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This page describes a historic artifact in the history of OpenStreetMap. It does not reflect the current situation, but instead documents the historical concepts, issues, or ideas.

This page defines the parts of the stylesheet used by the OpenStreetBrowser. See also the Map Features-page ... In fact, every feature there should also be present on this page.


The icons should be about 16x16 pixels in size and have a transparent background. You can use PNGs or (better) SVGs. In the overlays the icons are displayed according to their network. The name of the object is black and gets a halo in the bg-color.

Don't like the icons? Me neither, I just collected them from various (free) sources, e.g. the Mapnik layer, Osmarender, Wikipedia) ;) Many objects don't even have icons yet! If you have good drawing skill or know good sources for CC-licensed icons, you can jump right in. Just upload them and with the next reload of the database (and therefore the style) the icons will be included.


See Proposed Features/Importance for a definition of the importance-key. According to the importance objects will start appear on the overlays at zoom levels. There's a default for every object (see the column 'importance' in the table below):

importance= only icon icon and name
international 5 8
national 8 10
regional 11 13
urban 13 15
suburban 15 16
local 17 18


category bg-color fg-color overlay
leisure/gastro #d6bb7c #b07c00 food
leisure/shop #ffe285 #ffce33 shop
services services
services/communication #ffe985
services/financial #ffe8a2
services/emergency #df9ea5
services/health #abffcb
services/education #e39ccf
services/public #f0dba5 #f0b215
services/tourism #8f9ed8
culture culture
culture/culture #ffbab3 #ff5745
culture/religion #c399cc #af29cc
culture/historic #e0c28d #e09c25
culture/tourism #cc8bbf #2045d8
transport/car car
transport/car/amenities #b7b8cc #858585
transport/car/furniture #b7b8cc #858585
transport/pt pt
transport/alternative ch
agri_ind agri_ind
agri_ind/agriculture #b0cc8a #8fcd40
agri_ind/power #b7b8cc #7c80cd
agri_ind/works #b7b8cc #7c80cd
agri_ind/construction #b7b8cc #7c80cd
agri_ind/railway #b7b8cc #7c80cd
agri_ind/resources #b7b8cc #7c80cd
agri_ind/landfill #b7b8cc #7c80cd
agri_ind/military #93a65b #627625


key=value: To what object does this rule apply? You can make dependencies for several keys (separate them by a space or you can define synonyms (separate them by ','). You can use the syntaxes {{Tag|amenity|bar}} or amenity=bar.

overlay: The column 'overlay' defines on which overlay this object will appear. The number in brackets define a priority for the detection of the object, so if an object has several keys (e.g. amenity=museum, historic=ruins, tourism=attraction) it will be detected as the one with a lower value. This can be set for each overlay separately.

