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Intento de importación Barcelona 2016


The goal is to import the housenumbers from the Barcelona city council database.

In Barcelona there are 32782 already in OSM. We will merge to these nodes all the useful information, deleting duplicities.


  1. December 12 2016: We started the preparation , the mixture of the two files and the discussion. See the discussion in the talk-es list (in spanish)
  2. XXXX: Sent the proposal to the imports list.
  3. XXXX: Import started
  4. XXXX: QA finished
  5. XXXX: Report sent to talk-es and to Barcelona city council open data site.

Import Data

Data description

The original dataset is a mixture of two files. Each file has the important data. The final goal is the 171,642 housenumbers with the name of the 4620 names of the streets.

-Carrerer de la ciutat de Barcelona:

-Direccions postales elementales:

We'll use the csv for processing. You can download the data here.


ODbL Compliance verified: YES

The license can be consulted here (in Spanish). It requires attribution of the source, so all nodes and the changeset will include source=Ajuntament de Barcelona. The Barcelona City Council (Ajuntament de Barcelona) is already on the contributors list.

As the ask for use OSM in a council project (decidim.Barcelona) , we will ask for a explicit permission to the data owner (Ajuntament de Barcelona) and they confirmed me that we comply with their attribution clause using their data in OSM if we clearly specify the source and the source:date, the way it will be done.

Compatibility with the ODbL was already discussed in the imports and talk-es mailing lists.

Import Type

The import will be done manually,for making the conflation between OSM data and AJ BCN data, using the Tasks Manager, so it can be assigned to different volunteers.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

As mentioned before, the data file we have chosen is in csv format. Some corrections are part of the data conversion script. Some of the fields aren't relevant and will be ignored.

Tagging Plans

Here are the original fields, their meaning and how they will be converted to the resulting OSM file:


Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
CODI_VIA City street code ajbcn:street_id We will import this code for updating processes.
NUMPOST Internal reference number addr:housenumber=*
LLEPOST Complement with letter addr:housenumber=* When It is complementary from NUMPOST
TIPUSNUM Type of number Not importable
DTE District Not importable
DIST_POST Internal council postal district addr:postcode=*
SECC_CENS Not importable
SECC_EST Not importable
BARRI Neighbourhood Not importable
ED50_COORD_X Not importable
ED50_COORD_Y Not importable
ETRS89_COORD_X X coordinates (EPSG:25831) X Not importable
ETRS89_COORD_Y Y coordinates (EPSG:25831) Y Not importable
ORD Not importable


Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
CODI_CARRER City street code ajbcn:street_id We will import this code for updating processes.
CODI_CARRER_INE Internal reference number from the INE (Spanish National Stats Institute) Not importable
TIPUS_VIA Type of street Not importable
NOM_OFICIAL Official name of the street addr:street=*
NOM_CURT Short name Not importable
NRE_MIN Minimum number of housenumber in this street Not importable
NRE_MAX Maximum number of housenumber in this street Not importable

To all the nodes, we will add the following tags:

Changeset Tags

We will use the following changeset tags:

Data Transformation

Data is in csv format. We will:

  1. Download the data with this script
    # Descarga, transforma y reproyecta las direcciones de Barcelona
    # a partir los datos abiertos del Ajuntament al formato XML de OSM.
    # Santiago Crespo 2016 
    rm -rf $TMPDIR
    mkdir $TMPDIR
    cd $TMPDIR
    # Download the rdf with the source:date information:
    wget "" -O rdf
    FECHA_CALLES=`grep -A 3 CARRERER rdf | grep "dct:modified" | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | awk -F 'T' '{print $1}'`
    FECHA_DIRECCIONES=`grep -A3 INFRAESTRUCTURES/TAULA_DIRELE rdf | grep "dct:modified" | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | awk -F 'T' '{print $1}'`
    if [ "$a" != "$b" ]; then
      echo "ERROR: FECHA_CALLES y FECHA_DIRECCIONES no coinciden!"
      echo "No sé que poner en source:date"
      exit 1
    # Download the csv file with the addresses
    wget -O direcciones.html
    wget `grep csv direcciones.html | grep http | awk -F '"' '{print ""$2}'` -O TAULA_DIRELE.csv
    perl -pe 's/ETRS89_COORD_X/x/g' TAULA_DIRELE.csv | perl -pe 's/ETRS89_COORD_Y/y/g' > t ; mv t TAULA_DIRELE.csv
    # Reproject from EPSG:25831 to EPSG:4326:
    echo '<OGRVRTDataSource>
      <OGRVRTLayer name="TAULA_DIRELE">
      <LayerSRS>+init=epsg:25831 +wktext</LayerSRS>             
      <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="x" y="y"/>
      </OGRVRTDataSource>' > direcciones-bcn.vrt
    ogr2ogr -lco GEOMETRY=AS_XY -overwrite -f CSV -t_srs EPSG:4326 DIRECCIONES-BCN.csv direcciones-bcn.vrt
    # Download the csv file with the complete street names
    wget -O calles.html
    wget `grep csv calles.html | grep http | awk -F '"' '{print ""$2}'` -O CARRERER.csv
    # Remove the first line
    tail -n +2 DIRECCIONES-BCN.csv > t ; mv t DIRECCIONES-BCN.csv
    tail -n +2 CARRERER.csv > t ; mv t CARRERER.csv
    # Add headers
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $OUT_FILE
    echo '<osm version="0.6" generator=" 1.0">' >> $OUT_FILE
    while IFS=$';' read -r -a VIA; do
      echo "Procesando: ${VIA[3]}"
      while IFS=$',' read -r -a DIRECCIONES; do
        if [ "${VIA[0]}" = "${DIRECCIONES[2]}" ]; then
          let COUNTER=COUNTER-1
          echo '  <node id="'$COUNTER'" lat="'${DIRECCIONES[1]}'" lon="'${DIRECCIONES[0]}'">' >> $OUT_FILE
          echo '    <tag k="ajbcn:street_id" v="'${DIRECCIONES[2]}'"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
          echo '    <tag k="addr:street" v="'${VIA[3]}'"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
          NUMERO=$(echo ${DIRECCIONES[3]} | sed 's/^0*//') # Remove leading zeroes
          echo $NUMERO
    	  echo '    <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="'$NUMERO'"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
    	  echo '    <tag k="addr:postcode" v="080'${DIRECCIONES[7]}'"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
          echo '    <tag k="source" v="Ajuntament de Barcelona"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
          echo '    <tag k="source:date" v="'$FECHA_DIRECCIONES'"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
    #      echo '    <tag k="source" v="Infraestructura de dades espacials de l\'Ajuntament de Barcelona - Geoportal"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
    #      echo '    <tag k="source" v="Carto BCN / Ajuntament de Barcelona"/>' >> $OUT_FILE
          echo '  </node>' >> $OUT_FILE
      done < $TMPDIR/DIRECCIONES-BCN.csv
    done < $TMPDIR/CARRERER.csv
    echo '</osm>' >> $OUT_FILE
  2. Removed all the original tags, added the OSM tags using JOSM
  3. Generated a polygon from the nodes using the convex hull tool in QGIS and used it to generate the working area on the TM
  4. Filtered the nodes to import that are already near a mapped node in OSM using the osmsplitdup script
  5. Manually confirmed that all nodes marked as duplicated nodes are indeed duplicated using JOSM with the ToDo plugin.
  6. Splitted the file with the possibly non-duplicated nodes to have one file for each task on the TM using the osmboxes script

Data Import Workflow

Team Approach

Import will be undertaken by experienced OSM volunteers, following a strict workflow.


The import will be discussed in the Talk-Es list and in the Imports list.


As most (if not all) of the volunteers will be Spanish speaking, they can follow the detailed workflow in Spanish language on the TM.

The workflow will be as follows:

  • 1. Install the TODO list JOSM plugin if the volunteer don't have it.
  • 2. Create, if we don't have one yet, an import specific user account, like username_bcn_housenumbers_import (you will need a different email account from the account you used for your regular OSM account). Change the OSM username to that specific account in the JOSM preferences.
  • 3. Configure JOSM to allow remote access.
  • 4. Login into the Tasks Manager.
  • 5. Select one square to work on.
  • 6. Open the OSM data and the drinking_water data by clicking on the JOSM button and the link on the extra instructions.
  • 7. Select all nodes on the drinking_water layer and add them to the ToDo list.For each node we first check its correctness, correcting any errors or typos we may still encounter. If the node is clearly wrong or suspicious of being wrong, it won't be imported in the first place, and it will be added to the comments, so it can be checked afterwards by other mappers to take a decision about it. The mapper will delete that node to be sure it won't be imported. Also we will conflate the node data with the existing if there is already one node or create a new one if not. Don't replace existing hand mapped information without on-the-ground verification.
  • 8. If the housenumber is already on OSM, we'll not import it but we will check the extra information to add to this node.
  • 9. After the import is done, there will be a review process using the TM.


