WikiProject Belgium/Public Transport

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WikiProject Belgium +/-

On this page we keep track of the status of bus, metro and tram lines in Belgium. For tram and metro lines, this page is not about the mapping of the tracks themselves, but about adding the routes the trams follow.

See this page to learn how to tag bus and tram routes in Belgium.


Regio Antwerpen


Old table, redo

Line Description OSM status Relation
2 Hoboken - Linkeroever Done relation 11201
3 Merksem - Zwijndrecht Done relation 11198
4 Hoboken - Sint-Pietersvliet Done relation 10837
5 Wim Saerensplein - Linkeroever Done relation 11196
6 Olympiade - Luchtbal Done relation 11199
7 Mortsel - Sint-Pietersvliet Done relation 10834
8 Silsburg - Bolivarplaats Done relation 10788
10 Deurne - Melkmarkt Done relation 11194
11 Eksterlaar - Melkmarkt Done relation 10800
12 Sportpaleis - Bolivarplaats Done relation 11212
15 Mortsel - Linkeroever Done relation 11202
24 Silsburg - Schoonselhof Done relation 11193


Line Description OSM status Relation
18 Antwerpen Groenplaats - Aartselaar on the map relation 4436335
18a Antwerpen Groenplaats - Aartselaar - Boom on the map relation 4436336
18b Antwerpen Groenplaats - Aartselaar - Rumst on the map relation 4436333
18c Antwerpen Groenplaats - Aartselaar - Niel on the map relation 4436337
29a Boom - Niel - Antwerpen on the map relation 4842263
29b Boom - Reet - Niel - Antwerpen on the map relation 4842267
32 Rooseveltplaats - Berchem Station - Edegem on the map relation 3437798
34 Hoboken Polderstad - Wilrijk - UZA - Mortsel - Wijnegem on the map relation 4462252
35 Lier - Kontich - Edegem UZA on the map relation 4439156
36 Vuylstekelaan - IGLO on the map relation 4836897
37a Hoevenen - Kapellen - Brasschaat - Schoten - Wijnegem on the map relation 4482848
37b Hoevenen - Kapellen - Brasschaat on the map relation 8726218
39 Broechem - Zandhoven - Westmalle - Sint-Job-in-'t-Goor on the map relation 4462251
40 Antwerpen - Wijnegem - Oostmalle on the map relation 4867064
42a Lier - Broechem - Wommelgem - Berchem on the map relation 9993686
42b (Broechem -) Wommelgem - Ternesselei - Berchem on the map relation 4435936
50 Antwerpen - Boom - Rumst - Mechelen on the map relation 2420498
51 Berchem Station - Hove - Vremde on the map relation 4842269
52 Berchem Station - Hove - Duffel on the map relation 4842245
53 Berchem Station - Hove - Duffel on the map relation 4842251
55 Duffel - Rumst on the map relation 17965087
57 Lier - Putte on the map relation 18444352
59 Brecht - Oostmalle on the map relation 18497779
60 Meersel-Dreef - Hoogstraten - Brecht - Antwerpen on the map relation 4424540
61 Oelegem - Schoten - Antwerpen on the map relation 5311276
62 Sint-Job - Schoten - Antwerpen on the map relation 5311271
64 Loenhout - Wuustwezel - Brasschaat - Antwerpen on the map relation 4943203
65 Kapellen - Merksem Zwaantjeslei on the map relation 5310671
66 P+R Luchtbal - Ekeren - Schoten on the map relation 17136875
67 Essen - Kapellen - (Merksem) on the map relation 5314419
68 Loenhout - Brecht on the map relation 17911923
70 Zandvliet - Stabroek - Hoevenen - Antwerpen on the map relation 4836383
72 Putte - Kapellen - Ekeren - Antwerpen on the map relation 4935849
73 Brasschaat - Ekeren - P+R Luchtbal on the map relation 7471193
76 P+R Luchtbal - Kaai 210 CMB (- AOR) on the map relation 7490284
90 Berchem Station - Mortsel - Lier on the map relation 4440217
91 Berchem Station - Mortsel - Waarloos on the map relation 4440216
92 Berchem Station - Mortsel - Kontich Station on the map relation 4440264
99 Merksem Nolfplein - AZ Jan Palfijn - Luchtbal on the map relation 17002372
133 Schelle - Aartselaar - Kontich Scholen on the map relation 18557203
243 Broechem - Boechout - Hove - Kontich scholen on the map relation 4871602
294 Boom scholen - Niel - Aartselaar on the map relation 18792632
298 Boom - Niel - Antwerpen Zuid - Berchem on the map relation 4842270
304 Schijnpoort - Berchem - Station Zuid on the map relation 4836930
341 Hoboken Polderstad - UZA - Mortsel - Wijnegem on the map relation 4462250
351 Lier - Kontich - Boom on the map relation 3503097
359 Lier - Kontich scholen - Wilrijk on the map relation 3489811
378 Schoten - Brasschaat - Kapellen - scholen Stabroek on the map relation 18550834
379 Zandvliet - Stabroek - Kapellen - scholen Brasschaat on the map relation 16320414
403 Wijnegem - Schilde - Sint-Antonius - scholen Malle on the map relation 18530692
404 Wijnegem - Halle - Zandhoven VTI on the map relation 18871639
406 Zandhoven - scholen Malle via Halle on the map relation 18871520
408 Zandhoven - Malle - Hoogstraten scholen on the map relation 5317280
411 Zandhoven - Zoersel - scholen Malle on the map relation 4462249
414 Sint-Antonius - Malle -Zandhoven VTI on the map relation 18792610
419 Zandhoven - Turnhout on the map relation 4462248
423 Berchem - Broechem - Zandhoven VTI on the map relation 18871343
424 Schilde - Zandhoven VTI on the map relation 4432775
425 Berchem - Broechem - Vorselaar Van Roey on the map relation 18469653
426 Broechem - Oelegem on the map relation 18441404
428 Lier - Broechem - Viersel - Vorselaar on the map relation 4435937
441 Wildert - Nieuwmoer - scholen Wuustwezel on the map relation 5314426
442 Sint-Lenaarts - Wuustwezel - scholen Kalmthout on the map relation 5314421
443 Sint-Job - scholen Kalmthout on the map relation 18871743
444 Wuustwezel - Gooreind - Maria-Ter-Heide - scholen Essen on the map relation 5314422
445 Brasschaat - Gooreind - scholen Kalmthout on the map relation 18871823
446 Nieuwmoer - Brecht - Oostmalle on the map relation 18871582
447 Essen Hoek - Horendonk - scholen Wuustwezel on the map relation 18551015
448 Brecht - Wuustwezel - scholen Essen on the map relation 18808058
503 Wilrijk Centrum - Industrie - Wilrijk Centrum on the map relation 18557139
508 Snelbus Aartselaar - Rumst - Mechelen on the map relation 5012628
570 Lier - Berlaar Heikant - Berlaar on the map relation 4863649
571 Lier - Putte - Berlaar Heikant - Lier on the map relation 4863650
601 Sint-Job Kristus Koning - Antwerpen on the map relation 4424623
607 Sint-Job - scholen Malle on the map relation 18550073
609 scholen Hoogstraten - Rijkevorsel - Brecht - Sint-Job on the map relation 18486328
618 's-Gravenwezel - scholen Malle on the map relation 5317011
619 Oelegem - scholen Malle on the map relation 5317013
628 Meerle - scholen Schoten via Rijkevorsel on the map relation 18444689
629 Schoten - Brecht - scholen Malle on the map relation 5317012
642 Maria ter Heide - Antwerpen via Miksebaan on the map relation 8725159
645 scholen Brasschaat - Wuustwezel - Loenhout on the map relation 18871878
671 Zandvliet - Stabroek - scholen Kalmthout on the map relation 5314427
674 Stabroek - Kalmthout - scholen Essen on the map relation 5314420
675 Stabroek - Kalmthout - scholen Wuustwezel on the map relation 16362596
707 Zandvliet - Stabroek - scholen Merksem on the map relation 7475098
708 Zandvliet - Stabroek - scholen Ekeren on the map relation 16316330
709 Zandvliet - scholen Stabroek on the map relation 16316331
718 Antwerpen P+R Luchtbal - scholen Stabroek on the map relation 5311926
719 Antwerpen Rooseveltplaats - scholen Stabroek via A12 on the map relation 18546119
761 Station Noorderdokken - Luithagen on the map relation 10455340
762 Station Noorderdokken - Noorderlaan - Bevrijdingsdok on the map relation 5311877
764 P+R Luchtbal - Van Cauwelaertsluis on the map relation 4836923
Buur Buurtbus : Mariaburg - Maria Ter Heide on the map relation 4482846
X19 Snelbus Rumst - Kontich - Antwerpen on the map relation 4842278
X64 Snelbus Wuustwezel - Antwerpen via E19 on the map relation 8700603
X70 Sneldienst Zandvliet - Antwerpen via A12 on the map relation 4867063
X71 Snelbus Putte - Stabroek - Antwerpen on the map relation 4836385

Regio Kempen

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Rauw - Zilvermeer - Mol on the map relation 17032220
1 Turnhout Markt - Vosselaar - Beerse on the map relation 11202815
2 Europawijk - Mol - Achterbos on the map relation 17237501
2 Markt - Den Brand - Markt on the map relation 17270460
11 Geel station - Geel Thomas More on the map relation 17964973
19 Diest - Veerle - Geel on the map relation 3410399
21 Turnhout - Gierle - Lille - Vorselaar on the map relation 3325558
23 Meerhout - Mol on the map relation 17889697
32a Geel - Oevel - Westerlo - Herselt - Aarschot - Leuven on the map relation 16999643
32b Herentals - Herselt - Aarschot - Leuven on the map relation 17012747
33 Turnhout - Kasterlee - Herentals on the map relation 17078421
43a Reusel - Arendonk - Turnhout - Merksplas - Hoogstraten on the map relation 7542773
43b Arendonk - Turnhout - Merksplas - Rijkevorsel - Brecht on the map relation 5157923
45 Turnhout - Oud-Turnhout - Ravels - Poppel - Tilburg on the map relation 3444076
46 Turnhout - Baarle on the map relation 3444461
47 Mol - Dessel - Retie - Oud-Turnhout - Turnhout on the map relation 17141103
48 Malle - Sint-Jozef - Rijkevorsel - Hoogstraten on the map relation 18440921
49 Turnhout - Kasterlee - Geel on the map relation 5187239
54 Herentals - Westerlo - Tessenderlo on the map relation 17908895
59 Herentals - Lille - Vlimmeren - Malle on the map relation 17911993
83 Mol - Balen - Gerheide - Wezel - Lommel on the map relation 17570115
84 Lier - Nijlen - Grobbendonk - Vorselaar on the map relation 17014018
85 Lier - Nijlen - Herenthout - Herentals on the map relation 17051531
98 Tessenderlo - Vorst - Zittaart - Meerhout - Geel on the map relation 17002746
111 Vosselaar - Tielen - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Olen - Larum - Geel on the map relation 18370381
172 Mol - Gompel - Balen - Heppen - Leopoldsburg on the map relation 18696009
209 Mol station - Lidwina on the map relation 18905870
212 Turnhout- Vosselaar - Tielen - Sint-Jozef Olen -Herentals on the map relation 3279342
218 Turnhout - Gierle - Lille - Herentals on the map relation 5163739
219 Lichtaart - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Olen - Herentals - Vorselaar on the map relation 3326399
220 Wiekevorst - Hulshout - Westmeerbeek - Ramsel - Aarschot on the map relation 3327152
221 Heultje - Westmeerbeek - Houtvenne - Ramsel - Aarschot on the map relation 5304064
223 Herentals - Olen - Voortkapel - Heultje - Hulshout on the map relation 18906230
329 Geel - Oevel - Westerlo - Blauberg - Herselt - Aarschot on the map relation 5187240
380 Geel - Dessel - Witgoor - Retie - Arendonk on the map relation 5177185
381 Geel - Retie - Oud-Turnhout on the map relation 5177184
383 Geel - Europese school on the map relation 18906193
391 Mol - Dessel - Witgoor - Retie - Arendonk on the map relation 2639558
413 Westmalle - Beerse - Vosselaar - Turnhout on the map relation 18465889
416 Snelbus Antwerpen - Wechelderzande - Turnhout on the map relation 4867066
418 Snelbus Antwerpen - Lille - Herentals on the map relation 3374951
433 Turnhout - Beerse - Rijkevorsel - Hoogstraten on the map relation 5163736
434 Turnhout - Beerse - Merksplas - Hoogstraten on the map relation 5163741
435 Turnhout Markt - Industrie on the map relation 5163738
437 Turnhout - Merksplas Kolonie - Hoogstraten on the map relation 18470263
438 Turnhout industrie - Vosselaar - Hoogstraten on the map relation 18470142
439 Handelsschool - Hoogstraten - Turnhout - Meersel-Dreef on the map relation 18470319
454 Turnhout - Ravels - Weelde Singel on the map relation 3445088
455 Arendonk - Ravels - Weelde - Zondereigen on the map relation 18550701
456 Arendonk - Oud-Turnhout - Ravels - Eel - Poppel on the map relation 18546089
457 Weelde - Baarle - Hoogstraten on the map relation 3444675
458 Poppel - Weelde - Merksplas - Hoogstraten on the map relation 18901549
459 Ravels - Weelde - Merksplas - Hoogstraten on the map relation 18696123
461 Turnhout - Zondereigen - Baarle on the map relation 18906286
473 Mol TISP - Dessel - Retie - Oud-Turnhout - Turnhout on the map relation 5163740
481 Vorselaar - Malle - Hoogstraten on the map relation 18550127
482 Hoogstraten - Rijkevorsel - Oostmalle - Westmalle on the map relation 18751663
483 Hoogstraten 't Spijker - Rijkevorsel - Oostmalle on the map relation 18550092
541 Herentals - Olen - Voortkapel - Westerlo on the map relation 3374856
543 Morkhoven - Olen - Voorkapel - Westerlo on the map relation 3357114
544 Herentals - Olen - Westerlo - Tongelsbos on the map relation 18898243
545 Westerlo - Veerle Heide - Averbode on the map relation 17481668
568 Westerlo Scholen - Westmeerbeek - Booischot - Hulshout on the map relation 18633478
592 Herentals - Lille - Vlimmeren - Oostmalle - Westmalle on the map relation 3375432
593 Vorselaar - Lille - Vlimmeren - Oostmalle on the map relation 18906021
604 Hoogstraten - Meersel-Dreef on the map relation 18444491
608 Hoogstraten - St. Job on the map relation 5317279
649 Hoogstraten - Wuustwezel - Brasschaat on the map relation 5317281
659 Hoogstraten - Ekeren-Donk on the map relation 5310584
679 Hoogstraten - Essen on the map relation 5314423
848 Nijlen - Bouwel - Herentals on the map relation 18901439
849 Heist-op-den-Berg - Herenthout - Grobbendonk - Vorselaar on the map relation 18142908
858 Hagenbroek Industrie - station - Kessel on the map relation 4862147
859 Lier - Nijlen - Emblem - Broechem - Ranst on the map relation 4862080
981 Tessenderlo - Meerhout - Mol on the map relation 18522295
982 Tessenderlo - Meerhout - Geel on the map relation 18522402
X41 Snelbus Antwerpen - Zoersel - Malle - Turnhout on the map relation 17888704
X42 Snelbus Antwerpen - Massenhoven - Grobbendonk - Herentals on the map relation 3374977

Regio Mechelen

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Station - Centrum - Nekkerspoel - Sint-Libertuskerk on the map relation 3322291
2 AZ Sint-Maarten - Tivoli - Veemarkt - Station - Gandhi on the map relation 17237098
3 Station - Veemarkt - AZ Sint-Maarten - Sint-Katelijne-Waver on the map relation 18470917
4 Muizen - Mechelen Veemarkt - Battel - Leest on the map relation 5199891
5 Station - Brusselpoort - Industrie Zuid - Technopolis on the map relation 5012610
6 Station - Keerdok - Industrie Noord - Station on the map relation 17888726
25 Puurs - Hingene - Bornem - Sint-Amands on the map relation 17897719
26 Puurs - Oppuurs - Sint-Amands - Dendermonde on the map relation 17897806
30 Mechelen - AZ Sint-Maarten - Duffel - Lier on the map relation 3503096
51a Mechelen - Heist-op-den-Berg - Hulshout - Westerlo - Geel on the map relation 18471967
51b Mechelen - Heist-op-den-Berg - Herentals on the map relation 18471944
58 Lier - Koningshooikt - Berlaar - Heist-op-den-Berg on the map relation 17909032
61 Mechelen - Nekkerspoel - Sint-Katelijne-Waver on the map relation 18471303
63 Lier - Duffel - Sint-Katelijne-Waver - Putte on the map relation 18408744
75 Heist-op-den-Berg - Schriek - Tremelo on the map relation 18486810
80 Mechelen - Nekkerspoel - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver on the map relation 18471355
86 Boom - Willebroek - Mechelen on the map relation 5199890
88 Mechelen - Kapelle-op-den-Bos - Londerzeel on the map relation 5189086
89 Mechelen - Tisselt - Breendonk - Puurs on the map relation 17045408
160 Aarschot - Begijnendijk - Pijpelheide - Heist-op-den-Berg on the map relation 4871524
161 Aarschot - Booischot - Begijnendijk - Heist-op-den-Berg on the map relation 4871523
257 Dendermonde - Bornem - Boom on the map relation 4868603
269 Dendermonde - Sint-Amands - Lippelo - Puurs - Boom on the map relation 18142877
280 Puurs - Liezele - Londerzeel on the map relation 17045658
299 Eppegem - Elewijt - Boortmeerbeek - Haacht - Tildonk on the map relation 18530468
306 Mechelen - Sint-Katelijne-Waver - Hagelstein - Sint-Ursula on the map relation 18566108
515 Herselt - Heist -op-den-Berg Scholen on the map relation 18656263
519 Heist-op-den-Berg - Beerzel - Putte - Waver scholen on the map relation 18522459
528 Mechelen - Peulis - Sint-Ursula - Hagelstein on the map relation 5190077
529 Tremelo - Schriek - Putte - Sint-Ursula - Hagelstein on the map relation 18566062
534 Heist - Putte - Keerbergen scholen on the map relation 5204614
538 Keerbergen - Bonheiden - Sint-Ursula - Hagelstein on the map relation 5194428
539 Baal - Keerbergen - Bonheiden - Sint-Ursula - Hagelstein on the map relation 18588654
556 Lier - Mijlstraat - Duffel - Waarloos on the map relation 14103870
579 Lier - Koningshooikt - Sint-Ursula - Hagelstein on the map relation 4863648
704 Mechelen - Elewijt - Boortmeerbeek - Haacht - Keerbergen on the map relation 5204615
822 Weerde - Zemst - Mechelen on the map relation 18001659
868 Boom - Willebroek - Tisselt on the map relation 17950390
869 Boom - Willebroek - Heindonk - Mechelen on the map relation 17950443
908 Station - Busleyden 135-DB on the map relation 18471619
PM Mechelen Station - Malinas on the map relation 17997627

Brabant wallon


Line Description OSM status Relation
Rapido 1 Jodoigne - Ottignies
Rapido 2 Tubize - Nivelles Partial relation 296103
Rapido 3 Waterloo – Louvain-la-Neuve Tagged from Place de la Gare (Waterloo) to Braine-l'Alleud relation 86169
Rapido 3 Direct Waterloo – Louvain-la-Neuve
Rapido 4 Nivelles – Louvain-la-Neuve Partial relation 287719
Rapido 5 Jodoigne - Tienen
Rapido 6 Mille - Grez -Louvain-la-Neuve
10 Navette de La Hulpe
11 Ottignies - Einstein - Fleming
14 Navette de Rixensart Partial relation 151616
15 Navette de Genval
16 Nivelles - Zoning Sud Partial relation 280998
17 Ottignies - Clinique - Petit-Ry
18 Leuven - Hamme-Mille - Jodoigne Partial (Leuven - Hamme-Mille), missing stops relation 1165512
19 Ottignies - Nivelles
20 Ottignies - Louvain-la-Neuve - Wavre Partial (Ottignies - Louvain-la-Neuve - ...) relation 1926991
21 Louvain-la-Neuve - Dion-le-Mont
22 Ottignies - Wavre - Zoning Nord
23 Jodoigne - Wavre
24 Wavre - Corbais - Nil - Chastre
25 Jodoigne - Gembloux
26 Jodoigne - Ezemaal
27 Gembloux - Chastre - Marbais Partial relation 298917
28 Genappe - Tangissart - Ottignies
29 Genappe - Ceroux-Mousty - Ottignies
30 Corbais - Chastre - Court-Saint-Etienne - Ottignies
31 Ottignies - Louvain-la-Neuve - Bruyères Done relation 1928411
32 Hamme-Mille - Wavre
33 Eghezée - Perwez - Louvain-la-Neuve
34 Chastre - Walhain - Mont-Saint-Guibert - Louvain-la-Neuve
35 Jodoigne - Haasrode - Leuven
36 Braine-l'Alleud - Wavre
37 Wavre - Bierges
38 Rosières - Genval - Basse-Wavre
40 Uccle Calevoet/Ukkel Kalevoet - Braine-l'Alleud Partial relation 238429
66 Nivelles - Braine-l'Alleud Partial relation 296106
75 Braine-l'Alleud - Waterloo Partial relation 86160
114 Braine-l'Alleud - Hal Partial relation 287677
115 Tubize - Braine-l'Alleud Partial relation 287691
115B Hal - Tubize - Soignies Partial relation 287663
201 Proxibus Waterloo Partial relation 195456
366 Ixelles – Court-Saint-Étienne Done: From Ixelles to Court-Saint-Étienne (missing bits) relation 151614
471 Hal - Enghien Partial relation 287682
474 Tubize - Virginal - Fauquez - Ittre - Tubize Partial relation 289466
543 Bruxelles - Eghezée Partial relation 240763
568 Nivelles – Houtain-le-Val – Marbais – Fleurus Done: Nivelles Gare - Marbais relation 58727
W Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid – Braine-l'Alleud via Waterloo Tagged from Porte de Halle/Hallepoort and Mont Saint-Jean relation 231992