key=value description from column category default importance icon overlay more
amenity=arts_centre culture/culture urban Maki-theatre-11.svg culture(3)
amenity=atm services/financial local OSB atm.svg services(3)
amenity=bureau_de_change services/financial suburban OSB bureau de change.svg services(3)
amenity=baby_hatch amenity services/health local OSB baby hatch.svg services(3)
amenity=bank, amenity=bank;atm, amenity=atm;bank services/financial suburban OSB bank.svg services(3)
amenity=bar leisure/gastro suburban OSB bar.png gastro(3)
amenity=bench leisure/leisure local leisure(3)
amenity=brothel amenity leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
amenity=bbq leisure/gastro suburban OSB Bbq.svg gastro(3)
amenity=biergarten cuisine leisure/gastro suburban Pub.p.16.png gastro(3)
amenity=bicycle_rental transport/alternative/amenities suburban OSB bicycle renting.svg ch(3)
amenity=bicycle_parking capacity>=60 transport/alternative/amenities urban OSB parking bikes.svg ch(3)
amenity=bicycle_parking capacity>=20<60 transport/alternative/amenities suburban OSB parking bikes.svg ch(3)
amenity=bicycle_parking capacity<20,
amenity=bicycle_parking capacity=
transport/alternative/amenities local OSB parking bikes.svg ch(3)
amenity=cafe cuisine leisure/gastro suburban OSB cafe.png gastro(3)
amenity=car_rental transport/car/amenities urban OSB car rental.svg car(3)
amenity=car_sharing transport/car/amenities urban OSB car rental.svg car(3)
amenity=casino leisure/gastro suburban OSB historic.png gastro(3)
amenity=cinema culture/culture suburban OSB cinema.svg culture(3)
amenity=clock services/public local OSB clock.svg culture(3)
amenity=college services/education regional OSB university.svg services(3)
amenity=court_house services/public regional OSB court.svg services(3)
amenity=crematorium culture/religion suburban culture(3)
amenity=drinking_water transport/alternative/amenities local OSB drinking water.svg ch(3)
amenity=embassy services/public regional OSB embassy.svg services(3)
amenity=dentist services/health suburban OSB dentist.svg services(3)
amenity=doctors services/health suburban OSB doctor.svg services(3)
amenity=emergency_phone services/emergency suburban OSB emergency phone.svg services(3)
amenity=fast_food cuisine leisure/gastro suburban OSB restaurant.png gastro(3)
amenity=fuel transport/car/amenities urban OSB Fuel.png car(3)
amenity=fire_station services/emergency urban OSB fire station.svg services(3)
amenity=food_court cuisine leisure/gastro suburban gastro(3)
amenity=fountain culture/culture local Osb fountain.svg culture(3)
amenity=government, amenity=gouvernment services/public regional OSB government.svg services(3)
amenity=grave_yard culture/religion local OSB cemetery.png culture(3)
amenity=hospital services/emergency urban OSB hospital.svg services(3)
amenity=kindergarten amenity services/education suburban services(3)
amenity=library services/education urban OSB library.svg services(3)
amenity=marketplace leisure/shop suburban OSB marketplace.png shop(3)
amenity=nightclub leisure/gastro suburban OSB bar.png gastro(3)
amenity=parking transport/car/amenities suburban OSB parking.svg car(3)
amenity=pharmacy services/health suburban OSB pharmacy.png services(3)
amenity=place_of_worship religion!=christian;jewish;muslim;sikh religion culture/religion urban OSB worship default.png culture(3)
amenity=place_of_worship religion=christian denomination culture/religion urban OSB worship church.png culture(2)
amenity=place_of_worship religion=jewish denomination culture/religion urban OSB worship synagogue.png culture(2)
amenity=place_of_worship religion=muslim denomination culture/religion urban OSB worship mosque.png culture(2)
amenity=place_of_worship religion=sikh denomination culture/religion urban OSB worship sikh.png culture(2)
amenity=police services/emergency urban OSB police.svg services(3)
amenity=post_box services/communication local OSB post box.svg services(3)
amenity=post_office, amenity=post_office;atm services/communication suburban OSB post office.svg services(3)
amenity=preschool amenity services/education suburban services(3)
amenity=pub cuisine leisure/gastro suburban Pub.p.16.png gastro(3)
amenity=public_building services/public urban OSB government.svg services(3)
amenity=prison services/public regional OSB prison.svg services(3)
amenity=recycling services/public local OSB recycling.png services(3)
amenity=restaurant cuisine leisure/gastro suburban OSB restaurant.png gastro(3)
amenity=sauna amenity leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
amenity=school amenity services/education suburban services(3)
amenity=shelter transport/alternative/amenities suburban OSB shelter.svg ch(3)
amenity=signpost transport/alternative/amenities local OSB signpost.svg ch(3)
amenity=studio culture/culture urban OSB culture.png culture(3)
amenity=taxi transport/pt/amenities suburban OSB Taxi.png services(3)
amenity=telephone services/communication local OSB phone.svg services(3)
amenity=ticket_counter transport/pt/amenities suburban services(3)
amenity=theatre culture/culture urban OSB culture.png culture(3)
amenity=toilets services/public local OSB toilets.svg services(3)
amenity=townhall services/public urban OSB government.svg services(3)
amenity=university services/education regional OSB university.svg services(3)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(3)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending cigarettes.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending=sweets, amenity=vending_machine
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending transport/alternative/amenities local OSB vending machine.svg ch(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
vending leisure/shop local OSB vending machine.svg shop(2)
amenity=veterinary amenity services/health suburban services(3)
amenity=waste_basket services/public local OSB waste basket.svg services(3) tables=point
amenity=waste_disposal services/public local OSB waste basket.svg services(3) tables=point
amenity=wlan, amenity=WLAN services/communication local OSB wlan.svg services(3)
emergency=fire_hydrant services/emergency local OSB fire hydrant.svg services(3) tables=point
building=commercial agri_ind/works urban shop(5)
building=retail leisure/shop urban shop(5)
heritage=0 heritage:operator culture/culture regional OSB unesco.png culture(3)
heritage=2 heritage:operator culture/culture regional Distinctive emblem for cultural property.svg culture(3)
heritage=4 heritage:operator culture/culture urban Distinctive emblem for cultural property.svg culture(3)
heritage=6 heritage:operator culture/culture urban Distinctive emblem for cultural property.svg culture(3)
heritage=8 heritage:operator culture/culture suburban Distinctive emblem for cultural property.svg culture(3)
leisure=sports_centre sport leisure/leisure urban leisure(3)
leisure=golf_course leisure/leisure suburban Leisure-golf course-osb.png leisure(3)
leisure=stadium sport leisure/leisure urban leisure(3)
leisure=track sport leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=pitch sport leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=water_park leisure/leisure suburban