Each year I'll download the dataset, do a diff and update the data to OSM manually. Until I get bored. yopaseopor (talk) 23:29, 11 December 2016 (UTC)

Reverse plan

In case of any trouble, JOSM reverter will be used.

After the import

Report with problems and errors

I will make made a report with all the problems and errors detected and sent to the Barcelona city council Open Data administrators. yopaseopor (talk) 23:29, 11 December 2016 (UTC)

Extended Traffic Signs 1

Extended traffic signs tagging
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: yopaseopor
Tagging: traffic_sign=*
Applies to: node
Definition: An extended and advanced scheme to tag all kind of traffic signs

Draft started: 2017-02-05


Traffic signs are one of the most important kind of elements you can find... in the "road world". They are extended over the world and there are so many kinds of it. But was a minor tag in OSM (few elements, few tags related, few values...untill now). It is important to structure a complete scheme which answers all the meanings of a traffic sign, not only the meaning for the road but also the element itself.

Generic traffic signs in OSM now

It is not clear what means for OSM a traffic sign. There's an approximation with nodes with the tag highway=(give_way,traffic_signals, and stop)

Value Element Sign Comment Additional tags on the way
stop node UK traffic sign 601.1.svg Stop sign. Usually tagged as highway=stop instead. highway=stop (on a node)
give_way node UK traffic sign 602.svg Give way sign. Usually tagged as highway=give_way instead. highway=give_way (on a node)
traffic_signal node
Traffic lights 4 states.png
Traffic signal. highway=traffic_signals (on a node)

Other approximation is that traffic signs mark the start of a piece of track with some properties as:

Value Element Sign Comment Additional tags on the way
stop node UK traffic sign 601.1.svg Stop sign. Usually tagged implicity on a node of the highway with highway=stop instead. highway=stop (on a node)
give_way node UK traffic sign 602.svg Give way sign. Usually just highway=give_way is tagged instead. highway=give_way (on a node)
city_limit node Zeichen 310.svg City or village sign. zone:traffic=DE:urban
maxspeed node UK traffic sign 670V50.svg Maximum speed sign. Usually tagged as node although they're actually section-related signs. maxspeed=* + source:maxspeed=sign
overtaking nodeway UK traffic sign 632.svg No overtaking sign. overtaking=no
maxwidth nodeway UK traffic sign 629A.svg Maximum width sign. maxwidth=*
maxheight nodeway UK traffic sign 629.2A.svg Maximum height sign. maxheight=*
maxweight nodeway Ireland road sign RUS 053.svg Maximum weight sign. maxweight=*

There is also a third approximation: by ID's. They are marked with the two letters code of the country and then the code every country specifies in their traffic laws. You can read a table with it in Key:traffic sign#Lists of IDs per country

Also there are two ways of mapping them: as a separated node or as part of way.

As a separated node you put the exact position of the traffic sign but it is difficult to show the correspondence to the way it affects physically. Also to mark the direction it shows the information you can use the tag direction, relative to cardinal direction.

As a part of the way you can use the direction=* with the values direction=forward, direction=backward, direction=90 direction=270 , to show the facing direction . It is easy for renders to assume being part of the way traffic signs affect that way but it is difficult to assume the exact position of the traffic sign.

Multiple traffic signs values are posted with ; or , if the traffic sign is related each other or not.


The aim of this new scheme for traffic_signs is to give the entire importance the traffic sign gets. It uses the most complete parts of the existing schemes. It uses the traffic ID national code to mark which traffic sign is and also gives the entire importance as states do in their laws (we know it because when you ask a government e.g. Spanish government, for the database of traffic signs in their roads each traffic sign has a unique ID with its position and code.) with a node per traffic sign, marking the position with a numbered subtag :2 or :3...This avoid misinterpretation errors from the tags and also the multivalue problems. Also permits the correspondence between some tags each other. And you can use the tag traffic_sign:id=* to specify the specific per country traffic sign if you know the value. There are so convenience to not fit more than three traffic signs at the same pole to make easier the readability for human eye at the reality[1].