Brussels-Capital Region


Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation - Stockel/Stokkel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 58240

relation 7006075

2 Simonis - Elisabeth Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 58242

relation 7305691

5 Erasme/Erasmus - Herrmann-Debroux Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 58241

relation 6996916

6 Roi Baudouin/Koning Boudewijn - Elisabeth Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 108101

relation 7927168


Line Description OSM status Relation
4 Gare du Nord/Noordstation - Stalle (P) Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4121652

relation 58536

7 Vanderkindere - Heysel/Heizel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 58571

relation 4112703

8 Louise/Louiza - Roodebeek Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4117623

relation 58562

9 Groot-Bijgaarden - Roi Baudouin/Koning Boudewijn Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8624097

relation 8624096

10 Hôpital Militaire/Militair Hospitaal - Churchill Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 18078357

relation 18078356

18 Albert - Van Haelen Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 14767856

relation 14767855

19 Simonis - De Wand Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 3437795

relation 237103

25 Boondael Gare/Boondaal Station - Rogier Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4110000

relation 58576

35 Docks Bruxsel - Esplanade Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 18077844

relation 18077846

39 Montgomery - Ban-Eik Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 69733

relation 3394365

44 Montgomery - Tervuren Station Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 233588

relation 3394366

51 Stade/Stadion - Gare du Midi/Zuidstation Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 225448

relation 3423135

55 Da Vinci - Rogier Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4124951

relation 4110002

62 Eurocontrol - Heysel/Heizel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6638835

relation 6638834

81 Marius Renard - Montgomery Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 1705346

relation 4867056

82 Gare de Berchem/Station Berchem - Drogenbos Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4124953

relation 216252

92 Schaerbeek Gare/Schaarbeek Station - Fort-Jaco Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 58539

relation 2931206

93 Stade/Stadion - Legrand Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4117622

relation 2262664

97 Louise/Louiza - Dieweg Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4092821

relation 58518


Line Description OSM status Relation
12 Brussels Airport - Trône/Troon Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4221621

relation 241536

13 Étangs Noirs/Zwarte Vijvers - UZ-VUB Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 1135782

relation 4138953

14 UZ-VUB - Gare du Nord/Noordstation Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6204864

relation 6204863

17 Beaulieu - Heiligenborre Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6169444

relation 6169445

20 Hunderenveld - Gare du Nord/Noordstation Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6293704

relation 6293706

21 Maes - Luxembourg/Luxemburg Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4221622

relation 156501

27 Luxembourg/Luxemburg - Pléiades/Plejaden Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 275659

relation 4107937

28 Brabançonne - Konkel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 5231272

relation 238952

29 De Brouckère - Hof ten Berg Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4107192

relation 2297083

33 Dansaert - Louise/Louiza Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8338073

relation 8338072

34 Porte de Namur/Naamsepoort - Sainte-Anne/Sint-Anna Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4099319

relation 161994

36 Maelbeek/Maalbeek - Konkel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 5230032

relation 164797

37 Albert - Gare de Linkebeek/Station Linkebeek Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 9566455

relation 9566454

38 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Héros/Helden Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 240853

relation 4104798

41 Héros/Helden - Transvaal Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6309179

relation 6309180

42 Roodebeek - Viaduc E40/Viaduct E40 Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6332907

relation 6332908

43 Observatoire/Sterrenwacht - Vivier d'Oie/Diesdelle Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6594531

relation 6594530

45 Roodebeek - Saint-Vincent/Sint-Vincentius Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6236780

relation 6236781

46 Moortebeek - Pannenhuis Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 5958386

relation 5971626

47 Heembeek - Vilvorde Station/Vilvoorde Station Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6065366

relation 6065365

48 Anneessens - Decroly Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6111697

relation 6111698

49 Gare du Midi/Zuidstation - Simonis Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 238350

relation 5246125

50 Gare du Midi/Zuidstation - Lot Station Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 2566442

relation 238349

52 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Forest (Bervoets)/Vorst (Bervoets) Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 13145285

relation 13145284

53 Westland Shopping - Hôpital Militaire/Militair Hospitaal Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6187602

relation 6187601

54 Trône/Troon - Forest (Bervoets)/Vorst (Bervoets) Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6124879

relation 6124880

56 Maelbeek/Maalbeek - Buda Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 10780112

relation 10780111

58 Vilvorde Station/Vilvoorde Station - Albert II Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6236543

relation 6236544

59 Hôpital Etterbeek-Ixelles/Ziekenhuis Etterbeek-Elsene - Bordet Station Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 3274154

relation 167942

60 Ambiorix - Uccle Calevoet/Ukkel Kalevoet Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6171260

relation 6171261

61 Gare du Nord/Noordstation - Montgomery Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6256284

relation 6256285

63 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Cimetière de Bruxelles/Begraafplaats van Brussel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 273207

relation 4107193

64 Porte de Namur/Naamsepoort - Bordet Station Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 151600

relation 3368402

65 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Machelen Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6067300

relation 6067301

66 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Péage/Tol Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4859138

relation 273210

69 Schaerbeek Gare/Schaarbeek Station - Jules Bordet Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6207419

relation 6207420

71 De Brouckère - Delta Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 2737419

relation 83102

72 ULB - ADEPS Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 3473629

relation 241859

73 CERIA/COOVI - Gare du Midi/Zuidstation Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 13889962

relation 13889965

74 Uccle-Stalle/Ukkel-Stalle - Clémence Everard Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 12593508

relation 12593509

75 Héros/Helden - Bon Air/Goede Lucht Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6160492

relation 6160493

76 Kraainem - Oppem Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6409889

relation 6409890

77 Kraainem - Hippodrome/Hippodroom Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6179115

relation 6179116

78 Humanité/Humaniteit - Gare du Midi/Zuidstation Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4124952

relation 233711

79 Kraainem - Maelbeek/Maalbeek Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6390853

relation 6390854

80 Porte de Namur/Naamsepoort - Haren Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6257523

relation 6257522

83 Gare de Berchem/Station Berchem - Val Maria/Mariëndaal Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 10248357

relation 10248356

86 Machtens - Bockstael Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6058826

relation 6050455

87 Simonis - Beekkant Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4134999

relation 1131626

88 De Brouckère - UZ-VUB Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6065420

relation 6065419

89 Westland Shopping - Gare Centrale/Centraal Station Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 6153329

relation 6153330

95 Grand-Place/Grote Markt - Wiener Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 4107938

relation 240862

Night Bus

Line Description OSM status Relation
N04 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Cimetière de Bruxelles/Begraafplaats van Brussel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8223224

relation 8223223

N05 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Kraainem Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8227678

relation 8227677

N06 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Musée du Tram/Trammuseum Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8233363

relation 8233362

N08 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Wiener Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8238475

relation 8238474

N09 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Herrmann-Debroux Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8241832

relation 8241831

N10 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Fort-Jaco Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8241886

relation 8241885

N11 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Homborch Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8243605

relation 8243604

N12 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Stalle (P) Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8250656

relation 8250655

N13 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Westland Shopping Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8258776

relation 8258775

N16 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Gare de Berchem/Station Berchem Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8258877

relation 8258876

N18 Gare Centrale/Centraal Station - Heysel/Heizel Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 8259205

relation 8259204


Line Description OSM status Relation
WB Vilvoorde centrum - Sainctelette Up-to-date; fully PTv2 compliant relation 11187195

relation 11187194



  • 1 Up to date : YYYY-MM-DD ;
    FR : À jour : AAAA-MM-JJ
    NL :
  • 2 Public transport V1 or V2 ;
    FR : Version Public transport V1 ou V2 ;
    NL :
  • 3
    • = A All alternatives routes are mapped as a relation from terminus to terminus.
      FR : Chaque alternative est représentée comme une relation unique depuis chaque terminus.
      NL :
    • = B Each variant has its own relation without the main route, or the route doesn't have any variant.
      FR : Chaque variante a sa relation propre sans l'itinéraire principal ou la ligne n'a pas de variante.
      NL :
    • = C Only the main route is mapped with no variant or only a few.
      FR : Seule l'itinéraire principal est représenté sans variante ou seulement certaines.
      NL :

Bus TEC Charleroi

Lignes métro léger

Line Relation 1 2 3 Notes
M1ab Charleroi - Anderlues
M3ab Charleroi - Gosselies relation 3954542 2020-09 2 B
M4ab Charleroi - Châtelineau relation 3954543 2021-06 2 B

Lignes express

Line Relation 1 2 3 Notes
E109 Charleroi - Momignies relation 12835333 2021-06 2 B

Lignes classiques

Line Relation 1 2 3 Notes
1 Montignies-sur-Sambre - Montigny-le-Tilleul relation 3954424 2020-09 2 B
3 Jamioulx - Montignies-sur-Sambre relation 11592153 2020-09 2 B
21 Charleroi - Marcinelle relation 11593638 2020-09 2 B
41 Charleroi - Jumet relation 3887036 2020-09 2 B
43/83 Charleroi - Charleroi (boucle) relation 11582075 2020-09 2 B
52 Charleroi - Gourdinne relation 12833717 2021-06 2 B
61 Jumet - Trazegnies relation 11582249 2020-09 2 B
63 Fontaine-l'Évêque - Jumet relation 11589946 2020-09 2 B
75 Goutroux - Thuillies relation 12834137 2021-06 2 B
77 Goutroux - Montigny-le-Tilleul relation 12835320 2021-06 2 B
85 Charleroi - Jumet relation 3959492 2020-09 2 B
86 Charleroi - Gosselies relation 3959760 2020-09 2 B
109a Charleroi - Chimay relation 9086777
109b Beaumont - Lobbes relation 12835376 2021-06 2 B
365a Bruxelles - Jumet relation 3832276 Tagged from Porte de Hal/Hallepoort and 4 Bras
A Charleroi - Aéroport relation 3954939
CERI Charleroi - Marcinelle relation 3959529 2020-09 2 B
CITY Charleroi - Montignies-sur-Sambre relation 3959755
MIDO Charleroi - Marchienne-au-Pont relation 3959561

Bus TEC Hainaut (Mons-Borinage)

Line Relation 1 2 3 Notes
1 Mons Saint-Ghislain relation 5142674 2020-09 2 B FR: Notes sur les variantes : variante 1 : via la place dans le sens 1 ; variante 2 : uniquement dans le sens 2 ; variante 5 : deux itinéraires dans le sens 1.
2 Mons - Dour relation 11611557 2020-09 2 B FR: Notes sur les variantes : numérotées 6 et 7 (1 à 5 réservées à la ligne 1 comme elles partagent la fiche horaire) ; variante 6 uniquement vers Mons ; variante 7 sans horaire exploité.
7 Mons - Quiévrain relation 5142677
9 Mons - Dour relation 11619592
14 Mons - Saint-Ghislain relation 11628461
14/ Mons - Ghlin
14B Mons - Ghlin
41 Mons - Maubeuge relation 3886916
50 Mons Grand Large
60 Mons Grands Prés
82 Mons - Trazegnies relation 11601128 2020-09 2 B
129 Mons - Chimay relation 5429591 2021-06 2 B
City'O Mons Centre-Ville - Hyon relation 11721460 2020-09 2 D
City'R Mons centre-ville relation 7901827 2020-09 2 D

TEC Hainaut (Hainaut Occidental)

Line Relation 1 2 3 Notes
1 Tournai - Templeuve - Mouscron 2020-12 2 B
2 Tournai - Pecq - Dottignies - Mouscron 2020-12 2 B
3 Mouscron - Comines 2020-12 2 B
4 Tournai - Baisieux 2020-12 2 B
6 Comines - Frelinghien / Armentières - Houplines 2020-12 2 B
7 Tournai - Rongy/Guignies 2020-12 2 B
8 Tournai - Gaurain - Bon-Secours 2020-12 2 B
9 Tournai - Frasnes - Ath 2020-12 2 B
10 Ath - Ellezelles / Flobecq 2020-12 2 B
12 Ath - Blaton / Ligne 2020-12 2 B
78 Saint-Ghislain - Blaton - Péruwelz 2020-12 2 B
80 Blaton - Bernissart/Quevaucamps 2020-12 2 B
81 Ath - Beloeil - Blaton 2020-12 2 B
86A Leuze-en-Hainaut - Péruwelz/Blaton 2020-12 2 B
86B Leuze-en-Hainaut - Frasnes - Renaix/Ronse 2020-12 2 B
86C Leuze-en-Hainaut - Beloeil - Péruwelz / Thumaide 2020-12 2 B
87 Renaix/Ronse - Lessines - Silly/ Enghien/Edingen 2020-12 2 B
88 Tournai - Taintignies - Rumes - La Glanerie / Esplechin 2020-12 2 B
94 Ath - Silly - Enghien/Edingen 2020-12 2 B
95 Tournai - Leuze-en-Hainaut 2020-12 2 B
97 Tournai - Avelgem - Renaix/Ronse 2020-12 2 B
98 Tournai - Lesdain / Maulde 2020-12 2 B
100 Saint-Ghislain - Chièvres - Ath `A recréer suite à de nombreuses erreurs
483 Tournai - Celles - Renaix/Ronse 2020-12 2 B
491 Tournai - Mortagne/Péruwelz 2020-12 2 B En cours d'ajout
E40 Péruwelz - Beloeil - Ath - Ghislenghien 2020-12 2 A
E41 Péruwelz - Leuze-en-Hainaut - Renaix/Ronse 2020-12 2 A
E42 Tournai Ouest - Tournai - Renaix/Ronse A créer avant septembre 2021, date de mise en service
B Kain - Tournai - Blandain 2020-12 2 B
K Froyennes/Blandain - Kain 2020-12 2 B
M Mouscron Mont-à-Leux 2020-12 2 B
MWR Mouscron - Roubaix 2020-12 2 B
P Mouscron La Planche 2020-12 2 A
RT Mouscron - Tourcoing 2020-12 2 A
R Froyennes - Rumillies - Warchin - Tournai 2020-12 2 B
V Tournai - Chercq - Vaulx 2020-12 2 B
W Froyennes - Warchin - Tournai 2020-12 2 B
Z Tournai - Froyennes 2020-12 2 B
Z/ Kain - Tournai - Froyennes 2020-12 2 B
BLC Proxibus de Comines

Charleroi light rail network

Line Status 1 2 3 4 Notes
M1/M2 Charleroi - Anderlues OK 2020-09 2 B Yes
M3 Charleroi - Gosselies OK 2020-09 2 B Yes
M4 Charleroi - Gilly OK 2020-09 2 B Yes



New bus network starting April 2025: see this table below for more.

About table contents:

  • the contents of the "Line" and "Description" columns are extracted from the GTFS files published by TEC.
  • the "Relation" column contains a link to the corresponding route_master
  • the last comparison between the table and the GTFS files was made on November 27, 2024.
  • the last comparison between the table and the existing OSM relations was made on November 27, 2024, so all existing relations in OSM on this date are present in the table.

About the "OSM Status" column:

All the bus route relations that remain after April 2025 are now up-to-date with GTFS files.

About the "Line" background color:

  • orange: all the relations will be obsolete and removed in April 2025.
  • green: the relations will remain after April 2025 and are up-to-date with GTFS files.

Up-to-date with GTFS files means:

  • each relation present in the GTFS files has a route relation in OSM
  • each route relation present in OSM is also present in the GTFS file
  • for each OSM route relation, all the bus_stop have the same ref:TECL as in the GTFS file
  • for each OSM route relation , all the bus_stop are in the same order as in the GTFS file