Leisure-water park-osb.png

leisure=marina leisure/leisure urban Leisure-marina-osb.png leisure(3)
leisure=slipway leisure/leisure local Leisure-slipway-osb.png leisure(3)
leisure=fishing leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=nature_reserve leisure/leisure urban

Leisure-nature reserve-osb.png

leisure=park leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=playground sport leisure/leisure local leisure(3)
leisure=garden leisure/leisure local leisure(3)
leisure=common leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=ice_rink sport leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=miniature_golf leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=swimming_pool sport leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
leisure=beach_resort sport leisure/leisure urban leisure(3)
leisure=bird_hide leisure/leisure local leisure(3)
leisure=sport sport leisure/leisure suburban leisure(3)
shop=fixme shop leisure/shop local OSB supermarket.png shop(4)
shop=alcohol shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=apparel shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=bakery leisure/shop suburban OSB shop bakery.svg shop(3)
shop=beverages shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=bicycle leisure/shop suburban OSB shop bicycles.svg shop(3)
shop=bicycle transport/alternative/amenities urban OSB shop bicycles.svg ch(3)
shop=books leisure/shop suburban OSB shop books.svg shop(3)
shop=butcher shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=car leisure/shop suburban OSB shop cars.svg shop(3)
shop=car transport/car/amenities urban OSB shop cars.svg car(3)
shop=car_repair leisure/shop suburban OSB Car Repair.png shop(3)
shop=car_repair transport/car/amenities urban OSB Car Repair.png car(3)
shop=chemist shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=clothes shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=computer shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=convenience shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=department_store shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=drug_store shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=dry_cleaning shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=doityourself shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=electronics shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=estate_agent shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=fish shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=florist shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=furniture shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=garden_centre, shop=garden_center shop leisure/shop urban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=grocery, shop=groceries shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=hairdresser shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=hardware shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=hifi shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=jewelry shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=kiosk shop leisure/shop local OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=laundry shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=mall shop leisure/shop urban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=market leisure/shop suburban OSB marketplace.png shop(3)
shop=motorcycle shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=music leisure/shop suburban OSB shop music.svg shop(3)
shop=newsagent shop leisure/shop local OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=optician shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=organic shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=outdoor shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=outdoor transport/alternative/amenities urban OSB supermarket.png ch(3)
shop=pet shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=photo shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=second_hand shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=shopping_centre, shop=shopping_center shop leisure/shop urban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=sports shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=stationery shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=supermarket shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=shoes shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=ticket shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=travel_agency shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=toys shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=video shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
shop=wine shop leisure/shop suburban OSB supermarket.png shop(3)
sport=9pin sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=10pin sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=archery sport leisure/sport suburban OSB sport archery.svg leisure(3)
sport=athletics sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=australian_football sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=baseball sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=basketball sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=beachvolleyball sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=boules sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=bowls sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=canoe sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=chess sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=climbing sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=cricket sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=cricket_nets sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=croquet sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=cycling sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=diving sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=dog_racing sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=equestrian sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=football sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=golf sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=gymnastics sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=hockey sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=horse_racing sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=korfball sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=motor sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=multi sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=orienteering sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=paddle_tennis sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=paragliding sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=pelota sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=racquet sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=rowing sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=rugby sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=shooting sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=skating sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=skateboard sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=skiing sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=soccer sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=swimming sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=table_tennis sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=team_handball sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=tennis sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
sport=volleyball sport leisure/sport suburban leisure(3)
tourism=camp_site services/tourism regional OSB camp site.png services(3)
tourism=caravan_site services/tourism regional OSB camp site.png services(3)
tourism=chalet tourism services/tourism suburban OSB hotel.png services(3)
tourism=guest_house tourism services/tourism suburban OSB hotel.png services(3)
tourism=hostel tourism services/tourism urban OSB hotel.png services(3)
tourism=hotel tourism services/tourism urban OSB hotel.png services(3)
tourism=information services/tourism suburban services(3)
tourism=motel tourism services/tourism urban OSB hotel.png services(3)
tourism=mountain_hut tourism services/tourism suburban OSB hotel.png services(3)
tourism=museum culture/culture urban OSB culture.png culture(3)
tourism=artwork culture/culture local OSB culture.png culture(3)
tourism=attraction culture/tourism urban OSB attraction.png culture(6) tables=polygon,point,line
tourism=yes culture/tourism urban OSB attraction.png culture(6) tables=polygon,point,line
tourism=viewpoint culture/tourism local OSB attraction.png culture(4)
tourism=picnic_site transport/alternative/amenities suburban ch(3)
tourism=theme_park culture/tourism regional OSB attraction.png culture(3)
tourism=zoo culture/tourism regional OSB zoo.svg culture(3)
historic=battlefield culture/historic urban culture(3)
historic=castle culture/historic regional OSB castle.png culture(3)
historic=icon culture/historic suburban culture(3)
historic=monument historic culture/historic urban OSB historic.png culture(3)
historic=memorial historic culture/historic suburban OSB historic.png culture(3)
historic=ruins historic culture/historic urban OSB castle.png culture(3)
historic=archaeologic_site culture/historic regional OSB castle.png culture(3)
historic=wreck culture/historic regional OSB wreck.png culture(3)
historic=UNESCO_world_heritage culture/historic international OSB unesco.png culture(3)
historic=unesco_world_heritage culture/historic international OSB unesco.png culture(3)
historic=grave culture/religion local OSB grave.png culture(3)
historic=yes culture/historic local OSB historic.png culture(3) tables=polygon,point,line
historic=wayside_cross culture/historic suburban culture(3)
historic=wayside_shrine culture/historic suburban culture(3)
cemetery=grave culture/religion local OSB grave.png culture(3)
landuse=cemetery culture/religion suburban OSB cemetery.png culture(3)
place=continent place places/places international base(3) tables=place
place=country place places/places international base(3) tables=place
place=state place places/places national base(3) tables=place
place=region place places/places regional base(3) tables=place
place=county place places/places regional base(3) tables=place
place=city pop_cat=L place places/places international base(3) tables=place
place=city pop_cat=M place places/places national base(3) tables=place
place=city pop_cat=S place places/places regional base(3) tables=place
place=town pop_cat=L place places/places regional base(3) tables=place
place=town pop_cat=S place places/places urban base(3) tables=place
place=village place places/places suburban base(3) tables=place
place=suburb place places/places suburban base(3) tables=place
place=locality place places/places local base(3) tables=place
place=island place places/places urban base(3) tables=place
place=islet place places/places local base(3) tables=place
route=bicycle operator transport/alternative/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=bus operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=ferry operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=ferry operator transport/pt/routes urban pt(3) tables=line
route=hiking operator transport/alternative/routes * ch(3) tables=route
route=mtb operator sport/routes * sport(3) tables=route
route=railway, route=rail operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=road operator transport/car/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=ski operator sport/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=train operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=tram operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=subway operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=light_rail operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=trolley, route=trolleybus operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