How it works. How to map

The mapping method is a node part of the way using the values explaining its direction relative to the way: direction=forward, direction=backward, direction=90 (clockwise) and direction=forward, direction=backward, direction=90, direction=270 (clockwise) to show the facing direction.

Also it is completed with a tag side that marks the side of the way traffic sign is in.

Tag=value Comment
side=right the right side of the way . It is relative to the orientation you draw a way, as rivers
side=left the left side of the way.
side=both the left and right sides at the same time.
side=up all elevated traffic signs or traffic panels.
side=down all traffic road marks.

When there is a second traffic sign you use the subtag 2: to traffic_sign tag and so on (e.g. traffic_sign:2=maxspeed or traffic_sign:id=DE:206).

Traffic signs generic examples of keys and values

Here it is some examples of approximation of readable values and "subkeys" applied to the traffic_sign key.

  • First you say the type of the traffic sign: Warning (Hazard in OSM),Regulatory (all the maxspeed,maxwidth,maxheight,maxweight,maxaxleload,overtaking...),Information (includes city_limit traffic_signs) ,Complementary or Others. Stop and give_way uses highway key until community decide to unify all the traffic signs with one key.
  • Then you apply the subkey.

e.g. :

Spain traffic signal r301-50.svg







LOADING TAG LIST... (If you do not see this tag list, you need to enable JavaScript)
This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.

You can see more of them in the wiki's page of the key hazard.

traffic_sign=max* or min and other regulatory signs

LOADING TAG LIST... (If you do not see this tag list, you need to enable JavaScript)
This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.
Key Value
maxspeed:led 10
maxspeed:led 100
maxspeed:led 110
maxspeed:led 120
maxspeed:led 130
maxspeed:led 20
maxspeed:led 25
maxspeed:led 30
maxspeed:led 35
maxspeed:led 40
maxspeed:led 50
maxspeed:led 60
maxspeed:led 70
maxspeed:led 75
maxspeed:led 80
maxspeed:led 90
maxspeed:night 10
maxspeed:night 15
maxspeed:night 20
maxspeed:night 25
maxspeed:night 30
maxspeed:night 35
maxspeed:night 40
maxspeed:night 45
maxspeed:night 5
maxspeed:night 50
maxspeed:night 55
maxspeed:night 60
maxspeed:night 65
maxspeed:night 70
maxspeed:night 75
maxspeed:night 80
maxspeed:night 85
maxspeed:hgv 10
maxspeed:hgv 15
maxspeed:hgv 20
maxspeed:hgv 25
maxspeed:hgv 30
maxspeed:hgv 35
maxspeed:hgv 40
maxspeed:hgv 45
maxspeed:hgv 5
maxspeed:hgv 50
maxspeed:hgv 55
maxspeed:hgv 60
maxspeed:hgv 65
maxspeed:hgv 70
maxspeed:hgv 75
maxspeed:hgv 80
maxspeed:hgv 85
maxspeed implicit
maxspeed:implicit 10
maxspeed:implicit 100
maxspeed:implicit 110
maxspeed:implicit 120
maxspeed:implicit 130
maxspeed:implicit 20
maxspeed:implicit 25
maxspeed:implicit 30
maxspeed:implicit 35
maxspeed:implicit 40
maxspeed:implicit 50
maxspeed:implicit 60
maxspeed:implicit 65
maxspeed:implicit 70
maxspeed:implicit 75
maxspeed:implicit 80
maxspeed:implicit 90
maxspeed:advisory 10
maxspeed:advisory 15
maxspeed:advisory 20
maxspeed:advisory 25
maxspeed:advisory 30
maxspeed:advisory 35
maxspeed:advisory 40
maxspeed:advisory 45
maxspeed:advisory 50
maxspeed:advisory 55
maxspeed:advisory 60
maxspeed:advisory 65
maxspeed:advisory 70
maxspeed:advisory 75
maxspeed:advisory 80
maxspeed:advisory 85
maxspeed:advisory 90
maxspeed:advisory 95
maxspeed:advisory:implicit 20
maxspeed:advisory:implicit 40
maxspeed:advisory:implicit 60
maxspeed:advisory:implicit 70
maxspeed:advisory:implicit 80
maxspeed:advisory:implicit 90
minspeed 10
minspeed 100
minspeed 110
minspeed 120
minspeed 130
minspeed 20
minspeed 25
minspeed 30
minspeed 35
minspeed 40
minspeed 50
minspeed 60
minspeed 70
minspeed 75
minspeed 80
minspeed 90
minspeed:implicit 10
minspeed:implicit 100
minspeed:implicit 110
minspeed:implicit 120
minspeed:implicit 130
minspeed:implicit 20
minspeed:implicit 25
minspeed:implicit 30
minspeed:implicit 35
minspeed:implicit 40
minspeed:implicit 50
minspeed:implicit 60
minspeed:implicit 70
minspeed:implicit 75
minspeed:implicit 80
minspeed:implicit 90
highway speed_display