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Coronmeuse - République Française - Guillemins Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line T1) relation 4070475 route_master and 4 route relations
2 20 Août - Tilleur - Seraing - Boncelles-CHU Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 9) relation 4070476 route_master and 12 route relations
3 20 Août -Tilleur-Jemeppe-Flémalle (Trixhes) Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 10) relation 4087616 route_master and 4 route relations
4 Coronmeuse - Bavière - Médiacité - Guillemins Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 6) relation 4039762 route_master and 2 route relations
5 Quai Roosevelt - Herstal - La Préalle Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 35) relation 4510935 route_master and 6 route relations
6 Quai Roosevelt - Herstal - Wandre - Cheratte Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 36) relation 5272356 route_master and 4 route relations
7 Quai Roosevelt - Herstal - Vivegnis-Oupeye-Hermée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 7) relation 5272358 route_master and 4 route relations
8 Guillemins - Laveu - St-Nicolas Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 58) relation 4248472 route_master and 2 route relations
9 Liège - Seraing - Engihoul - Flône - Tihange - Huy Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 91) relation 4087618 route_master and 3 route relations
10 Gare Léopold - Beyne - Fléron - Magnée - Romsée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 4) relation 4087615 route_master and 14 route relations
12 St-Lambert - Ans - Loncin - Awans Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 12) relation 4249173 route_master and 8 route relations
13 Gare Léopold - Grivegnée - Belleflamme - Malvaux Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 24) relation 4087611 route_master and 3 route relations
14 Eupen - Eynatten - Aachen Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-04
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 6989574 route_master and 9 route relations
15 Jemeppe - Seraing (Hôpital Bois de l´Abbaye) Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 47) relation 14610669 route_master and 2 route relations
16 Glons / Emael - Bassenge - Visé Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 79) relation 5366061 route_master and 7 route relations
17 Guillemins - Bressoux - Droixhe - Marché Couvert Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 32) relation 16013977 route_master and 4 route relations
18 Gare Léopold - Bressoux - Droixhe - Marché Couvert Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 11) relation 4245593 route_master and 3 route relations
19 St-Lambert - Ans - Cité Lonay - XIV Verges Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 54) relation 17001194 route_master and 4 route relations
20 Darchis - Guillemins - Cointe - Sclessin Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 20) relation 4248474 route_master and 4 route relations
21 Darchis - Laveu - St-Nicolas Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 21) relation 4248470 route_master and 2 route relations
22 Darchis - St-Nicolas - Pansy - Jemeppe Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 22) relation 4248473 route_master and 6 route relations
23 Darchis - Ste-Walburge - Citadelle Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 23) relation 4248471 route_master and 2 route relations
24 Quai Roosevelt - Thier-à-Liège - P+R Vottem Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 34) relation 5293079 route_master and 4 route relations
25 Darchis - Gros Hêtre - Boncelles Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 45) relation 4247664 route_master and 4 route relations
26 Rép. Française - Angleur-Streupas/Belle-Ile/Chênée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new lines 26 and 126) relation 5268956 route_master and 8 route relations
27 Darchis - Ougrée - Bois Abbaye - Seraing - Jemeppe Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new lines 43 and 44) relation 5268957 route_master and 3 route relations
28 Fléron-Chaudfontaine-Beaufays-Tilff-Sart-Tilman Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5258252 route_master and 4 route relations
29 Rép. Française - Chênée (Thiers) - Les Bruyères Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 29) relation 5256134 route_master and 2 route relations
30 Darchis - Guillemins - Chênée - Embourg Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 30) relation 15938005 route_master and 4 route relations
31 Rép. Française-Chaudfontaine-Trooz/Nessonvaux/Péry Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 31) relation 5273108 route_master and 8 route relations
32 Flémalle (Trixhes) - Jemeppe-Seraing-Boncelles-CHU Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (the line will not exist anymore) relation 5258248 route_master and 5 route relations
33 Rép. Française - Chênée - Vaux/Fléron/Trooz/Péry Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new lines 17 and 27) relation 5258249 route_master and 10 route relations
35 Rép. Française - Robermont (Centre Funéraire) Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 21) relation 4087617 route_master and 3 route relations
39 St-Lambert - Vottem P+R Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 39) relation 17046721 route_master and 2 route relations
40 Jemeppe - Seraing (La Chatqueue) Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-19
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17016419 route_master and 2 route relations
41 Sart-Tilman - Ougrée - Seraing - Jemeppe - Mons Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 41) relation 6322570 route_master and 4 route relations
42 Flémalle - Profondval - Mons Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-19
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17047247 route_master and 4 route relations
45 Jemeppe-Flémalle-Ivoz-Engis-Hardémont-Fagnes Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 88) relation 14135854 route_master and 2 route relations
46 Jemeppe - Ivoz - Flémalle - Engis - Flône - Amay Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new lines 50 and 87) relation 14206904 route_master and 2 route relations
47 Jemeppe - Ivoz - Flémalle - Stockay Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 89) relation 14140120 route_master and 2 route relations
48 20 Août - Guillemins - Sart-Tilman Université -CHU Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line B2) relation 5258251 route_master and 2 route relations
49 Jemeppe (Centre) - Seraing (Athénée) Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 49) relation 16894416 route_master and 3 route relations
50 Herstal - Vivegnis - Haccourt - Visé Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 77) relation 5272964 route_master and 2 route relations
53 St-Lambert - Grâce-Hollogne - Jemeppe Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new lines 53 and 153) relation 5274708 route_master and 13 route relations
56 Rocourt - Montegnée - St-Gilles - Tilleur -Jemeppe Todo 2025-01 : nothing if nobody add the relation (replaced with the line 48)
57 Guillemins - Bierset (Liege Airport) Up-to-date 2024-11-04. GTFS files are not correct
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5274707 route_master and 4 route relations
58 Guillemins - Standard - Université - CHU-Boncelles Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 8) relation 5258247 route_master and 2 route relations
60 Gare Léopold - Bressoux - Jupille - Les Bruyères Todo 2025-01 : nothing if nobody add the relation (replaced with the line 38)
61 St-Lambert - Tilleur Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 56) relation 15340922 route_master and 4 route relations
64 Liège - Banneux - Aywaille Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 64) relation 5170698 route_master and 4 route relations
65 Liège - Aywaille - Remouchamps Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 65) relation 3883923 route_master and 4 route relations
66 Herstal - Jupille - Chênée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 37) relation 17022852 route_master and 2 route relations
67 Liège - Jupille - Barchon - Dalhem - Visé Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 67) relation 5285300 route_master and 14 route relations
68 Liège - Jupille - Retinne - Fléron - Soumagne Todo 2025-01 : nothing if nobody add the relation (replaced with new line 68)
69 Liège - Jupille - Fléron - Soumagne - Verviers Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 69) relation 5258250 route_master and 6 route relations
70 St-Lambert - Rocourt - Liers - Slins Todo 2025-01 : nothing if nobody add the relation (replaced with new line 11)
71 St-Lambert - Citadelle - Vottem - Milmort Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 33) relation 5298493 route_master and 4 route relations
72 St-Lambert - Citadelle - Fond des Tawes Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 38) relation 5274706 route_master and 4 route relations
73 Liège - Rocourt - Liers - Slins - Glons Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 73) relation 4255681 route_master and 2 route relations
75 Liège - Ans - Hognoul - Oreye Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 75) relation 5213205 route_master and 4 route relations
76 Liège - Herstal - Hermée - Bassenge-Roclenge/Emael Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 76) relation 5272357 route_master and 10 route relations
78 Liège - Visé - Maastricht Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 78) relation 3905236 route_master and 17 route relations
81 St-Lambert - Montegnée - Grâce-Hollogne - Mons Todo 2025-01 : nothing if nobody add the relation (replaced with new line 51)
82 St-Lambert - Glain - Tilleur - Jemeppe - Montegnée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 48) relation 15347301 route_master and 2 route relations
83 Liège - Bierset - Hannut Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 83) relation 14168356 route_master and 2 route relations
84 Liège - Momalle - Waremme Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4004892 route_master and 10 route relations
85 Liège - Bierset - Stockay - Amay - Huy Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 85) relation 18175994 route_master and 2 route relations
86 Jemeppe - Verlaine Up-to-date with GTFS files, but road works at Hozemont ongoing
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18184465 route_master and 15 route relations
87 Ans - Rocourt - Liers Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 71) relation 5213206 route_master and 3 route relations
88 St-Lambert - Mont Légia - Ans - Alleur - Lantin Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 55) relation 17004988 route_master and 5 route relations
90 Liège-Ougrée-Boncelles-Anthisnes-Ouffet-Warzée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 90) relation 4038299 route_master and 7 route relations
91 Flémalle (Trixhes) - Seraing (B.Abbaye) - Neuville Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 46) relation 4087612 route_master and 3 route relations
92 Warzée - Hody - Anthisnes - Comblain Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-23
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18201623 route_master and 2 route relations
93 Esneux - Tavier - Warzée Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-21
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4037839 route_master and 15 route relations
94 Liège-Ougrée-Boncelles-Neuville-Tinlot-Warzée Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 94) relation 5170696 route_master and 21 route relations
95 Plainevaux - Rotheux - Neuville Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18204763 route_master and 2 route relations
96 Terwagne - Clavier - Les Avins - Ocquier - Ouffet Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14218016 route_master and 3 route relations
97 Huy - Strée - Ouffet - Hamoir Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5280034 route_master and 56 route relations
98 Ecoles de Huy (Circuit) Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-27
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18338402 route_master and 3 route relations
99 Ocquier - Durbuy - Barvaux - Bomal Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14225045 route_master and 2 route relations
100 Bassenge - Eben-Emael Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18206839 route_master and 2 route relations
101 Proxibus de Bassenge Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4254058 route_master and 10 route relations
102 Cit´Huy Bus (Service urbain) Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4253561 route_master and 1 route relations
103 St-Etienne-au-Mont - Huy - Tihange Vieux Floricots Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4254905 route_master and 5 route relations
104 Proxibus de Juprelle Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14724435 route_master and 6 route relations
105 Gd-Rechain-Xhendelesse-Olne-Ayeneux-Soumagne-Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-27
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18339137 route_master and 5 route relations
106 Gd-Rechain - Soiron-Nessonvaux-Olne-Soumagne-Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5363031 route_master and 6 route relations
107 Housse - Barchon - Tignée - Cerexhe - Melen -Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5373128 route_master and 5 route relations
108 Mortroux - Julémont-Mortier-Trembleur-Blegny-Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-26
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5365792 route_master and 4 route relations
109 Saive - QDB - Retinne - Micheroux - Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18294613 route_master and 2 route relations
110 Barchon - Blegny - Bolland - Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18294702 route_master and 2 route relations
111 Proxibus de Seraing Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-26
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 16894417 route_master and 10 route relations
122 Montegnée - Tilleur - St-Nicolas Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-17
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18295897 route_master and 3 route relations
127 Huy - Hannut - Landen Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-27
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4240547 route_master and 45 route relations
128 Waremme - Geer - Hannut Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-27
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4240537 route_master and 4 route relations
134 Liège - Herstal - Vottem - Liers - Glons Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line72) relation 5272355 route_master and 2 route relations
138 Liège - Fléron - Herve - Battice - Verviers Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 60) relation 5361456 route_master and 13 route relations
139 Visé - Aubel - Montzen - Welkenraedt Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-27
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5357384 route_master and 21 route relations
140 Liège - Wandre - Visé Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 61) relation 10180874 route_master and 2 route relations
142 Esneux - Trois-Ponts - Gouvy Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-28
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4243030 route_master and 33 route relations
143 Huy - Couthuin - Andenne Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-28
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4243024 route_master and 13 route relations
144 Huy - Burdinne - Hannêche Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-28
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4240554 route_master and 24 route relations
145 Huy - Waremme Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-29
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4240549 route_master and 27 route relations
147 Waremme - Oreye Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-28
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5295291 route_master and 9 route relations
148 Huy - Antheit Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-28
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4245595 route_master and 7 route relations
149 Huy - Fize-Fontaine - Seraing-le-Château Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-28
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5280029 route_master and 15 route relations
150 Warnant-Dreye - Villers-le-Bouillet Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-17
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18296071 route_master and 2 route relations
156 St-Nicolas - Tilleur Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17670916 route_master and 4 route relations
158 Chênée - Sart-Tilman Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 25) relation 13219741 route_master and 2 route relations
160 Bressoux - Jupille Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 138) relation 5373126 route_master and 2 route relations
165 Aywaille - Hamoir Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14227872 route_master and 8 route relations
167 Barchon - Trembleur - Aubin - Dalhem - Visé Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18306608 route_master and 2 route relations
173 Slins - Milmort - Oupeye - Visé Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17930502 route_master and 10 route relations
174 Liège - Wihogne Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17564750 route_master and 6 route relations
175 Liège - Ans - Alleur - Othée - Oreye Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 82) relation 14185678 route_master and 2 route relations
185 Chapon-Seraing - Verlaine - Stockay - Awirs -Flône Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18306851 route_master and 4 route relations
188 Pepinster - Trooz - Prayon Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17072893 route_master and 2 route relations
238 Charneux - Herve Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5361457 route_master and 2 route relations
240 Liège - Sarolay - Hermalle - Visé Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 62) relation 10217009 route_master and 6 route relations
242 Lierneux - Trois-Ponts Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14228063 route_master and 2 route relations
245 Waremme - Haneffe - Verlaine Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14185907 route_master and 17 route relations
248 Guillemins - Liege Science Park - Sart-Tilman Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 59) relation 16017160 route_master and 2 route relations
249 Huy - Ampsin - Villers-le-Bouillet - Amay - Flône Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18308125 route_master and 3 route relations
265 Aywaille - Lierneux - Verleumont Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14232044 route_master and 7 route relations
268 Fléron - Cerexhe-Heuseux - Soumagne Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-10-30
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5373125 route_master and 2 route relations
275 Oreye - Crisnée - Kemexhe - Xhendremael - Tongeren Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18310129 route_master and 2 route relations
282 Waremme - Berloz - Rosoux Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-20
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18310439 route_master and 4 route relations
283 Waremme - Geer - Hannut Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-01
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14194087 route_master and 22 route relations
284 Pousset - Remicourt - Oreye - Thys - Crisnée Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18323512 route_master and 3 route relations
285 Neuville - Hermalle - Ombret - Flône - Stockay Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18323724 route_master and 4 route relations
286 Verlaine - Fize-Fontaine - Chapon-Seraing-Verlaine Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-24
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18328014 route_master and 2 route relations
288 Verviers - Wegnez - Pepinster - Soiron Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-01
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5365351 route_master and 7 route relations
294 Verviers - Stavelot - Trois-Ponts Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-01
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5265985 route_master and 2 route relations
295 Verviers - Tiège - Spa Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-01
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5265986 route_master and 10 route relations
339 Aubel - Remersdaal - Teuven - SMV/FSM Up-to-date 2024-11-04. GTFS files are not correct
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5353521 route_master and 2 route relations
342 Comblain - Oneux - Géromont - Comblain Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18330786 route_master and 2 route relations
362 Aywaille - Banneux - Theux - Spa Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-04
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14206988 route_master and 10 route relations
377 Liège - Esneux - Comblain-au-Pont Todo april 2025 : put all relations as disused (replaced with new line 63) relation 4039761 route_master and 4 route relations
378 Neuville - Esneux Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-04
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17946015 route_master and 4 route relations
385 Eupen - Mützenich - Monschau - Kalterherberg Up-to-date 2024-01-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 1954412 route_master and 5 route relations
387 Theux - Oneux - Fays - Jehanster - Polleur - Theux Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18331354 route_master and 2 route relations
388 Verviers - Theux - Spa Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-02
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5260571 route_master and 33 route relations
389 Beaufays - Trooz - Nessonvaux Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-27
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
390 Verviers - Rocherath Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-05
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4029560 route_master and 8 route relations
393 Verviers - Jalhay - Charneux Up-to-date 2024-11-05. GTFS files are not correct
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4029703 route_master and 4 route relations
394 Eupen - Büllingen - St.Vith Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-07
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4029561 route_master and 16 route relations
395 Verviers - Malmedy - Reuland Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-07
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4032270 route_master and 16 route relations
396 Eupen - Kelmis - Vaals Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4021625 route_master and 20 route relations
397 Malmedy - Mont - Xhoffraix Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4040021 route_master and 4 route relations
398 Recht - Nieder-Emmels - St-Vith Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4032545 route_master and 2 route relations
399 Creppe - Spa Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5378315 route_master and 2 route relations
400 St.Vith - Meyerode - Heppenbach-Weywertz-Sourbrodt Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4032544 route_master and 8 route relations
401 Vielsalm - St.Vith - Manderfeld - Losheimergraben Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5369386 route_master and 15 route relations
402 St-Vith - Schönberg - Heppenbach - Hepscheid Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4032815 route_master and 3 route relations
403 Mirfeld - Valender - Amel Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4032842 route_master and 2 route relations
404 Medell - Amel - Mirfeld -Möderscheid-Schoppen-Amel Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4033001 route_master and 2 route relations
405 Cheneux - Meiz - Bernister - Burnenville Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5378296 route_master and 2 route relations
406 St.Vith - Wallerode - Amel - Büllingen - Rocherath Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-08
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4034839 route_master and 10 route relations
439 Moelingen/Mouland - Veurs - SPV/FSP - SMV/FSM Up-to-date 2024-11-09. GTFS files are not correct
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5357383 route_master and 2 route relations
442 Halleux - Comblain - Poulseur Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14237772 route_master and 2 route relations
445 Bettincourt - Cité Hartenge - Waremme Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4209795 route_master and 3 route relations
465 Barvaux - Bomal - Aywaille - La Reid Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5379495 route_master and 11 route relations
488 Spa (Service urbain) Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14134694 route_master and 1 route relations
495 St-Vith - Lascheid - Maspelt - Reuland Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5377452 route_master and 3 route relations
496 St-Vith - Wemperhardt - Ouren - Reuland Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5375204 route_master and 3 route relations
683 Omal - Darion - Hollogne/Geer - Ligney Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-26
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18333660 route_master and 5 route relations
685 Huy - Amay - Hermalle - Flône Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18331888 route_master and 2 route relations
694 Ramelot - Scry - Nandrin - Fraiture - Tinlot Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-02
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18252999 route_master and 2 route relations
695 Bellevaux - Ligneuville - Stavelot Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14336093 route_master and 2 route relations
701 Renoupré - Harmonie - Ensival - Pepinster Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5260570 route_master and 4 route relations
702 Stembert - Pl. Verte - Harmonie - Dison - Rechain Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5267774 route_master and 15 route relations
703 Ensival - Pl. Verte - Heusy - Jehanster Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5268135 route_master and 3 route relations
705 Stembert - Mangombroux-Harmonie-Ottomont-Andrimont Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-09
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5268238 route_master and 12 route relations
706 Champs des Oiseaux-G. Centrale-Pl. Verte-Heusy P+R Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-10
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5268136 route_master and 2 route relations
707 Verviers - Lambermont - Wegnez - Pepinster Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-10
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5260569 route_master and 6 route relations
708 Ningloheid - Thiervaux - Pl. Verte - Andrimont Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-10
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5267775 route_master and 14 route relations
710 Eupen - Welkenraedt - Kelmis Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-10
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4518084 route_master and 14 route relations
711 Welkenraedt - Kelmis Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-26
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18333468 route_master and 4 route relations
712 Thimister - Aubel - Welkenraedt Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-10
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5363393 route_master and 2 route relations
713 Henri-Chapelle - Hombourg - Sippenaeken - Kelmis Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-10
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5371780 route_master and 2 route relations
715 Welkenraedt / Montzen - Birken - Kelmis Up-to-date 2024-11-10. One GTFS file not correct
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5267776 route_master and 8 route relations
716 Bilstain - Dolhain - Goé - Membach - Welkenraedt Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-12
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5365676 route_master and 7 route relations
717 Verviers - Henri-Chapelle - Welkenraedt / Kelmis Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-12
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5259313 route_master and 14 route relations
722 Eupen - Raeren - Eynatten - Köpfchen/Lichtenbusch Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-12
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5349373 route_master and 32 route relations
723 Eupen - Welkenraedt Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-12
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5265997 route_master and 6 route relations
724 Verviers - Hèvremont - Dolhain - Membach - Eupen Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-12
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5259311 route_master and 4 route relations
725 Verviers - Eupen - Bellmerin Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-13
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5259312 route_master and 11 route relations
727 Verviers - Banneux - Aywaille - Houssonloge Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-13
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5170699 route_master and 13 route relations
728 Hauset - Kelmis Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-13
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5350010 route_master and 6 route relations
738 Verviers - Battice - Thimister - Aubel Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-13
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5363386 route_master and 24 route relations
744 Spa - Stavelot - Trois-Ponts Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-14
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17082773 route_master and 7 route relations
745 Trois-Ponts - Waimes - Büllingen Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4040020 route_master and 42 route relations
746 Büllingen - Manderfeld Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-14
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5369387 route_master and 9 route relations
747 Kaiserbaracke - Born - St.Vith Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-14
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5369583 route_master and 2 route relations
748 Sourbrodt - Waimes - St.Vith Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-14
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5170697 route_master and 11 route relations
749 Waimes - Heppenbach Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-14
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 14134740 route_master and 2 route relations
750 Spa - Malchamps - Stavelot - Trois-Ponts Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-14
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5378294 route_master and 2 route relations
751 Tiège - Sart - Hockai - Stavelot - Trois-Ponts Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5378297 route_master and 2 route relations
752 Solwaster - Ster -Burnenville-Stavelot-Trois-Ponts Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17083342 route_master and 2 route relations
753 Stavelot - Trois-Ponts - Wanne Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5377888 route_master and 2 route relations
795 Baugnez - Lasnenville - Malmedy Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-25
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 18331791 route_master and 2 route relations
825 Eupen - Nispert - Eupen Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 3893191 route_master and 3 route relations
845 Stavelot - Malmedy - Sourbrodt - Bütgenbach Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 4084776 route_master and 13 route relations
848 St-Vith - Aldringen - Gouvy Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5371056 route_master and 9 route relations
948 St-Vith - Steinebrück - Rödgen Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-15
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 5375205 route_master and 2 route relations
E20 Liège - Marche - Marloie Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 11683679 route_master and 4 route relations
E21 Verviers - Malmedy Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17768237 route_master and 7 route relations
E22 Huy - Waremme Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 16545839 route_master and 4 route relations
E23 Eupen - Büllingen - St-Vith - Burg-Reuland Up-to-date with GTFS files 2024-11-16
Not concerned by the changes april 2025
relation 17931777 route_master and 4 route relations

New bus network starting april 2025


Ce tableau contient les lignes de bus qui seront mise en service en avril 2025.

Bon nombre de lignes existantes seront renumérotées et modifiées. Quelques nouvelles lignes seront créées également.

Parce que ces modifications sont complexes (la ligne 3 devient la 10, la 10 devient la 4, la 4 devient la 6, la 6 devient la 36...), il est préférable de ne pas modifier maintenant les relations existantes, mais plutôt de créer de nouvelles relations (éventuellement à partir d'une copie de l'ancienne ligne) avec un statut "proposed".

Avec cette façon de faire, les nouvelles lignes peuvent être créées dès maintenant sans apparaître sur la carte. Lors de la mise en service du nouveau réseau, il n'y a plus qu'à mettre un statut "disused" sur les anciennes relations et à enlever le statut "proposed" sur les nouvelles relations.

Le statut "proposed" signifie:

  • pour les relations "route_master" le type de la relation est "proposed:route_master" et un tag "proposed:route_master=bus" est ajouté en remplacement du tag "route_master=bus"
  • pour les relations "route" le type de la relation est "proposed:route" et un tag "proposed:route=bus" est ajouté en remplacement du tag "route=bus"
  • éventuellement une note et un tag "opening_date=2025-01" peuvent être ajoutés (ne pas utiliser start_date - voir Wiki)

Cette méthode présente cependant un inconvénient: aucun contrôle du bon état des relations n'est fait dans OSM inspector ou dans d'autre applications de vérification.

Pour éviter cet inconvénient, un programme de contrôle des relations avec le statut "proposed" est disponible ici


This table contains the bus lines that will be put into service in april 2025.

Many existing lines will be renumbered and modified. Some new lines will be created as well.

Because these changes are complex (line 3 becomes 10, 10 becomes 4, 4 becomes 6, 6 becomes 36...), it is better not to modify the existing relations now, but rather to create new relations (possibly from a copy of the old line) with a status of "proposed".

With this way of doing things, new lines can be created now without appearing on the map. When the new network is put into service, all that remains is to put a "disused" status on the old relations and to remove the "proposed" status on the new relations.

The status 'proposed' means:

  • for "route_master" relations the type of the relation is "proposed:route_master" and a tag "proposed:route_master=bus" is added to replace the tag "route_master=bus"
  • for "route" relations the type of the relation is "proposed:route" and a tag "proposed:route=bus" is added to replace the tag "route=bus"
  • possibly a note and a tag "opening_date=2025-01" can be added (do not use start_date - see Wiki)

This method has one drawback, however: no checks on the relations are made in OSM inspector or in other verification applications.

To avoid this inconvenience, a relationship control program with the status "proposed" is available here

