User talk:Dcapillae/Archive 1
The discussions on this page have been archived. Please, do not modify them. For current discussions, visit my talk page.
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New lines?
Hi Dcapillae, what use do those new lines have? r They seem to be too much. --Aseerel4c26 (talk) 21:17, 18 July 2016 (UTC)
- Hi, Aseerel4c26! I'm sorry, I have been translating the names of some categories following the translation convention of the Wiki. For example, from English (Category:ES:Translations out of sync) into Spanish (Category:ES:Traducciones desfasadas). I was checking the wiki pages with these translated categories to fix possible mistakes with the new names. Really my editions are not relevant at all, so I will undo these editions. Thank you and sorry again (I am still learning to edit the Wiki). --User:Dcapillae (talk) 23:23, 18 July 2016 (UTC)
- ¡Hola! :-) Really not a problem, just a bit strange. And, in fact, I have misinterpreted one of your changes. At ES:QGIS a superfluous newline was there even before your edit. You just added a space character. At ES:FAQ you also added a space where there should not be one. Maybe the editor was not behaving hat good for your. Anyway: thanks for your help here at the wiki! Just continue!
- Usually I watch the talk pages where I write, so I do not need a reply notice (for the next time). Thanks anyway! --Aseerel4c26 (talk) 20:17, 19 July 2016 (UTC)
Good work
Good work, from the few entries I have looked at in my watch list. ¡Gracias! :-) --Aseerel4c26 (talk) 18:49, 22 July 2016 (UTC)
- Thank you, Aseerel4c26! I am learning to edit the wiki and, at the same time, translating some articles, category pages, etc. The OSM wiki in Spanish is fine, but needs some translation works. --User:Dcapillae (talk) 23:16, 22 July 2016 (UTC)
Gracias por QMapShack!
Gracias por ES:QMapShack! :-) --Aseerel4c26 (talk) 20:50, 29 July 2016 (UTC)
- Thank you, Aseerel4c26! I have translated some pages related to hiking and some other articles about relief maps. Also creating categories in Spanish for the wiki. I would like to translate more articles about online services and software for hikers. It is an interesting work: learning to use OSM and learning about the organization of the wiki at the same time. Perhaps more pages in Spanish means more Spanish people using OSM. I hope! --User:Dcapillae (talk) 21:22, 29 July 2016 (UTC)
Córdoba, Argentina VS Córdoba, España (2016/12/26)
Hola Daniel.
Ya que estas moviendo las paginas con el prefijo ES:, y existe la confusion de los sitios homónimos, ¿que te parece si se intenta aclarar este tipo de confusiones? ¿Que es lo usual? ¿Al menos definir una jerarquía pais? ¿Aumentarla con pais/<region,provincia,estado>/lugar ¿O solo con definirle categorias como "Argentina" y "España" seria suficiente?
Saludos, M. --Muralito (talk) 13:31, 26 December 2016 (UTC)
- ¡Hola, @Muralito:! Considero que para esos casos deberíamos seguir el mismo criterio que emplea la Wikipedia. Para ciudades homónimas, la Wikipedia emplea títulos diferentes según países.
- En el caso de Córdoba, por ejemplo, diferencia entre
Córdoba (Argentina) y
Córdoba (España). Y si se trata de regiones o provincias homónimas, hace lo mismo pero indicando que se trata de provincias o regiones, por ejemplo,
Provincia de Córdoba (Argentina) y
Provincia de Córdoba (España).
- He estado trasladando las páginas relativas al transporte público en Argentina (y en España) para que todas las páginas en español sobre esta temática lleven el código de idiomas (ES:) en el título, conforme a las convenciones de traducción del wiki. También he ordenado las páginas por categorías para que todas ellas estén clasificadas en un mismo lugar y sean fácilmente localizables.
- Desde hace un tiempo estoy tratando de poner algo de orden en la versión española del wiki. Empecé traduciendo las categorías para dejar de usar las categorías en inglés. Así resulta más fácil encontrar páginas en español clasificadas por temática. Ya están traducidas casi todas la categorías importantes, aunque todavía queda mucho esfuerzo de traducción por hacer en el wiki. --User:Dcapillae (talk) 14:27, 26 December 2016 (UTC)
- ¡Hola de nuevo, @Muralito:! Acabo de crear categorías diferenciadas para los usuarios y las ciudades de Córdoba, España, y Córdoba, Argentina. También he rectificado los títulos de las páginas wiki correspondientes a ambas ciudades: ES:Córdoba, España, y ES:Córdoba, Argentina. Así no habrá confusión posible entre ambas.
- Respecto a las convenciones a seguir en el nombrado de páginas wiki en estos casos de ciudades homónimas, finalmente he seguido como modelo uno ya existente en el wiki, el de las ciudades de Barcelona, que para resolver la confusión denomina las páginas de cada ciudad con su nombre seguido de una coma y el nombre del país, por ejemplo, ES:Barcelona, España. --User:Dcapillae (talk) 17:56, 7 January 2017 (UTC)
ES:Control de calidad
ES:Control_de_calidad - Likely just one of many translated pages from you. Fantástico, muchas gracias!!! --Aseerel4c26 (talk) 22:13, 21 February 2017 (UTC)
- Thank you, Aseerel4c26! Quality assurance tools are very important. I will try to keep the documentation updated following the changes in the English version. There is a lot of translation work to do on the wiki. Translating the wiki into Spanish is an easy way to promote OpenStreetMap among the Spanish-speaking community. -- User:Dcapillae (talk) 09:20, 22 February 2017 (UTC)
- Keeping updated - perfect! Otherwise it ends like the German translation - which is not really useful anymore. Some day ... if I really feel like translating much... ;-) --Aseerel4c26 (talk) 20:14, 22 February 2017 (UTC)
Pairs of user categories
I notice that you have bee creating pairs of user categories such as Category:Users in Buenos Aires and Category:ES:Usuarios en Buenos Aires, and others like them. Have you documented anywhere what these categories are for?--Andrew (talk) 18:34, 14 January 2017 (UTC) Andrew (talk) 18:34, 14 January 2017 (UTC)
- Hi, Andrew!