and other regulatory signs.

Key Value
highway stop
highway give_way
regulatory advisory_maximum_speed_limit
regulatory all_directions_permitted
regulatory all_way
regulatory atvs_permitted
regulatory bicycle_lane_left
regulatory bicycle_parking
regulatory bicycles_and_buses_only
regulatory bicycles_only
regulatory bicycles_push_button
regulatory bicycles_stop_on_red
regulatory bicycles_wrong_way
regulatory bicycles_yield_or_use_signal
regulatory bike_route
regulatory building_direction
regulatory bus_priority_lane
regulatory buses_and_taxi_only
regulatory buses_only
regulatory circular_intersection
regulatory cross_only_on_green
regulatory cross_only_on_pedestrian_signal
regulatory crosswalk_stop_on_red
regulatory cycling_restriction
regulatory cyclists_dismount_and_walk
regulatory detour_left
regulatory detour_right
regulatory divided_highway_crossing
regulatory divided_highway_ends
regulatory divided_highway_starts
regulatory do_not_block_intersection
regulatory do_not_pass
regulatory do_not_stop_on_tracks
regulatory dual_lanes_all_directions_on_left
regulatory dual_lanes_all_directions_on_right
regulatory dual_lanes_cyclists_and_pedestrians
regulatory dual_lanes_go_left_or_right
regulatory dual_lanes_go_straight_on_left
regulatory dual_lanes_go_straight_on_right
regulatory dual_lanes_turn_left
regulatory dual_lanes_turn_left_no_u_turn
regulatory dual_lanes_turn_left_or_straight
regulatory dual_lanes_turn_right_or_straight
regulatory dual_path_bicycles_and_pedestrians
regulatory dual_path_equestrians_and_pedestrians
regulatory dual_path_equestrians_and_pedestrians_bicycles
regulatory dual_path_pedestrians_and_bicycles
regulatory dual_path_pedestrians_and_equestrians
regulatory dual_path_pedestrians_bicycles_and_equestrians
regulatory dual_speed_limits
regulatory end_of_bicycles_only
regulatory end_of_bus_and_taxi_only
regulatory end_of_buses_only
regulatory end_of_cycling_restriction
regulatory end_of_dual_path_bicycles_and_pedestrians
regulatory end_of_dual_path_pedestrians_and_bicycles
regulatory end_of_equestrians_only
regulatory end_of_low_beam_headlights
regulatory end_of_mopeds_and_bicycles_only
regulatory end_of_no_heavy_goods_vehicles
regulatory end_of_no_horn
regulatory end_of_no_overtaking
regulatory end_of_no_overtaking_by_heavy_goods_vehicles
regulatory end_of_no_overtaking_by_motorcycles
regulatory end_of_no_parking
regulatory end_of_no_parking_or_stopping
regulatory end_of_one_way_straight
regulatory end_of_parking_zone
regulatory end_of_pedestrians_only
regulatory end_of_priority_road
regulatory end_of_prohibition
regulatory end_of_school_zone
regulatory end_of_shared_path_bicycles_and_pedestrians
regulatory end_of_shared_path_pedestrians_and_bicycles
regulatory end_of_snow_chains
regulatory end_of_snowmobiles_only
regulatory end_of_speed_limit_zone
regulatory end_of_tractors_only
regulatory end_of_trams_and_buses_only
regulatory end_of_trams_only
regulatory end_of_trucks_and_buses_only
regulatory end_of_trucks_only
regulatory equestrians_only
regulatory except_railroad_crossing
regulatory fine_for_littering
regulatory give_way_to_bicycles
regulatory give_way_to_oncoming_traffic
regulatory go_left_bicycles
regulatory go_right_bicycles
regulatory go_straight
regulatory go_straight_bicycles
regulatory go_straight_or_turn_left
regulatory go_straight_or_turn_right
regulatory heavy_goods_vehicles_permitted
regulatory height_limit
regulatory high_beam_headlights
regulatory horn
regulatory in_street_pedestrian_crossing
regulatory keep_left
regulatory keep_right
regulatory lane_control
regulatory left_turn_yield_on_green
regulatory length_limit
regulatory light_rail_divided_highway
regulatory light_rail_do_not_pass
regulatory light_rail_only
regulatory look
regulatory low_beam_headlights
regulatory low_speed_vehicle_permitted
regulatory minimum_safe_distance
regulatory mopeds_and_bicycles_only
regulatory motorcycles_and_bicycles_only
regulatory motorcycles_only
regulatory no_abnormal_vehicles
regulatory no_atvs
regulatory no_bicycles
regulatory no_bicycles_carts_or_hand_carts
regulatory no_bicycles_mopeds_or_motorcycles
regulatory no_bicycles_or_hand_carts
regulatory no_bicycles_or_motorcycles
regulatory no_bicycles_tractors_or_carts
regulatory no_buses
regulatory no_caravan_trailers
regulatory no_caravans
regulatory no_caravans_or_caravan_trailers
regulatory no_cargo_loading
regulatory no_carts
regulatory no_carts_or_tractors
regulatory no_construction_vehicles