Line Description OSM status Relations
B2 Liège Gare des Guillemins - Sart-Tilman Botanique
It’s the old line 48 limited to Liège Guillemins
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18002608 route_master
relation 18002077 Bus B2: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Sart-Tilman Botanique
relation 18002905 Bus B2: Sart-Tilman Botanique → Liège Gare des Guillemins
3 Liège République Française - Sart-Tilman CHU
it’s a new line
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18004676 route_master
relation 18004529 Bus 3: Liège République Française → Sart-Tilman CHU
relation 18023078 Bus 3: Sart-Tilman CHU → Liège République Française
4 Fléron Cité du Fort - Liège Gare Léopold
It’s the old line 10 with some simplifications
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18023967 route_master
relation 18023966 Bus 4: Liège Gare Léopold → Fléron Cité du Fort
relation 18024025 Bus 4: Fléron Cité du Fort → Liège Gare Léopold
relation 18023965 Bus 4: Liège Gare Léopold → Fléron Terminus
relation 18024024 Bus 4: Fléron Terminus → Liège Gare Léopold
6 Liège Gare des Guillemins – Liège Place Coronmeuse
It’s the old line 4 without changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18024143 route_master
relation 18024142 Bus 6: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18024141 Bus 6: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Liège Gare des Guillemins
7 Liège Place Coronmeuse - Milmort Rue du Charbonnage
It’s a part of the old line 7 + an extension
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-10
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18025383 route_master
relation 18025379 Bus 7: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Milmort Rue du Charbonnage
relation 18028173 Bus 7: Milmort Rue du Charbonnage → Liège Place Coronmeuse
8 Standard – Sart-Tilman CHU
It’s a part of the old line 58 + modifications at start and end
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-10-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18028294 route_master
relation 18028293 Bus 8: Standard → Sart-Tilman CHU
relation 18028315 Bus 8: Sart-Tilman CHU → Standard
9 Standard – Seraing Beauséjour
It’s a part of the old line 2
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-10
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18028380 route_master
relation 18028379 Bus 9: Standard → Seraing Beauséjour
relation 18028391 Bus 9: Seraing Beauséjour → Standard
10 Standard - Flémalle Les Chaffours
It’s a part of the old line 3
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 17929533 route_master
relation 17889340 Bus 10: Standard → Flémalle Les Chaffours
relation 17998869 Bus 10: Flémalle Les Chaffours → Standard
11 Liège Liège Expo – Rocourt Arsenal
It’s the old line 70 (never added to osm) + a part of the old line 18
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-11
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18028764 route_master
relation 18030336 Bus 11: Liège Liège Expo → Rocourt Arsenal Terminus
relation 18028765 Bus 11: Rocourt Arsenal Terminus → Liège Liège Expo
12 Liège Place St-Lambert – Loncin Rue A. Charlet
It’s the old line 12 simplified
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-15
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18047463 route_master
relation 18047462 Bus 12: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Loncin Rue A. Charlet
relation 18047461 Bus 12: Loncin Rue A. Charlet → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
17 Liège République Française - Vaux Rue de la Vesdre
It’s a part of the old line 33
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-15
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18047653 route_master
relation 18047652 Bus 17: Liège République Française → Vaux-sous-Chèvremont Rue de la Vesdre
relation 18047685 Bus 17: Vaux-sous-Chèvremont Rue de la Vesdre → Liège République Française
20 Liège Place des Carmes - Sclessin Petit Bourgogne
It’s the old line 20 + an extension to Place des Carmes and Petit Bourgogne
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-16
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18050561 route_master
relation 18050560 Bus 20: Liège Place des Carmes → Sclessin Petit Bourgogne
relation 18050559 Bus 20: Sclessin Petit Bourgogne → Liège Place des Carmes
21 Bressoux Centre Funéraire Robermont – Liège Place St-Nicolas
Its the old line 21 + the old line 35
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-16
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18051485 route_master
relation 18051484 Bus 21: Liège Place Saint-Nicolas → Bressoux Centre Funéraire Robermont
relation 18051588 Bus 21: Bressoux Centre Funéraire Robermont → Liège Place Saint-Nicolas
22 Liège Place des Carmes - Jemeppe Gare Routière
It’s the old line 22 + an extension to Place des Carmes.
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-16
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18053591 route_master
relation 18053590 Bus 22: Liège Place des Carmes → Jemeppe Gare Routière
relation 18053618 Bus 22: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Liège Place des Carmes
23 Liège Place des Carmes- Liège Citadelle
It’s the old line 23 + an extension to Place des Carmes.
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-16
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18053767 route_master
relation 18053766 Bus 23: Liège Place des Carmes → Liège Citadelle
relation 18053765 Bus 23: Liège Citadelle → Liège Place des Carmes
24 Liège Léopold – Jupille Les Bruyères
It’s the old line 13 + an extension
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-18
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18057385 route_master
relation 18057384 Bus 24: Liège Gare Léopold → Jupille Les Bruyères
relation 18057798 Bus 24: Jupille Les Bruyères → Liège Gare Léopold
25 Chênée Pont de Lhonneux - Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres
It’s the old line 158
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done2024-09-18
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18057650 route_master
relation 18057649 Bus 25: Chênée Pont de Lhonneux → Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres
relation 18057663 Bus 25: Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres → Chênée Pont de Lhonneux
relation 18057684 Bus 25: Chênée Pont de Lhonneux → Sart-Tilman CHU
relation 18057683 Bus 25: Sart-Tilman CHU → Chênée Pont de Lhonneux
26 Liège République Française - Liège Belle-Île
It’s some relations of the old line 26
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-19
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18064941 route_master
relation 18064940 Bus 26: Liège République Française → Liège Belle-Île
relation 18064939 Bus 26: Liège Belle-Île → Liège République Française
27 Liège République Française – Vaux-sous-Chèvremont Rue de la Vesdre - Fléron Gare - Prayon Château - Beaufays Air Pur
It’s the old line 33 simplified and with an extension to Beaufays Air Pur
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-19
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
More relations are probably needed. Waiting GTFS files...
relation 18066259 route_master
relation 18066258 Bus 27: Liège République Française → Beaufays Air Pur
relation 18066437 Bus 27: Beaufays Air Pur → Liège République Française
29 Liège République Française - Grivengnée Clinique des Bruyères - Fléron Terminus
It’s the old line 29 + an extension to Fléron
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-20
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18069276 route_master
relation 18069275 Bus 29: Liège République Française → Fléron Terminus
relation 18069274 Bus 29: Fléron Terminus → Liège République Française
relation 18069317 Bus 29: Liège République Française → Grivegnée Clinique des Bruyères
relation 18069356 Bus 29: Grivegnée Clinique des Bruyères → Liège République Française
30 Liège Gare des Guillemins - Embourg Mathysart
It’s the old line 30 simplified
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-20
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18069459 route_master
relation 18069458 Bus 30: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Embourg Mathysart
relation 18069479 Bus 30: Embourg Mathysart → Liège Gare des Guillemins
31 Liège Gare des Guillemins – Trooz Terminus - Nessonvaux Gare
It’s the old line 31 simplified and starting from Liège Gare des Guillemins
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-21
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
More relations are probably needed. Waiting GTFS files..
relation 18072964 route_master
relation 18072963 Bus 31: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Nessonvaux Gare
relation 18073003 Bus 31: Nessonvaux Gare → Liège Gare des Guillemins
32 Liège Gare des Guillemins – Liège Liège Expo
It’s a part of the old line 17
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-21
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18073150 route_master
relation 18073149 Bus 32: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18073148 Bus 32: Liège Liège Expo → Liège Gare des Guillemins
33 Liège Bavière – Vottem Rue du Bouxthay - Milmort Route de Liers
Its the old line 71 with an extension to Bavière
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-22
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18078830 route_master
relation 18078829 Bus 33: Liège Bavière → Milmort Route de Liers
relation 18078828 Bus 33: Milmort Route de Liers → Liège Bavière
relation 18078893 Bus 33: Liège Bavière → Vottem Rue du Bouxthay
relation 18078892 Bus 33: Vottem Rue du Bouxthay → Liège Bavière
34 Liège P+R de Vottem - Liège Place Coronmeuse
It’s a part of the old line 24 with an extension to Place Coronmeuse
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-22
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18078991 route_master
relation 18078989 Bus 34: Liège P+R de Vottem → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18078990 Bus 34: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Liège P+R de Vottem
35 Liège Place Coronmeuse – Vottem Rue du Bouxthay
It’s a part of the old line 5
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-23
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18079572 route_master
relation 18079570 Bus 35: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Vottem Rue du Bouxthay
relation 18079571 Bus 35: Vottem Rue du Bouxthay → Liège Place Coronmeuse
36 Liège Place Coronmeuse - Cheratte Passage à niveau
It’s a part of the old line 6
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-23
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18081134 route_master
relation 18081133 Bus 36: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Cheratte Passage à niveau
relation 18081132 Bus 36: Cheratte Passage à niveau → Liège Place Coronmeuse
37 Chênée Rue de l'Eglise – Liège Place Coronmeuse
It’s a part of old line 66 with an extension to Place Coronmeuse
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-24
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18084519 route_master
relation 18084518 Bus 37: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Chênée Rue de l'Église (écoles)
relation 18084517 Bus 37: Chênée Rue de l'Église (écoles) → Liège Place Coronmeuse
38 Liège Fond des Tawes – Grivengnée Clinique des Bruyères
Its the old lines 60 (never added to osm) and 72 with an extension to Grivegnée Clinique des Bruyères
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-24
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18084646 route_master
relation 18084645 Bus 38: Liège Fond des Tawes → Grivegnée Clinique des Bruyères
relation 18085047 Bus 38: Grivegnée Clinique des Bruyères → Liège Fond des Tawes
39 Liège P+R de Vottem – Liège Liège Expo
It’s the old line 39 + an extension to Liège Expo
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-24
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18085821 route_master
relation 18085820 Bus 39: Liège P+R de Vottem → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18085819 Bus 39: Liège Liège Expo → Liège P+R de Vottem
41 Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres Mons-lez-Liège Arbre St-Michel
It’s the old line 41 simplified
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-24
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
More relations are probably needed. Waiting GTFS files...
relation 18086348 route_master
relation 18086347 Bus 41: Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres → Mons-lez-Liège Arbre Saint-Michel
relation 18086405 Bus 41: Mons-lez-Liège Arbre Saint-Michel → Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres
43 Sclessin Standard – Seraing Beauséjour
It’s a part of the old line 27
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-24
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18087845 route_master
relation 18087830 Bus 43: Standard → Seraing Beauséjour
relation 18087887 Bus 43: Seraing Beauséjour → Standard
44 Sclessin Standard – Sart-Tilman CHU
It’s a part of the old line 27
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-24
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18088372 route_master
relation 18088371 Bus 44: Standard → Sart-Tilman CHU
relation 18088448 Bus 44: Sart-Tilman CHU → Standard
45 Sclessin Standard – Boncelles Carrefour
It’s a part of old line 25 + an extension to Liège Standard
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-26
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18089249 route_master
relation 18089248 Bus 45: Standard → Boncelles Carrefour
relation 18089247 Bus 45: Boncelles Carrefour → Standard
46 Flémalle Trixhes – Neuville-en-Condroz Rue du Hock
It’s the old line 91 with some small changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-26
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
More relations are probably needed. Waiting GTFS files...
relation 18091052 route_master
relation 18091051 Bus 46: Flémalle Centre Culturel → Neuville-en-Condroz Rue du Hock
relation 18091050 Bus 46: Neuville-en-Condroz Rue du Hock → Flémalle Centre Culturel
47 Jemeppe Gare Routière – Seraing Hôpital du Bois de l'Abbaye
It’s the old line 15
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-26
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18092054 route_master
relation 18092053 Bus 47: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Seraing Hôpital du Bois de l'Abbaye
relation 18092052 Bus 47: Seraing Hôpital du Bois de l'Abbaye → Jemeppe Gare Routière
48 Jemeppe Gare Routière - Rocourt Arsenal
It’s the old line 56 (never added to osm) + the old line 82
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-26
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18092686 route_master
relation 18092685 Bus 48: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Rocourt Arsenal Terminus
relation 18092863 Bus 48: Rocourt Arsenal Terminus → Jemeppe Gare Routière
49 Jemeppe Gare Routière – Seraing Beauséjour
It’s the old line 49 + an extension to Jemeppe Gare Routière
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-26
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18097611 route_master
relation 18097610 Bus 49: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Seraing Beauséjour
relation 18097622 Bus 49: Seraing Beauséjour → Jemeppe Gare Routière
50 Jemeppe Gare Routière – Ramet Gros Chêne
It’s a part of old route 46
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-26
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18097660 route_master
relation 18097659 Bus 50: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Ramet Gros Chêne
relation 18097658 Bus 50: Ramet Gros Chêne → Jemeppe Gare Routière
51 Liège Place St-Lambert - Mons-lez-Liège Cité
It’s a part of the old line 81 (never added to osm)
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-28
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18098225 route_master
relation 18098224 Bus 51: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Mons-lez-Liège Cité
relation 18098672 Bus 51: Mons-lez-Liège Cité → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
52 Liège Place St-Lambert -Montegnée Potay - Grâce-Hollogne Pérou
It’s a part of the old line 81 (never added to osm)
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-28
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18098226 route_master
relation 18098223 Bus 52: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Grâce-Hollogne Pérou
relation 18098673 Bus 52: Grâce-Hollogne Pérou → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
53 Liège Place St-Lambert – Jemeppe Gare Routière
It’s a part of the old route 53
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-28
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18099266 route_master
relation 18099265 Bus 53: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Jemeppe Gare Routière
relation 18099264 Bus 53: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
54 Liège Place Saint-Lambert - Ans Carrefour XIV Verges-Tonne
It’s the old line 19 simplified
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-28
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18099285 route_master
relation 18099284 Bus 54: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Ans Carrefour XIV Verges-Tonne
relation 18099283 Bus 54: Ans Carrefour XIV Verges-Tonne → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
55 Liège Place St-Lambert – Glain Clinique du MontLégia - Lantin Centre de Détention
It’s the old line 88 with small modifications
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-29
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18100828 route_master
relation 18100827 Bus 55: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Lantin Centre de Détention
relation 18100826 Bus 55: Lantin Centre de Détention → Liège Place Saint-Lamber
56 Liège Place St-Lambert - Sclessin Standard
It’s a part of the old line 61 with an extension to Liège Standard
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-29
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18100926 route_master
relation 18100925 Bus 56: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Standard
relation 18100924 Bus 56: Standard → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
58 Liège Place St-Nicolas - Ougrée Rue des Champs du Mont
It’s a part of the old line 8 + a part of the old line 25
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-29
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18101630 route_master
relation 18101629 Bus 58: Liège Place Saint-Nicolas → Ougrée Rue des Champs du Mont
relation 18101628 Bus 58: Ougrée Rue des Champs du Mont → Liège Place Saint-Nicolas
59 Boncelles Carrefour - Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres
It’s a part of the old line 248 with big changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-29
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18103455 route_master
relation 18103454 Bus 59: Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres → Boncelles Carrefour
relation 18103453 Bus 59: Boncelles Carrefour → Sart-Tilman Amphithéâtres
60 Liège Gare des Guillemins Quai C - Verviers Gare Centrale
It’s the old line 138
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-07
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
Relations are based on the 2024 schedule!
relation 18131126 route_master
relation 18131123 Bus 60: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Verviers Gare Centrale via Bruyères
relation 18131124 Bus 60: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Verviers Gare Centrale via José
relation 18131125 Bus 60: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Verviers Gare Centrale
relation 18131115 Bus 60: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Petit-Rechain Château d'Eau
relation 18131116 Bus 60: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Micheroux Patria
relation 18131118 Bus 60: Herve Nazareth → Verviers Gare Centrale via Chaineux
relation 18131119 Bus 60: Herve Nazareth → Verviers Gare Centrale
relation 18131120 Bus 60: Herve Hôtel de Ville → Verviers Gare Centrale via Bruyères
relation 18131122 Bus 60: Fléron Gare → Herve Nazareth
relation 18131117 Bus 60: Fléron Gare → Verviers Gare Centrale via Chaineux
relation 18131121 Bus 60: Bois-de-Breux Gare → Verviers Gare Centrale
relation 18132068 Bus 60: Verviers Gare Centrale → Liège Gare des Guillemins via Bruyères
relation 18131729 Bus 60: Verviers Gare Centrale → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18132065 Bus 60: Verviers Gare Centrale → Liège Gare des Guillemins via José
relation 18132064 Bus 60: Verviers Gare Centrale → Herve Nazareth
relation 18132063 Bus 60: Verviers Gare Centrale → Herve Nazareth via Chaineux
relation 18132060 Bus 60: Verviers Gare Centrale → Herve Hôtel de Ville via Bruyères
relation 18132069 Bus 60: Battice Carrefour → Liège Gare des Guillemins via José
relation 18132067 Bus 60: Petit-Rechain Château d'Eau → Fléron Gare
relation 18131731 Bus 60: Petit-Rechain Château d'Eau → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18132061 Bus 60: Herve Nazareth → Fléron Gare
relation 18132062 Bus 60: Herve Nazareth → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18131733 Bus 60: Micheroux Patria → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18132066 Bus 60: Fléron La Clé → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18131730 Bus 60: Fléron Rue J. Prevôt → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18131732 Bus 60: Grivegnée Rue N. Spiroux → Liège Gare des Guillemins
61 Liège Gare des Guillemins Quai C – Visé Place des Déportés
It’s the old line 140 with small changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-02
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18105882 route_master
relation 18105881 Bus 61: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18105880 Bus 61: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Gare des Guillemins
62 Liège Gare des Guillemins quai C - Visé Place des Déportés
It’s the old line 240 with small changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed
Done 2024-10-02 Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18106048 route_master
relation 18106047 Bus 62: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18113278 Bus 62: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Gare des Guillemins
63 Liège Gare des Guillemins - Esneux Gare SNCB - Comblain-au-Pont Place Leblanc
It’s the old line 377 limited to Liège Gare des Guillemins
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-03
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18113377 route_master
relation 18113376 Liège Gare des Guillemins → Comblain-au-Pont Place Leblanc
relation 18113373 Bus 63: Comblain-au-Pont Place Leblanc → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18113375 Bus 63: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Esneux Gare SNCB
relation 18113374 Bus 63: Esneux Gare SNCB → Liège Gare des Guillemins
64 Liège Gare des Guillemins Quai D - Banneux Eglise - Aywaille Gare SNCB
It’s the old line 64 limited to Liège Guillemins
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-02
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18115276 route_master
relation 18115310 Bus 64: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Banneux Église
relation 18115311 Bus 64: Banneux Église → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18115275 Bus 64: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Aywaille Gare SNCB
relation 18115274 Bus 64: Aywaille Gare SNCB → Liège Gare des Guillemins
65 Liège Gare des Guillemins Quai D - Aywaille Gare SNCB - Remouchamps Hautegard
It’s the old line 65 limited to Liège Guillemins
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-08
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
Relations are based on the 2024 schedule!
relation 18138798 route_master
relation 18138790 Bus 65: Aywaille Gare SNCB → Remouchamps Gare
relation 18138788 Bus 65: Chênée Pont → Aywaille Gare SNCB
relation 18138793 Bus 65: Chênée Pont → Dolembreux Haie des Chênes
relation 18138789 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Aywaille Gare SNCB
relation 18138796 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Aywaille Gare SNCB via Lincé
relation 18138896 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Florzé Garage AB Liégeois
relation 18138787 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Florzé Garage AB Liégeois via Ninane et Lincé
relation 18138792 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Ninane Place
relation 18138797 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Remouchamps Gare
relation 18138890 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Remouchamps Gare via Lincé
relation 18138794 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Remouchamps Gare via Ninane et Lincé
relation 18138791 Bus 65: Liège Gare des Guillemins → Remouchamps Hautregard
relation 18138795 Bus 65: Lincé Église → Aywaille Gare SNCB
relation 18140508 Bus 65: Aywaille Gare SNCB → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18140501 Bus 65: Aywaille Gare SNCB → Liège Gare des Guillemins via Lincé
relation 18140497 Bus 65: Aywaille Gare SNCB → Sprimont Fond Leval via Lincé
relation 18140504 Bus 65: Florzé Garage AB Liégeois → Chênée Pont via Ninane
relation 18140505 Bus 65: Florzé Garage AB Liégeois → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18140503 Bus 65: Florzé Garage AB Liégeois → Liège Gare des Guillemins via Lincé
relation 18140506 Bus 65: Florzé Garage AB Liégeois → Liège Gare des Guillemins via Lincé et Ninane
relation 18140502 Bus 65: Ninane Place → Chênée Pont
relation 18140500 Bus 65: Ninane Place → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18140507 Bus 65: Remouchamps Gare → Liège Gare des Guillemins
relation 18140498 Bus 65: Remouchamps Gare → Sprimont Fond Leval via Lincé
relation 18140499 Bus 65: Remouchamps Hautregard → Liège Gare des Guillemins
67 Liège Liège Expo – Visé Place des Déportés
It’s the old line 67 limited to Liège Expo
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-13
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
Relations are based on the 2024 schedule!
relation 18157996 route_master
relation 18159712 Bus 67: Barchon Carrefour → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18158680 Bus 67: Barchon Carrefour → Visé Place des Déportés via Blegny Place, Richelle Centre
relation 18159707 Bus 67: Blegny Place → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18159709 Bus 67: Dalhem Château → Liège Liège Expo via Saint-Remy Église
relation 18159708 Bus 67: Dalhem Château → Liège Liège Expo via Blegny Place
relation 18159711 Bus 67: Dalhem Château → Liège Liège Expo via Richelle Centre, Dalhem Château, Mortier Église, Blegny Place
relation 18158352 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Barchon Carrefour
relation 18158305 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Blegny Place
relation 18157993 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Dalhem Château via Saint-Remy Église
relation 18158679 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Dalhem Château via Blegny Place
relation 18157994 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Richelle Centre via Saint-Remy Église, Dalhem Château
relation 18158304 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Richelle Centre via Blegny Place, Dalhem Château
relation 18157995 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Visé Place des Déportés via Saint-Remy Église, Dalhem Château, Richelle Centre
relation 18157992 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Visé Place des Déportés via Barchon PAK 2, Saint-Remy Église, Dalhem Château
relation 18158306 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Visé Place des Déportés via Blegny Place, Dalhem Château, Richelle Centre
relation 18158307 Bus 67: Liège Liège Expo → Visé Place des Déportés via Blegny Place, Mortier Église, Dalhem Château, Richelle Centre
relation 18159710 Bus 67: Richelle Centre → Liège Liège Expo via Dalhem Château, Mortier Église, Blegny Place
relation 18159705 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Barchon Carrefour via Richelle Centre, Dalhem Château;Saint-Remy Église
relation 18159704 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Barchon Carrefour via Dalhem Château, Saint-Remy Église
relation 18159706 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Blegny Place via Richelle Centre
relation 18158964 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Liège Expo via Richelle Centre, Saint-Remy Église
relation 18158939 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Liège Expo via Richelle Centre, Dalhem Château;Saint-Remy Église
relation 18158963 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Liège Expo via Dalhem Château, Saint-Remy Église
relation 18158941 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Liège Expo via Richelle Centre, Dalhem Château, Blegny Place
relation 18158940 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Liège Expo via Richelle Centre, Dalhem Château, Mortier Église, Blegny Place
relation 18158938 Bus 67: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Liège Expo via Richelle Centre, Dalhem Château, Mortier Église, Blegny Place, Barchon PAK 2
68 Liège Liège Expo - Soumagne Voie de l'Eau
It’s the old line 68 (never added to osm) limited to Liège Expo
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-03
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18116216 route_master
relation 18116215 Bus 68: Liège Liège Expo → Soumagne Voie de l'Eau
relation 18116214 Bus 68: Soumagne Voie de l'Eau → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18116213 Bus 68: Liège Liège Expo → Fléron La Clé
relation 18116212 Bus 68: Fléron La Clé → Liège Liège Expo
69 Liège Liège Expo – Verviers Gare Centrale
It’s the old line 69 limited to Liège Expo
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-03
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18116717 route_master
relation 18116716 Bus 69: Liège Liège Expo → Verviers Gare Centrale
relation 18116781 Bus 69: Verviers Gare Centrale → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18116715 Bus 69: Liège Liège Expo → Soumagne Voie de l'Eau
relation 18116780 Bus 69: Soumagne Voie de l'Eau → Liège Liège Expo
relation 18116714 Bus 69: Liège Liège Expo → Fléron La Clé
relation 18116779 Bus 69: Fléron La Clé → Liège Liège Expo
71 Bierset Liège Airport - Liers Gare I.R - Milmort Enseignement spécial
It’s the old line 87
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-03
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18117147 route_master
relation 18117146 Bus 71: Bierset Liège Airport → Milmort Enseignement Spécial
relation 18117144 Bus 71: Milmort Enseignement Spécial → Bierset Liège Airport
relation 18117145 Bus 71: Bierset Liège Airport → Liers Gare
relation 18117143 Bus 71: Liers Gare → Bierset Liège Airport
72 Liège Place Coronmeuse - Liers Gare I.R - Glons Gare
It’s the old line 134 limited to Liège Place Coronmeuse
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-03
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18121100 route_master
relation 18121096 Bus 72: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Glons Gare
relation 18121098 Bus 72: Glons Gare → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18121099 Bus 72: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Liers Gare
relation 18121097 Bus 72: Liers Gare → Liège Place Coronmeuse
73 Liège Bavière - Glons Gare – Liers Rue d'Anixhe
It’s the old line 73 with an extension to Liège Bavière
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-04
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18121245 route_master
relation 18121244 Bus 73: Liège Bavière → Glons Gare
relation 18121242 Bus 73: Glons Gare → Liège Bavière
relation 18121243 Bus 73: Liège Bavière → Liers Gare
relation 18121241 Bus 73: Liers Gare → Liège Bavière
75 Liège Place St-Lambert - Oreye Dépôt TEC
It’s the old line 75 with some small changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-04
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18121357 route_master
relation 18121355 Bus 75: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Oreye Dépôt TEC
relation 18121497 Bus 75: Oreye Dépôt TEC → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
relation 18121356 Bus 75: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Oreye Dépôt TEC
relation 18121498 Bus 75: Oreye Dépôt TEC → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
76 Liège Place Coronmeuse - Hermée Place du Carcan - Bassenge Dépôt TEC - Boirs Route de Boirs - Emael Eglise
It’s the old line 76 limited to Liège Place Coronmeuse + Hermée Terminus 76 moved to Hermée Place du Carcan
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18025214 route_master
relation 18025429 Bus 76: Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Bassenge Dépôt TEC
relation 18025428 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Bassenge Dépôt TEC via Métal Profil
relation 18025212 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Boirs Route de Boirs
relation 18025213 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Boirs Route de Boirs via Métal Profil
relation 18025206 Bus 76: Boirs Route de Boirs → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Métal Profil
relation 18025209 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Emael Église
relation 18025208 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Emael Église via Métal Profil
relation 18025211 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Hermée Place du Carcan
relation 18025210 Bus 76: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Hermée Place du Carcan via Métal Profil
relation 18025205 Bus 76: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18025204 Bus 76: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Métal Profil
relation 18025207 Bus 76: Boirs Route de Boirs → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18025206 Bus 76: Boirs Route de Boirs → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Métal Profil
relation 18025201 Bus 76: Emael Église → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18025200 Bus 76: Emael Église → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Métal Profil
relation 18025203 Bus 76: Hermée Place du Carcan → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18025202 Bus 76: Hermée Place du Carcan → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Métal Profil
77 Liège Place Coronmeuse – Visé Résidence des Trois Rois
I’is the old line 50 + an extension to Liège Place Coronmeuse
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed done 2024-09-10
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18028428 route_master
relation 18028427 Bus 77: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Visé Residence des Trois Rois
relation 18028426 Bus 77: Visé Residence des Trois Rois → Liège Place Coronmeuse
78 Liège Place Coronmeuse - Visé Place des Déportés - Lanaye Eglise - Maastricht Station (Perron D)
It’s the old line 78 limited to Liège Place Coronmeuse
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-05
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18125349 route_master
relation 18125344 Bus 78: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Lanaye Église
relation 18125382 Bus 78: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Maastricht, Station
relation 18125347 Bus 78: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Maastricht, Station via Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18125345 Bus 78: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Maastricht, Station via Hermalle Cité du Hemlot et Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18125343 Bus 78: Liège Place Coronmeuse → Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18125346 Bus 78: Visé Place des Déportés → Lanaye Église
relation 18125348 Bus 78: Vivegnis Maison Communale → Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18125713 Bus 78: Lanaye Église → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18125712 Bus 78: Lanaye Église → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Visé Place des Déportés et Hermalle Cité du Hemlot
relation 18125710 Bus 78: Maastricht, Station → Liège Place Coronmeuse
relation 18125711 Bus 78: Maastricht, Station → Liège Place Coronmeuse via Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18125708 Bus 78: Maastricht, Station → Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18125709 Bus 78: Visé Place des Déportés → Liège Place Coronmeuse
79 Bassenge Dépôt TEC - Visé Place des Déportés - Glons Gare - Emael Eglise - Boirs Autoroute - Visé Résidence des Trois Rois – Glons Café des Sports
It’s the old line 16 without changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-05
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18122802 route_master
relation 18122801 Bus 79: Glons Café des Sports → Bassenge Dépôt TEC
relation 18122796 Bus 79: Glons Gare → Bassenge Dépôt TEC
relation 18122795 Bus 79: Boirs Autoroute → Bassenge Dépôt TEC
{relation|18122797}} Bus 79: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Visé Place des Déportés via Houtain-Saint-Siméon
relation 18122800 Bus 79: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Visé Place des Déportés via Houtain-Saint-Siméon et Hallembaye
relation 18122798 Bus 79: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Visé Résidence des Trois Rois
relation 18122799 Bus 79: Emael Église/Maison Communale → Visé Place des Déportés
relation 18124155 Bus 79: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Glons Café des Sports
relation 18124157 Bus 79: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Glons Gare
relation 18124152 Bus 79: Bassenge Dépôt TEC → Emael Église/Maison Communale
relation 18124158 Bus 79: Visé Place des Déportés → Bassenge Dépôt TEC
relation 18124154 Bus 79: Visé Place des Déportés → Emael Église/Maison Communale
relation 18124153 Bus 79: Visé Résidence des Trois Rois → Bassenge Dépôt TEC via Hallembaie et Houtain-Saint-Siméon
relation 18124156 Bus 79: Visé Résidence des Trois Rois → Bassenge Dépôt TEC via Houtain-Saint-Siméon
82 Liège Place St-Lambert – Oreye Dépôt TEC
It’s the old line 175 (probably with missing relations)
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-05
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18130216 route_master
relation 18130215 Bus 82: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Oreye Dépôt TEC via Xhendremael
relation 18130214 Bus 82: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Oreye Dépôt TEC via Xhendremael et Otrange
relation 18130212 Bus 82: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Odeur Monument via Othée
relation 18130213 Bus 82: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Villers-l'Évêque Église via Othée
relation 18130429 Bus 82: Oreye Dépôt TEC → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Xhendremael
relation 18130426 Bus 82: Odeur Monument → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Xhendremael
relation 18130428 Bus 82: Odeur Monument → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Othée
relation 18130425 Bus 82: Villers-l'Évêque Église → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Xhendremael
relation 18130427 Bus 82: Alleur Château de Waroux → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
83 Liège Place St-Lambert – Hannut Ecole primaire
It’s the old line 83 with small changes
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-17
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
Relations are based on the 2024 schedule!
relation 18170002 route_master
relation 18172746 Bus 83: Hannut École primaire → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Abolens Église
relation 18172771 Bus 83: Hannut École primaire → Omal Dépôt TEC via Abolens Église
relation 18172833 Bus 83: Hannut École primaire → Omal Dépôt TEC via Boëlhe La Bruyère
relation 18172702 Bus 83: Hannut Place H. Hallet → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
relation 18172857 Bus 83: Hannut Place H. Hallet → Omal Dépôt TEC
relation 18172913 Bus 83: Jeneffe Église → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
relation 18172920 Bus 83: Lens-Saint-Remy Église → Omal Dépôt TEC
relation 18170001 Bus 83: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Hannut École primaire
relation 18170000 Bus 83: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Hannut Place H. Hallet via Abolens Église
relation 18172364 Bus 83: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Jeneffe Église
relation 18172478 Bus 83: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Omal Dépôt TEC
relation 18172582 Bus 83: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Omal Dépôt TEC via Velroux Village
relation 18172522 Bus 83: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Voroux-Goreux Église via Velroux Village
relation 18172564 Bus 83: Omal Dépôt TEC → Hannut Gare
relation 18172477 Bus 83: Omal Dépôt TEC → Hannut Place H. Hallet via Abolens Église
relation 18172770 Bus 83: Omal Dépôt TEC → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
relation 18172935 Bus 83: Voroux-Goreux Église → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
85 Liège Place St-Lambert - Huy Place Lebeau
It’s the old line 85 (never added to osm)
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-16
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
Relations are based on the 2024 schedule!
relation 18144526 route_master
relation 18168651 Bus 85: Amay Allée Verte → Huy Athénée
relation 18161605 Bus 85: Chapon-Seraing Rue Saint-Christophe → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
relation 18162662 Bus 85: Huy Athénée → Amay Gare
relation 18162708 Bus 85: Huy Athénée → Amay Rue de la Cloche
relation 18162734 Bus 85: Huy Athénée → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Bierset Liège Airport
relation 18162688 Bus 85: Huy Athénée → Saint-Georges Carrefour
relation 18163186 Bus 85: Huy Athénée → Saint-Georges Carrefour via Amay Allée Verte
relation 18163157 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Amay Place Viamont
relation 18161914 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
relation 18162005 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Stockay Athénée
relation 18162115 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Liège Place Saint-Lambert via Amay Allée Verte
relation 18162765 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Stockay Château de Warfusée
relation 18162060 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Stockay Place A. Renard via Amay Allée Verte
relation 18163153 Bus 85: Huy Place Lebeau → Yernawe Route de Saint-Georges
relation 18168633 Bus 85: Jehay Rue Loumaye → Huy Athénée
relation 18168317 Bus 85: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Huy Athénée
relation 18168302 Bus 85: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Huy Place Lebeau
relation 18168226 Bus 85: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Huy Place Lebeau via Amay Allée Verte
relation 18168278 Bus 85: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Huy Place Lebeau via Bierset Liège Airport, Amay Allée Verte
relation 18168326 Bus 85: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Velroux Village
relation 18168619 Bus 85: Saint-Georges Carrefour → Huy Athénée
87 Jemeppe Gare Routière - Flémalle Gare - Amay Super Delhaize
It’s a part of the old line 46
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18144526 route_master
relation 18144524 Bus 87: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Amay Super Delhaize
relation 18144525 Bus 87: Amay Super Delhaize → Jemeppe Gare Routière
88 Sclessin Standard - Stockay Place A. Renard
It’s the old line 45 with an extension to Liège Standard
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
More relations are probably needed. Waiting GTFS files...
relation 18146466 route_master
relation 18146465 Bus 88: Standard → Engis Rue du 15 Août
relation 18146464 Bus 88: Engis Rue du 15 Août → Standard
89 Sclessin Standard - Stockay Place A. Renard
It’s the old line 47 with an extension to Liège Standard
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-09
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18146681 route_master
relation 18146680 Bus 89: Standard → Stockay Place A. Renard
relation 18146679 Bus 89: Stockay Place A. Renard → Standard
90 Sclessin Standard - Warzée Dépôt TEC
It’s the old line 90 limited to Liège Standard
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-10
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
More relations are probably needed. Waiting GTFS files...
relation 18146917 route_master
relation 18146913 Bus 90: Ocquier Atelier Poncin → Standard
relation 18146916 Bus 90: Ocquier Église → Standard
relation 18146915 Bus 90: Ouffet Grand-Place → Standard
relation 18146914 Bus 90: Warzée Dépôt TEC → Standard
relation 18147510 Bus 90: Standard → Ocquier Atelier Poncin
relation 18147507 Bus 90: Standard → Ocquier Église
relation 18147506 Bus 90: Standard → Ouffet Grand-Place
relation 18147508 Bus 90: Standard → Warzée Dépôt TEC
relation 18147509 Bus 90: Standard → Warzée Dépôt TEC via Ouffet I.L.C.
91 Sclessin Standard - Engis Engihoul - Huy Gare
It’s a part of the old line 9
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done2024-10-10
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18152392 route_master
relation 18152391 Bus 91: Standard → Huy Gare
relation 18152390 Bus 91: Huy Gare → Standard
94 Sclessin Standard – Warzée Dépôt TEC
It’s a part of the old line 94 limited to Liège Standard
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-12
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
Relations are based on the 2024 schedule!
relation 18155923 route_master
relation 18156325 Bus 94: Standard → Ochain Château
relation 18156328 Bus 94: Standard → Ouffet Carrefour
relation 18156326 Bus 94: Standard → Tinlot Carrefour via Fraiture Centre Neurologique
relation 18156327 Bus 94: Standard → Warzée Dépôt TEC
relation 18156324 Bus 94: Standard → Warzée Dépôt TEC via Clavier Station
relation 18155922 Bus 94: Warzée Dépôt TEC → Standard via Clavier Station
relation 18155920 Bus 94: Warzée Dépôt TEC → Standard
relation 18155917 Bus 94: Warzée Dépôt TEC → Standard via Clavier Station et Fraiture Centre Neurologique
relation 18155919 Bus 94: Ochain Château → Standard via Clavier Station
relation 18155918 Bus 94: Strée Les Gottes (Écoles) → Standard
relation 18155921 Bus 94: Tinlot Carrefour → Standard
126 Liège République Française – Chênée Gare
It’s some relations of the old line 26
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-11
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18153037 route_master
relation 18153036 Bus 126: Liège République Française → Chênée Gare
relation 18153035 Bus 126: Chênée Gare → Liège République Française
138 Liège Liège Expo - Jupille Les Bruyères écoles
It’s the old line 160 with an extension to Liège Expo
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-11
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18154983 route_master
relation 18154982 Bus 138: Liège Liège Expo → Jupille Les Bruyères Écoles
relation 18154981 Bus 138: Jupille Les Bruyères Écoles → Liège Liège Expo
153 Liège Place St-Lambert – Grâce-Hollogne Aulichamps
It’s a part of the old route 53
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-10-12
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18155261 route_master
relation 18155260 Bus 153: Liège Place Saint-Lambert → Grâce-Hollogne Aulichamps terminus
relation 18155259 Bus 153: Grâce-Hollogne Aulichamps terminus → Liège Place Saint-Lambert
194 Jemeppe Gare Routière - Rhoteux-Rimière Croix André
It’s a part of the old route 94
Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-09-25
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18089269 route_master
relation 18089268 Bus 194: Jemeppe Gare Routière → Rotheux-Rimière Croix André
relation 18089267 Bus 194: Rotheux-Rimière Croix André → Jemeppe Gare Routière

