross=*
- tourism=summit_cross
- information=guidepost
- tourism=camp_site
- Grenzsteine (boundary=marker)
- power=*
- Bugfix: ruin symbol for schools
- way symbols
- place=locality
- cliff
- Rettungsboxen (amenity=rescue_box)
- fix the ugly bridges
- Support for area=yes
- man_made=tower (access=*)
- barriers
- schools as POI
- lake names only for bigger ones
- hunting_stand - poi_hunting_stand.p.12.png
- military=bunker - military_bunker.p.12.png
- man_made=mast - poi_tower_communications.p.12.png
- render scrub, marsh, wetland, beach
- natural=tree
- Unicode name rendering support. (See:
- Actually you to find/use a font for names that includes arabic and persian script
- Fontset support for Cascadenik is coming, thanks to the UrbanMapping guys
- Render Australia
- National parks: vs.
- waterway=ditch
- Render construction: normalize construction=xxx into highway=xxx, then place cross-out-marks based on highway=construction
- osmc:symbol=black:white:black_bar
- Useful low-zoom rendering
The tag "importance"
NOTE: this is not a formal proposal (yet).
We needed something to express the importance of a feature (lots of tagged peaks in the Elbsandsteingebirge our case, and they all look the same on the main map).
is a float point (a.k.a. real) value.
- scale -5.0 to 5.0 (-5.0 = very unimportant; 5.0 = most important)
- standard value is "not set" - no one decided on importance yet
- an explicitly set value of 0.0 means the feature is average in a region(?)
Things to ask yourself when deciding on a value:
- "Starting with which zoom level would this feature be shown on a world map?"
- "How important is this feature compared to their neigbours in the the region, and how important is it absolutely on a global scale?"
How do we get a scale for natural=peak, i.e. an answer to the question "where does my peak here fit into your system"?
Some important peaks to think about:
- Mount Everest (highest peak in the world)
- Mont Blanc (highest peak in the Alps)
- Matterhorn (very well known)
- Zugspitze (highest peak in Germany)
- Lilienstein, Sneznik (Hoher Schneeberg) (most prominent in the Elbsandsteingebirge)
For peaks, scientists usually speak about prominence, but importance is a more general term that can be used for other features as well so we chose that instead.
See also
- To download tiles e.g. for OSMtiledownloader use as tileserver expression: ""
- DE:OSMC Reitkarte (german) - much more advanced, but with a different focus
- - Openfietskaart