regulatory no_entry
regulatory no_equestrians
regulatory no_go_straight_or_turn_left
regulatory no_go_straight_or_turn_right
regulatory no_goods_vehicle_trailers
regulatory no_hand_carts
regulatory no_hand_carts_or_bicycles
regulatory no_hawkers
regulatory no_heavy_goods_vehicles
regulatory no_heavy_goods_vehicles_motorcycles_or_bicycles
regulatory no_heavy_goods_vehicles_or_buses
regulatory no_heavy_goods_vehicles_or_tractors
regulatory no_heavy_goods_vehicles_or_trailers
regulatory no_horizontal_turn
regulatory no_horn
regulatory no_lane_change_to_left
regulatory no_lane_change_to_right
regulatory no_learner_drivers
regulatory no_left_or_u_turn
regulatory no_left_turn
regulatory no_low_speed_vehicles
regulatory no_mopeds_or_bicycles
regulatory no_motor_vehicle_trailers
regulatory no_motor_vehicles
regulatory no_motor_vehicles_except_motorcycles
regulatory no_motor_vehicles_or_bicycles
regulatory no_motor_vehicles_or_buses
regulatory no_motor_vehicles_or_carts
regulatory no_motorcycles
regulatory no_parking
regulatory no_parking_bicycles_or_motorcycles
regulatory no_parking_bus_stop
regulatory no_parking_or_no_stopping
regulatory no_passenger_loading
regulatory no_pedestrians
regulatory no_pedestrians_bicycles_animals_or_hand_carts
regulatory no_pedestrians_or_bicycles
regulatory no_rickshaws
regulatory no_right_turn
regulatory no_right_turn_on_red
regulatory no_skiing
regulatory no_snowmobiles
regulatory no_snowmobiles_or_atvs
regulatory no_stopping
regulatory no_stopping_on_pavement
regulatory no_straight_through
regulatory no_studded_snow_chains
regulatory no_through_trucks
regulatory no_tour_buses
regulatory no_tractors
regulatory no_tractors_mopeds_or_bicycles
regulatory no_tractors_or_carts
regulatory no_trailers
regulatory no_tricycles
regulatory no_tricycles_or_hand_carts
regulatory no_turn_on_red
regulatory no_turns
regulatory no_two_stage_right_turn_for_mopeds
regulatory no_u_turn
regulatory no_vehicles_carrying_dangerous_goods
regulatory no_vehicles_carrying_dangerous_water_pollutants
regulatory no_vehicles_carrying_explosives
regulatory no_vehicles_carrying_explosives_or_dangerous_water_pollutants
regulatory one_way_left
regulatory one_way_right
regulatory one_way_straight
regulatory parking_fee_station
regulatory parking_restrictions
regulatory pass_on_either_side
regulatory pass_with_care
regulatory passing_lane_ahead
regulatory pedestrians_bicycles_permitted
regulatory pedestrians_keep_left
regulatory pedestrians_only
regulatory pedestrians_priority_zone
regulatory pedestrians_push_button
regulatory priority_over_oncoming_vehicles
regulatory priority_road
regulatory radar_enforced
regulatory reserved_parking
regulatory reversible_lanes
regulatory road_closed
regulatory road_closed_to_vehicles
regulatory roundabout
regulatory shared_path_bicycles_and_pedestrians
regulatory shared_path_pedestrians_and_bicycles
regulatory sidewalk_closed
regulatory slanted_parking
regulatory snow_chains
regulatory snowmobiles_only
regulatory snowmobiles_permitted
regulatory speed_limit_zone
regulatory speeding_fines_increased
regulatory stay_in_lane
regulatory stop_here_on_red_or_flashing_light
regulatory stop_signals
regulatory tanks_only
regulatory taxi_only
regulatory texts
regulatory toll_pass_only
regulatory tractors_only
regulatory traffic_signal_photo_enforced
regulatory trams_and_buses_only
regulatory trams_only
regulatory triple_lanes
regulatory triple_lanes_go_straight_center_lane
regulatory triple_lanes_turn_left_center_lane
regulatory triple_lanes_turn_right_center_lane
regulatory truck_route
regulatory trucks_and_buses_only
regulatory trucks_on_right
regulatory trucks_only
regulatory turn_left
regulatory turn_left_ahead
regulatory turn_left_or_right
regulatory turn_left_or_u_turn
regulatory turn_right
regulatory turn_right_ahead
regulatory turning_vehicles_yield_to_pedestrians
regulatory two_stage_right_turn_for_mopeds
regulatory two_way
regulatory u_turn
regulatory use_crosswalk
regulatory vehicles_carrying_dangerous_goods_only
regulatory vehicles_carrying_dangerous_goods_permitted
regulatory vehicles_carrying_explosives_only
regulatory vehicles_carrying_hazardous_goods_permitted
regulatory vehicles_only
regulatory wear_seat_belt
regulatory weight_limit
regulatory weight_limit_per_axle
regulatory weight_limit_per_tandem_axle
regulatory weight_limit_with_trucks
regulatory width_limit
regulatory wrong_way
regulatory yield_or_stop_for_pedestrians