New tram network starting April 2025

Line Description OSM status Relations
T1 Tram Todo before april 2025: create all relations with the status proposed Done 2024-1017
Todo april 2025: remove the status proposed
relation 18173314 route_master
relation 18173312 Tram T1: Standard → Coronmeuse
relation 18173307 Tram T1: Standard → Coronmeuse via Féronstrée
relation 18173310 Tram T1: Coronmeuse → Standard
relation 18173313 Tram T1: Standard → Liège Expo
relation 18173306 Tram T1: Standard → Liège Expo via Féronstrée
relation 18173311 Tram T1: Liège Expo → Standard
relation 18173309 Tram T1: Liège Expo → Coronmeuse
relation 18173308 Tram T1: Coronmeuse → Liège Expo


Regio Limburg

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Centrumpendel on the map relation 3319038
1 Sledderlo - Zwartberg on the map relation 17137459
2 Boulevardpendel on the map relation 3309182
2 Genk Station - Camerlo on the map relation 3326498
3 Bokrijk - Genk Station on the map relation 3326495
3 Rapertingen - Hasselt Station on the map relation 16944988
4 Kiewit - Alken on the map relation 16945142
4 Termien - Genk Station on the map relation 3326493
5 Genk-Zuid - Zwartberg on the map relation 17292924
5 Godsheide - Sint-Jansheide on the map relation 16945376
6 Genk Station - Ziekenhuis on the map relation 17855912
6 Hasselt Station - Gevangenis on the map relation 16945390
7 Genk - Zutendaal on the map relation 3326496
7 Hasselt - Stevoort on the map relation 16945408
10 Genk - Tongeren on the map relation 3289287
12 Hasselt - Genk on the map relation 3277365
15 Diest - Leopoldsburg on the map relation 3412713
16 Maaseik - Neerpelt on the map relation 17866902
19 Bree - Houthalen-Helchteren on the map relation 17867256
20a Hasselt - Maastricht on the map relation 3944387
20b Hasselt - Lanaken on the map relation 17855616
21 Hasselt - Landen on the map relation 3308096
22 Sint-Truiden - Landen on the map relation 3307384
23 Sint-Truiden - Tongeren on the map relation 3313249
26 Maaseik - Leopoldsburg on the map relation 17853617
27 Genk - Maaseik on the map relation 3291461
28 Beringen - Mol on the map relation 17870148
29 Hasselt - Lommel on the map relation 17853493
31 Genk - Beringen on the map relation 17863962
32 Beringen - Tessenderlo on the map relation 3636609
33 Genk - Neerpelt on the map relation 3843621
34 Hasselt - Beringen on the map relation 17867150
35 Diest - Houthalen on the map relation 17222241
36a Genk - Hasselt on the map relation 16337403
36b Genk - Hasselt on the map relation 16337402
38 Hasselt - Heers on the map relation 3314338
44 Hasselt - Maasmechelen on the map relation 17126533
45 Hasselt - Maastricht on the map relation 3293634
47 Hasselt - Tongeren on the map relation 3281146
48 Hasselt - Peer on the map relation 5308121
49 Diest - Paal - Beringen on the map relation 3283173
50 Hasselt - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 3281318
51 Hasselt - Heusden on the map relation 17855360
56 Hasselt - Diest on the map relation 17855880
62 Maastricht - Tongeren on the map relation 3941817
63 Maaseik - Maastricht on the map relation 3850064
66 Lanaken Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg - Rekem on the map relation 17855192
79 Tongeren - Liège on the map relation 2798674
80 Genk - Bree on the map relation 3286507
82 Lommel - Hamont-Achel on the map relation 17477651
92 Heers - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 17039354
102 Bilzen - Tongeren on the map relation 18584443
103 Bilzen - Tongeren on the map relation 17950350
105 Tongeren - Bilzen on the map relation 17982203
106 Tongeren - Bilzen on the map relation 18621421
107 Tongeren - Genk on the map relation 18493132
108 Wiemesmeer - Hoeselt on the map relation 18704524
109 Genk - Tongeren on the map relation 18755396
121 Hasselt - Kiewit KIDS on the map relation 18755419
128 Hasselt - Kiewit Bewel on the map relation 18755456
129 Genk - Kiewit BEWEL missing
154 Leopoldsburg - Tessenderlo missing
155 Leopoldsburg - Diest on the map relation 17854999
156 Diest - Tessenderlo - Leopoldsburg on the map relation 18855426
157 Diest - Mol missing
158 Leopoldsburg - Diest Sneldienst on the map relation 3411344
159 Schoot - Tessenderlo on the map relation 18760135
167 Maaseik - Bree missing
168 Bree - Bocholt missing
169 Bocholt - Kaulille missing
178 Maaseik - Brussel on the map relation 3413479
179 Brussel - Bocholt on the map relation 3278853
193 Helchteren - Wijchmaal on the map relation 18752530
194 Wijchmaal - Neerpelt on the map relation 18752565
195 Meeuwen - Heusden missing
196 Bocholt - Hasselt on the map relation 7172839
197 Bree - Hasselt on the map relation 18690332
198 Bocholt - Zonhoven missing
203 Hasselt - Bilzen on the map relation 18224491
204 Bilzen - Hasselt missing
206 Beverst - Maastricht on the map relation 16102511
207 Bilzen - Hasselt on the map relation 18588466
208 Lafelt - Bilzen on the map relation 18621017
209 Hoelbeek - Hasselt on the map relation 18617156
215 Kortenbos - Hasselt on the map relation 18624955
216 Alken - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 18625241
217 Melveren - Kozen on the map relation 17870279
218 Nieuwerkerken - Zepperen on the map relation 17870429
219 Hasselt - Landen missing
221 Sint-Truiden - Landen missing
229 Station - Opvangcentrum - Station on the map relation 18493041
232 Sint-Truiden - Tongeren on the map relation 18186799
233 Sint-Truiden - Zepperen missing
234 Sint-Truiden - Tongeren on the map relation 18620996
235 Wellen - Tongeren missing
236 Tongeren - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 18633406
237 Tongeren - Sint-Truiden missing
238 Tongeren - Borgloon missing
239 Tongeren Station - PIBO on the map relation 18557506
262 Leopoldsburg - Bree missing
264 Tessenderlo - Hechtel on the map relation 18792575
265 Gruitrode - Maaseik missing
266 Bree - Maaseik BEWEL missing
267 Kinrooi - Bree on the map relation 18655310
268 Molenbeersel - Maaseik missing
269 Maaseik - Leopoldsburg on the map relation 18511574
273 As - Maaseik on the map relation 18655239
274 Grote-Brogel - Maaseik missing
275 Opoeteren-Genk missing
276 Opglabbeek - Maaseik missing
277 Stokkem - Genk on the map relation 18633344
278 Kinrooi - Maaseik on the map relation 5127167
279 Kinrooi - Genk on the map relation 18665637
296 Lummen - Hasselt missing
297 Heppen - Hasselt missing
311 Eversel - Houthalen-Helchteren missing
312 Genk - Zwartberg missing
313 Genk - Houthalen-Helchteren on the map relation 18777979
315 Houthalen - Genk on the map relation 18112813
316 Zwartberg - Zonhoven missing
318 Bolderberg - Houthalen-Helchteren on the map relation 18546278
319 Meulenberg - Beringen missing
328 Tessenderlo - Beringen on the map relation 18633584
329 Beringen - Tessenderlo on the map relation 18633719
335 Gruitrode - Hechtel missing
336 Peer - Neerpelt on the map relation 18530329
337 Peer - Genk on the map relation 18530389
338 Holheide - Peer missing
347 Hulst - Hasselt on the map relation 3412143
349 Hasselt - Hulst on the map relation 18112732
351 Lummen - Beringen missing
352 Heusden - Diest on the map relation 3411106
355 Herk-de-Stad - Lummen missing
356 Diest - Heusden on the map relation 17222876
357 Beringen - Herk-de-Stad on the map relation 18257179
358 Beringen - Herk-de-Stad missing
359 Lummen - Diest on the map relation 17222853
363 KotHopper on the map relation 3275138
364 Kortessem - Diepenbeek Universiteit on the map relation 5302969
389 Engelmanshoven - Borgloon missing
395 Vreren - Tongeren on the map relation 17997573
396 Voeren - Provinciale School on the map relation 18664382
397 Tongeren - Voeren on the map relation 4792737
398 Tongeren - Voeren missing
399 Voeren - Tongeren on the map relation 18748037
458 Lanaken - Genk on the map relation 18650814
459 Lanaken CC - Sparrendal missing
461 Genk Station - Boxberg on the map relation 18224446
462 Zonhoven - Genk on the map relation 18651512
463 Boxberg - Genk on the map relation 18651297
464 Boxberg - Helchteren on the map relation 18651019
465 Houthalen - Genk on the map relation 5301400
472 Tongeren - Hasselt on the map relation 18861209
473 Tongeren - Hasselt on the map relation 18224424
474 Hasselt - Tongeren missing
475 Hasselt - Tongeren missing
476 Heers - Hasselt on the map relation 3279829
477 Wellen - Hasselt missing
478 Kortessem - Hasselt on the map relation 18690590
479 Hasselt - Borgloon on the map relation 18690894
484 Hamont - Peer on the map relation 17570222
485 Peer - Hamont missing
486 Hamont - Peer missing
487 Helchteren - Bree missing
489 Kiewit - Hasselt missing
498 Diest - Paal - Beringen scholen missing
499 Diest scholen - Schaffen - Paal - Tervant missing
503 Sint-Truiden - Herk-de-Stad on the map relation 18492372
504 Sint-Truiden - Hasp-O Stadsrand on the map relation 18492313
505 Herk-de-Stad - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 18492389
507 Sint-Lambrechts-Herk - Herk-de-Stad on the map relation 18695666
508 Alken - Stevoort missing
509 Hasselt - Sint-Truiden missing
513 Zolder - Kiewit on the map relation 18585210
527 Hasselt Station - Stevoort missing
528 Hasselt Station - Stevoort on the map relation 18901161
569 Bolderberg - Herk-de-Stad on the map relation 18898331
617 Riemst - Lanaken on the map relation 18632885
618 Riemst - Eisden on the map relation 18632923
619 Eisden - Tongeren on the map relation 18633053
621 Genoelselderen - Tongeren on the map relation 17989243
622 Kanne - Tongeren missing
623 Riemst - Tongeren on the map relation 18617458
624 Riemst - Tongeren on the map relation 18617496
625 Vroenhoven - Tongeren on the map relation 18617533
626 Zussen - Tongeren missing
629 Tongeren Station - Tongeren Bewel on the map relation 18581377
633 Stokkem - Maaseik missing
634 Lanaken - Maasmechelen missing
636 Maaseik - Lanaken on the map relation 18664712
637 Lanaken - Maaseik on the map relation 18566282
638 Lanaken - Maaseik BEWEL on the map relation 18887593
639 Maasmechelen - Lanaken on the map relation 18664589
799 Vreren - Tongeren missing
803 Genk - Opglabbeek Bewel missing
804 Genk - Overpelt missing
805 Genk - Neerpelt Sneldienst on the map relation 18001609
806 Opglabbeek - Genk missing
807 Overpelt - Bree missing
808 Genk - Bree missing
809 Opglabbeek - Bree on the map relation 18625259
826 Achel - Hamont on the map relation 17569966
827 Mol - Neerpelt missing
828 Hamont - Lommel missing
829 Lommel Kolonie - Lommel Provil missing
906 Millen - Bilzen on the map relation 18588400
907 Bilzen - Riemst missing
908 Kanne - Bilzen on the map relation 5303726
909 Val-Meer - Bilzen on the map relation 18583891
922 Lauw - Tongeren on the map relation 17989336
923 Heers - Tongeren missing
924 Bettincourt - Heers missing
927 Jeuk - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 18751636
929 Jeuk - Landen on the map relation 3307299
X18 Hasselt - Lommel on the map relation 16927040
X19 Hasselt - Neerpelt on the map relation 16927189
X27 Maaseik - Genk on the map relation 4291734


The TECX network is now complete and up-to-date with GTFS files.