route=minibus operator transport/pt/routes * pt(3) tables=route
railway=subway_entrance transport/pt/amenities suburban OSB subway entrance.svg pt(3) tables=point
power=line voltage transport/other * base:power(3) tables=line
power=minor_line voltage transport/other local base:power(3) tables=line
man_made=pipeline type transport/other urban base:power(3) tables=line
transport/pt/stops * pt(3) tables=stations
natural=peak ele places/natural urban OSB Peak.png base:natural(3) tables=point
natural=spring places/natural suburban OSB Spring.png base:natural(3) tables=point
natural=glacier places/natural urban base:natural(3)
natural=volcano ele places/natural urban OSB Volcano.png base:natural(3) tables=point
natural=cliff places/natural urban OSB Cliff.png base:natural(3) tables=polygon,line,point
natural=scree places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=fell places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=heath places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=wood wood places/natural urban base:natural(3)
landuse=wood wood places/natural urban base:natural(3)
landuse=forest wood places/natural urban base:natural(3)
natural=marsh places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=wetland wetland places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=mud places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=scrub places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=water places/natural urban base:natural(3) tables=point
natural=beach surface places/natural suburban base:natural(3)
natural=bay places/natural urban base:natural(3)
natural=land places/natural urban base:natural(3) tables=point
natural=cave_entrance ele places/natural suburban OSB Cave.png base:natural(3)
natural=tree species places/natural local OSB Tree.png base:natural(3) tables=point
natural=coastline places/natural suburban base:natural(3) tables=line
leisure=park places/recreation suburban base:natural(3)
waytype=street highway places/streets * base:streets(3) tables=streets
waytype=waterway waterway places/natural * base:streets(3) tables=streets
waytype=railway railway agri_ind/railway * base:streets(3) tables=streets
power=generator power_source agri_ind/power regional OSB power.svg base:power(3)
power=station agri_ind/power urban OSB power.svg agri_ind(3)
power=sub_station agri_ind/power local OSB power.svg agri_ind(3)
man_made=works agri/works urban OSB industry.svg agri_ind(3)
landuse=industrial landuse agri_ind/works urban OSB industry.svg agri_ind(3)
landuse=allotments landuse agri_ind/agriculture urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=allotments landuse places/residential suburban base:places(3)
landuse=basin landuse places/natural local base:natural(3)
landuse=brownfield landuse agri_ind/construction urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=construction landuse agri_ind/construction urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=farm, landuse=farmland landuse agri_ind/agriculture urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=farmyard landuse agri_ind/agriculture urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=garages landuse transport/car/amenities urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=grass landuse places/natural urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=greenfield landuse agri_ind/construction urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=greenhouse_horticulture landuse agri_ind/agriculture urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=landfill landuse agri_ind/landfill urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=meadow landuse places/natural urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=military landuse agri_ind/military regional agri_ind(3)
landuse=orchard landuse agri_ind/agriculture urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=quarry landuse agri_ind/resources urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=railway landuse agri_ind/railway regional agri_ind(3)
landuse=recreation_ground leisure/leisure urban leisure(3)
landuse=reservoir landuse places/natural urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=residential landuse places/residential urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=retail landuse shop urban shop(3)
landuse=salt_pond landuse agri_ind/resources urban agri_ind(3)
landuse=vineyard landuse agri_ind/agriculture urban agri_ind(3)
military=airfield military agri_ind/military regional agri_ind(3)
military=bunker military agri_ind/military urban agri_ind(3)
military=barracks military agri_ind/military urban agri_ind(3)
military=danger_area military agri_ind/military urban agri_ind(3)
military=range military agri_ind/military suburban agri_ind(3)
military=naval_base military agri_ind/military urban agri_ind(3)
military=yes agri_ind/military suburban agri_ind(3)
highway=services highway transport/car/amenities regional car(3)
highway=mini_roundabout highway transport/car/furniture local car(3) tables=point
highway=stop transport/car/furniture local RomanianTrafficSign B2-Stop 2011.svg car(3) tables=point
highway=traffic_signals transport/car/furniture local OSB traffic signals.svg car(3) tables=point
highway=roundabout highway transport/car/furniture suburban car(3) tables=polygon,point,line
highway=motorway_junction highway transport/car/furniture local car(3) tables=point
highway=ford highway transport/car/furniture suburban car(3) tables=point,line
highway=turning_circle highway transport/car/furniture local car(3) tables=point
highway=construction construction agri_ind/construction suburban agri_ind(3) tables=line,polygon,point
highway=emergency_access_point highway transport/car/furniture suburban car(3) tables=point
highway=speed_camera highway transport/car/furniture local car(3) tables=point
highway=passing_place highway transport/car/furniture local car(3) tables=point
railway=level_crossing railway transport/car/furniture local car(3) tables=point