LOADING TAG LIST... (If you do not see this tag list, you need to enable JavaScript)
This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.
Key Value
information airport
information bicycle_lane
information bicycles_both_ways
information bicycles_crossing
information bike_route
information built_up_area
information bus_lane_straight
information bus_stop
information camera
information camp
information car_pool_lane
information caravan_parking
information caravan_trailer_parking
information cargo_loading_zone
information central_lane
information charging_station
information children
information cycling_two_abreast_permitted
information dead_end
information dead_end_except_bicycles
information dead_end_except_bicycles_and_pedestrians
information dead_end_left
information dead_end_right
information directions
information disabled_persons
information emergency_facility
information end_of_bicycle_lane
information end_of_built_up_area
information end_of_car_pool_lane
information end_of_limited_access_road
information end_of_living_street
information end_of_motorway
information end_of_overtaking_permitted_heavy_good_vehicles
information end_of_road_works
information end_of_tunnel
information end_of_two_way_traffic
information equestrians_permitted
information exit_ahead
information flight_port
information food
information gas_station
information general_speed_limit_at_city_border
information go_left
information go_right
information go_straight
information go_straight_or_left
information go_straight_or_right
information go_straight_or_turn_left
information go_straight_or_turn_right
information hazardous_goods_vehicles_lane
information highway_exit
information highway_interchange
information highway_interstate_route
information highway_preferential_lane
information highway_reference_location
information hiking
information hospital
information hurricane_evacuation_route
information interstate_route
information limited_access_road
information litter_container
information living_street
information lodging
information motorway
information motorway_exit_ahead
information overtaking_allowed_heavy_good_vehicles
information parallel_parking
information park_and_ride
information parking
information parking_area
information parking_with_restrictions
information pass_on_either_side
information passenger_loading_zone
information pedestrians_crossing
information pedestrians_permitted
information perpendicular_parking
information picnic_site
information playground
information recreational_vehicle_sanitary_station
information recycle_collection_center
information road_bump
information road_skating
information safety_zone
information shared_path_vehicles_and_motorcycles
information stairs
information stop_line
information stop_permitted
information street_name_one_line
information street_name_three_lines
information street_name_two_lines
information subway
information telephone
information telephone_device_for_the_deaf
information toll_station
information tourism_information
information tourist_attraction
information traffic_merges_left
information traffic_merges_right
information trail_crossing
information trailer_camping
information train_or_light_rail_station
information tram_bus_stop
information trams_crossing
information truck_lane_left
information truck_parking
information truck_trailer_lane_right
information truck_trailer_lane_straight
information trucks_both_ways
information trucks_only
information tsunami_evacuation_route
information tunnel
information tunnel_ahead
information turn_left_ahead
information turn_right_ahead
information urban_area
information vehicles_on_rails
information water_protection_zone
information weight_and_height_limit
information weight_limit
information wireless_internet