Up-to-date with GTFS files will say:

  • each route relation in the GTFS files has a route relation in OSM
  • each route relation in OSM has a route relation in the GTFS file
  • for each OSM relation, all the bus_stop are also in the GTFS relation
  • for each GTFS relation, all the bus_stop are also in the OSM relation
  • for each OSM route relation, all the bus_stop have the same ref:TECX than in the GTFS file
  • for each OSM route relation, all the bus_stop are in the same order than in the GTFS file

About table contents:

  • the contents of the "Line" and "Description" columns are extracted from the GTFS files published by TEC.
  • the "Relation" column contains a link to the corredponding route_master
  • the last comparison between the table and the GTFS files was made on march 2, 2025.
Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Marche-en-Famenne - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17071803 route_master and 38 route relations
1/2 Salle - Flamierge - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10391296 route_master and 3 route relations
2 Bastogne - Martelange - Fauvillers Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17284013 route_master and 2 route relations
2/2 Bastogne - Villers-La-Bonne-Eau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5382285 route_master and 3 route relations
4 Libramont - Amberloup - Champlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18501894 route_master and 7 route relations
5 Saint-Hubert - Poix Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15690681 route_master and 7 route relations
5/2 Saint-Hubert - Nassogne - Saint-Hubert Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15690683 route_master and 3 route relations
5/3 Bertrix - Paliseul - Saint-Hubert Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18504502 route_master and 2 route relations
5/5 Maissin - Libin - Saint-Hubert Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15690682 route_master and 2 route relations
6 Libramont - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17128692 route_master and 4 route relations
7 Sugny - Bouillon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5268479 route_master and 9 route relations
8 Bouillon - Libramont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5268424 route_master and 15 route relations
8b Bouillon - Menuchenet Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15616926 route_master and 5 route relations
9 Alle-sur-semois - Gedinne - Beauraing Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18504664 route_master and 6 route relations
10 Manhay - Aywaille Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10391674 route_master and 2 route relations
10/2 Aywaille - Hamoir - Durbuy - Barvaux - Bomal Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10574398 route_master and 3 route relations
10/3 Manhay - St-Roch - Bomal - Barvaux Up-to-date with GTFS file relation 10574397 route_master and 4 route relations
10/4 Bomal - Tohogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10574400 route_master and 2 route relations
10/5 Barvaux - Oppagne - Heyd - Bomal Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10574399 route_master and 2 route relations
11 Manhay - Melreux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 16794561 route_master and 3 route relations
11/2 Marloie - Melreux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10630867 route_master and 13 route relations
11/3 Melreux - Heyd - Bomal - Petithan Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10630864 route_master and 3 route relations
11/5 Noiseux - Durbuy - Melreux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10600377 route_master and 3 route relations
11/7 Circuit des écoles de Bourdon et Hotton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10630868 route_master and 3 route relations
11/9 Circuit des Rocailles et IMP de Marloie Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10630866 route_master and 5 route relations
11a Proxibus de Durbuy Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10547349 route_master and 4 route relations
11b Proxibus de La Roche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10613208 route_master and 8 route relations
11d Proxibus de Nassogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10996056 route_master and 14 route relations
11f Proxibus de Marche-en-Famenne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18772676 route_master and 10 route relations
11g Proxibus de Daverdisse Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18763864 route_master and 15 route relations
12/1 Deulin - Hotton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17259098 route_master and 3 route relations
12/2 Biron - Ny - Soy - Hotton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10630870 route_master and 2 route relations
12/3 Hotton (Ctre Réfugiés) - Melreux (Gare) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10630869 route_master and 7 route relations
13 La Roche - Melreux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17259096 route_master and 6 route relations
13/2 La Roche - Devantave - La Roche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17259097 route_master and 2 route relations
13/3 La Roche - Warizy - La Roche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18763715 route_master and 2 route relations
14 Manhay - Vielsalm Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233791 route_master and 18 route relations
14/1 Chevron - Manhay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233797 route_master and 5 route relations
14/2 Manhay - Samrée - Grandmenil Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233795 route_master and 4 route relations
14/3 Manhay - Lierneux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233792 route_master and 2 route relations
14/4 Houffalize - Hébronval - Manhay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233790 route_master and 5 route relations
14/5 Manhay - Hébronval Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233793 route_master and 2 route relations
14/6 Houffalize - Vielsalm - Schmiede Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5377862 route_master and 2 route relations
14/7 Houffalize - Gouvy - Schmiede Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233796 route_master and 2 route relations
14/8 Regné - Ottré - Tailles - Fraiture Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17233794 route_master and 3 route relations
15 La Roche - Marche - Marloie Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18505356 route_master and 9 route relations
15/2 Houffalize - La Roche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15744180 route_master and 6 route relations
15/3 Wibrin - Houffalize Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18763549 route_master and 2 route relations
15/4 Marche - Les Fourches - Marloie Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18763269 route_master and 3 route relations
16 Virton - Athus - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18588138 route_master and 11 route relations
17 Houffalize - Bertogne - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11016441 route_master and 10 route relations
17/2 Bastogne - Marvie - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10931998 route_master and 3 route relations
17/3 Mabompré - Vellereux et Compogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11016442 route_master and 2 route relations
18 Bastogne - Houffalize - Montleban Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10947724 route_master and 6 route relations
18/2 Hallonru - Cherain Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10947725 route_master and 2 route relations
18/3 Houffalize - Vielsalm Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11051659 route_master and 7 route relations
18/4 Gouvy - Deiffelt - Beho - Commanster - Vielsalm Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11051658 route_master and 4 route relations
19 Virton - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18581696 route_master and 3 route relations
20 Châtillon - Rachecourt - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18659472 route_master and 3 route relations
21 Battincourt - Athus - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18588921 route_master and 5 route relations
22 Carignan - Florenville - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17749728 route_master and 4 route relations
23 Florenville Miroir - Florenville Gare Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17791902 route_master and 2 route relations
24 Arlon - Sterpenich Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17796159 route_master and 2 route relations
25 Habay - Hachy - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17820580 route_master and 3 route relations
26 Arlon - Frassem - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18590580 route_master and 1 route relation
28 Hagen - Sterpenich - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18592742 route_master and 4 route relations
29 Heinstert - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18661603 route_master and 2 route relations
30 Bellefontaine - Paliseul Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15902019 route_master and 5 route relations
31 Menuchenet - Carlsbourg - Paliseul Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15902018 route_master and 6 route relations
32 Ochamps - Jéhonville - Paliseul Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15902017 route_master and 2 route relations
33 Marbehan - Tintigny - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17823873 route_master and 2 route relations
35 Montmédy - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15877327 route_master and 6 route relations
37 Sainte-Cécile - Muno - Bouillon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17986003 route_master and 9 route relations
38 Virton - Lamorteau - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15877328 route_master and 1 route relations
39 Musson - Ruette - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10718281 route_master and 3 route relations
40 Bouillon - Bertrix Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18652211 route_master and 7 route relations
42 Six-Planes - Menuchenet Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 12733071 route_master and 2 route relations
43 Bohan - Alle - Menuchenet Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15871210 route_master and 7 route relations
44 Bièvre - Menuchenet Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15871211 route_master and 2 route relations
45 Menuchenet - Bouillon - Menuchenet Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15871209 route_master and 6 route relations
45/3 Bus local de Vresse (Bohan) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5410903 route_master and 7 route relations
45/4 Bus local de Vresse (Sugny) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5410120 route_master and 10 route relations
48 Herbeumont - Bertrix Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17823949 route_master and 2 route relations
49 La Roche - Ortho (Baconfoy - Cens) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15853714 route_master and 10 route relations
51 Amberloup - Saint-Hubert - Libramont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10954259 route_master and 19 route relations
53/1 Saint-Hubert - Tillet - Amberloup Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15681849 route_master and 4 route relations
53/2 Saint-Hubert - Champlon - Saint-Hubert Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15681848 route_master and 4 route relations
55 La Roche - Manhay - Malempré Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11022137 route_master and 10 route relations
56 Behême - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17826334 route_master and 2 route relations
57 Léglise - Marbehan Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17826433 route_master and 2 route relations
58 Marbehan - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17826462 route_master and 2 route relations
59 La Roche - Tenneville - La Roche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10506516 route_master and 6 route relations
60 Saint-Hubert - Neufchâteau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18654010 route_master and 2 route relations
61 Libramont - Redu Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15843260 route_master and 13 route relations
62 Rochefort - Tellin - Grupont - Mirwart Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11004530 route_master and 19 route relations
63 Waharday - Chéoux - Rendeux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15843261 route_master and 2 route relations
63 ROCHEFORT (Gare) - ROCHEFORT (Préhyr) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11004529 route_master and 2 route relations
66 Gedinne - Paliseul - Bertrix Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10521659 route_master and 14 route relations
67 Gedinne - Paliseul - Bouillon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10521661 route_master and 6 route relations
68 Paliseul - Ochamps - Bertrix Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18654099 route_master and 3 route relations
69 Bertrix - circuit du Saupont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10521660 route_master and 4 route relations
77/1 Circuit scolaire de Libramont (Wisbeley) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18760950 route_master and 3 route relations
77/2 Circuit scolaire de Libramont (Blancheau) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10460616 route_master and 2 route relations
77/3 Circuit scolaire de Libramont (Serpont) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10460615 route_master and 3 route relations
77/4 Circuit scolaire de Libramont (Neuvillers) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18760905 route_master and 2 route relations
78/1 Circuit scolaire de Bertrix (Ecole Spéciale) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18760617 route_master and 2 route relations
78/2 Circuit scolaire de Bertrix (Zoning) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18760346 route_master and 2 route relations
79/1 Circuit scolaire de Bouillon (OTAN) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10442506 route_master and 2 route relations
79/2 Circuit scolaire de Bouillon (Maroc) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10441123 route_master and 2 route relations
83 Virton - Aubange - Luxembourg Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15828350 route_master and 2 route relations
84 Marbehan - Habay - Arlon - Luxembourg Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18759909 route_master and 2 route relations
87 Léglise - Neufchâteau - Libramont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17829589 route_master and 2 route relations
89 Bastogne - Houffalize - Gouvy - Vielsalm Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15822537 route_master and 10 route relations
91 Boucle Urbaine de Waha Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11000995 route_master and 1 route relations
92 Boucle Urbaine du WEX Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11000994 route_master and 1 route relations
97d Nettinne - Marche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10488655 route_master and 2 route relations
98 Havelange - Marche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15815300 route_master and 7 route relations
134 Wy - Amonines - Trinal - Rendeux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15803844 route_master and 2 route relations
135 La Roche - Halleux - Rendeux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15803846 route_master and 2 route relations
136 La Roche - Cielle - Rendeux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15803845 route_master and 2 route relations
137 La Roche - Hodister - Rendeux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15803847 route_master and 2 route relations
161 Virton - Athus - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15795560 route_master and 11 route relations
162 Willancourt - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15795561 route_master and 2 route relations
162a2 Marloie - Heure - Noiseux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17094389 route_master and 5 route relations
162a3 Marloie - Noiseux - Melreux Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17094388 route_master and 2 route relations
162a4 Sinsin - Marche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17094387 route_master and 2 route relations
162b Libramont - Jemelle Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18654243 route_master and 24 route relations
163b1 Bras - Wardin - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5381950 route_master and 11 route relations
163b4 Bras - Wardin - Mageret - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5381951 route_master and 2 route relations
163b5 Bastogne - Mageret - Wardin Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5381945 route_master and 2 route relations
163c Bastogne - Houffalize - Gouvy Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 7352320 route_master and 12 route relations
163d Gouvy - Tavigny - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5379746 route_master and 16 route relations
163d2 Gouvy - Limerlé - Houffalize Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11066438 route_master and 2 route relations
163d3 Vissoule - Tavigny - Houffalize Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11066439 route_master and 2 route relations
166a Jemelle - Lavaux-Sainte-Anne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14917190 route_master and 6 route relations
166b Jemelle - Villers-Sur-Lesse - Ciergnon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14917191 route_master and 3 route relations
166c Jemelle - Forzée - Briquemont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5139059 route_master and 2 route relations
169 Aubange - Saint-Mard Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15795559 route_master and 2 route relations
191 Virton - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18656265 route_master and 9 route relations
199 Arlon - Saint-Mard Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15771726 route_master and 5 route relations
201 Châtillon - Rachecourt - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18659541 route_master and 6 route relations
211 Battincourt - Athus - Differt - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18740343 route_master and 5 route relations
212 Rodange - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18744330 route_master and 2 route relations
213 Messancy - Hondelange - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18747341 route_master and 2 route relations
221 Florenville - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17829799 route_master and 6 route relations
222 Izel - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17840241 route_master and 2 route relations
223 Tintigny - Etalle Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17845701 route_master and 4 route relations
231 Bertrix - Izel - Florenville Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17853847 route_master and 4 route relations
232 Herbeumont - Florenville - Izel Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17856963 route_master and 2 route relations
233 Watrinsart - Florenville - Izel Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18734175 route_master and 2 route relations
234 Virton - Florenville - Izel Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18728228 route_master and 2 route relations
235 Sommethonne - Izel - Florenville Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18734348 route_master and 2 route relations
236 Florenville - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18728344 route_master and 2 route relations
241 Waltzing - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18747518 route_master and 2 route relations
251 Habay - Fouches - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18726481 route_master and 4 route relations
252 Lischert - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18747614 route_master and 3 route relations
253 Léglise - Anlier - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18747930 route_master and 2 route relations
254 Léglise - Marbehan - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18749224 route_master and 2 route relations
271 Habay - Izel - Florenville Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18727341 route_master and 2 route relations
272 Rossignol - Florenville Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18736365 route_master and 2 route relations
273 Les Fossés - Florenville Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18739259 route_master and 2 route relations
274 Vance - Florenville Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18736567 route_master and 2 route relations
291 Martelange - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18661138 route_master and 11 route relations
292 Arlon - Schockville - Attert Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18682106 route_master and 4 route relations
321 Habay - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18727686 route_master and 2 route relations
322 Chantemelle - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18730149 route_master and 2 route relations
331 Houdemont - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18732732 route_master and 2 route relations
332 Pin - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18734116 route_master and 2 route relations
333 Gérouville - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18730282 route_master and 2 route relations
346 Villers-sur-Semois - Breuvanne - Tintigny Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18759449 route_master and 4 route relations
381 Torgny - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15714090 route_master and 5 route relations
391 Saint-Léger - Ruette - Virton Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10718280 route_master and 8 route relations
411 Bertrix - Neufchateau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18759343 route_master and 4 route relations
412 Florenville - Neufchateau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18738055 route_master and 4 route relations
413 Bastogne - Neufchâteau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18689952 route_master and 13 route relations
413/2 Juseret - Traimont - Sibret - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18759037 route_master and 2 route relations
415 Longlier - Neufchâteau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18756941 route_master and 2 route relations
420 Aye - Jemelle - Nassogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10992637 route_master and 21 route relations
424 Rochefort - Marche Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15694792 route_master and 5 route relations
481 Lambermont - Bertrix Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18755311 route_master and 2 route relations
521 Valansart - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18721550 route_master and 2 route relations
522 Tintigny - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18721727 route_master and 2 route relations
523 Virton - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18721838 route_master and 2 route relations
524 Sampont - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18722156 route_master and 2 route relations
525 Arlon - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18722341 route_master and 2 route relations
561 Anlier - Louftémont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18753434 route_master and 2 route relations
562 Libramont - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18720979 route_master and 8 route relations
563 Traimont - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18723654 route_master and 2 route relations
564 Martelange - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18724982 route_master and 3 route relations
565 Metzert - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18725143 route_master and 2 route relations
566 Neufchateau - Habay Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18725848 route_master and 4 route relations
571 Neufchâteau - Léglise Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18753322 route_master and 2 route relations
572 Lavaux - Assenois Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18752762 route_master and 2 route relations
601 Libramont - Bastogne Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18707727 route_master and 11 route relations
711 Virton - Mussy-la-Ville - Athus Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15634870 route_master and 7 route relations
721 Musson - Athus - Differt Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15634871 route_master and 2 route relations
722 Bascharage - Differt Up-to-date. GTFS files are not correct relation 3923942 route_master and 2 route relations
723 Arlon - Differt Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18749299 route_master and 2 route relations
731 Saint-Léger - Athus Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 10479233 route_master and 3 route relations
741 Arlon - Hondelange - Athus Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18749357 route_master and 6 route relations
751 Longwy - Athus Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 3885196 route_master and 3 route relations
761 Guerlange - Athus Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 5382540 route_master and 2 route relations
806 Poix - Paliseul Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 15617096 route_master and 8 route relations
861 Fauvillers - Neufchateau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 18752696 route_master and 2 route relations
862 Ebly - Chêne - Witry Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17786064 route_master and 2 route relations
863 Neufchâteau - Sainte-Marie - Libramont Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17785904 route_master and 5 route relations
871 Libramont - Neufchateau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17785785 route_master and 4 route relations
872 Les Fossés - Neufchateau Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17782008 route_master and 2 route relations
A Arlon - Hydrion (ligne urbaine) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14862763 route_master and 1 route relations
B Arlon - Callemeyn (ligne urbaine) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14862762 route_master and 1 route relations
C Arlon - Semois (ligne urbaine) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14862761 route_master and 1 route relations
D Arlon - Galgenberg (ligne urbaine) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14862760 route_master and 1 route relations
E Arlon - Clinique (ligne urbaine) Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 14862759 route_master and 1 route relations
E67 Bastogne - Luxembourg Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17128425 route_master and 2 route relations
E68 Florenville - Luxembourg Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17273749 route_master and 2 route relations
E69 Liège - Bastogne - Arlon Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 11685857 route_master and 15 route relations
E78 Bastogne - Marloie - Marche - Namur Up-to-date with GTFS files relation 17258418 route_master and 7 route relations



  • Line with link to the route_master relation ;
  • 1 Up to date : YYYY-MM-DD ;
    FR : À jour : AAAA-MM-JJ
    NL :
  • 2 Public transport V1 or V2 ;
    FR : Version Public transport V1 ou V2 ;
    NL :
  • 3
    • = A All alternatives routes are mapped as a relation from terminus to terminus.
      FR : Chaque alternative est représentée comme une relation unique depuis chaque terminus.
      NL :
    • = B Each variant has its own relation without the main route.
      FR : Chaque variante a sa relation propre sans l'itinéraire principal.
      NL :
    • = C Only the main route is mapped with no variant or only a few.
      FR : Seule l'itinéraire principal est représenté sans variante ou seulement certaines.
      NL :
    • = D The route doesn't have any variant.
      FR : La ligne n'a pas de variante.
      NL :
  • 4 Within each route relation there are two type of stops : public_transport=stop_position with a stop role and public_transport=platform with a platform role.
    FR : Chaque relation "route" utilise deux types d'arrêts : public_transport=stop_position avec un rôle de stop et public_transport=platform avec un rôle de platform.
    NL :
Line Status 1 2 3 4 Notes
A Belgrade - Erpent