- I am translating the categories into Spanish in order to a better Spanish version of the wiki and a better wiki organization in general. I understand that some categories should not be translated (or I would not know how to do it). For example, it may not be suitable to create different categories for Category:Images in each language (too confusing!).
- In the case of user categories, I started to create them because they are used by {{Template:Place}} in different languages. For example, this template requires different user categories in English and Spanish in Málaga and ES:Málaga. The user categories in this case are Category:Users in Málaga and Category:ES:Usuarios en Málaga (new).
- --User:Dcapillae (talk) 19:33, 14 January 2017 (UTC)
Spanish Related Terms
Hola! I have noticed that you are adding Spanish related terms to the English version of the pages. Wouldn't be better to add these just to Spanish pages? The user would be directed to the Spanish version while searching for this term, no? Chrabros (talk) 10:01, 22 February 2017 (UTC)
- Hola, Chrabros! Thank you! I will follow your recommendation: I will add the terms in Spanish only in the Spanish version of the page. I have some doubts when using the {{RelatedTerm}} template. I know they are useful for finding pages in the wiki using native language terms, but I do not know if I should also leave the English related terms on the translated page. I generally leave the terms in English and add some terms in Spanish, for example, ES:Tag:landuse=cemetery. -- User:Dcapillae (talk) 11:53, 22 February 2017 (UTC)
- I am going to follow your recommendation. I will add related terms in Spanish only in Spanish pages. Thanks again! -- User:Dcapillae (talk) 12:36, 23 February 2017 (UTC)
Add warning?
Hi Dcapillae.
When you move pages, like this ¿Wouldn't it be better to add a warning that the updated and complete page is the other? --Muralito (talk) 15:30, 13 March 2017 (UTC)
- ¡Hola, Muralito! Me parece buena idea. En la versión de la página en inglés del Wikiproyecto España se incluye precisamente una nota informativa en ese mismo sentido. Las versiones de los wikiproyectos en idioma nativo normalmente suelen estar más desarrolladas y son más frecuentemente actualizadas. No viene mal recordárselo a los visitantes de la página en otros idiomas. --User:Dcapillae (talk) 17:24, 13 March 2017 (UTC)
Wikipedia link template
Hi Dcapillae, I've got a question about your edit on the documentation for the conveying key: What's your reason for using the Wikipedia template here instead of the inter-wiki link syntax? --Tordanik 14:42, 30 April 2017 (UTC)
- Hi, Tordanik! The links using the Wikipedia template are more explicit (wiki guidelines). Please, feel free to change it if you do not like this solution. I like it because you can know that it is a link to Wikipedia (and not a link to another page on the OSM Wiki) by the symbol "W". I usually use templates, and I had used them on the translated Spanish page. I thought it would be a good idea to use them also in the English version. Please, feel free to change them if you prefer other solution. --User:Dcapillae (talk) 19:41, 30 April 2017 (UTC)
- Thank you for the link to the guidelines, I can understand the reasons now. --Tordanik 15:16, 7 May 2017 (UTC)
Conflicto de versiones
Hola. Estaba editando la página, creando una tabla inmensa con las localidades y sus datos, y una edición tuya generó un conflicto de versiones y me ha hecho perder horas de trabajo --Carlos Brys (talk) 17:04, 27 May 2017 (UTC)
- ¡Hola, Carlos! Lo lamento, no era mi intención. Te pido disculpas y te respondo más ampliamente en tu página de discusión. ¡Muchas gracias! --User:Dcapillae (talk) 15:19, 27 May 2017 (UTC)
Gracias por las correcciones
Gracias por las correcciones a : [[1]]cualquier sugerencia bienvenida!--Caleidoscopic (talk) 23:55, 25 September 2017 (UTC)
- Un placer. Sólo añadí pequeñas modificaciones para ajustar la página a las convenciones del wiki (añadir categorías, barra interlingüística, etc.), sin afectar al contenido. Como sugerencia, si se trata de un proyecto exclusivo de la ciudad de La Paz, propongo ubicar la página del proyecto como subpágina de ES:La Paz, por ejemplo, titulándola como
ES:La Paz/Mapeando mi barrio
, o bien como una página independiente. El uso del prefijoWikiproyecto
no se recomienda en estos casos (véase Wiki directrices). --User:Dcapillae (talk) 11:50, 26 September 2017 (UTC)
Buenas Dcapillae,
¡Gracias por tus pequeños cambios en la traducción que realicé! Con las prisas se me escaparon esos detalles. Nos vemos por la wiki.
Saludos, Ivanhercaz (talk) 10:21, 7 October 2017 (UTC)
- De nada. Un cordial saludo --User:Dcapillae (talk) 11:32, 7 October 2017 (UTC)