Key Value
complementary accident_area
complementary advisory_exit_or_ramp_speed
complementary bicycles
complementary bicycles_and_pedestrians_detour
complementary bicycles_or_pedestrians_detour
complementary bicycles_turn_right
complementary bike_route
complementary both_directions
complementary buses
complementary buses_and_trucks
complementary camera
complementary carts
complementary chevron_left
complementary chevron_right
complementary dangerous_or_pollutant_good
complementary dead_end
complementary detour
complementary disabled_persons
complementary distance
complementary end_of_road_works
complementary except_bicycles
complementary except_buses
complementary except_carts
complementary except_motorcycles
complementary except_polluting_level_green
complementary except_polluting_level_green_yellow
complementary except_polluting_level_green_yellow_red
complementary except_tractors
complementary except_trailers
complementary except_trains
complementary except_trams
complementary except_trucks
complementary except_vehicles
complementary go_left
complementary go_right
complementary go_straight_or_turn_left
complementary go_straight_or_turn_right
complementary height_limit
complementary including_bicycles_and_motorcycles
complementary including_buses_vehicles
complementary keep_left
complementary keep_right
complementary lane_control
complementary motorcycles
complementary obstacle_delineator
complementary one_direction_left
complementary one_direction_right
complementary pass_left
complementary pass_right
complementary pedestrians_and_bicycles
complementary pedestrians_left
complementary pedestrians_right
complementary photo_enforced
complementary playground
complementary priority_route_at_intersection
complementary railroad
complementary restriction_in_both_directions
complementary roundabout_go_left
complementary roundabout_go_right
complementary roundabout_go_straight
complementary slippery_for_caravan_trailers
complementary snowmobiles
complementary soft_shoulder
complementary steep_ascent
complementary steep_descent
complementary time_restrictions
complementary tow_away_zone
complementary tractors
complementary traffic_queues
complementary trailers
complementary trains
complementary trams
complementary trees
complementary trucks
complementary trucks_and_trailers
complementary trucks_buses_trailers
complementary trucks_go_left
complementary trucks_go_left_ahead
complementary trucks_go_right
complementary trucks_go_right_ahead
complementary trucks_go_straight
complementary trucks_turn_left
complementary trucks_turn_right
complementary turn_left
complementary turn_right
complementary two_way_traffic
complementary vehicles
complementary vehicles_or_buses
complementary weekends_or_holidays
complementary weight_limit
complementary when_foggy
complementary when_rainy
complementary when_snowy
complementary when_snowy_or_rainy
complementary when_wet
complementary width_limit
complementary working_days


To avoid incompatibilities or lacks of information for the human readable values tags you can use also the country-code value with the key traffic_sign:id=*:


Nepal road sign B20.svg



maxheight=4.4 m




It is available for all the countries with traffic_signs inside their laws with national code.