Regio Aalst + Vlaamse Ardennen

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Aalst ASZ - Station - Oude Abdijstraat on the map relation 3486654
1 Dendermonde Station - Ziekenhuis - Station on the map relation 16819659
1 Ronse/Renaix Scheldekouter - Station - AZ Glorieux on the map relation 16946468
2 Aalst Station - Erembodegem - ASZ on the map relation 4863652
2 Ronse/Renaix Germinal - Station - Stookt on the map relation 17028056
20 Gent Sint-Pieters - Melle - Oordegem -Erpe Vijfhuizen -Aalst on the map relation 4870567
20 Zottegem - Erwetegem - Brakel - Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 4459815
21 Zele - Overmere - Wichelen - Lede - Erpe - Mere on the map relation 17889445
25 Aalst - Erpe - Burst - Houtem - Herzele - Zottegem on the map relation 3029053
30 Geraardsbergen - Everbeek - Brakel - Oudenaarde on the map relation 17091230
31 Aalst - Denderleeuw - Ninove on the map relation 4870573
40 Aalst - Moorsel - Opwijk (- Londerzeel) on the map relation 4870570
40 Oudenaarde - Ename - Welden - Roborst - Zottegem on the map relation 3008248
44 Meilegem - Hundelgem - Velzeke - Zottegem on the map relation 17898547
45 Wetteren - Westrem - Bavegem - Oosterzele - Zottegem on the map relation 3019697
54 Aalst - Hofstade - Berlare - Lokeren on the map relation 5119758
59 Aalst - Hofstade - Lede - Oordegem - Wetteren on the map relation 5119763
61 Oudenaarde - Etikhove - Maarke - Schorisse - Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 7968109
65 Oudenaarde - Melden - Berchem - Ruien - Avelgem on the map relation 16395651
70 Ninove - Onkerzele - Geraardsbergen - Lessines on the map relation 17798987
80 Aalst - Ede - Mere - Aaigem - Heldergem on the map relation 5304335
87 Aalst - Haaltert - Aspelare - Geraardsbergen on the map relation 3015751
92 Hamme - Moerzeke - Kastel on the map relation 17039289
131 Geraardsbergen - Lierde - Zottegem on the map relation 3015752
207 Zottegem - Erwetegem - Michelbeke - Elst - Brakel on the map relation 17073788
208 Zottegem - Rozebeke - Elst -Michelbeke -Brakel -Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 17021826
209 Massemen - Oordegem - Impe - Erpe Vijfhuizen - Aalst on the map relation 4870566
234 Berlare - Schoonaarde - Dendermonde on the map relation 18493399
251 Woubrechtegem - Herzele - Zottegem on the map relation 18581130
252 Aalst - Erpe - Vlekkem - Borsbeke - Hillegem - Zottegem on the map relation 17851842
253 Aalst - Erpe - Ressegem - Herzele on the map relation 5325269
254 Uitbergen - Lede - Erpe Vijfhuizen - Aalst on the map relation 5317330
307 Geraardsbergen - Parike - Brakel - Oudenaarde on the map relation 17089531
308 Geraardsbergen - Lierde - Brakel - Oudenaarde on the map relation 17091701
309 Sint-Denijs-Boekel - Mater - Oudenaarde on the map relation 3008249
312 Aalst - Denderleeuw - Aspelare - Ninove on the map relation 4870574
313 Aalst - Denderleeuw Hemelrijk - Aspelare - Ninove on the map relation 17851901
314 Aalst - Denderhoutem - Ninove on the map relation 4870569
361 Zottegem - Sint-Antelinks - Aspelare - Ninove on the map relation 3019699
395 Brakel - Lierde - Ophasselt - Voorde - Ninove on the map relation 5304535
400 Oudenaarde - Sint-Denijs-Boekel - Zottegem on the map relation 17172197
402 Aalst - Meldert - Asse on the map relation 4870568
403 Aalst - Moorsel - Baardegem - Droeshout - Opwijk on the map relation 18788253
404 Aalst - Meldert - Opwijk on the map relation 18530928
414 Oudenaarde - Zingem - Gavere - Beerlegem - Baaigem on the map relation 3009019
418 Oudenaarde - Zingem - Ouwegem - Nazareth - Eke on the map relation 3009018
419 Oudenaarde - Zingem - Huise - Lozer on the map relation 17097852
427 Oudenaarde - Zwijnaarde - Gent on the map relation 18822272
451 Wetteren - Kwatrecht - Oosterzele - Zottegem on the map relation 18822043
452 Wetteren - Bavegem - Sint-Lievens-Houtem - Zottegem on the map relation 18517127
457 Zottegem KMO-zone Buke - Station on the map relation 18780748
541 Aalst - Hofstade - Gijzegem - Berlare - Lokeren on the map relation 5119761
591 Aalst - Hofstade - Lede - Serskamp - Wetteren on the map relation 5195535
611 Snelbus/Direct Oudenaarde - Nukerke - Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 17023220
612 Oudenaarde - Etikhove - Nukerke - Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 18001538
613 Oudenaarde - Etikhove - Louise-Marie - Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 8149023
657 Oudenaarde - Melden - Berchem - Kerkhove - Avelgem on the map relation 18617181
658 Oudenaarde - Melden - Berchem - Zulzeke - Ronse/Renaix on the map relation 3007165
682 Ronse/Renaix-De Klijpe-Kwaremont-Berchem-Ruien-Avelgem on the map relation 4451138
711 Geraardsbergen - Moerbeke - Galmaarden - Enghien/Edingen on the map relation 3014335
712 Geraardsbergen - Moerbeke - Galmaarden - Bever/Biévène on the map relation 3014334
713 Geraardsbergen - Moerbeke - Viane - Akrenbos - Bever/Biévène on the map relation 3014332
714 Geraardsbergen - Moerbeke - Viane - Herhout - Bever/Biévène on the map relation 3014333
717 Geraardsbergen - Atembeke - Waarbeke - Denderwindeke on the map relation 3014716
802 Aalst - Ede - Haaltert - Heldergem - Woubrechtegem on the map relation 18279958
803 Aalst - Ede - Kerksken Stichelen on the map relation 5119757
804 Aalst - Mere - Burst - Heldergem on the map relation 18530839
816 Gavere - Groothulle - Baaigem on the map relation 18764285
837 Oudenaarde De Bruwaan - Doornikse Heerweg - Station on the map relation 18517297
913 Aalst - Wieze - Denderbelle - Dendermonde on the map relation 4453873

Regio Gent


Line Description OSM status Relation
T1 Gentbrugge Stelplaats - Flanders Expo on the map relation 4307991
T2 Evergem-Wondelgem-Korenmarkt-Zuid-Melle Leeuw on the map relation 10547015
T3 Zwijnaarde - SPS - Kouter - Zuid - Moscou on the map relation 16919186
T4 Lange Steenstraat - Muide - Rabot - SPS - UZ on the map relation 4307994


Line Description OSM status Relation
6 Zuid - Sint-Jacobs - Ham - P+R Muide on the map relation 16941695
16 Zuid - Macharius - Sint-Baafskouter on the map relation 16951045
19 Arteveldestadion - Sint-Pietersstation - Blaarmeersen on the map relation 9307144
33 Melle - Flora - Zuid - Dampoort - Destelbergen on the map relation 16998305
34 (Leerne/De Pinte-) Gent - Destelbergen - Laarne-Wetteren on the map relation 10570017
40 Gent Zuid - Merelbeke Kwenenbos (- Bottelare - Baaigem) on the map relation 17000037
41 Gent Zuid - Merelbeke - Gavere - Oudenaarde on the map relation 17002127
42 Gent Zuid - Merelbeke - Melle on the map relation 3379788
48 Gent Sint-Pieters - Merelbeke - Gavere - Meilegem on the map relation 17006523
49 Gent Sint-Pieters - Merelbeke - Herzele (-Geraardsbergen) on the map relation 3016301
50 Gent Sint-Pieters - Drongen - Eeklo - Maldegem - Brugge on the map relation 17017087
54 Belzele - Evergem - Doornzele on the map relation 17743526
55 Gent Sint-Pieters - Langerbrugge - Ertvelde - Zelzate on the map relation 3049917
56 Gent Zuid - Evergem - Sleidinge - Kaprijke - Eeklo on the map relation 17024694
57 Aalst - Hofstade - Gijzegem - Dendermonde on the map relation 4870572
58 Oudenaarde - Petegem - Wortegem - Waregem on the map relation 3012269
59 Waregem - Nokere - Kruishoutem - Lozer - Gavere on the map relation 5325628
60 Gent Rabot - Lovendegem - Zomergem (- Ursel) on the map relation 9301409
76 De Pinte - Gent - Lochristi - Wachtebeke on the map relation 5322826
77 Deinze - St.-Martens-Latem - Gent - Lochristi - Beervelde on the map relation 5308122
78 Deinze - St.-Martens-Latem - Gent - Lochristi - Lokeren on the map relation 5119159
79 Oostakker - Desteldonk - Wachtebeke - Zelzate on the map relation 17037487
83 Deinze - Kruishoutem - Oudenaarde on the map relation 3012541
85 Deinze - Sint-Martens-Leerne - Nevele on the map relation 17743774
87 Maldegem - Aalter (-Lotenhulle - Deinze) on the map relation 3031410
88 Aalter - Ruiselede - Tielt on the map relation 16263311
91 Aalst - Lebbeke - Dendermonde - Hamme - Sint-Niklaas on the map relation 4453874
95 Eeklo-Lembeke-Oosteeklo-Bassevelde-Assenede-Zelzate on the map relation 17038042
224 Gent Zuid - Melle Vogelhoek - Melle Station - Oosterzele on the map relation 4863758
237 Gent Sint-Pieters - Heusden - Wetteren - Dendermonde on the map relation 4451577
238 Gent Sint-Pieters - Melle - Wetteren - Dendermonde on the map relation 4451579
239 Snelbus Gent Sint-Pieters - Melle - Kwatrecht Mariagaard on the map relation 5322795
348 Gent Sint-Pieters - Destelbergen - Beervelde - Lokeren on the map relation 5011156
349 Gent Sint-Pieters - Destelbergen - Kalken - Overmere-Zele on the map relation 5011110
401 Gent Zuid - Flora - Merelbeke - Bottelare - Baaigem on the map relation 17089571
408 Gent Zuid - Baaigem - Munkzwalm - Brakel on the map relation 18517260
436 Gent Sint-Pieters - Merelbeke Flora - Merelbeke Kwenenbos on the map relation 9319654
481 Gent Sint-Pieters - Merelbeke - Gavere - Zottegem on the map relation 5306927
491 Gent Sint-Pieters - Merelbeke - Lemberge - Herzele on the map relation 17126336
551 Evergem - Sleidinge - Ertvelde - Zelzate on the map relation 17203744
561 Gent Sint-Pieters - Evergem - Sleidinge - Watervliet on the map relation 11487916
562 Gent Sint-Pieters - Evergem - Sleidinge-Waarschoot-Eeklo on the map relation 17168853
563 Gent Zuid - Evergem - Ertvelde - Assenede - Boekhoute on the map relation 5118992
564 Gent Zuid - Evergem - Ertvelde - Oosteeklo - Bassevelde on the map relation 5118991
565 Gent Zuid - Evergem - Doornzele on the map relation 5118993
621 Eeklo - Sint-Laureins - Sint-Margriete on the map relation 3047593
631 Eeklo - Watervliet - Sint-Jan-In-Eremo on the map relation 3047595
632 Eeklo Station - Bassevelde Landsdijk on the map relation 17950502
641 Eeklo - Knesselare - Aalter on the map relation 3044507
642 Eeklo - Ursel - Aalter on the map relation 17793004
661 Zomergem Zwaluwstraat - Eeklo Station on the map relation 17802679
681 Gent Rabot - Vinderhoute - Belzele - Evergem on the map relation 11480332
716 Zingem - Lozer - Nazareth - Zevergem - Gent Sint-Pieters on the map relation 17223291
737 Gent Sint-Pieters - Oostakker Edugo - Wachtebeke - Zelzate on the map relation 17232193
738 Gent Sint-Pieters - Oostakker Edugo - Wachtebeke - Overslag on the map relation 17233956
741 Gent Sint-Pieters - Oostakker Edugo - Zaffelare - Lokeren on the map relation 5119158
811 Deinze - Nazareth - Gavere - Hundelgem - Zottegem on the map relation 3019689
812 Oudenaarde - Zingem - Ouwegem - Nazareth - Deinze on the map relation 18617205
813 Deinze - Nazareth - Eke - Semmerzake - Gavere - Zingem on the map relation 3029912
814 Deinze - Nazareth - Zevergem Pont-Noord on the map relation 18704853
833 Gent Sint-Pieters - Drongen - Leerne - Deinze on the map relation 10535080
834 Gent Sint-Pieters - Drongen - Leerne - Nevele-Lotenhulle on the map relation 5332931
839 Snelbus Gent Sint-Pieters - Drongen Mirto on the map relation 17254983
857 Deinze - Sint-Martens-Leerne - Vosselare - Landegem on the map relation 17950721
858 Deinze - Meigem - Nevele - Landegem - Hansbeke - Aalter on the map relation 3038734
871 Maldegem - Aalter - Deinze Station on the map relation 17950782
881 Aalter - Ruiselede - Wingene on the map relation 15066400
883 Aalter - Lotenhulle - Ruiselede - Tielt on the map relation 16263276
907 Snelbus Gent Sint-Pieters - Mariakerke VISO-AHS on the map relation 17130335
908 Gent Sint-Pieters - Rooigem - Mariakerke VISO-AHS on the map relation 17254594
909 Gent Rabot - Mariakerke VISO-AHS on the map relation 17130400
911 Dendermonde - Hamme - Waasmunster on the map relation 18585319
912 Dendermonde - Moerzeke - Hamme - Sint-Niklaas on the map relation 17965457
914 Aalst Station - Wijngaardveld on the map relation 17851914
951 Eeklo - Kaprijke - Bassevelde - Assenede - Zelzate on the map relation 18005970
952 Eeklo - Lembeke - Oosteeklo - Ertvelde - Stoepe - Zelzate on the map relation 17979342
953 Eeklo - Lembeke - Oosteeklo - Assenede on the map relation 17979361

Regio Waasland

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Station - Vitaz - Waasland Shopping on the map relation 3485100
2 Station - Tuinlaan - Waasland Shopping on the map relation 18440330
21 Sinaai - Sint-Niklaas - De Klinge - Meerdonk on the map relation 4473391
31 Sint-Niklaas - Vrasene - Kieldrecht - Doel on the map relation 4473383
37 Wetteren - Zele - Waasmunster - Hamme on the map relation 4868286
43 Sint-Niklaas - Stekene - Moerbeke Waas on the map relation 4473385
49 Zelzate - Moerbeke Waas - Lokeren - Zele on the map relation 3061755
82 Antwerpen L.O. - Beveren - Haasdonk - Sint-Niklaas - Lokeren on the map relation 4440051
83 Beveren - Kallo on the map relation 4440046
84 Antwerpen L.O. - Beveren - Vrasene - Kieldrecht on the map relation 5120041
85 Antw. L.O. - Beveren - Vrasene - Stekene - Moerbeke Waas on the map relation 4440047
87 Antwerpen L.O. - Burcht - P+R Melsele on the map relation 5345703
93 Sint-Niklaas - Hoogkameren -Temse - Antwerpen L.O. on the map relation 4473387
99 Hamme - Tielrode - Temse on the map relation 17002717
211 Sint-Niklaas - Meerdonk - De Klinge on the map relation 18027238
212 Lokeren - Belsele - Sint-Niklaas on the map relation 18027174
271 Sint-Niklaas - Sinaai - Eksaarde - Lokeren on the map relation 4868287
431 Sint-Niklaas - Stekene - Koewacht on the map relation 4473386
432 Sint-Niklaas - Stekene - Hellestraat on the map relation 17979154
433 Sint-Niklaas - Kemzeke Paal - Hulst on the map relation 4866592
497 Lokeren Station - Lokeren Industrie on the map relation 16998336
821 Antwerpen L.O.- Beveren- Westakkers- Sint-Niklaas on the map relation 5124253
822 WeTech/VTS3 - Sint-Niklaas on the map relation 17979247
880 Kruibeke - Beveren on the map relation 18005614
931 Sint-Niklaas - Temse Eigenlo - Rupelmonde - Antwerpen L.O. on the map relation 17965173
932 Sint-Niklaas - Tielrode - Temse on the map relation 18530955


Regio Leuven

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Bertem - Leuven - Kessel-Lo Sparrenboslaan on the map relation 18474823
2 Leuven - Heverlee on the map relation 3297279
3 Herent - Leuven - Pellenberg on the map relation 3297545
4 Wijgmaal - Wilsele - Leuven - Haasrode - Bierbeek on the map relation 3297654
5a Bierbeek Sint-Kamillus - Heverlee Wetenschapspark on the map relation 18474824
5b Bierbeek - Heverlee Wetenschapspark on the map relation 18474822
10 Buitenringbus Leuven on the map relation 3302455
11 Binnenringbus Leuven on the map relation 3614368
12 Leuven Station - Heverlee Campus on the map relation 18475355
14 Aarschot - Rotselaar - Leuven - Heverlee on the map relation 3737686
15 Leuven - Haasrode - Vaalbeek on the map relation 18475356
20 Mechelen Station - Kampenhout - Leuven Station on the map relation 3298931
21 Mechelen - Haacht - Leuven on the map relation 3298888
25 Mechelen - Keerbergen - Tremelo - Aarschot on the map relation 18483280
26 Haacht - Wespelaar - Werchter - Tremelo on the map relation 17097165
30 Aarschot - Rillaar - Scherpenheuvel - Diest on the map relation 3218497
31 Aarschot - Langdorp - Scherpenheuvel - Diest on the map relation 17481413
36 Leuven - Wijgmaal - Rotselaar - Tremelo on the map relation 18475354
40 Leuven - Tielt-Winge - Diest on the map relation 3301324
41 Leuven - Kessel-Lo - Holsbeek - Aarschot on the map relation 3299989
42 Leuven - Lubbeek - Tienen on the map relation 3302447
43 Leuven Gasthuisberg Campus - Haasrode Brabanthal on the map relation 18459763
44 Leuven - Linden on the map relation 3301340
60 Leuven - Boutersem - Tienen on the map relation 3301988
62 Tienen - Hoegaarden - Geldenaken on the map relation 17758248
64 Aarschot - Tielt-Winge - Glabbeek - Tienen on the map relation 3304302
65 Tienen - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 17912237
66 Tienen - Budingen - Geetbets - Kortenaken - Halen - Diest on the map relation 3867953
67 (Tienen -) Budingen - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 17889480
69 Bekkevoort - Waanrode - Kortenaken - Rummen on the map relation 17902169
70 Leuven - Overijse - Hoeilaart - Groenendaal on the map relation 17010343
71 (Groenendaal-) Overijse-Tervuren-Zaventem Brussels Airport on the map relation 4247398
79 Leuven - Sint-Joris-Weert - Waver on the map relation 17010378
91 Zaventem Brussels Airport - Kortenberg - Everberg - Leuven on the map relation 16949359
206 Kampenhout - Leuven on the map relation 18482452
290 Mechelen - Rijmenam - Haacht - Tremelo on the map relation 18517359
295 Wilsele - Wezemaal - Rotselaar - Haacht - Tildonk on the map relation 5234481
296 Herent - Wijgmaal - Rotselaar - Haacht - Tildonk on the map relation 18526820
297 Winksele - Buken - Haacht - Tildonk on the map relation 18558073
298 Everberg - Kortenberg - Veltem - Tildonk - Haacht on the map relation 18526618
406 Leuven - Tielt-Winge Berg on the map relation 5451456
407 Tielt-Winge - Assent - Diest on the map relation 5229058
426 Leuven - Lubbeek - Attenrode - Tienen on the map relation 18490473
504 Terlanen - Hoeilaart - Etterbeek on the map relation 5230035
509 Tremelo - Werchter - Aarschot on the map relation 18588583
519 Moorsel - Tervuren on the map relation 4466951
520 Linden - Kessel-Lo - Leuven - Heverlee on the map relation 3297280
521 Kortenberg - Everberg - Heverlee on the map relation 4246611
522 Kortenberg - Erps-Kwerps - Heverlee on the map relation 4246616
523 Kortenberg - Winksele - Heverlee on the map relation 4246614
524 Tielt-Winge - Leuven - Heverlee on the map relation 4246613
525 Lubbeek Geestbeek - Leuven - Heverlee on the map relation 4246610
526 Tervuren - Heverlee on the map relation 4246615
527 Boutersem - Pellenberg - Heverlee on the map relation 5234363
528 Veltem - Erps-Kwerps - Kortenberg - Tervuren on the map relation 5012639
529 Herent - Heverlee Heilig Hart on the map relation 4246609
530 Veltem-Beisem - Everberg - Zaventem on the map relation 4246911
535 Nieuwrode - Rotselaar on the map relation 18664654
537 Terlanen - Ottenburg - Oud-Heverlee -Leuven on the map relation 5232996
539 Heverlee Woudlucht - Leuven on the map relation 18784606
540 Bekkevoort - Kapellen - Bunsbeek - Tienen on the map relation 18617578
541 Haasrode - Tienen on the map relation 5235160
542 Geetbets - Hogen - Tienen on the map relation 18748212
545 Ottenburg - St-Agatha-Rode - Huldenberg - Overijse on the map relation 18784673
546 Overijse - Hoeilaart - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe on the map relation 5231636
547 Huldenberg - Overijse - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe on the map relation 18784856
549 Ottenburg - Overijse - Vossem - Tervuren on the map relation 5246520
550 Neerlinter - Kortenaken - Loksbergen - Diest on the map relation 18784905
551 Geetbets - Halen - Diest on the map relation 18764441
552 Muggenberg - Tielt - Diest on the map relation 5245418
553 Groenendaal - Overijse - Vossem - Tervuren on the map relation 5246534
555 Leuven - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe on the map relation 18581236
557 Tervuren - Bertem - Leuven on the map relation 18581364
560 Waanrode - Geetbets - Budingen - Zoutleeuw on the map relation 5229056
561 Oplinter - Kersbeek - Neerlinter - Zoutleeuw on the map relation 5234095
562 Waasmont - Zoutleeuw on the map relation 3308105
563 Tienen - Wommersom - Zoutleeuw on the map relation 5234094
564 Tervuren - Duisburg - Leuven on the map relation 18526464
565 Kortenaken - Herk-De-Stad on the map relation 5229057
566 Budingen - Kortenaken - Halen - Herk-De-Stad on the map relation 18787972
567 Budingen - Herk-De-Stad on the map relation 18484088
568 Kortenaken - Herk-De-Stad on the map relation 18484087
576 Kortenberg - Leuven on the map relation 18479600
577 Veltem-Beisem - Herent - Leuven on the map relation 18479601
580 Tienen - Hoegaarden - Meldert on the map relation 5235171
583 Baal - Werchter - Keerbergen - Mechelen on the map relation 18530175
585 Lubbeek - Kerkom - Attenrode - Tienen on the map relation 5205658
587 Tienen - Overhespen - Neerwinden - Landen on the map relation 3306195
588 Budingen - Geetbets - Kortenaken - Halen - Diest on the map relation 18788008
589 Tielt-Winge - Meensel-Kiezegem - Tienen on the map relation 18788062
590 Pellenberg - Lubbeek - Binkom - Kerkom - Aarschot on the map relation 5240370
591 Tielt-Winge - Rillaar - Aarschot on the map relation 18469710
592 Zichem - Messelbroek - Scherpenheuvel - Diest on the map relation 18460861
594 Testelt - Langdorp - Aarschot on the map relation 18460859
595 Groenendaal - Hoeilaart - Overijse - Leuven on the map relation 3302106
596 Messelbroek - Scherpenheuvel - Aarschot on the map relation 18460860
597 Wakkerzeel - Leuven - Heverlee Sint-Albertus on the map relation 18460439
598 Groenendaal - Overijse - Oud-Heverlee - Heverlee on the map relation 18460438
609 Leuven - Haasrode - Bierbeek - Boutersem on the map relation 3298345
629 Tienen - Outgaarden on the map relation 3303090
631 Leuven - Heverlee - Haasrode on the map relation 17892245
632 Goetsenhoven - Tienen on the map relation 17758476
633 Linter - Tienen on the map relation 17758971
634 Nerm - Tienen on the map relation 17758975
635 Meldert - Tienen on the map relation 17759029
636 Neervelp - Tienen on the map relation 17759133
637 Honsem - Tienen on the map relation 17759261
638 Lubbeek - Tienen on the map relation 17759361
639 Kortenaken - Tienen on the map relation 17759400
647 Bekkevoort - Waanrode - Hoeleden - Tienen on the map relation 18558171
648 Aarschot - Houwaart - Tielt-Winge - Binkom on the map relation 3305067
656 Landen - Neerwinden - Ezemaal - Tienen on the map relation 3306194
657 Landen - Zoutleeuw on the map relation 17979303
667 Tienen - Neerlinter - Ransberg - Kortenaken on the map relation 5232997
668 Tienen - Wommersom - Sint-Truiden on the map relation 18522502
669 Snelbus Diest - Bekkevoort - Glabbeek - Tienen on the map relation 3410398
716 Huldenberg - Tervuren on the map relation 18486948
819 Brussel - Wezembeek-Oppem - Tervuren on the map relation 3299330
N1 Mechelen - Haacht - Herent - Leuven - Kessel-Lo on the map relation 17958719
N2 Tervuren - Leuven - Tienen on the map relation 17958779
N3 Kortenberg - Erps-Kwerps - Leuven - Lubbeek on the map relation 17958856
N4 Kortenberg - Leuven - Rotselaar - Aarschot on the map relation 17958878
N5 Kortrijk-Dutsel - Leuven - Overijse - Hoeilaart on the map relation 17965135
N6 Sterrebeek - Leefdaal - Leuven - Vaalbeek on the map relation 17989481
N7 Tremelo - Wakkerzeel - Leuven - Tielt-Winge on the map relation 17989492
N8 Bierbeek - Leuven - Ottenburg on the map relation 17989519
R75 Etterbeek - Overijse - Ottenburg - Waver on the map relation 3357941
R76 Oudergem - Overijse Maleizen - Terhulpen on the map relation 5174861
R78 Etterbeek - Hoeilaart - Maleizen - Waver on the map relation 3357942
R80 Kraainem - Tervuren - Leuven on the map relation 3299329
R81 Brussel - Sterrebeek - Leefdaal - Leuven on the map relation 3299328
R90 Brussel Noord - Kortenberg - Leuven on the map relation 3300601
R92 Kraainem - Kortenberg - Erps-Kwerps - Leuven on the map relation 3300600
X77 Snelbus Oudergem - Huldenberg - Sint-Joris-Weert on the map relation 16919413

Regio Vlaamse Rand

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Halle Station - AZ - Breedhout on the map relation 16935112
1 Houtem - Vilvoorde - Verbrande Brug on the map relation 18481473
2 Halle - Lembeek - Halle on the map relation 3457161
20 Dendermonde - Lebbeke - Opwijk - Asse on the map relation 17889062
21 Zaventem Brussels Airport -Vilvoorde - Grimbergen - Merchtem on the map relation 5227363
25 Vilvoorde - Steenokkerzeel - Kortenberg on the map relation 5249123
28 Mechelen - Hofstade - Perk - Vilvoorde on the map relation 5194382
46 Londerzeel - Steenhuffel - Merchtem on the map relation 17893438
52 Vlezenbeek - Alsemberg - Sint-Genesius-Rode on the map relation 16935360
61 Geraardsbergen - Bever - Galmaarden - Leerbeek on the map relation 3017456
61 Vilvoorde - Nieuwenrode - Londerzeel - Malderen on the map relation 3424668
62 Ninove - Vollezele - Oetingen - Leerbeek on the map relation 3467741
65 Asse - Ternat - Lennik - Leerbeek on the map relation 17901929
82 Mechelen - Zemst - Vilvoorde - Zaventem Brussels Airport on the map relation 4224284
121 Dendermonde - Lebbeke - Buggenhout - Opdorp on the map relation 4867426
131 Grimbergen - Humbeek - Kapelle-op-den-Bos on the map relation 17051462
160 Edingen - Herne - Kester - Leerbeek on the map relation 3457264
163 Roosdaal - Lennik - Halle on the map relation 3468082
164 Halle - Pepingen - Heikruis - Leerbeek on the map relation 3468375
201 Lembeek - Halle Don Bosco on the map relation 18517392
202 Halle - Lembeek Sancta Maria on the map relation 18521967
213 Aalst - Ternat - Asse (- Metro Simonis) on the map relation 3398513
215 Asse - Asbeek - Asse Terheide on the map relation 18780702
216 Asse - Mollem - Kobbegem - Bekkerzeel - Zellik Moleken on the map relation 5224855
281 Humbeek - Laar - Bos - Zemst - Weerde - Elewijt on the map relation 18482499
291 Steenokeerzeel - Haacht - Tildonk on the map relation 18557554
292 Perk - Kampenhout - Haacht on the map relation 18780619
293 Perk - Kampenhout - Tildonk on the map relation 18558158
294 Berg - Nederokkerzeel - Haacht - Tildonk on the map relation 18557623
503 Steenokkerzeel - Haacht - Keerbergen on the map relation 18585247
505 Kampenhout - Zaventem Atheneum on the map relation 5242706
518 Grimbergen - Humbeek - Nieuwenrode - Londerzeel on the map relation 18195447
531 Kraainem - Sterrebeek - Zaventem on the map relation 4247399
533 Vilvoorde - Grimbergen - Kapelle-op-den-Bos on the map relation 18581138
534 Grimbergen - Eversem - Kapelle-op-den-Bos on the map relation 18617263
536 Grimbergen - Groot-Molenveld - Vilvoorde on the map relation 12588954
538 Vilvoorde - Diegem Lo - Zaventem Atheneum on the map relation 4224197
543 Wemmel Campus - Brussegem - Merchtem on the map relation 7202180
554 Evere - Kraainem - Sterrebeek - Tervuren on the map relation 18784566
570 Sint-Ulriks-Kapelle - Schepdaal - Dilbeek RC on the map relation 5246130
571 Halle - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw - Dilbeek on the map relation 5246131
572 Zellik - Dilbeek - Anderlecht - Halle on the map relation 11920001
573 Schepdaal - Gaasbeek - Vlezenbeek - Halle on the map relation 18522092
621 Gooik - SGI Lennik on the map relation 18617664
622 Oetingen - Vollezele - SGI Lennik on the map relation 18780554
625 Leerbeek - Pamel - Liedekerke - Essene on the map relation 3471427
714 Snelbus Brussel Noord - Asse - Aalst on the map relation 3398556
727 Brussel Noord - Haacht on the map relation 11724250
728 Snelbus Brussel Noord - Roosdaal - Ninove on the map relation 3437775
N62 Anderlecht - Zaventem Brussels Airport on the map relation 7363737
R10 Jette UZ - Dilbeek - Anderlecht - Ruisbroek - Halle on the map relation 1848432
R14 Brussel Noord - Asse - Affligem - Aalst on the map relation 3475897
R15 Brussel Noord - Ternat - Liedekerke - Denderleeuw on the map relation 3470226
R16 Brussel Zuid - Itterbeek - Ternat (- Essene) on the map relation 3436934
R18 Brussel Zuid - Itterbeek - Schepdaal (- Ternat) on the map relation 3436968
R20 Zaventem Brussels Airport - Vilvoorde - Jette UZ on the map relation 5174840
R24 (Brussel Noord -) Dilbeek - Liedekerke - Ninove on the map relation 3437777
R26 Brussel Noord - Bordet - Zaventem Brussels Airport on the map relation 3480498
R27 Brussel Noord - Haacht - Keerbergen on the map relation 3480499
R28 Brussel Noord - Dilbeek - Roosdaal - Ninove on the map relation 3437774
R29 Brussel Noord - Dilbeek Zuurweide on the map relation 3437776
R30 Brussel Noord - Humbeek on the map relation 3424669
R31 Brussel Noord - Grimbergen - Verbrande Brug on the map relation 3424666
R36 Groot-Bijgaarden - Brussel Zuid - Alsemberg on the map relation 5174838
R40 Brussel Noord - Bockstael - Wemmel (- Asse) on the map relation 3424662
R41 Brussel Noord - Bockstael - Wemmel Drijpikkel on the map relation 3424660
R42 Brussel Zuid - Vlezenbeek - Lennik - Leerbeek on the map relation 3450295
R45 Brussel Noord - Merchtem - Dendermonde on the map relation 3424659
R50 Brussel Noord - Meise - Londerzeel on the map relation 3379388
R53 Anderlecht - Alsemberg - Halle - Leerbeek - Ninove on the map relation 3456230
R54 Anderlecht - Drogenbos - Beersel - Halle AZ on the map relation 3456313
R55 Anderlecht - Sint-Genesius-Rode - Halle AZ on the map relation 3456398
R59 Zaventem Brussels Airport - Roodebeek Metro on the map relation 3301226
R60 Brussel Noord - Meise - Willebroek on the map relation 3424667
R70 Brussel Zuid - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw - Halle on the map relation 3450297
R71 Brussel Zuid - Brukom (- Halle) on the map relation 3450301
R72 Brussel Zuid - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (- Lennik SGI) on the map relation 3450300
X60 Snelbus Brussel Noord - Londerzeel - Boom on the map relation 3424810


Regio Brugge

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 AZ Sint-Jan - Station - Centrum - Sint-Kruis on the map relation 3335889
2 Kinepolis - Station - Centrum - Coiseaukaai on the map relation 16076654
3 Sint-Andries - VIVES - Station - Malehoek - Sint-Kruis on the map relation 16085162
4 Sint-Andries - Gevangenis - Station - Assebroek - Van Zuylen on the map relation 16086646
5 Sint-Michiels - Station - Sint-Pieters - AZ Sint-Jan on the map relation 16098335
6 Daverlo - AZ Sint-Lucas - Sint-Jozef - Koolkerke on the map relation 16098874
20 Brugge - Oostkamp - Ruddervoorde - Zwevezele - Tielt on the map relation 3340055
29 Torhout - Ruddervoorde - Hertsberge - Beernem on the map relation 17897928
30 Brugge - Jabbeke - Westkerke - Oudenburg - Oostende on the map relation 3352960
38 Centrumbus Blankenberge on the map relation 3357107
39 Brugge - AZ Sint-Jan - Stalhille - Klemskerke - De Haan on the map relation 3343726
40 Brugge - B-Park - Blankenberge Station on the map relation 17004419
41 Brugge - B-Park - Dudzele - Westkapelle - Knokke on the map relation 3343842
42 Brugge - Dudzele - Westkapelle - Sluis - Oostburg - Breskens on the map relation 3335892
48 Blankenberge AZ Zeno - Ramskapelle - Knokke AZ Zeno on the map relation 17844930
49 Brugge - B-Park - Zuienkerke - Wenduine on the map relation 17770275
60 Brugge - Beernem - Knesselare - Aalter on the map relation 5294858
70a Brugge - Loppem - Zedelgem - Aartrijke - Torhout on the map relation 17901709
70b Brugge - Loppem - Zedelgem - Veldegem - Torhout on the map relation 17759544
80 Brugge - Sint-Kruis - Moerkerke on the map relation 17892709
208 Zwevezele Dorp - Wingene - Tielt on the map relation 17931862
209 Brugge Station - Assebroek Weidestraat on the map relation 18505221
211 Brugge - Moerbrugge - Hertsberge - Ruddervoorde on the map relation 17390183
311 Brugge - VIVES - Zerkegem - Bekegem - Westkerke - Gistel on the map relation 17953759
312 Brugge - VIVES - Jabbeke - Ettelgem - Snaaskerke - Oostende on the map relation 18113325
318 Brugge Station - VIVES - Sint-Willibrordus on the map relation 17997679
319 Brugge Station - Sint-Andries De Varens on the map relation 18199830
421 Brugge - Dudzele - Westkapelle - Knokke on the map relation 17770303
429 Brugge Station - Spermalie on the map relation 18110655
479 Brugge - Lissewege - Zwankendamme - Zeebrugge on the map relation 17001580
602 Sint-Kruis - Oedelem - Beernem - Knesselare - Ursel on the map relation 18330389
603 Brugge - Oedelem - De Hoorn - Knesselare - Ursel on the map relation 18330325
703 Brugge - Loppem - Zedelgem - Aartrijke - Koekelare - Leke on the map relation 17236414
991 Brugge - Assebroek - Sint-Kruis - Damme - Oostkerke on the map relation 17954075

Regio Kortrijk

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Kortrijk Station - Xpo - AZ Groeninge on the map relation 3834405
2 Kortrijk Station - Xpo - Hoog Kortrijk on the map relation 3834404
3 Kortrijk Station - Lange Munte on the map relation 17277902
4 Kortrijk Station - Bissegem - Heule on the map relation 3834406
6 Kortrijk - Heule Shopping Center on the map relation 3834766
10 Kortrijk - Xpo - Bellegem - Rollegem on the map relation 17016482
21 Hulste - Harelbeke - Kuurne - Kortrijk on the map relation 17889416
30 Kortrijk - Zwevegem - Heestert - Avelgem on the map relation 17898225
33 (Kortrijk - Zwevegem -) Heestert - Sint-Denijs - Spiere on the map relation 17898248
40 Kortrijk - Bissegem - Wevelgem - Menen on the map relation 4523942
50a Kortrijk - Heule - Gullegem - Moorsele - Ledegem on the map relation 17898708
50b Kortrijk - Heule - Gullegem - Moorsele - Wevelgem on the map relation 17898751
70 Kortrijk - Stasegem -Harelbeke - Deerlijk - Waregem on the map relation 17901860
75 Kortrijk - Harelbeke - Waregem - Zulte - Deinze on the map relation 5325627
81 Wervik - Geluwe - Menen - Rekkem - Moeskroen on the map relation 3365539
82 Kortrijk - Marke - Lauwe - Rekkem - Menen on the map relation 17016745
83 Kortrijk - Aalbeke - Moeskroen on the map relation 3363784
85 Waregem - Vichte - Anzegem - Avelgem on the map relation 10141236
101 Kortrijk - Bellegem - Rollegem - Moeskroen on the map relation 3508964
102 Kortrijk - Kooigem - Spiere - Helkijn on the map relation 3512005
301 Kortrijk - Zwevegem - Vichte - Otegem - Avelgem on the map relation 4451144
302 Kortrijk - Zwevegem - Deerlijk - Nieuwenhove on the map relation 18493535
502 Kortrijk - Heule - Gullegem - Lendelede - Izegem - Ardooie on the map relation 17500854
510 Gullegem - Moorsele - Wevelgem - Menen on the map relation 18509107
543 Menen Industrielaan - Menen Station on the map relation 18228726
604 Kortrijk - Industriezone on the map relation 17957655
709 Kortrijk - Stasegem - Harelbeke - Deerlijk - Anzegem on the map relation 10050016
710 Zwevegem - Vichte - Deerlijk - Waregem on the map relation 10025935
851 Waregem - Anzegem - Avelgem - Spiere-Helkijn - Kooigem on the map relation 4564117
852 Anzegem - Waregem - Wielsbeke - Oostrozebeke on the map relation 18264418
853 Anzegem - Waregem - Ooigem - Oostrozebeke on the map relation 18264424

Regio Midwest

Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Oekene - AZ Delta - Rumbeke - Roeselare - Deceuninck on the map relation 4007215
11 Roeselare - Rumbeke - Izegem - Oostrozebeke - Waregem on the map relation 17132049
12 Waregem - Wielsbeke - Oostrozebeke - Meulebeke - Tielt on the map relation 17888970
13 Waregem - Dentergem - Tielt on the map relation 17888996
22 Tielt - Meulebeke - Ingelmunster - Kuurne - Kortrijk on the map relation 4536676
30 Roeselare - Schiervelde - Staden - Houthulst - Diksmuide on the map relation 5330192
54 Menen - Dadizele - Ledegem - Roeselare on the map relation 3389895
60 Kortrijk - Lendelede - Izegem - Roeselare on the map relation 4252850
75 Torhout - Lichtervelde - Gits - Hooglede - Roeselare on the map relation 17901723
80 Tielt - Pittem - Ardooie - Beveren - Roeselare on the map relation 5326930
81 (Wingene -) Zwevezele - Ardooie - Beveren - Roeselare on the map relation 17901798
151 Ooigem - Oostrozebeke - Ginste - Marialoop -Tielt on the map relation 18280052
213 Wingene - Zwevezele - Torhout on the map relation 9199346
221 Sint-Baafs-Vijve - Oostrozebeke - Kuurne - Kortrijk on the map relation 18121586
280 Beernem - Doomkerke De Zande - Wingene on the map relation 17979281
281 Oedelem LTI - Beernem - Wingene - Schuiferskapelle - Tielt on the map relation 5331502
308 Roeselare Station - Rumbeke Ange Angillisstraat on the map relation 17958044
541 Menen - Dadizele - Moorslede on the map relation 18505217
542 Menen - Dadizele - Ledegem - Oekene - Roeselare on the map relation 18482833
801 Tielt - Pittem - Egem - Koolskamp - Ardooie - Roeselare on the map relation 17686065
802 Biezenhof - Roeselare - Nieuw Kerkhof on the map relation 17221820
803 De Tasse - Roeselare - Rumbeke on the map relation 17579983
811 Wingene - Zwevezele - Kapelhoek - Beveren - Roeselare on the map relation 18228740
882 Doomkerke De Zande - Aalter Station on the map relation 15066380
902 Dadizele - Moorslede - Roeselare on the map relation 13825576

Regio Oostende


Line Description OSM status Relation
KT Kusttram (De Panne - Knokke) on the map relation 3348003


Line Description OSM status Relation
1 Marie-Joséplein - Visserskaai - Oostende Station - Konterdam on the map relation 3351519
2 Oostende Station - Vuurtorenwijk - Breeweg on the map relation 3349127
3 Oostende Station - Baanhof on the map relation 17005329
4 Oostende Station - Bredene on the map relation 17950541
5 Oostende Station - Stene Dorp on the map relation 3351892
7 Oostende Station - Steensedijk - Bauwensplein - Station on the map relation 3352691
50 Oostende - Gistel - Westkerke - Eernegem - Koekelare on the map relation 3357463
51 Oostende - Gistel - Westkerke - Eernegem - Torhout on the map relation 3358561
52 Oostende - Leffinge - Slijpe - Middelkerke on the map relation 17008629
53 Oostende - Leffinge - Slijpe - Leke - Diksmuide on the map relation 3350234
56 Veurne - De Panne on the map relation 3366630
60 Oostende - Luchthaven - Nieuwpoort - Koksijde - Veurne on the map relation 3360563
305 Oostende - Baanhof - Gistel on the map relation 18199647
403 Stene Lyceum - Oostende - Bredene - Klemskerke on the map relation 3349270
504 Oostende - Gistel - Moerdijk - Eernegem - Ichtegem on the map relation 18308087
505 Snaaskerke - Gistel - Moere on the map relation 18005577
518 Gistel - Moerdijk - Eernegem - Torhout on the map relation 18391163
611 Oostende - Nieuwpoort - Sint-Idesbald - Veurne on the map relation 3360562
612 Ramskapelle - Nieuwpoort - Sint-Idesbald - Veurne on the map relation 18505218

Regio Westhoek

Line Description OSM status Relation
31 Langemark - Westrozebeke - Schiervelde - Roeselare on the map relation 17893384
32 Diksmuide - Pervijze - Ramskapelle - Nieuwpoort on the map relation 5309151
35 Diksmuide - Zarren - Kortemark - Torhout on the map relation 17898392
50 Ieper - Oostvleteren - Lo - Veurne - Oostduinkerke on the map relation 3334529
55 Diksmuide - Leke - Koekelare - Torhout on the map relation 17901718
62 Poperinge - Abele - Steenvoorde - Hazebrouck on the map relation 16531222
71 Ieper - Kemmel - Mesen - Nieuwkerke - Loker - Poperinge on the map relation 3332273
80 Ieper - Beselare - Geluwe - Menen on the map relation 17901750
90 Ieper - JYZ - Zonnebeke - Moorslede - Roeselare on the map relation 4006879
91 Ieper - JYZ - Langemark - Staden - Kortemark - Torhout on the map relation 5329231
92 Poperinge - Ieper - JYZ - Merkem - Diksmuide on the map relation 17040403
322 Diksmuide - Pervijze - Avekapelle - Veurne on the map relation 18219946
323 Diksmuide - Oudekapelle - Lo - Alveringem on the map relation 18219958
351 Diksmuide - Zarren - Kortemark - Hooglede - Roeselare on the map relation 3367559
352 Diksmuide - Zarren - Kortemark - Lichtervelde on the map relation 18482848
355 Diksmuide - Vladslo - Koekelare - Wijnendale - Torhout on the map relation 18493257
358 Kortemark - Ichtegem - Eernegem on the map relation 18391060
359 Kortemark - Bovekerke - Koekelare - De Mokker on the map relation 17646509
503 Oostvleteren - Pollinkhove - Lo - Veurne - Koksijde on the map relation 18209648
511 Poperinge - Abele - Watou - Roesbrugge - Beveren on the map relation 18505219
512 Poperinge - Proven - Stavele - Lo - Alveringem on the map relation 18505220
513 Diksmuide - Jonkershove - Oostvleteren - Poperinge on the map relation 18030988
514 Poperinge - Woesten - Elverdinge - Langemark on the map relation 18360374
515 Roesbrugge - Leisele - Veurne - Koksijde on the map relation 3331044
711 Ieper - Kemmel - Dranouter - Loker on the map relation 3941229
712 Ieper - Voormezele - Mesen - Le Bizet on the map relation 17462875
808 Ieper - Geluveld - Kruiseke on the map relation 17462899
809 Ieper - Hollebeke - Houthem - Komen on the map relation 17975533
908 Beselare - Passendale - Moorslede - Roeselare on the map relation 17998720
911 Houthulst - Staden - Kortemark - Torhout on the map relation 18229797
952 Poelkapelle - Madonna - Langemark - Boezinge - Ieper on the map relation 18256212


Should we just map the stops? Since it's generally a very few of stops that are far apart, the route isn't that relevant.

  • Airport Express [1]
    • Antwerpen - Brussels Airport
  • Voyages l'Élan [2]
    • Bruxelles Midi/Brussel Zuidstation - Brussels South Charleroi Airport